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墨家是先秦诸子中唯一代表下层民众利益的学派,也是论"孝"最多的学派。但是墨家的孝道与儒家的孝道截然不同,这是因为,墨家学派的指导思想是"兼爱"。  相似文献   

在先秦时期,华夏民族周围聚集着众多的少数民族,他们与华夏民族发生过或大或小的战争,同时自身也受着华夏民族的影响.本文主要通过《诗经》中部分反映华夏民族与西北民族之间战争的诗篇,来探讨华夏民族在早期与其他民族战争的表现,从而揭示先秦时期民众国家意识和民族观念的基本面貌.  相似文献   

陕绥划界是民国初年西北地区省界调整中发生的一起政治事件。上自北京政府、陕绥各级地方政府,下到争议区的伊克昭盟王公、士绅民众,分别从国家政令统一、边疆安全、争议区经济利益归属、基层社会事务决策权归属等角度,围绕蒙陕边界地区的划界问题展开利益诉求。蒙陕边界地带士绅民众在清末督办蒙旗垦务大臣贻谷整理垦务时期认购土地,拥有了争议区土地的所有权,其是否会因为政权更迭而发生改变,遂成为陕绥划界纠纷的核心问题。在近八年的纠纷过程中,北京政府与地方政府、地方政府与地方政府(陕、绥双方)、地方各系势力与两级政府之间展开利益角逐。最终,北京政府让步于既成事实的陕西一方,即移民不可能退回去的事实。而陕北沿边地方政府和士绅利用自身的威望和号召力,对争议区内民众进行宣传和引导,组建利益共同体,维护地方社会事务话语权的“正当性”。  相似文献   

古村落旅游开发的公共管理问题研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与其它遗产地不同的是,古村落首先是生活着的村落,原住民及其生活是古村落的核心,这不仅导致古村落旅游目的地资源产权公私交错及其开发管理的复杂化,也使旅游开发利益主体及其利益诉求多元化。古村落的特殊属性决定了古村落旅游开发管理的特殊性和国家有关主管部门介入实施公共管理的必要性。本文从公共管理的视角,对古村落基本属性、古村落旅游地开发保护中公共管理问题的界定,以及实施公共管理的机制途径等问题进行分析。得出以下结论,古村落旅游地现状问题的核心是多方利益主体的利益诉求与社区核心利益之间的矛盾,政府为主导的公共管理对古村落旅游地开发管理具有不可替代的作用,制度约束与规范管理是现阶段古村落旅游地政府治理的重要途径。  相似文献   

在我国古代,自从国家形成以来,君主对民众的统治主要依靠各级官吏。官吏负责传达执行君主的命令,直接管理广大民众。官吏是否尊主奉法、尽职尽责,直接关系到王朝的治乱兴衰。先秦法家的集大成者——韩非,尤其强调吏治,他认为“明主治吏不治民”,“吏者,民之纲本也...  相似文献   

美国世俗政府与宗教教会之间的关系是异常复杂的。从宗教对人们精神生活的影响来看,政府与教会之间的关系如何呢?美国民众间存在着3种观点:一种观点认为,宗教的利益应大于世俗的利益,宗教的精神作用影响着世俗政策的制定。另一种观点认为,政府不仅可以不考虑宗教的...  相似文献   

先秦诸子百家围绕利益获取方式和所要构建的理想社会对"义利"进行了不同的论述,后世对义利观的辨析与争论对古代道德和价值观取向的发展起到重要的推动作用,从辩证法和唯物主义的角度解读先秦义利观,有利于正确理解先秦义利观的产生与发展,也有利于正确树立社会主义义利观,具有历史与现实的双重意义。  相似文献   

文化的核心体现在价值体系和价值原则上。先秦诸子围绕人与自然、人与人、个体与社会之间的关系等重大问题,通过激烈的论争,首先提出了人道原则、自然原则、个性原则和群体原则。这些重大价值原则是中华文化的根脉所在。先秦诸子在价值问题上的论争对中国文化有奠基之功。  相似文献   

郭俊红 《民俗研究》2020,(5):123-132
在山西东南地区民间普遍流传的"龙王结亲"故事,实际上是对当地社会生活资源匮乏与获取的现实隐喻,人与龙神之间形成的妻子-雨水互换是源自满足人类自我利益的一种社会交换。民众缺乏水资源,促使他们构建出与龙王结亲的口头叙事和行为仪式。传说一方面表达了民众对生产资料匮乏的恐惧,另一方面也折射出民众对如何获取资源的思考与探索。将龙王结亲传说纳入日常生活实践进行社会隐喻分析不仅可以改变以往单纯以故事文本为分析对象的研究倾向,也是传说动力学研究范式的个案补充。  相似文献   

陈爱国 《民俗研究》2017,(1):143-151
当前我国环境污染问题较为突出,已开始影响社会经济的可持续发展与民众的日常生活。环境治理的政策实施与技术应用往往以自上而下的方式在地域社会得以执行,但决定其执行效果的关键却与民众的参与程度密切相关。以大理洱海为例,在厘清公众利用水资源的传统模式与当下面临的困境的基础上,指出促成公众自主参与传统社区自然资源管理的有效路径在于:尊重民间知识并保障民众利益,即通过协商共议、自下而上的方式将民众意愿、社区内部资源管理机制反映到政府决策层面,并以此保障民众公平、合理利用社区自然资源的权益。  相似文献   

论中世纪西欧封建主义的政治结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计秋枫 《史学月刊》2001,9(4):69-74
西欧封建主义的政治结构随着中世纪中期封建主领地的世袭化进程而确立起来。其主要特征是封建权利对公共权利的最大限度的排斥,领主和附庸间的私人契约取代了国家的公共法律,公共权利沦为私下义务。由于领主一附庸间纵向阶梯型网络的破毁,西欧封建国家的领土界限极为模糊,各国君主不仅对内无法实行统一的管理,对外也不能以主权的身份进行平等的交往。因此,在封建主义政治结构之下,中世纪西欧便不存在任何完整意义上的“国际关系”。  相似文献   

宋代是中国古代民间公益慈善事业发展至成熟阶段的重要时期。在儒家博施济众思想的影响下,宋代士人群体积极投身民间公益慈善事业,他们在其中担负着发起者、组织者或领导者、管理者的作用。宋代士人群体的民间公益慈善活动,对维护社会稳定、促进社会和谐具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

This article suggests that it could be fruitful to approach women's employment in the context of the labour market rather than the household. In Finland until World War II, the public‐work schemes and relief work were the preferred policies concerning unemployed men and women. Women eligible to relief work were taken to work in mainly textiles in non‐residential workhouses. The difficulties faced in applying the ‘workfare’ policy to unemployed women paved the way for cash benefits in post‐war Finland. It is suggested that the Finnish case opens up a wider perspective on the relationship between the ideology of workfare and the rise and fall of the hegemony of wage labour.  相似文献   

旅游和旅游业涉及到社会众多的领域和利益群体,这些领域和利益群体构成了一个相互影响的旅游系统,系统中的各利益群体都在旅游中获得不同的利益——包括国家利益、企业利益、社区和居民利益、旅游者个体利益、社会公众利益等等,在获得利益的同时他们也承担着不同的责任和义务。在发展旅游的过程中要综合考虑各方的利益诉求,建立均衡的利益分配机制,使旅游系统中的各个利益群体能够真正实现成本共担与利益共享,促使旅游业的和谐和可持续发展。  相似文献   

Regime theory provides a framework for exploring changes in development patterns and internal dynamics of growth coalitions. Academic debates on sport and urban development have focused on large American and European markets, where such venues are increasingly led by urban regimes that aim to leverage public goals through private investment. Based on a detailed qualitative analysis of four projects in three major Israeli cities, this work examines a different typology of sport venue development – ‘public regime’, which operates in a small market context. The Israeli public regime neither allows the private sector to assume central roles in the design, development and operation of venues nor does it stimulate real estate development anchored by the venue. The assumption that professional sports is not a viable business in small markets is used to justify the public monopoly that regards the venues as public amenities, legitimizing the lack of strategic and business plans, producing benefits for the local political elite but doing little to stabilize professional sport and secure economic returns for the public. The more affluent city of Tel Aviv demonstrates a breakout from a pure public regime, where public control is retained but more business-oriented considerations are incorporated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Past analysis of public facility location has generally assumed a single goal, such as cost minimization or welfare maximization, and exogenous spatial pricing. This paper considers optimal facility location under a variety of goals. Furthermore, the facility manager is allowed to engage in freight absorption so that the delivered price to consumers need not reflect actual transportation costs. A systematic interaction among management goals, freight absorption, and the optimal size and spacing of public facilities is found.  相似文献   


Across management, marketing, public administration and museology literature, coproduction has been presented as an innovative approach to service improvement. This case study of the Australian museum sector contributes to the instrumentalisation debate, by revealing the potential inhibitors to such improvements when coproduction distracts rather than enhances the work of cultural institutions. While public value requires the strategic cultural manager to negotiate between ‘upstream audiences’ (government and funding bodies) and ‘downstream audiences’ (users and the body politic), these two groups appear to exert different levels of influence. This research suggests that upstream audiences currently absorb the attention of museums. As a result, the manner in which museums coproduce, and the motivations for this work, appear to be geared towards advocating the public value of museums to government and funding bodies. This case study suggests that museums sacrifice the service innovations and exhibition enhancements offered by coproduction (intrinsic outcomes) to pursue government funding and support (instrumental outcomes).  相似文献   

Escalating legal confrontations between private enterprise and government over land use controls are raising the costs of land development and slowly eliminating the potentials for reasonably priced family housing. Equally important, these confrontations are beginning to have more and more of the negative aspects of public utility control processes without any of the associated benefits. Now would seem to be an ideal time in which to review the “public utility” approach to land use controls since it can offer many more benefits than current control systems, while balancing society concerns and private developers' fair return objectives.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The goal of our paper is to provide direct estimates of the association between public capital and regional output. This is made possible by the construction of a data series which measures public capital at the state level.
The relation between public capital and other productive factors is tested using a translog production function. Our results show that labor and public capital are complementary inputs, and that public capital exhibited diminishing returns. We also consider restrictions on the translog formulation. Linear homogeneity is rejected in all cases, and the Cobb-Douglas specification is rejected for the manufacturing and all sectors categories.  相似文献   

Questions have been posed about the lack of knowledge of the role public managers play in the policy process. In this study, following on the suggestions of Hicklin and Godwin and Meier in this journal, we identify different dimensions of the analyst–manager divide among professional policy workers. Using the results of several recent large‐N surveys of Canadian federal, provincial, and territorial policy workers, we explore the roles each group plays in the policy analytical process and the variations in their behavior in terms of duties and tasks, attitudes, and interrelationships. We also examine these to see the impact of federalism on professional policy practices. The study uncovers three groups of policy workers and policy managers—coordinator‐planners, research‐analysts, and director‐managers. Differences between groups of policy workers are found for their policy‐related work and their perceptions of tools of policy effectiveness, and differences between levels of government are identified for issues of time demands and coordination and tools of policy effectiveness. The implications of these findings for the study of public managers in the policy process are considered in conclusion.  相似文献   

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