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自2007年9月底福田康夫担任日本首相以来,中日关系明显升温。主要表现在:两国军方的交流开启了新的篇章;福田首相2007年12月底访华。福田执政以来,日本政界最显著的变化是:执政党自民党和最大的在野党民主党在对华关系方面形成了良性的竞争。这种变化非常有利于改善中日关系。本文最后结合中日关系的最新动向指出:两国关系目前的升温,基础非常薄弱,福田个人发挥了决定性的作用。要修补靖国神社等问题对中日关系的伤害,还必须下慢功夫。  相似文献   

Although study abroad trips provide an opportunity for affective and cognitive learning, it is largely assumed that they improve learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a study abroad field trip improved cognitive learning by comparing test performance between the study abroad participants (n = 20) and their peers who did not participate (n = 365). Test performance was statistically identical between these groups before and immediately after the study abroad program. On the final exam, the study abroad participants scored significantly higher. Qualitative methods were used to identify increased engagement with the course material and the creation of new social networks as likely explanations.  相似文献   

Feature reviews in this article
Betty Miller Unterberger. The United States, Revolutionary Russia, and the Rise of Czechoslovakia . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1989.
Paul H. Nitze. From Hiroshima to Glasnost: At the Center of Decision, A Memoir . New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1989.
Charles DeBenedetti, with Charles Chatfield. An American Ordeal: The Antiwar Movement of the Vietnam Era . Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1990.  相似文献   

Fifty-three stone flakes were knapped for a series of four blind tests on replicated flakes with residues derived from the processing of plant and animal products. Some flakes were hafted before use. Tests 1 and 2 were pioneering efforts published in 2004; lessons learned from these early studies shaped the new research reported here and lead to improved methodology and interpretive skills. A high level of accuracy was obtained for test 4. Test 3 showed that the rock type of a tool could influence the ability of the analyst to recognize and interpret residues. Test 4 in the series resulted in the most accurate interpretations because, prior to Test 4, identification difficulties experienced during the first three blind test sessions were addressed by examining many stone tools that had been used for various replicated tasks. The preparatory exercise was particularly useful for resolving issues that had previously caused problems for correctly identifying animal residues. The new work reported here highlights some of the difficulties that can be experienced in the morphological identification of microscopic organic residues, particularly the distinction between animal and plant residues. Some solutions for these problems are suggested.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation of an exterior waffle flat plate-column connection subjected to combined gravity and cyclic lateral loading is presented. The test model was designed according to construction practices used over ten years ago in the Mediterranean area. Test results are discussed in conjunction with previous studies on flat-slab connections and ACI 318–05 code idealizations. The specimen exhibited a “strong column-weak plate” mechanism, whose behavior was controlled by the torsion cracks. First yielding and failure occurred at 1% and 5.5% drift-ratios, respectively. The results show that ACI 318–05 code significantly underestimates strength; as an alternative, a simple model is proposed.  相似文献   

In the 1910's and 1920', thanks to the conjunction of scientific views concerning the specificity of anti-bacterial antibodies, of lay ideas about the existence of anti-bacterial antibodies and of the perceived importance of developing a syphilis test for public health officials, the community of serologists collectively transformed a relatively inefficient diagnostic test described by Wassermann in 1906 into an "incontestable scientific fact". This "scientific fact" established the equivalence: Wassermann positive individual=person infected with the germ Treponema pallidum, the etiological agent of syphilis. It modified the boundaries of the nosologic entity "syphilis", medical practices, professional attitudes, lay perceptions of syphilis, and health policies. In the 1950's, however, discrepancies between Wassermann test data and epidemiological data and, on the other hand, the development of specific anti-treponemal tests, destabilized the previously stabilized "scientific fact". A high percentage of Wassermann positive individuals were redefined as "biological false positifs", that is persons who suffered from chronic affections able to induce positive results of the Wassermann test. The equivalence Wassermann positive person=individual infected by Treponema pallidum was replaced by the equation: Wassermann positive person=individual infected by Treponema pallidum or biological false positive. The new perception of the Wassermann test again changed scientific views, professional practices and lay beliefs. The history of the Wassermann reaction illustrates the complicated interaction between "scientific facts" and "social facts", and the mutual shaping of both.  相似文献   

本对《论语》中的单音词“民”与“人”的使用情况作了穷尽性的考察,认为《论语》“人”的词义主要指称“有仁德与才能”、“在位”;“民”的词义指称在“知”和“地位”上处于“下等”的众庶。“民”的词义特点是“下”,“人”的词义特点是“上”。这种“下”、“上”的区别反映出的社会现实是:在春秋时代,孔子与弟子有仁德,仁人、贤人、善士、人才有贤能,但不在位;而居于上位的君王、诸侯、卿大夫大多“不仁”、“不德”、“不贤”。众庶则处于为“君”所“使”的“低下”地位。  相似文献   

Construction of lightweight structures is needed to reduce the earthquake effects on the buildings. Lightweight wall panels fabricated from polystyrene, steel, and shotcrete concrete are recently used in some countries such as USA and China to construct low-rise, lightweight buildings up to three stories. In the literature, there is no enough data on the behavior of this new panel building system during earthquakes. In this technical note, a half-scale model of a single-story building constructed in the laboratory using this panel materials and the same construction technique used in practice were tested under lateral loads. Although the lateral loads were increased to four times higher load levels than the design earthquake loads, only minor fine cracks have been observed on the surfaces. The technical note documents the details of the test program, including specimen properties, test setup, instrumentation, and test procedure. Test results and major observations are also presented and discussed.  相似文献   

为了对河南宝丰清凉寺汝官窑遗址本体进行有效保护,针对病害的定性分析原因,类比筛选了国内外相关试验研究成果。保护设计从加固材料的特性、试样制取、加固方法、固化环境、试验室老化试验及现场试验等方面对加固材料的保护效果进行了系统研究。试验研究结果表明,MH具有较好的保护效果,适宜于汝官窑遗址的保护。所设计的试验方法,有助于制定土遗址化学渗透加固保护统一的试验方法和评定指标,并增强试验成果的可比性。  相似文献   

The general trends of the inelastic behaviour of plan-asymmetric structures have been studied. Systems with structural elements in both orthogonal directions and bi-axial eccentricity were subjected to bi-directional excitation. Test examples include idealised single-storey and multi-storey models, and a three-storey building, for which test results are available. The response in terms of displacements was determined by nonlinear dynamic analyses. The main findings, limited to fairly regular and simple investigated buildings, are: (a) The amplification of displacements determined by elastic dynamic analysis can be used as a rough, and in the majority of cases conservative estimate in the inelastic range, (b) Any favourable torsional effect on the stiff side, which may arise from elastic analysis, may disappear in the inelastic range. These findings can be utilised in the approximate pushover-based seismic analysis of asymmetric buildings, e.g. in the N2 method. It is proposed that the results obtained by pushover analysis of a 3D structural model be combined with the results of a linear dynamic (spectral) analysis. The former results control the target displacements and the distribution of deformations along the height of the building, whereas the latter results define the torsional amplifications. The proposed approach is partly illustrated and evaluated by test examples.  相似文献   

Guest editorial     

The Asse Salt Mine near Brunswick in the Federal Republic of Germany has since 1965 been used to develop and to test suitable techniques for the safe disposal of radioactive wastes. Test disposal of low-level wastes started in 1967. During this large-scale experiment about 141 000 200-litre drums of low-level wastes were successfully disposed of until November 1978. Starting in 1972 techniques for the disposal of intermediate-level wastes were successfully demonstrated over a five-year period by disposing of 1298 200-litredrums. As a result of these tests and the accompanying research and development programmes, especially for the disposal of high-level wastes, one can now conclude that reliable techniques exist for the disposal of radioactive wastes at a full-scale industrial repository. This was planned within a German Entsorgungszentrum.  相似文献   

Test excavations were conducted at Risco de los Indios (RDLI), a site at 2480 masl with 29 residential features and a well-developed midden containing abundant floral, faunal, lithic, and ceramic materials. Analyses indicate the site was intensively used ca. 500 cal b.p. as a residential base for groups focused on hunting guanaco, supplemented by locally-available wild flora and fauna as well as domestic beans transported from the lowlands. Ceramic and obsidian artifacts indicate these groups were highly mobile and in contact with groups on the eastern and western margins of the Andes. These patterns compare favorably to those seen in the region’s other high altitude villages. It appears that the development of these patterns began with population increase and economic intensification in the lowlands ca. 2000 cal b.p. and that the move to slightly lower elevation settings like RDLI may have been conditioned by the onset of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

《Development and change》1975,6(3):101-112
Book reviewed in this article: Haruko Fukuda, Britain in Europe: Impact on the Third World David Jones, Europe's Chosen Few, Policy and Practice of the EEC Aid Programme Peter Tulloch, The Seven Outside, Commonwealth Asia's Trade with the Enlarged EEC Feliks Gross, Violence in Politics. Godfried van Benthem van den Bergh Institute of Social Studies Harry W. Richardson, Regional Growth Theory V. Jagannadham (ed.), Family Planning in India: Policy and Administration Ernest Feder (Hrsg), Gewalt und Ausbeutung: Lateinamerika's Landwirtschaft  相似文献   

The Cambodian conflict and the increase of the Cold War tension following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan posed major challenges to Japan’s Southeast Asia policy but, contrary to what is claimed in the existing research, did not halt Tokyo’s efforts to promote peaceful coexistence between the countries of ASEAN and Indochina. Declassified documents and other primary sources show that through the adoption of a twin-track diplomatic line, Japan acted as an “Asian member of the West”, committing to the anti-Soviet alignment but at the same time continuing to pursue its regional objectives. By engaging Vietnam and striving for a “regional” solution to the Cambodian conflict, Japan followed an independent diplomatic line, eventually expanding its role in Southeast Asia beyond the economic dimension to security issues. In the end, Japan’s bridging efforts in Southeast Asia, envisioned by Prime Minister Fukuda in 1977, helped Tokyo to lay the foundation for its involvement in the mature stage of the Cambodian peace process after the late 1980s.  相似文献   

This article advances three arguments. First, that prior to European intrusion in the mid-1800s, "Buganda" and "Mugandaness" were continually contested ideologies whose meanings were not given but discursively constructed and reconstructed in conditions of historical specificity. Second, that "Baganda" as an identity, was first constructed in the early travellers' journals. Later on missionaries and Buganda's leading chiefs appropriated the construct "Buganda" and actively participated in its elaboration and refinement as it was later to be used and popularized in the twentieth century. Third, that Buganda identity was constructed through the active silencing of the disruptive relations of ethnicity, of gender, and of class. In the celebration of an ethnic identity, inequalities and oppression were glossed over. Out of a confrontation with the "other," Buganda identity was carefully and powerfully articulated by the Christian middle-class men who, from 1900, dominated the newly created ruling council of Buganda, called the Lukiiko. These men claimed to speak for the Buganda "nation" and on behalf of others. Their search for a secure identity was built on their assertion of their superiority over the "decadent" sub-nationalities; over all non-royal females and over all others who were not Christians, male and middle class. In examining the historical dynamics of identity, it is important to look beyond the illusion of a Buganda "Christian nation" to investigate articulations and manipulations of class, gender, ethnicity, and nationality.  相似文献   

Baptism was understood as a radical life-changing act in the early church. Its radical nature was reflected by it being administered to candidates, male and female, who were apparently naked. The issue of nakedness must, however, be re-examined in view of the fact that baptism was normally administered by male clergy and Judeo-Christian modesty would not likely allow a religious practice where female nakedness was exposed to male gaze. This makes it unlikely that male clergy did in fact baptize naked women. The article notes that the term gymnos , used for nakedness, had a much wider usage than its English equivalent and might simply point to divestiture of outer garments only. Certain patristic texts support this perspective by apparently indicating relative nakedness only in baptism. Nevertheless, the language of "nakedness" was used to underscore the radical death-and-birth nature of the baptismal rite.  相似文献   

The term opus anglicanum, as a designator of English national identity associated with embroidery and textiles, is unknown in any document written in England during the Middle Ages, but is used in papal and other European archives. The term has been questioned by a number of scholars who have suggested it may be a generic name used to describe a particular technique of attaching gold thread to an embroidered textile (underside couching). It is suggested in this article that the phenomenon of opus anglicanum during its golden age c. 1200–1400 was part of a wider European cultural development at a time when an appreciation of cultural identity as a transnational phenomenon emerged. The article goes on to examine the relationship between English pictorial artists and the craftswomen and men who made these textiles. It concludes with a case study of the orphrey associated with the Daroca Cope in Madrid — now associated with a designer in the artistic circle of the artist of the Wilton Diptych. The respect for, and reuse of, these works of art (many of which have survived through the care taken to preserve them in cathedral treasuries and private collections up to the present day) is an element in their continued importance as a part of our shared European heritage.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between bail supervision and repeat domestic violence. Specifically, a fully randomized experimental design is used to determine if domestic violence suspects who are "intensively supervised" by bailbond agents during pretrial release are less likely than "regularly supervised" suspects to commit a subsequent domestic violence offense. Study results involving nearly 500 subjects over a 3-year period suggest that the random effects of bail supervision provide a statistically significant reduction in rearrest for domestic violence among suspects assigned to the experimental supervision condition. This finding lends support to Dunford's Sword of Damocles Hypothesis, which suggests that random risk is a more effective deterrent to domestic violence than formal arrest. In addition, subjects assigned to intensive supervision who were either employed or of a Mexican National race/ethnic background were less likely than any other class of subjects to be rearrested for a domestic violence offense. The latter finding lends support to Sherman, Smith, Schmidt, & Rogan (1992 ) "stakes-in-conformity" hypothesis, suggesting that community ties plays an additional deterrent role in reducing repeat domestic violence.  相似文献   

自留地制度是在农业合作化和集体化过程中,由农民群众在实践中创造的一种补充性的土地经营制度。它经历了反复几次的"放和收",最终以《农村人民公社工作条例(草案)》的实施而基本定型。自留地是社员拥有的具有长期使用权和相对完整收益权的自由小天地,对于提高农民生活水平和调动社员的生产积极性发挥过十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

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