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卞显红 《人文地理》2012,27(4):137-142
旅游产业集群的网络构成分为核心网络与外围支持网络。旅游产业集群网络由主体、旅游资源以及旅游活动三部分组成。论文把旅游产业集群网络结构分为原子式、单核式、多核式、混合式等4种形态。论文把旅游产业集群网络结构空间相互作用分为三个层次:第一层次是核心旅游企业之间及相关旅游企业之间的竞争与合作;二是旅游企业和研究机构、地方政府、旅游中介机构及旅游投资机构之间的空间作用;三是旅游产业集群内部主体,主要是旅游企业与旅游产业集群外部成员之间的交流与互动,并以杭州国际旅游综合体为例对这三个层次的空间相互作用进行了分析。  相似文献   

过往研究将社区旅游增长困境归因于权力关系不平衡导致的社区权益受损或冲突,并通过社区参与和增权解决。然而,社区参与和增权的有效运用依赖于外部条件和社区能力。本文试图从内卷化视角重新审视社区旅游增长困境,构建社区旅游内卷化分析框架,并用于解析焦作云台山案例。社区旅游内卷化是社区旅游发展到一定形态后,停滞不前或无法转变到新的形态,旅游产品或企业同质化竞争激烈,无法适应市场变化,导致社区内部权力和利益复杂化,社区总体边际收益或旅游效益相对下降。案例研究表明,云台山社区先后经历农业内卷化、去农业内卷化、社区旅游内卷化、以及社区旅游去内卷化4个阶段。各阶段交叠,并具有不同的背景、成因和特点。本研究在去内卷化建议中指出,提升社区内生能力是根本,破解外部条件限制是关键,而政府和核心企业应起示范或主导作用。  相似文献   

中国旅游企业如何根据现代企业制度的要求组合和组建,涉及其外部生存条件和企业内部的资产结构两个大类的问题。一、现代旅游企业制度生存的外部条件现代旅游企业制度植根的沃土是社会主义的市场经济。从现状看,我国的旅游市场在现阶段尚处在商品市场阶段。从旅游商品市场向旅游市场经济转换,要满足下列三个社会条件:第一、自主企业数量足够并能自由进入,不存在垄断。这个概念,经济学中称为“完全竞争假定”。所谓自主企业,指的是自主经营、自负盈亏、自我约束、自我发展的独立的商品生产者和经营者,它必须以法人的地位独立地面对市场。  相似文献   

阮英花 《旅游纵览》2015,(3):78-79,81
全球旅游电子商务发展迅猛,在线旅游企业层出不穷,在线旅游企业声誉研究成为一个新的领域。在回顾了网络环境和非网络环境下企业声誉评价体系的研究后,通过问卷调查的方式搜集消费者对典型在线旅游企业声誉的评价,运用因子分析方法确定在线旅游企业声誉评价的4个一级指标,分别是产品和服务、交易环境、企业能力和企业社会责任,其下共设18个二级指标。  相似文献   

建立合理的旅游教育结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育结构问题是教育领域研究的一个主要方面,教育结构是指构成教育系统的诸多因素(单位、成分、子系统等等)相互依存、相互作用的比例关系与关联(组合)方式。它是以系统科学的观点和方法来研究教育内部诸因素的关系以及与外部因素的关系。旅游教育结构是旅游教育体系中诸因素间相互作用的比例关系与组合方式。按照系统论的观点,系统的结构与功能之间是密切相关的。结构是功能的内在基础,功能是结构的外在表现。合理的教育结构是能够最  相似文献   

论旅游产业核心竞争力   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
竞争力是反映一个产业的素质和发展潜能的重要标志。旅游产业是旅游业的重要经济特征,旅游产业的竞争力表现在产业内部的旅游产品、旅游企业、旅游服务等以及产业外部的旅游功能。本文运用波特的竞争力理论并结合旅游产业的自身特点,提出以旅游资源为内核所形成的旅游吸引物是旅游产业竞争力的核心,它和旅游设施、旅游服务等共同构成旅游产业,旅游设施和旅游服务是围绕旅游吸引物这一核心而展开的。  相似文献   

图书馆知识管理的前提是营造不断创新与知识共享的环境和氛围;条件是必要的技术和组织基础、良好的机构文化和尊重知识、尊重人才的内部环境。本文提出了图书馆知识管理的4种战略模型:知识信息转移和最优实践活动战略,以用户为重点战略,以员工为重点战略和知识创新战略.论述了建立内部和外部知识库,营造知识共享环境和机构学习等知识管理的具体内容和实施方法。  相似文献   

赵银凤 《旅游纵览》2023,(17):162-164
本文通过研究数字旅游经济开发与运营模式,发现其中存在技术与场景应用融合不充分,企业内部信息共享不完善,数字化转型成本和收益难以平衡,旅游数字化人才短缺等问题;针对上述问题,提出建立旅游科技创新生态体系,推动政企合作;拓宽融资渠道,降低数字化转型成本;开展数字化转型示范工程,探索可推广模式;培养旅游业数字化人才,优化人才培育机制等四个方面的策略,旨在提高“互联网+”背景下数字旅游经济开发与运营模式的创新性。  相似文献   

马晓龙  卢春花 《人文地理》2014,29(2):138-143
从特性出发,对旅游产业集聚的概念、动力与发展模式进行研究对日益增长的产业实践具有重要指导意义。结果显示:旅游产业集聚在过程上分为旅游目的地体系完善和相关产业向旅游业集聚两个步骤,而在旅游市场共享基础上,通过共同打造旅游目的地品牌形象,提升品牌溢价能力是旅游产业集聚的动力,而对旅游产业集聚区范围的界定必须在旅游产品生产消费时空一致性的基础上进行。案例显示,白云山旅游产业集聚区已经完成了要素完善和品牌提升两个环节,下一步的重点在于促进市场共享和业态集聚。  相似文献   

郝小斐  陈瀚晖 《人文地理》2021,36(4):61-71,79
旅游作为休闲活动为空间中的身体实践提供了特定情境,且伴随技术迭代,旅游者可“置身”于地理实体空间与数字虚拟空间。本文选取90后中国女性为研究对象,探究其身体于旅游异地空间和虚拟异质空间中的自我建构;采用深度访谈法并对访谈文本进行扎根理论分析,研究发现:①90后女性具身化模型由内外两个维度构成,身体唤醒、身体建构等构成内部维度,场域空间、自他认知等构成外部维度;②尽管90后女性逐步唤起身体的自我意识,打破女性身体在消费主义影响下产生的“商品化”“神话化”现象,但其身体仍受到日常审美标准与他者监视的压迫。  相似文献   

闫闪闪  靳诚 《人文地理》2019,34(5):149-158
如何厘清市域内部旅游流扩散动力机制是市域规划建设和旅游发展的重要议题。以洛阳市为案例区,基于25个景区的“一手数据资料”,采用因子分析、结构方程模型分析方法,研究发现:市域内旅游流空间扩散动力机制是由旅游者自身的内外推力、目的地拉力和两地间的阻力组合成的复杂综合动力系统,推力是游客受到的最大动力。其中,休闲放松的潜在欲望是市域内游客群体关注的最主要的内推力,中介推荐是游客群体受到的最重要的外推力,景区核心吸引物对游客群体的拉动作用最强,而客观障碍的阻碍力大于主观障碍。  相似文献   


This paper examines the nature of networking and learning by tourism firms in relation to accessing knowledge for innovation. In particular, the nature of tourism learning and networking, geography of networking linkages, and systemic characteristics of relationships between tourism firms, government agencies, higher education institutions, and other organisations in the Western Cape tourism system are examined. The analysis draws on 182 tourism firm, tourism system, and contextual interviews. This investigation demonstrates that even though tourism firms mostly use internal resources for innovation, external, non-local knowledge is significant for enhancing novel innovation. It is disclosed that whilst local network linkages are dense, loose, and of importance for business and marketing purposes, extra-regional network relationships are imperative for learning in relation to innovation. As further observed, network linkages between local and regional actors for supporting tourism innovation in the Western Cape are generally weak which points to the underdevelopment of local and regional innovation networks or systems. The paper provides planning recommendations for enhancing the competitiveness of tourism firms towards fostering development and growth in the regional tourism economy. Specifically, support for stimulating learning networks as well as strengthening systemic relationships in the Western Cape tourism system are recommended. It is underscored that strategic relationships with non-local partners need to be nurtured towards fostering tourism innovation and enhancing regional competitiveness.  相似文献   

Regional innovation systems (RISs) literature has emphasized the critical role of interactive learning and knowledge exchange amongst firms and a variety of spatially connected innovation institutions as the foundation of regional innovation. Knowledge intermediaries have been analysed in terms of the technology-transaction services they provide firms and/or knowledge producers such as universities and therefore the role they play in facilitating interaction within the RIS. However, innovation also depends on the capability of the firm to learn. Some studies have suggested that intermediaries also play a role in that regard as participation in intermediary knowledge transfer programmes can contribute to the development of firm capabilities for problem-solving and learning. Our research is based on two case study intermediary programmes involving interviews with facilitators and participants. Our data show that knowledge intermediaries affect organizational learning capabilities by impacting on firms' network relationships, internal and external communication channels and internal learning processes which in turn affect the ability to interpret and use knowledge within the firm. This suggests that the role of knowledge intermediaries might be greater than facilitating interactions in the innovation system, as knowledge intermediation may affect the ability of firms to learn and absorb knowledge from their environment.  相似文献   

李学鑫 《人文地理》2012,27(5):115-119
从技术学习角度出发,提出了农区文化产业集群吸收能力的概念与分析架构。通过对石佛寺玉雕产业集群的研究,指出通过探索性学习、集体性学习、转换性学习与挖掘性学习,我国农区文化产业集群的吸收能力得以形成。发现基于地理临近、关系临近与认知临近,集群的知识获取能力、分享能力等潜在吸收能力较强,但由于农区从业人员整体文化程度偏低、企业规模较小、高校与科研机构少等原因,集群的知识消化或转化能力、利用能力等现实吸收能力仍有较大的提升空间。为强化农区文化产业集群的吸收能力,不仅要完善知识流动与学习的网络,充分发挥政府与行业协会的作用,努力搭建便于中小企业知识转化性学习与挖掘性学习的平台,而且还必须努力提高从业人员的文化素质,加大创新型人才的培育与引进力度。  相似文献   

魏洁文 《旅游科学》2008,22(3):7-12
对刚刚进入组织的新员工,在转换社会角色、适应组织环境、调适个体行为过程中,工作中的人际关系因素起着重要作用。本文以组织社会化理论为研究依据,通过实际测量与分析,探索旅游企业内部人际关系对旅游院校毕业生适应工作、融入组织的影响及其作用机理。本研究的验证与发现有利于旅游企业制定和实施有效的人力资源策略,推动专业人才队伍的培养与建设。  相似文献   


Outbound tour operators are key actors in international mass tourism. However, their contribution to more sustainable and inclusive forms of tourism has been critically questioned. Drawing from new institutional theories in organization studies, and informed by the case of one of the largest Scandinavian tour operators, we examine the corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainability work in large tour operators and the challenges faced in being more inclusive. On the basis of in-depth interviews with corporate officers, document analysis and media reports, we show how top-down coercive and normative pressures, coming from the parent company and the host society shape the ability of the daughter corporation to elaborate a more inclusive agenda. However, daughter companies do not merely comply with these institutional pressures and policy is also developed from the ‘bottom-up’. We show how the tour operator's sustainability work is also the result of organizational responses including buffering, bargaining, negotiating and influencing the parent organization. By creating intra and inter-sectoral learning and collaborative industry platforms, MNCs not only exchange and diffuse more inclusive practices among the industry, but also anticipate future normative pressures such as legislation and brand risk. Daughter organizations help shape their institutional arrangements through internal collaborative platforms and by incorporating local events and societal concerns into the multinational CSR policy, especially when flexible policy frameworks operate, and the corporate CSR agenda and organizational field are under formation. However, risks do exist, in the absence of institutional pressures, of perpetuating a superficial adoption of more inclusive practices in the mass tourism industry.  相似文献   

本文关注城市宜居性与旅游发展互动关系,在理论模型基础上,运用因子分析、熵值法、面板回归等对我国35个大中城市数据进行实证分析。研究发现:城市宜居性可以分为丰富的物质文化生活、便利的公共服务、健康舒适的生活环境、良好的社会福利和安全的生产生活等五个维度;城市宜居性对旅游发展具有持续地促进作用,该作用受到对外交通、潜在市场规模和对外经济发展水平的正向调节;适度的旅游发展提升城市宜居水平,过度的旅游发展对城市宜居性具有不利影响;根据旅游发展相对水平,可将对应城市分为优先推动组、推动组、适度控制组和控制组;北京、天津、杭州、广州、深圳、重庆、武汉等地的旅游业发展对城市宜居性的威胁较大。  相似文献   

旅游目的地的竞争力很大程度上依赖于信息如何通过基于ICT的基础设施和服务来满足相关利益方的需求。但是,在目前旅游目的地已积累了大量可用数据的情况下,这些有价值的知识却没有被很好的利用。旅游目的地的管理竞争力和组织学习可以应用商务智能的方法得到显著地提高。本文在总结国外文献与案例的基础上,提出知识型目的地管理平台的一般框架,并基于此框架,引入商务智能方法,构建了一个基于数据仓库的旅游市场决策支持平台,以期能够服务于旅游目的地的管理者的决策制定与专家学者的相关研究。  相似文献   


This research explores organizational resilience in four manufacturing firms in four different regions of Norway. While regional resilience has gained attention in research, there have been few studies with a micro-level focus, investigating firms and their distinctive features of resilience. We chose a qualitative multiple-case study approach and employed a critical incident technique to study resilience in selected firms that had experienced external shocks and shifts in regard to changing markets, globalization and advances in technology. Each, however, had managed to continually develop resilience capacity over time. Our framework considered three dimensions of organizational resilience: the cognitive, the behavioural and the contextual. We address how resilience is sustained over time, the evolutionary nature of organizational resilience in firms and how resilient firms relate to the region. We found that all three dimensions of resilience capacity were evident in each firm, but appeared as a complex and unique blend. Furthermore, each dimension was supported by regional ties and affiliations. The findings suggest that organizational resilience is a dynamic capability conditioned by firm–region interactions, which are cultural, social and economic. Regional resilience is built through the contribution of the firm to the economic and social systems of the region.  相似文献   

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