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王印焕 《史学月刊》2006,(11):64-70
经过婚姻自主观念熏陶之后,不甘于接受包办婚姻的民国时期学生开始有了自由恋爱的冲动与欲求。但是,民国时期的客观与主观环境,尚不利于学生的恋爱。学校秉承社会和家长的意志,极力避免异性学生间的接触。男女学生间过于敏感的防线,也阻挡着他们的自由来往。社交环境的欠缺,对学生间的自由恋爱造成了致命的障碍。即使有部分学生冲出羁绊,他们的恋爱在社会阻力面前也未必能有结果。自由恋爱的现实困境,必然导致相当一部分学生对自己婚姻的不满,这在某种程度上催发了学生婚姻问题的产生。  相似文献   

一 新式知识青年和传统女子的结合,可以说是20世纪上半期婚姻悲剧的主要模式,在新旧冲突的婚姻相处中,呈现出的是趋新者的不满和守旧者的困境.本文下述案件虽是个案,在当时却颇具典型意义. 该案件共有六个卷宗,内容不可谓不详细.现在简单叙述一下该案的情节:当事人之一鲍景惠是河北高等警官学校正在就读的学生,另一个当事人是其妻子王玉贞.原告王玉贞之父王鸣岐与被告鲍景惠之父鲍子轩本系旧交.  相似文献   

刁统菊 《民俗研究》2004,(4):187-189
陈华文等撰写的《婚姻习俗与文化》,系"中国民间文化前沿论丛"之一种,黑龙江人民出版社2004年5月出版。全书包含八章:"合两姓之好"、"婚姻缔结自有习俗"、"个性突出的婚礼过程"、"媵妾与好色"、"男人主宰的婚姻"、"种类繁多的婚姻形态(上)"、"种类繁多的婚姻形态(下)"、"婚礼之后"。 笔者认为全书有以下几个特点: 第一,作者以"婚姻习俗与文化"为题,他们的安排材料与对材料的  相似文献   

民国时期湖南传统的婚姻习俗受到了来自西方近代文明婚俗的冲击,在新的婚姻观念和新式婚俗的影响下,湖南的传统婚姻制度、婚姻礼俗发生了演变,新式的婚姻礼俗在城市和部分乡村中逐步流行起来,传统的婚姻发生了变迁。  相似文献   

1929年柳田国男开启了"婚姻变迁说"的问题研究,之后学者们从婚姻形态的分类,婚姻与家族、亲属关系的关联,女性回娘家与家族结构,婚姻习俗文化等多角度对日本近代以来的婚姻问题展开了研究。进入世纪之交,基于结构论和类型论的婚姻问题研究开始向结构功能主义视角转向,"真实性研究""将现代社会纳入视野的研究""变化的视角""基于具象的整体性研究""基于多样性展开的多角度研究"以及跨学科研究将成为今后的方向。  相似文献   

陈冲是一个理想主义者,婚姻是她的课堂,也是她灵魂中的一块圣地。在那里,她要的是一生一世,像钻石一样明亮、坚韧的爱情。而在她的爱情之外,她对女儿的舐犊之情也与她的事业、爱情一样,散发出动人的光芒。大约是9年前的一天,陈冲在前一次婚姻失败之后,她认识了叫许彼得的华裔外科医生。彼得与陈冲都在情感上受过挫折,他们要寻找的爱在意义上是相同的。两个有相同爱的信仰  相似文献   

正吴云峰著,黄山书社2017年12月出版,30万字,36元该书选取了华中革命根据地作为研究区域,考察了根据地创建之前该地区传统的婚姻习俗;研究了华中革命根据地的婚姻政策立法,包括婚姻自由政策的渊源、根据地的婚姻政策和法令体系、婚姻新政的推行和特点等。作者分析了华中革命根据地对传统婚礼的变革和新式婚姻的实践情况,论述了华中革命根据地自由恋爱与婚姻自由的实行、对婚姻陋俗的改造、婚姻仪式和妇女地位的变化。作者还研究了新  相似文献   

郭炳宏 《神州》2013,(32):22-22
现代诗人徐志摩,人们对他的研究,不仅仅局限在诗歌上面,他的婚姻史就像一部历史,值得研究。徐志摩与张幼仪的结合,可以称作是封建婚姻当徐志摩经历了五四大变动、西方思潮的影响,婚姻观念开始有了翻天覆地的变化,要求自由恋爱、自由婚姻,婚姻是建立在互爱的基础上,然后他毅然决然地与张幼仪离婚,疯狂追求林徽因,失败之后,更是把自己所有对于自由恋爱美好的向往全部寄托于陆小曼,开始了一段令世人惊叹的婚姻。  相似文献   

陈勤建 《民俗研究》2001,(4):178-180
学生时代的我,初读柔石《为奴隶的母亲》,头脑一下“嗡”了起来。怎么回事?是小说家出于革命使命的煽情?还是本于典型创作的艺术虚构?真有点“丈二和尚摸不着头脑”。小时候传统的科班教育,我对旧时婚姻的感受是封建桎梏式的“三媒六礼”,循规蹈矩的“父母之命、媒妁之言”。岂料,旧时婚姻还有典当东西似的,临时典租或典出一个老婆!这不仅是惨无人道,而且,对传统的封建婚姻礼仪也是一种背离,可两者怎么竟然能并行不悖呢?我百思不得其解。那时,文革的余波尚未终结,老师的讲评赏析,似乎更多侧重革命性、思想性的阐释,对典妻本身没作进一步的深究。  相似文献   

传统中国人比较尊敬老师。宋时,杨时与朋友游酢有次去见理学大师程颐,碰到程颐闲目养神,他与游酢侍立不去。程颐发现他们时,门外的雪已下了一尺深。这就是著名的程门立雪的故事。然而,老师与学生毕竟是两种生命个体,有时难免发生思想上的冲突。当矛盾无可调和,也就会出现“埘本师”现象。  相似文献   


More than merely a theme of the Australian parliamentary debates on the bill to legalise same-sex marriage, ‘religious freedom’ appeared in the bill’s very title. This paper explores why and how this happened using a corpus-assisted analysis of the 663 parliamentary speeches made during the marriage legislation debates from 2004 to 2017. The analysis demonstrates that by 2017, the idea that marriage equality was a profound threat to religious freedom was well entrenched in the parliamentary discourse. The study finds that the potential offence of religious sensibilities came to be regarded by politicians as more significant than ongoing discrimination, thereby granting tremendous social power to religious institutions to practise discrimination in the face of changing values in society.  相似文献   

In the period 1909-1927, new laws concerning divorce and marriage were enacted by the Scandinavian countries. Both at the time and more recently, these laws were considered as "liberal" as they promoted greater freedom to divorce based on individuality and gender equality. In this article, the authors first analyze the changes in these Family laws in the early twentieth century. Then, the authors study the effect of these laws on divorce and marriage patterns. As these laws did not modify the trend in divorce rates, the authors ask why this was the case. The authors' conclusions are that the laws were more concerned with preserving the sanctity of marriage and maintaining social order than with promoting individual freedom and gender equality.  相似文献   


The Palestinian–Israeli Conflict is perceived by many – observers and parties to the conflict alike – as a struggle of two peoples over the same land. Yet, through this century-long conflict (and more so as Israel has expanded and deepened its occupation), what was once, perhaps, imagined as a single land has become an assortment of territories. These territories bear multiple names and different legal statuses, and their boundaries are often blurred. In light of the jumbled patchwork that Palestine–Israel has become, we examine the ways that the conflict’s territorial dimensions are imagined and represented. We study the mental maps of the region held by higher education students from Israel, both Jewish and Arab-Palestinian, as well as with university students from Montpellier, France. The representations indicate that while the French students were almost completely at a loss regarding the conflict’s spatial dimensions, the students from Israel were also confused, especially regarding the Occupied Palestinian Territories. We argue that these findings stem from a wider process of deterritorialization, linked to the conflicting relations between state and nation and intensified by a policy of chaotic spatial arrangements.  相似文献   

Based on 12 months of ethnographic, interview and archival research in a poor rural county in China, this article argues that three state policies, namely the concentration of rural educational resources in the county seat, the decision to make access to county-seat public schools conditional upon homeownership in school districts, and the (former) one-child policy, have compelled rural households to participate in the real-estate market to meet the reproductive needs of basic education and marriage. The increasing commodification of education and marriage has fuelled a local real-estate boom during the past decade. At the same time, it has put peasant-migrant households under severe economic pressure, forcing them to relocate unpaid female care labour away from the village and to become heavily indebted. These outcomes have had serious repercussions for two other reproductive institutions, leading to a breakdown in intergenerational care and financial support for the elderly, and a sharp decline in the rural birth rate. The Chinese countryside as a social space in which peasant-migrant households were able to reproduce themselves in a relatively non-commodified manner has disappeared.  相似文献   

抗战全面爆发之后,随着太行抗日根据地建立、巩固与发展,边区政府颁布了一系列新婚姻法规及其支持性政策,从而使得农村女性婚姻家庭与两性关系呈现出与以往不同的样貌。男女平等思想的倡导提高了妇女在婚姻家庭中的地位、婚姻自由政策的推行解除了妇女在婚姻问题上的痛苦,而频仍发生的家庭纠纷与日益增多的解约离婚案件亦造成了根据地各级政府在婚姻家庭管理上的混乱。尽管新婚姻法令的目标在于根除社会陋习并建立符合新民主主义革命诉求的新型男女关系和婚姻家庭关系,但中共对根据地的婚姻管理不得不立足于法制与现实的平衡之中。  相似文献   

“Bare branches,” the name given to unmarried men in China, have historically posed a great threat to social stability in that country. Based on historical records and literature, the findings in this study reveal that female infanticide, coupled with the practice of polygyny, meant that during the Ming and Qing dynasties and the Republican Era, up to twenty percent of males remained single. As a result, underclass bare branches turned to less socially accepted marriage practices. And if they were still unable to find a suitable marriage partner, they would turn to prostitutes, adultery with married women, or might even resort to sexual assault. Humiliated by their social status, bare branches tended to drift away from their hometowns and form brotherhoods, secret societies, bandit gangs and even military groups, posing a real threat to social stability. In extreme cases, they engaged in armed conflict, taking over government offices, clashing with government forces, destroying social infrastructure, and helping to topple dynastic regimes. Such extreme violence and disorder led to the reduction of local populations by the thousands or even millions, creating a subsequent negative effect on social development.  相似文献   

媒体知情权是指公民通过媒体了解知道公共事务,特别是有关国家政务信息,以及与自己利益和兴趣有关的各类社会信息的权利。公民隐私权是指公民对以自己纯个人的生活秘密和个人生活自由为内容,禁止他人干涉的一种人身权利。媒体的知情权与公民的隐私权具有天然的抗争性,如何平衡两者之间的冲突,既保护好媒体的知情权,又不伤害公民的隐私权,成为需要进一步探讨和研究的新课题。  相似文献   

建国初期华北农村婚姻制度的改革   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
中华人民共和国成立时 ,封建主义婚姻制度在华北农村占主导地位 ,严重阻碍了社会进步 ,改革封建婚姻制度已成当务之急。 1 95 0年 5月我国颁布并施行《中华人民共和国婚姻法》后 ,在华北农村开展了一场广泛深入的婚姻制度改革 ,经过大力宣传贯彻《婚姻法》和建立婚姻登记制度 ,最终实现了从封建主义婚姻制度向新民主主义婚姻制度的嬗变。  相似文献   

This essay explores the dilemmas associated with ‘squaring the circle’ of wealth creation, social cohesion and political freedom in the OECD countries. As the metaphor of square and circle implies, these three essential goals of development are not necessarily compatible and may even conflict with each other, particularly at a time when advancing globalization creates perverse choices. To become and remain competitive in international markets requires a flexible use of resources which threatens social cohesion and political freedom in a number of ways. After analysing these tensions, the essay concludes with six proposals for improving the likelihood that a workable balance between prosperity, democracy and social cohesion can be maintained in advanced industrial societies.  相似文献   

以云南锡业公司归侨为研究对象,通过历史资料和研究文献,结合深入访谈,从工作、婚姻、教育和福利等方面阐述了这些归侨五十年来的生活、生产情况;分析了七十年代部分归侨移居香港的原因和移居模式以及归侨群体对新社会环境的适应过程;并对云南锡业公司归侨群体鲜明的特点进行了归纳。  相似文献   

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