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关于汉语词源研究的几个问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据自己的经验.对汉语词源研究谈一些客观问题。  相似文献   

明清以来,“音近义通”说畅行,开创了汉语词源研究的新局面。然而,由于“音近义通”说之“音近”概念模糊,且在实践中往往忽视了“义通”的因素,因此影响了汉语词源研究的进展。近年来,学们开始对“音近义通”说进行反思,指出音义二不可偏废,应互相制约,两维交叉:有的学还认为,音义二关系应以义为纲,以音为纬.而在意义的研究上,则开始从发生学及认知语盲学角度探索同源词语源义即“义类”的生成及其作用。  相似文献   

劳吉鹏 《古今谈》2005,(4):34-35
美食家亦称知味者,俗谓老饕。必须具备三个条件:一有钱,二有吃的机会;三有较高的烹饪文化修养。特别是第三条,不符合是称不了美食家的。  相似文献   

中德《胶澳租界条约》及其合同中的海岛地名译写存在"中名德译"与"德名中译"两种模式。笛罗山、加帝庙、炸连三处标志性海岛有其本土地名和外文别名,其本土地名应为(水)灵山岛、谷积岛(古迹岛)、褡裢岛。不同语种间的地名转写存在变异现象,致使地名的本土意义丢失。德国对胶澳的地理认知,与英国、日本以及清朝在胶澳的地理考察与地图测绘有着知识传承和相互影响。基于档案、地志及中外舆图,可对租借地的历史地图进行更为准确的绘制。遵循"名从主人"的原则对关键地名进行修订,可祛除外来地名文化的不良影响。  相似文献   

<正>民国二十九年(1940年)美钞版中国银行孙中山像法币券(略名"二九美"),定印时为五、十、百元券三种;续印时增加二十五、五十、五百、一千元券四种。这样,"二九美"的面额增至七种。~①其中五百、一千元券两种(券面年份为1942年)未交中国银行。~②这七种面额之券中,五、十、二十五元券与两种未交中行之券券面无地名,五十元券为重庆地名,惟百元券有"重庆地名"与"无地名"之分。为理清"孙中山像百元法币券"(以下称"孙像百元券")这一钞券现象的原委及其相关的券  相似文献   

南靖县是台湾同胞主要祖籍地。明清时期.南靖县有50多个姓氏族群迁徙到台湾。现在台湾2300多万人口中,南靖籍的有100多万人。靖台两地“语同音,歌同调,俗同风。食同好,文同源,祖同宗”,文化习俗一脉相承。本文主要从地名的角度.窥探南靖与台湾的历史文化渊源。  相似文献   

正以地名为据来考察地方区域文化是基于一种人类文化的理念:地名之来源往往与当地的自然和人文地理环境密不可分。不同的历史环境,人们对所在区域的认知与命名自然存在着不同的特点,地名自然必有其鲜明的历史特征。地名,人人皆知,司空见惯。但地名与我们人类社会的关系,每一个人不一定都很了解。实际上,地名与人们的关系极为密切。位于广东西南端  相似文献   

民国以来我国单名县的置废状况及其当今启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文梳理了民国以来单名县的沿革情况。单名县的产生来源有三种,即沿袭清末政区、"划一令"及其后新形成的单名县。部分单名县的裁撤形式包括废县、建制变更和变更县名三个方面。废县有并入或合并两种情况;建制变更具体指撤县改区、撤县设市及改设民族自治县三种类型;变更县名包括全国范围内更改重复县名、个别原因变更县名和变更单名县专名用字三种方式。最后,提出了应当保持政区和地名的稳定;城市化对政区影响愈演愈烈;地名更名工作要充分吸收历史经验;需要处理好城市化发展同地名文化遗产保护二者关系的当今启示。  相似文献   

地名不仅仅是代表地理实体的一种符号,还具有文化意义,因为地名的由来与民族的文化遗产、文化影响和文化发展等因素息息相关。本文以成都地名为切入点,从文化语言学的角度来探究成都地名蕴含的丰富的文化内容,系统呈现成都地名文化大观。  相似文献   

本文从词源角度对"塔"的译名及其含义进行了分析,确定了它的符合性质,并在此基础上探讨了它在敦煌石窟《法华经变》中所扮演的功能。  相似文献   

国内外地名研究的批判主义转向,注重地方命名时地方意义的生产、再生产以及争夺。文章以黄岩岛地名的演变为例,研究其地名变迁背后的政治博弈。研究表明:①黄岩岛的地名演变是中、西方话语体系下国际行为主体政治角力的过程。②中国的黄岩岛地名演变彰显的是中国对其无可争辩的主权;西方殖民者的黄岩岛地名演变展示近代以来对南海及其周边地区的殖民统治;菲律宾当局对黄岩岛的更名,谋求建构国家认同、侵占更多海洋岛礁资源。③地名是集体记忆解构与重构的纽带和国家权力博弈的指示物。中国对内应增强国家认同感和民族凝聚力,唤起中华民族的集体记忆,对外提升国际话语权,通过国际舞台阐释对南海主权维护的法理依据和坚强决心。  相似文献   

红岩碑是贵州著名古迹,而数年来考释者频仍不断,众说纷纭,至今无一定论。碑之原迹早已不存,研究者大多是以拓本摩本为据。然而红岩碑传世拓本摩本种类繁多,据统计近30种。而其形状不一,内容各异,让人依违难决。贵州省博物馆收藏有数种红岩碑拓片,应是历史上流传较广且影响较大的本子,本文对它们的历史渊源及有关事实作一些查考,期于研究者慎选工作底本。  相似文献   

谯慧 《收藏家》2012,(3):22-24
铜牌符是古代表明身份、作为凭信的铜铸符契,它们种类繁多、形式多样,内容各异,现介绍数枚。  相似文献   

Embedded into the language of the landscape and integrated into the routines of everyday life, toponymic commemorations belong to the political geography of public memory. The impact of Yitzhak Rabin’s assassination on Israeli society and culture was made apparent in a space-time matrix of public commemorations, which introduced remembrance of the slain Prime Minister into the public sphere. This article focuses on the politics of Rabin’s toponymic commemoration, evinced in decision-making procedures at local and national levels of government in various stages of the commemoration project. It expands on toponymic commemoration as a measure of conciliation for a politically divided nation and as an arena where political struggles between Left and Right were waged. The article further elaborates on public criticism of the commemoration project, which was mainly directed against what seemed excessive commemoration and inappropriate naming practices. Focused on the extraordinary circumstances of the political assassination of a head of government, this paper offers insights into how toponymic commemoration in a politically divided society unfolds between a demonstration of national consensus and expression of political conflict. It also directs attention to the question of appropriateness of commemorative naming practices in a democratic society.  相似文献   

太湖流域是一个独立的地文系统,自唐宋以来的经济开发和商业化发展,使这里的民生显得异样繁荣。地方史料中的绝大多数,谈论的都是这里的高额赋税负担和内部经济生活的多样化及地区差异,对于民众生活的环境与卫生问题,直接性的详细记载极少。清代中后期外国人在这一地域内的众多游记和日记,于这方面却有颇为细致的描述,侧重点大多在河流环境、建筑居住、城镇街道景观和饮食卫生等问题,负面性的评述占据了大多数。这一当中固然有太平天国战乱后的影响内容,也有中国人的许多常态生活习惯,更带有外国人的猎奇与鄙薄的眼光,但是在总体上都可反映出中国人长期并不真正重视的环境问题及相对淡漠的卫生观念。而所谓"近代化"的理论推导,大多仅限于1843年开埠后沿江滨海重要城市的一些证据,其实并不符合太湖流域广泛城乡的实际生活。  相似文献   

Archaeologists have recovered pottery trowels in excavations at numerous historic and pre-Columbian archaeological sites in North America since the late nineteenth century. Despite these facts, pottery trowels have not been the subject of thorough scientific analysis or interpretation. In this study, I define and implement a new method of analysis for pottery trowels, using a sample of 188 pottery trowels from the Mississippian site of Angel Mounds (12VG1). After describing the quantitative and qualitative attributes of pottery trowels, I define categories of frequently occurring pottery trowel bell and handle types. The extensive variability of pottery trowel shapes and sizes discovered at Angel Mounds is then discussed with regard to alternative or multiple uses for the tools and the spatial and temporal distributions of pottery trowel types. As an artifact type that provides opportunities to analyze technology, craft production and specialization, and daily practices in past societies, I argue pottery trowels may hold important future insights into a number of topics of interest to archaeologists.  相似文献   

In this study, we present a new technique for the structural analysis of the collagen compound in historic tissues. We therefore used atomic force microscopy (AFM), a new high resolution technique which offers significant information on the fibrillar assembly and ultrastructure of collagen fibrils, which may provide insight into both the physiological and eventually pathogenic pattern of collagen fibrils, but also into possible diagenetic destructive changes of those fibrils. AFM figures three-dimensionally the surface of a sample with high resolution down to a nanometer scale. In our investigation we used the AFM to image paraffin embedded tissue sections from femoral bone tissue of a recent case and an age determined historic sample in ambient conditions. With this technique we were able to identify unambiguously collagen bundles and to determine their diameter. These results led us to differentiate the bundling pattern of collagen type I from that of collagen type II. In addition, we identified collagen type I in the historic sample, which provided a fibrillar pattern as that of recent bone. The results were compared to standard immunohistochemical staining techniques of the respective collagen types. In conclusion, our study presents circumstantial evidence that AFM analysis as a novel morphological technique can successfully be applied to historic tissue specimens.  相似文献   

李山石  刘家明 《人文地理》2013,28(1):135-140
本文以南锣鼓巷为例,剖析了基于文化创意产业的历史街区改造与提升方式。分析结果显示:在历史街区发展文化创意产业是一种新型的改造与提升方式,二者关系密切,互利共生;发展文化创意产业需以不破坏历史街区风貌为前提,主要应该注意开店位置、扰民现象、墙体的颜色、门窗的颜色及质地、遮阳棚放置、空调等、灯光强度等因素;发展本地文化为主要创意来源的文化创意产业是避免"千城一面"的绝佳途径,不仅可以传承保护当地文化特色传统,还可以有效避免其他城市或地区的抄袭和复制。  相似文献   

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