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The lead, cadmium and zinc content of deciduous and permanent teeth extracted from Romano-British skulls was measured using atomic absorption spectrometry. Mineral content is reported in μg/g of samples obtained by pulverising whole teeth prior to chemical preparation and analysis. The overall levels of lead and zinc were higher in deciduous than permanent teeth. Lead levels in conservatively cleaned teeth were twice as high in deciduous compared to permanent teeth but were reduced following abrasive removal of surface enamel especially in deciduous teeth. It was concluded that the higher lead content in deciduous teeth is mainly in the outer layer of enamel.  相似文献   

Summary. Romano-British urban origins have all too frequently been seen in terms of simple monocausal explanations, emphasising the role of purely military factors at the expense of the importance now attached to pre-Roman settlement nucleation. This article seeks to explore the question of small town origins and early development in the light of this wider perspective. It attempts to demonstrate that the period after AD 43 saw two overlapping and competing systems, one focused on pre-existing sites, the other on the new communications network, each with their own requirements and each with varying regional application and importance. Incorporation within the prevailing new order is shown to be more vital to urban development than pre-Roman or fort origins in isolation.  相似文献   

Summary.   Despite the vast amount of work and the huge database for Roman Britain, the people of the province remain very difficult to discern. There are many reasons for this, but one is that we have not yet learned to look behind the disjecta membra of archaeology in order to understand the structure and nature of society, and how the Roman Conquest may have impacted upon it. The language of sociology offers scope for thought, especially when combined with examples drawn from historically documented societies in later periods. Whilst models drawn from the classical world are important, attention also needs to be focused on the local, and on the factors that determined the shape of people's lives and influenced their daily activities. Not all these are archaeologically detectable; nevertheless an appreciation of their existence is an important pre-requisite in attempting explanations of patterns in the data.  相似文献   

Skeletal lead levels are unexpectedly high (averaging 118 ppm and reaching 424 ppm maximum) in seventeenth to nineteenth century Caribbean slave skull remains. Younger specimens show significantly lower lead concentrations. Historical data confirm the supposition from skeletal lead measurements that blood lead levels probably resulted in lead intoxication symptoms in a significant fraction of this population.  相似文献   

Summary. Skeletal material from the Romano-British cemetery at Poundbury Camp on the outskirts of Dorchester is remarkable for the high concentration of lead detected in the bones. In an attempt to discover whether this lead was local in origin or had been introduced in imported commodities lead isotope ratios were determined for a selection of bones. The isotope ratios indicated at least two sources for the lead. Three of the individuals tested appear to have acquired lead derived from local, British, ores while the bone from the fourth individual, a child, had a lead isotope ratio identical to ore from Laurion in Greece. The isotope ratios are so close as to indicate immigration of the child rather than importation of lead in food or wine.  相似文献   

The trace element contents of 13 lead pigs and 20 water pipes, all of Roman origin, were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis. The contents of Cu, As, Ag, Sn, Sb, and Au were determined with an experimental reproducibility of ±7%; the analytical values are given for all samples. The results are discussed with respect to the homogeneity of samples, the difference between pipes and pigs, the difference between bulk and joint material in pipes, and the possible correlation of the trace element contents with the place of origin.  相似文献   

Our multidisciplinary study of historic Thoroughbred horses solves two long‐running mysteries in racing history. Eclipse, the greatest racehorse ever known, never lost a race. His skeleton is housed in the Royal Veterinary College, London; however, there is controversy over its authenticity. The 1880 Epsom Derby was won by Bend Or. In one of the great controversies of Thoroughbred racing, the owners of Bend Or were accused of swapping him with another horse, Tadcaster, whose maternal pedigree was more prestigious. Bend Or's skeleton resides at the Natural History Museum, in London. Eclipse and Tadcaster were both extremely popular at stud, and the vast majority of racehorses today are descendents. We compared mitochondrial DNA haplotypes of living and historic Thoroughbred skeletons, including those of Eclipse and Bend Or. Additionally, we compared skeletal morphometrics of Eclipse's skeleton with measurements taken at autopsy. Carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of a range of skeletal elements were compared in order to establish that the Eclipse skeleton was that of a single horse. Our multidisciplinary data suggest that the putative skeleton is consistent with that of Eclipse. In contrast, mitochondrial DNA haplotype sharing indicated that the skeleton known as Bend Or is most probably that of Tadcaster.  相似文献   


目次一阎家岗遗址及动物骨骼圈状堆积的概况二国外旧石器时代居址材料与阎家岗遗址的比较三对动物骨骼圈状堆积的分析我国北方的旧石器时代遗址以洞穴遗址为主,许多遗址堆积巨厚,文化遗迹丰富,可以确定为古人类的居址。相对而言,旷野遗址的发现就少了许多,其中能被确定为人类居址的更是少之又少。进入旧石器时代晚期,由于人类适应自然的能力增强,过去很少发现旷野居址的俄罗斯、乌克兰等地,也大量涌现出各种类型的居址。但是与俄罗斯接邻的我国北方地区却几乎没有发现旷野居址。1982年开始发掘的哈尔滨阎家岗遗址,发现了两处由动物骨骼围成的圈状堆积,发掘者遂将该遗迹定为古人类营地遗址。这一重大发现受到了学术界的普遍关注,有赞成的,也有质疑的。赞同者主要从埋藏学的角度来支持他们的观点。不少学者在有关文  相似文献   

The impact of lead contamination of soils and plants along highways of Novgorod Oblast (between Moscow and Leningrad) is investigated. Lead content in roadside soils and crops is compared with control plots situated at a greater distance from highways. Lead content in soils up to 100 meters from roadways is found to be up to 15 times higher than in control plots; lead content in roadside crops, up to 10 meters from roadways, is found to be up to six times higher than in control plots. It is recommended that dwellings and garden plots be moved back from highways beyond the harmful zone. In the case of Novgorod Oblast such a protective roadside zone should be 100 meters wide.  相似文献   

新世纪初笔者集得一件南宋铅质钱牌。钱牌正面为楷书“使府酒务”,背面为“细酒拾捌界叁伯”;长85,宽35毫米,重30.1克;包浆完整,呈灰白色,系出土品;与南宋临安府钱牌形制风格完全一致。钱牌有划损痕,但边缘完整无缺(左图;插四图1)。“使府酒务”钱牌为国内首次发现,确属国内仅见。  相似文献   

The possibility of lead isotope fractionation in ancient lead production is examined. Kinetic theory relating to isotopic fractionation in non-equilibrium evaporation is considered and the feasibility of the alteration of lead isotope abundance ratios in ore roasting and smelting is assessed. Previous experimental work is shown to have been inconclusive and conclusions are drawn on the need for further research to quantify the possible extent of fractionation in practice.  相似文献   


This article reports the results of analysis of samples collected from some Egyptian quartzite artifacts. such as statuary, dating from the New Kingdom. Most of the artifacts are located in Upper Egypt, but the results of analysis suggest that, until the middle of the fourteenth century B.C., the quartzite came from a more distant quarry near Cairo rather than from the quartzite quarries located near Aswan in Upper Egypt.  相似文献   

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