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In the early twentieth century, the living organism's ability to distinguish its "self" from foreign entities such as bacteria, viruses, transplanted tissue, or transfused blood was a major problem in medical science. This article discusses how the Australian immunologist Frank Macfarlane Burnet arrived at a satisfactory explanation of this problem through his 1949 theory of "self" and "tolerance." Burnet's theoretical work began from his study of diverse factors affecting the conditions of the host and the germ for the occurrence of infectious diseases. Among them, the host's age came to receive his attention as a crucial factor. This understanding was facilitated by his acceptance of cytoplasm inheritance theories, which emphasized the importance of the embryonic host's changing conditions according to its age. Based on this idea, he claimed in 1949 that the "self" of the organism was defined during its embryogenesis. Peter B. Medawar and his colleagues' demonstration of Burnet's claim became the basis for awarding Burnet and Medawar the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1960. While previous histories have focused on Burnet's "inductive reasoning" or "ecological perspective" to explain his conception of the theory of "self" and "tolerance," this article finds the origin of his ideas within an important line of modern medical research engendered through the development of germ theories--the studies of the host body and its relationship with parasites.  相似文献   

Nancy Hiemstra 《对极》2010,42(1):74-102
Abstract:  In this paper, I frame immigrant "illegality" as a local-scale technique of neoliberal governmentality. Drawing on recent work of anthropologists, I present illegality as a racialized, spatialized social condition which operates as governmentality by marginalizing and criminalizing immigrants, loosening the US border and forcing it into local spaces, and impacting immigrants' everyday lives and mobility. The paper then draws on a case study of Leadville, Colorado, to illustrate the utility of this framework. In Leadville, we see how through illegality neoliberalism seeps through scales. Illegality disciplines immigrant labor in service of the neoliberal order, turns all residents into surveillers of immigrants' subordinate sociospatial position, and masks contradictions within neoliberalism that arise particularly at the local scale. I argue that conceptualizing illegality as a governmentality technique provides a powerful tool for understanding changing state spatiality, especially ways in which neoliberalism is diffused and embedded into local economic, political, and social processes.  相似文献   

Abstract:  In recent decades, welfare reform in the USA has increasingly been based on a political imperative to reduce the number of people on welfare. This has in large part taken place through the establishment of a "workfare" state, in which the receipt of state benefits requires a paid labor input. Designed to reduce expenditure on civil social services, welfare-to-work programs have been introduced. At the same time, the restructuring of US defense provision has seen the "military–industrial complex" emerge as a key beneficiary of state expenditure. Both of these trends can be characterized, this paper argues, as manifestations of neoliberal thinking—whether in the form of the "workfarism" that is undertaken to bolster the US economy, or the "defense transformation" that has been intended to enhance US war-making capacity. While these two aspects have been analyzed in detail independently, the aim of this paper is to probe the similarities, connections and overlaps between the workfare state and the recent American emphasis on high-technology warfare—the so-called "Revolution in Military Affairs"—and "defense transformation". There are, the paper argues, strong homologies to be drawn between the restructuring of the American defense and welfare infrastructures. Furthermore there are also instances where warfare and welfare are being melded together into a hybrid form "workfare–warfare", in which military service is increasingly positioned as a means of gaining welfare and, conversely, traditionally military industries are becoming involved in the area of welfare provision. The result, it is argued, is an emergent form of workfare–warfare state in the USA.  相似文献   

1963年末发生的"周鸿庆事件"引发了台日关系的危机.在这场事件中,日本不顾台湾当局的压力,坚持允许周鸿庆返回大陆.在台湾看来,这是日本亲大陆的严重过失行为,因此对日采取了激烈的报复措施,台日矛盾激化,一度濒临"断交"的边缘.作为台日双方的盟友,美国利用驻台"大使馆"向台湾当局斡旋,不断对其施加压力.美国国务卿腊斯克也亲自访日、访台,为解决双方矛盾不遗余力.最终,在美国的调节下,台日双方各让一步,就此渡过了这场"外交"危机.在解决整个事件的过程中,美国的重要作用不可低估,同时,美国在远东的战略意图也反映得淋漓尽致.  相似文献   

1957年批判"反冒进",形成了所谓"积极平衡"的理论、生产建设中浮夸风的政治气候和行政运行上的互动机制。在毛泽东看来,要加快中国经济的发展速度,资金和物资的缺口可以依赖发动群众实现"积极平衡"。发动群众,其思想渊源与当年"大生产运动"有着密切联系,在经济上的涵义是充分利用中国丰富的劳动力资源。于是,在中国,"以苏为鉴"、"走自己的路"就意味着:通过充分利用劳动力资源,既试图加快重工业的发展,又试图在较少资金投入下加快农业和轻工业的发展;工业的发展实行"两条腿走路"。在此路径下,"人定胜天"的观念与浮夸风两者相互作用,终于形成了"大跃进"战略。  相似文献   

This article aims at studying the dynamics of organized home care and particular problems in the delivery of social services, analyzed against the background of the international recasting of welfare systems. Challenging an influential academic discourse on the advent of new forms of network governance thought to improve service provision, three jurisdictions—Germany, England, and Quebec—are compared with regard to how home-care networks are actually configured and the rationales which appear to shape the interaction between network members. The article argues that notwithstanding the extensive literature extolling the virtues of network governance or the possibility of reconciling different governance modes, home care operates through arrangements embracing conflicting rationales. Rather than providing for mutual adjustment and shared perspectives, contemporary home-care networks tend to produce tensions and outcome problems as a result of the "biased" interplay between various steering rationales within given institutional arrangements and different meta-governance regimes.  相似文献   

关于中日钓鱼岛争端中"美国因素"的历史考察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章对中日钓鱼岛争端中的“美国因素”进行了系统考察。二战后美国的日本政策与钓鱼岛问题的产生、发展及变化有着密切联系。在冷战的国际背景下,美国政府通过托管琉球与“第27号令”将中国钓鱼岛纳入其托管之下。20世纪70年代初美国又将钓鱼岛的“施政权”作为冲绳的一部分“归还”给日本,为中日钓鱼岛争端打下“楔子”。冷战结束以来,美国政府在钓鱼岛主权归属上由“模糊中立”到当今小布什政府的“小心介入”,反映了美国政府在钓鱼岛问题立场上的变化。  相似文献   

This article examines the construction of a "population problem" among public health officials in India during the inter-war period. British colonial officials came to focus on India's population through their concern with high Indian infant and maternal mortality rates. They raised the problem of population as one way in which to highlight the importance of dealing with public health at an all-India basis, in a context of constitutional devolution of power to Indians where they feared such matters would be relegated to relative local unimportance. While they failed to significantly shape government policy, their arguments in support of India's 'population problem' nevertheless found a receptive audience in the colonial public sphere among Indian intellectuals, economists, eugenicists, women social reformers and birth controllers. The article contributes to the history of population control by situating its pre-history in British colonial public health and development policy and outside the logic of USA's Cold War strategic planning for Asia.  相似文献   

安忠义 《江汉考古》2012,(1):111-116
致书和致籍是汉简中的一类重要的文书,目前对它的研究尚未取得一致的意见。本文认为作为通关文书的致书或致籍是津关收到的有关门部门对所管过关人员的情况通报,或是事先对过关人员过关时的登记,是他们检验、放行的凭证,符传与致书并用,津关案验符传与致书的记载无差,方得出入。  相似文献   

This paper examines some representations of the anxiety and uncertainty about "white woman's place" in tropical North Queensland that were present in medical and general discourse in the early twentieth century. It focuses on white women's work in the private sphere as both the source of and the solution to these anxieties. Although 'White Australia' had been legislatively established in the "public sphere" by the 1920s, through the passage of the Queensland Aboriginal Protection Act of 1897, and the Commonwealth Immigration Restriction Act of 1901, in the tropics there was still public concern about how it would be established in the "private sphere". This was because even though the conventional wisdom that a white man could not work in the tropics and remain healthy had been successfully challenged by the early twentieth century, the same could not be said about such wisdom as it applied to white women and children. This paper looks at some of the ways that ideologies of race and gender intersected in the early twentieth century to construct white women and children as a group that could bring down the successful establishment of "White Australia", and this group was specially targeted for surveillance by the "new experts" of medicine, sociology and domestic science.  相似文献   

蒋介石从"三二0"到"四一二"的心路历程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
杨奎松 《史学月刊》2002,(6):70-79,104
蒋介石从“三二0”走向“四一二”,从尝试“限共”最终走向公开反共,经历了一个相当复杂的并且是充满了矛盾心理的转变过程。其实,蒋介石并没有像以往一些著作所说的那样,从“三二0”之后开始,就处心积虑地准备清党反共。相反,走向“四一二”最初并不在他的设想之中。其对容共政策的态度转变,固然带有某种程度的必然性,但也带有相当程度的偶然性。深入考察蒋在这一过程中心态与环境矛盾冲突的复杂情况,对全面了解国共两党历史恩怨的形成或能有所帮助。  相似文献   

王璐 《东南文化》2018,(2):6-12
"原状"认识来源于西方经典保护理论,历经启蒙运动、法国大革命和反修复等社会运动。至19世纪,其思想内涵不断发生变化,从单纯地强调"原物""原状"发展到将历史真实的"原状"观念扩大到历史时间和"环境"等更大的对象范畴。20世纪以来,经典保护理论走向成熟,"原状"也真正从追求"原物真实"走向了传递其蕴含的"价值意义"。"不改变原状"是我国文物古迹保护的核心原则,经历了"初建时的原状""整旧如旧"、对于"原状"的多元释义、"体现价值的状态"等四个阶段。文化遗产的保护要从原物、原信息、原地点、原场所精神、原用途五个方面综合考虑"原状",才能真正保护好遗产的价值。  相似文献   

《佩斋书画谱》被称为历代书画艺术要籍的总汇,但其中署录《续书史会要》存在诸多问题:一是对原进行节录;二是对原进行了缩写;三是将原与其它资料混合论述;四是将其它献错署为该书。  相似文献   

一般认为20世纪二三十年代"疑古"与"释古"两条学术路向分别代表了破坏古史和重建古史两条不同的路线。这一看法大体成立。但二者在观念上也有不少相通乃至相同的地方。一方面,"重建派"学者在研究中也运用了与顾颉刚非常相似的"层累说"观察古史的构成,而历史研究中的"故事眼光"更成为贯穿"疑古"和"释古"的一条道路。另一方面,"疑古派"在辨伪过程中也发展出来一些与"重建派"非常相似的具有建设意义的观念,但因其给人留下的"破坏"的形象过强而被忽视了。  相似文献   

尹湾汉简《神乌赋》结尾所引《传》文中,涉及“勒靳”的一段不易理解,研究者的看法也不一致。本文通过对《传》文内容进行仔细分析,并援用传世文献与之比较,提出了读“勒靳”为“麒麟”的新说。  相似文献   

While it is recognized that disability policy is a subset of broader public policy, the relationship between disability issues and other public policy issues is not well understood. Insight into this relationship can be gained through a greater understanding of the concept of "handicap," as distinguished from the concepts of "impairment" and "disability." In everyday conversation, these terms typically are used interchangeably and erroneously. However, when applied correctly, their important differences help us to focus on the appropriate level for analyzing disability and other policy issues. When ignored for reasons concerning the "political unacceptability" of handicap as a term or concept, we risk focusing on the wrong level and possibly holding individuals with disabilities responsible for circumstances beyond their control.  相似文献   

Why do I refer to Tsosisumkyi village as a"tribe"?The simple reason is that this rural community did not go through any democratic reform while Tibet experienced its transition from a feudal serfdom to socialism.How is Tsosisumkyi today?Is there any kind of chieftain in control of this"tribe"?  相似文献   

"文化大革命"使国民经济遭受了严重损失。周恩来殚精竭虑,采取种种措施,稳定粮食局势。他劝说红卫兵和造反派不能冲击农业生产,坚持抓南粮北调局面的改变,用"以出养进"的办法开展粮食外贸,努力解决"三个突破"中的粮食"窟窿"问题,认真贯彻藏粮于民的思想,常抓节约粮食。周恩来高度重视粮食问题的思想和为民谋利的风范至今仍有现实意义。  相似文献   

Richard Black 《对极》2003,35(1):34-54
The study of refugees by geographers and other social scientists is, almost by definition, framed around a series of legal categories, which provide us with more or less neat categories of types of involuntary migrants. Yet the process of migration emerges in relation to legal categories and is not simply dictated by them. Thus, as legislation on migration in general and the interpretation of the 1951 Geneva Convention in particular have become more restrictive, patterns of migration have increasingly emerged that manipulate, circumvent or simply break existing legislation.
This paper examines the responses by researchers in geography and related disciplines to asylum–seeking and other forms of migration that are increasingly categorised as "illegal" as a result of recent European policy developments. Specifically, the potential for participatory and/or emancipatory research in such circumstances is explored, through comparative analysis of the ethical issues involved in radical research on a range of "trafficking" scenarios. The interaction of such research with public policy–making is also examined.  相似文献   


Between 1952 and 1976, "Housewives' Films" spread the message of modernity to about half a million Swedish housewives across the country. A program with commercials and entertainment depicted the wonders of household technology, modern living and a rational and positive attitude to life. This article analyzes the images of expertise presented in the films and links them to changing configurations of household rationalization in the 20th century. The "path through the laboratory" was presented as essential for making the users trust the experts' products and advice. But science alone did not suffice to create legitimacy. Expertise had to be negotiated. The films show the various ways in which the housewives themselves were enrolled into the work of the laboratory, in order for their expertise to be fully accepted as legitimate.  相似文献   

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