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The 1980's very likely will see a major restructuring of the nation's and the world economy. In the process industries and communities that were the growth centers of previous decades will experience economic crisis. This restructuring—presaged in this country by the decaying productivity of certain basic manufacturing industries—will mean that a number of places can no longer provide sufficient income or Jobs for their people nor maintain the quality of existing public amenities. As this process of disinvestment goes forward, these communities face the challenge of finding new economic and social roles, reducing the impacts of job losses, and maintaining the quality of life within severe fiscal limits.  相似文献   

The increasing demand for residential land in rural Ontario has generated a widespread interest in land severance activity and policy. This paper examines resident preferences for alternative land severance policies using a paired comparison experiment. The analysis identifies those severance policies most preferred by township residents and characterizes groups of residents with similar preferences. Differences in policy preferences are more closely associated with residents' property size, income, and length of residence in the area than with whether they are farmers, countryside non-farmers, or village dwellers.
La demande croissante d' espace résidentiel en Ontario rural est responsable pour l' intérêt grandissant envers le phénomène de détachement en parcelles et les politiques qui s'y rattachent. Le présent article examine les préférences des résidents d' un township ontarien envers différentes politiques de parcellement au moyen d' une méthode comparative. L' analyse des résultats identifie quelles sont les politiques de parcellement préférées et détermine des groupes de résidents qui ont des préférences semblables. Les différences au niveau des préférences des résidents en matière de politiques de parcellement sont plus particulièrement reliées à la grandeur des propriétés, le revenu, et la durée de résidence dans la région plutôt qu'avec leur statut résidentiel tel qu'exploitant agricole, habitant rural non-fermier, ou villageois.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.  The RAS method is used to update or regionalize a single matrix such that it conforms to new row and column totals. This paper presents a correction of the RAS method (CRAS) that uses cell variation distributions calculated from multiple matrices of different periods or different regions. After the solution of the regular RAS, an additional optimization problem is solved that produces the most likely cell-corrections to the regular RAS solution. To test the behavior of CRAS, several simulations with a time series of input–output tables for The Netherlands for 1968–1986 are made. They show that—in situations of structural change—applying CRAS improves the regular RAS estimate. The method will also be applicable to traffic, trade, and migration matrices.  相似文献   

基于可达性与场强模型的中国地级以上城市空间场能测度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘竟虎  刘莹 《人文地理》2014,29(1):80-88
空间场能是区域中心城市借助区域联系通道带动腹地发展而产生的"势能差"的抽象表达,可有效刻画区域发展格局与空间差异。采用主成分分析法与指标体系计算城市结节性指数,借助ArcGIS软件平台,采用累积耗费距离法、K阶数据场和ESDA等方法,综合测度了中国287个地级以上城市可达性与空间场能,并分别从省域、市域、县域等单元探讨了中国东中西三大地带与南北场能差异的空间格局与演变特征。结果表明:中国地级以上城市的可达性条件不断改善,平均可达性时间从1991年的246.98min缩短为2010年的193.43min。空间场能显著增长且空间分异性显著,分布结构由单核向多极网络状形态转变。县域场能存在显著的空间极化现象,场能热点区域的分布呈现显著的热点-次热点-次冷点-冷点自东向西带状分布的格局。依据场能分析结果,将全国划分为3个一级经济区和26个二级城市经济区。  相似文献   

吕拉昌  辛晓华  陈东霞 《人文地理》2021,36(4):104-113,125
知识经济背景下,创新成为区域与城市发展的关键,而创新基础设施作为国家和区域创新体系的重要组成部分,在提供创新支撑、聚集创新资源、提升创新能力等方面具有重要作用。本文首先界定了创新基础设施的概念,构建了测度城市创新基础设施的指标体系,之后基于中国290个地级及以上城市的数据,使用主成分分析和GIS技术分析中国城市创新基础设施的空间格局,并通过构建知识生产函数模型,实证研究城市创新基础设施对城市创新产出的影响。研究表明:①创新基础设施是指保证创新相关活动顺利进行的各种物质工程设施和公共服务系统的总和,包括支撑创新活动的国家重大科技基础设施、科教基础设施、产业技术创新基础设施及创新创业服务基础设施。②中国城市创新基础设施水平整体偏低,且存在显著的空间差异,整体上表现为东部发展水平高于西部。③中国城市创新基础设施水平对城市创新产出具有显著的正向影响。研究从政策层面进一步明确了创新基础设施建设的重要性,为国家推进创新基础设施建设提供科学依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This paper discusses the problem of the optimal location of public facility(ies) in a long narrow city, especially taking into consideration the externality-internalizing effect of the land market. It shows a systematic approach to dealing with the land market mechanism in first a one-facility and then a two-facility case. The analysis assures the importance of posing the location-optimizing problem even under the influence of the land market.  相似文献   

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