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内蒙古是中国岩画最丰富、最集中的区域之一,是中国北方岩画系统的重要组成部分。内蒙古岩画自东向西呈带状分布,根据地理单元和岩画内容的不同,我们将内蒙古岩画分为东部、中部和西部三个岩画区域。在各个区域内,动物岩画均为最核心的题材和内容,凿刻是主要的制作技法。动物、狩猎、放牧等岩画主体内容反映出,创造内蒙古岩画的人群处在北方猎牧经济模式下的生活状态。从整体上看,内蒙古岩画在类型、技法、表现形式及风格等方面,都有极大的共同特征,这种共性源于中国北方地区相似的地理环境和气候环境下所体现出的生产方式相似性,进而表现出相似的文化内涵,以及具有一致性和稳定性的岩画表现形式。东西文化交流下的相互影响和相互融合也促进了内蒙古岩画共同特征的形成。  相似文献   

解放战争时期,内蒙古民族解放运动迎来了前所未有的高涨,民族运动伴随着阶级斗争共同推动内蒙古近代历史的发展。在这个阶段,内蒙古民族运动在两个中国的命运、革命和反革命之间的决战中出现,并就“进步”和“落后”接受着历史的考验。衡量民族运动的根本尺度,是否以人民群众的利益为出发点。中国共产党经过不断的理论探索和在少数民族地区的实践,基本上形成了自己的民族政策体系,对日后新中国民族政策体系的形成产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

艾英爽 《神州》2013,(20):23-23
解放战争时期,内蒙古民族解放运动迎来了前所未有的高涨,民族运动伴随着阶级斗争共同推动内蒙古近代历史的发展。在这个阶段,内蒙古民族运动在两个中国的命运、革命和反革命之间的决战中出现,并就“进步”和“落后”接受着历史的考验。衡量民族运动的根本尺度,是否以人民群众的利益为出发点。中国共产党经过不断的理论探索和在少数民族地区的实践,基本上形成了自己的民族政策体系,对日后新中国民族政策体系的形成产生了重要的影响。  相似文献   

余玮 《文史精华》2007,(11):4-10
经过长期的艰苦斗争,我国第一个少数民族自治区——内蒙古自治区于1947年5月建立,比中华人民共和国的成立早两年多。它的建立为后来的新疆等4个自治区的建立探明了道路,积累了宝贵的经验。《中国首个民族自治区诞生与发展传奇》一文,全面追溯了内蒙古革命斗争的历史,展示了中共早期即对内蒙古少数民族解放运动给予极大的关注和领导,使得内蒙古先于其他民族地区走上了光明大道。  相似文献   

中国文物考古学界著名专家,内蒙古文物考古博物馆学界奠基人之一、原内蒙古政协委员、呼和浩特市新城区人大代表、中国九三学社会员、内蒙古文史馆馆员、内蒙古博物馆研究馆员、内蒙古大窑文物管理所负责人汪宇平先生,因病医治无效,于2005年6月24日凌晨3点30分,在家中逝世,享年  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区是中华人民共和国创建初期时唯一的民族自治区,是中国共产党开展民族工作和实践民族区域自治的主要地区。在中国民主革命取得全国性胜利前夕,中共中央有关负责人逐步提出了恢复内蒙古历史地域的构想:撤销热河、察哈尔和绥远三个省,统一内蒙古的行政区划,彻底改变内蒙古地区东、西两部分长期被分割的状态。从1949年5月起,由热河省代管的昭乌达盟和由辽北省代  相似文献   

2009年8月1日至2日,内蒙古社会科学院和中国元史研究会联合举办了“元上都与元代社会”学术研讨会。本次大会在元上都所在地——内蒙古正蓝旗召开。来自美国、韩国和中国大陆、香港、台湾地区的80余名代表出席会议。会议共收到论文46篇。与会代表围绕元上都的宫廷生活与文化、元上都和元大都的关系、不同族别和国别文人对上都的描写等议题进行了热烈讨论和广泛交流。本次会议的研讨内容主要有以下几个方面:  相似文献   

郑曙斌 《收藏家》2010,(9):21-28
由内蒙古博物院和湖南省博物馆共同举办的草原牧歌——契丹文物精华展,是湖南省博物馆2010年隆重推出的边疆民族文物大展,也是继走向盛唐、国家宝藏、凤舞九天——楚文物特展之后举办的“中国古代文明系列展”之一。它汇集了内蒙古博物院、内蒙古文物考古研究所等多家单位的珍藏,  相似文献   

王泰  卢少志 《世界历史》2007,(6):147-149
2007年7月25日至28日,由中国世界现代史研究会和内蒙古民族大学联合主办的“纪念十月革命90周年学术研讨会”在内蒙古通辽市隆重召开。来自全国各高等院校、科研机构、出版单位的近40名学者出席了此次会议,大会共收到论文30余篇。在学会的精心筹划和内蒙古民族大学的大力支持下,学术会议圆满成功。  相似文献   

薄荷 《旅游纵览》2011,(4):36-39
<正>2011年1月1日,由鄂尔多斯市旅游局、鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗人民政府、中国艺术研究院《中国摄影家》杂志、内蒙古响沙湾旅游有限公司共同主办,中国女摄影家协会、广东省摄影家协会协办的中国摄影家2011响沙湾迎春国际摄影周暨《中国摄影家》2011迎春年会在内蒙古响沙湾沙漠艺术宫游牧剧场举行。  相似文献   

Battlefield archaeology has provided a new way of appreciating historic battlefields. This paper provides a summary of the long history of warfare and conflict in Scotland which has given rise to a large number of battlefield sites. Recent moves to highlight the archaeological importance of these sites, in the form of Historic Scotland’s Battlefields Inventory are discussed, along with some of the problems associated with the preservation and management of these important cultural sites.  相似文献   

大遗址考古发掘与保护的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、背景大遗址的概念是我国文化遗产保护在全球视野下从近十几年来的遗址保护与管理工作中提出的一个重要概念。尽管这个概念在目前还没有清晰而科学的法定量化界  相似文献   


Utilizing the example provided by a major water-control project planned for construction in the Jequetepeque Valley on the Peruvian north coast, this paper emphasizes a number of problems in the implementation of cultural resource-management programs in the Third World. The impact of this particular economic development program on the archaeological record is demonstrated by focusing on the project's most devastating aspect, the construction of a large dam in the up valley region just south of the town of Tembladera. Special attention is given to the threatened Chavin-related sites in this region, sites about which little is known other than that they are characterized by a highly valued ceramic style often found in private and museum collections.  相似文献   

中国大遗址保护的问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
今天这个会议就是一个主题,即要保护好大遗址。出席本次会议的代表来自考古学、保护规划、科技保护、文物行政和考古文物出版等方面。且都是当前的文物考古界各个方面的主力军,有些还担任一定的业务行政职务。本次会议由学术研究和出版单位发起、组织和主办,这么多领域的人员出席,来  相似文献   

This paper describes an algorithm for spatial search, which is used in an expert system for site selection. The algorithm, named ProfMat, is able to find the best site in the area of interest even when the number of possible sites is large and many decision criteria are involved. Compared to commonly used search procedures, ProfMat improves the efficiency of spatial search in two ways. First, the best site is identified through an iterative rather than a linear process of selection and evaluation of optional sites. Second, an area is searched by narrowing down the focus to increasingly smaller areas and, thus, sites are evaluated as much as possible groupwise. The ProfMat procedure is illustrated by analyzing the problem of retail site selection. A comparison with alternative search procedures shows that ProfMat considerably reduces the evaluation costs needed to find the best site. The implementation of the algorithm in an expert system shows how ProfMat can be used in combination with specialist's knowledge to solve site-selection problems. The efficiency of the procedure allows considering large sets of optional sites, so that it may improve the quality of the outcome.  相似文献   

The Zone Definition Problem in Location-Allocation Modeling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Location-allocation modeling is a frequently used set of techniques for solving a variety of locational problems, some of which can be politically sensitive. The typical application of a location-allocation model involves locating facilities by selecting a set of sites from a larger set of candidate sites, with the selection procedure being a function of “optimality” in terms of the allocation of demand to the selected sites. In this paper we examine the sensitivity of one particular type of location-allocation model, the p-median procedure, to the definition of spatial units for which demand is measured. We show that a p-median solution is optimal only for a particular definition of spatial units and that variations in the definition of spatial units can cause large deviations in optimal facility locations. The broad implication of these findings is that the outcome of any location-allocation procedure using aggregate data should not be relied upon for planning purposes. This has important implications for a large variety of applications.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the meaning of the term ‘density’ and the problems associated with the methods of density determination for animal bones in archaeology. It has often been assumed that density is the intrinsic property of most influence in controlling the rate of a bone's decay. Values for whole bone density have been published only for large mammal bone, however. Fish bone appears to be particularly vulnerable to decay, and usually a restricted range of skeletal elements are recovered from archaeological sites. The object of this study was to examine the relationship between fish bone density and the ability of the bone to survive on occupation sites and in archaeological deposits. A set of ‘density’ measurements was established for the bones of cod (Gadus morhua). The usefulness of these measurements as a predictive tool in archaeoichthyological studies is assessed. It was found that ‘density’ as measured did not explain adequately the relative survival of skeletal elements after mechanical abrasion and weathering, or within archaeological deposits.  相似文献   

大型古代城市遗址及其环境的整体保护具有重要的战略意义,是国际文化遗产保护领域的一项重要课题,我国的大型古代城市遗址及其背景环境的抢救性保护已成为刻不容缓的紧迫任务。我国在大型古代城市遗址保护方面所做的有益探索,为遗址及其环境的整体保护提供了思路,如树立保护规划先行的理念,实施遗址环境的整体保护,发挥专项保护资金的综合效益,使城市和民众受惠于保护,加强大型古代城市遗址考古工作,探讨遗址保护展示的科学途径,重视遗址博物馆的建设,建设大型古代城市遗址公园等。  相似文献   

There is an increasing use of palynological data to infer prehistoric agricultural activity. The uncritical acceptance of the technique of pollen analysis by archaeologists and palynologists is questioned. Attention is focussed upon the nature of clearance activity and problems of its inference from pollen spectra; the spatial distribution of palaeoenvironmental sites; and the proximity of such sites to those of prehistoric activity. The resolution apparent in peat and lake sediment pollen profiles together with problems of dating and temporal inference, are examined. In response to a perceived lack of formalization in palynological research, some simple models of clearance activity are presented. The complexity involved in environmental reconstruction is emphasized by reference to the use of supplementary data to augment the orthodox pollen record.  相似文献   

A number of variations of facilities location problems have appeared in the research literature in the past decade. Among these are problems involving the location of multiple new facilities in a discrete solution space, with the new facilities located relative to a set of existing facilities having known locations. In this paper a number of discrete solution space location problems are treated. Specifically, the covering problem and the central facilities location problem are shown to be related. The covering problem involves the location of the minimum number of new facilities among a finite number of sites such that all existing facilities (customers) are covered by at least one new facility. The central facilities location problem consists of the location of a given number of new facilities among a finite number of sites such that the sum of the weighted distances between existing facilities and new facilities is minimized. Computational experience in using the same heuristic solution procedure to solve both problems is provided and compared with other existing solution procedures.  相似文献   

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