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With the increasing commodification of cultural heritage induced by tourism development, the perception of a ‘real’ travel experience often depends on what is defined as authentic, original and local. Visitors are becoming increasingly concerned about the authenticity of eco-cultural tourism practices when they visit culturally and environmentally remote regions. The purpose of this study is to examine the role performance plays in visitors' perception of authenticity of eco-cultural tourism experiences. Various theoretical foundations and aspects of visitors' perceptions of authenticity in cultural heritage tourism are considered. A grounded theory approach based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with several categories of visitors including 25 clients from two eco-tours in South and Central Kazakhstan and 29 Free Independent Travellers (FITs) was adopted to identify visitors' perception of authenticity of various aspects of their tourism experiences and the attributes of the visitors' performative aspects of their travels. Results reveal that the performative aspects contributing to the perceived authenticity of the visitors' eco-cultural experiences are spontaneous, existential and reciprocal relationships with their hosts in intimate tourism encounters. The findings contribute to literature regarding authenticity and cultural heritage tourism by exploring new directions in which to apply the concept of authenticity in eco-cultural tourism experiences and by theorising the link between performance-based touristic space and the perception of authenticity. This space becomes a basis for interaction and social exchange within the host–guest relationship.  相似文献   

刘斌  杨钊  刘永婷  林嘉敏 《人文地理》2023,38(1):169-180
在新的流动范式认识下,“旅居”的出游方式因为更加自由和舒适的体验得到老年群体的青睐,当前研究主要关注偏“精英”色彩的老年人“旅居”现象,聚焦探讨这些现象背后的系列问题,但忽视了现象本身。目前一种更加大众化的老年人“旅居”现象得到蓬勃发展,但对其深层内涵与价值的探究鲜有见者。研究基于具身认知,聚焦现象本身,通过改良旅游者具身体验研究框架,采用既定程序的文本分析方法对样本深度访谈内容进行分析。研究发现,上述现象可参与群体广泛,舒适的异地休闲需求显著,活动具有高度的群体情感特性,承接空间接近过程相对轻松,舒适停留条件良好,老年人的日常休闲活动和社交群体能够更为便利和大众化的在异地实现有效延续与发展。研究将该现象命名为老年人休闲旅居,其能够成为老年人居家养老生活的有益补充,有重要现实意义。  相似文献   

余志远 《旅游科学》2014,28(4):38-51
作为背包旅游研究领域的一个基本概念,背包旅游者这个术语在概念界定的过程中遇到了新的挑战.本文认为有必要从“经”和“纬”两条线来分别梳理该概念的发展脉络、基本内涵和主要争议.在对背包旅游者概念进行深入辨析的基础上,结合背包旅游现象的新特点,本文提出:自主性和深度体验是背包旅游者概念的本质内涵,以此构成该概念界定的主要依据,因此,背包旅游者是倡导自主精神,采取自助旅游方式前往异地寻求深度旅游体验的人.同时,本文指出,现阶段的背包旅游者具有类型上的划分,借助“意义”和“形式”两个维度可将其分为朝圣型背包旅游者、形式型背包旅游者、享乐型背包旅游者及纯粹精神型背包旅游者.  相似文献   

北京居民日常休闲行为的性别差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
休闲的性别差异研究是西方休闲研究的重要研究主题。本文以北京市2007年居民活动日志问卷调查数据作为基础,多角度地分析了居民日常休闲行为中的性别差异。研究发现:男性拥有更多的休闲机会;女性休闲时间显著少于男性,并要花费更多时间在家务和照料活动,同时,女性更乐意将时间用在社交活动,而男性更倾向于将时间用在体育锻炼和上网活动;对于休闲地点的选择,男性和女性居民选择家内和家外休闲差异不大,但对于文化娱乐活动,男性平均出行距离更远,女性更倾向于选择较近的地点;在休闲中,男性倾向于一个人休闲而女性更倾向与家人一起休闲,表明女性更重视休闲活动中的社会关系。  相似文献   

旅游、旅游体验和符号--对相关研究的一个评述   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
本文认为旅游现象的内核是旅游体验,而旅游体验在本质上可以看成是旅游者对符号的解读,将符号的解读和建构纳入旅游体验的研究视野当中,这在国外也是一个比较新颖的议题。为此,本文梳理了国内外旅游体验研究和旅游符号学的研究成果,发现这两个领域的研究现状还比较薄弱,尤其就国内而言.旅游符号学的研究几乎还是一片空白,对旅游体验的关注也远远不够,迫切需要更多学者将目光投射到这两个领域当中来。  相似文献   


The intersection between social media, liminality and nature-based tourism experiences hasn’t been the focus of previous tourism research. Such intersection, on the other hand, is illustrative of how social media relate to the constitution and performance of tourism spatialities, tourist identities, storytelling and place-making, and can lead to relevant theoretical contributes. We aim to investigate how liminality is expressed in relation to nature-based experiences by tourists on social media, and what role social media plays in mediating liminality during nature-based tourism experiences. The analysis is based on a participatory netnography of images and text posts, as well as online interviews with users of the popular social media Instagram. Findings show that the expression of tourism experiences in nature is closely related to specific notions of liminal otherness as opposed to the urban life and the everyday, where nature and wilderness are expressed as related to the genuine, the authentic and a true inner self. Creative combinations of pictures, captions and hashtags make it easier for tourists to express the contrast between the natural landscape and the everyday landscape once they returned home. These combinations also relate closely to performances of resistant and alternative selves and communities. At the same time, such performances are mediated and contested between freedom of self-expression, surveillance and social norms, an aspect that makes their liminal nature ambiguous.  相似文献   

近年来,西方研究人员在撰写有关中国旅游的课题时,对可持续发展旅游业给予了特别的关注。"可持续发展旅游业"这一词可理解为为了达到社会文化、自然环境、以及旅游业经济增长这三点之间的和谐关系而努力发展的旅游业。本文回顾了全球各方力量对旅游业的塑造,并指出在创造积极的旅游前景时其可持续发展性所面临的挑战。对如何执行和研究可持续发展所采取的具体措施及对其的深度理解是当前研究的热点。通过五大路径,十种个人行为及四个组织模块建立可持续发展旅游业的主导思想。  相似文献   

本文以西溪湿地为例,将符号的解读和建构问题纳入到旅游体验中进行考察。在文献分析和实地调研的基础上,通过分层聚类、交互分析等方法,对西溪旅游者体验动机的符号感知、体验过程的符号解读以及体验质量的符号要素构建进行了实证分析。结果表明,休闲浪漫是旅游者对西溪的基本符号感知,不同符号类型旅游者人口社会属性和旅游行为存在结构差异,体验的质量也不尽相同;结合体验效果的符号要素相关性解读,不仅为研究旅游体验的本质提供了新的符号学理论视野,也为丰富和强化旅游体验提供了有效的操作途径。  相似文献   

Immigrant hosts and intra-regional travel   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A large number of tourism-related experiences involve a personal relationship between a visitor and resident host. As immigration continues to be an increasingly integral experience for many people and communities, and advances in technology make relationship maintenance more accessible, the traditional distinctions of travel types based on ‘pleasure’, ‘visiting friends and relatives’ (VFR), and even ‘business’ become blurred and detrimental to conceptual understandings for large numbers of tourism experiences and their impacts. The purpose is to explore the experiences of immigrants with intra-regional travel when they host VFRs. Constructionism was used as a guiding epistemology in this narrative analysis. The research co-constructed narratives with nine participants in Toronto, Canada about their hosting and intra-regional travel. The hosting experience is powerful, linking old and new worlds, and challenging traditional discursive tourism binaries such as home and away. The experience of intra-regional communities through side-trips with VFR guests added additional context where the host was in a non-routine place on vacation, with a guest who brings expectations of participating in leisure, but in a place that has cultural links to the participant's ongoing integration and connection to the broader sense of Canadian culture. Hosting both inspired intra-regional travel, and enhanced the memorable co-construction of meaning associated with the experience as links and distinctions to the culture of origin were more easily made due to the co-presence of their guest. Implications for integration, place making and marketing are discussed.  相似文献   

Tourism produces an increasing share in global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. These are mostly derived from transport emissions, and long-haul air travel in particular. Short-haul domestic tourism is believed by some to be a potential substitute for long-haul tourism. Using the example of Finland this paper examines the extent to which domestic second home tourism can substitute for other leisure trips and therefore contribute to reductions of travel-generated GHG emissions. Survey data are used to evaluate the CO2 emissions caused by travel to domestic second homes, and to create statistical models that verify if the owners of domestic second homes travel to other leisure destinations less frequently than others, and if they cause less emissions by their leisure mobility than others with comparable economic and demographic background. We find that although the owners and users of domestic second homes travel for other leisure purposes less frequently than others, this does not mean their leisure mobility generates less emissions. Overall, owners of second homes produce significantly more CO2 by their leisure mobility than non-owners. The use of second homes does not seem to be a substitute for high emission long-haul travels, but rather a part of an overall highly mobile leisure lifestyle. It is therefore necessary to better understand and influence the entire range of individual mobility behaviours in order to reduce travel-related GHG emissions.  相似文献   

徐红罡  唐香姐 《人文地理》2015,30(4):129-135
打工旅游已成为一种新的人口流动现象,本文通过对大理古城32位打工旅游者进行深度访谈和观察,发现他们在"工旅结合"动机和有无薪资的工作特点上存在分异,据此将其划分为3种类型,研究其在大理的行为表现。结果表明,打工旅游的出现促使工作、旅游和休闲之间的界限变得模糊;打工旅游者在大理的日常活动中,一方面表现出类似游客的行为特征,另一方面又在大理过着悠闲懒散但与日常相似的生活,这种行为的双重性表明他们在日常交往中将不断表现出"主"与"客"的身份转换,并据此提出旅游发展的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

舒伯阳  黄猛 《人文地理》2013,28(4):108-113
旅游核心吸引物不仅具有某种特殊的客观属性,同时还具有人为主观建构的符号属性,它在旅游体验中的价值体现在多个方面。论文提出了旅游核心吸引物构建的一种新方法,其基本思路是:从市场空白与产品创新角度切入,通过二维矩阵定位方法萃取旅游主题;然后按照"真实性体验"原理进行旅游产品设计,以地方特色产业为纽带,构建由一系列游客参与体验活动串联而成的旅游体验链条。这种建立在旅游目的地本地产业化需求与外部旅游市场需求双向驱动基础上的新方法,突出旅游吸引物的体验价值性及其产业化生产组织过程,能有效解决少数民族地区旅游产业开发与地方优势传统产业的衔接问题,从根本上实现少数民族地区旅游业发展的立地性和可持续性。  相似文献   

孙小龙  林璧属  郜捷 《人文地理》2018,33(1):143-151
旅游体验是游客情感价值的累积。旅游体验质量评价是对游客心理累积情感的测度,科学、准确的核算游客体验质量是旅游景区、旅游企业等可持续发展及竞争力提升的重要保障。本文通过对1980-2015年发表于国内外旅游及管理领域重要期刊文献的梳理,从服务质量研究的历史、科学视角及与旅游融合的角度对旅游体验质量评价的研究进展、理论基础等进行系统的回顾,并从体验质量评价的理论视角、思路、特征、类型与准确性、可操作性、应用范围等中观层面,对所梳理出的4类国外主流质量评价范式进行旅游体验哲学视角下的解读、比较分析和总评,最后对该领域未来研究重点进行展望。  相似文献   

河北省环京津休闲旅游产业带城市群竞合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翁钢民  杨绣坤 《人文地理》2012,27(4):143-146
随着我国经济的迅猛发展和人们旅游需求的持续增长,休闲旅游已经成为旅游消费的新亮点和现代旅游产业发展的一个重要趋势,是推动经济社会和旅游产业发展的核心力量。区域之间旅游产业的竞争与合作是旅游业发展的内在要求。本文以河北省环京津休闲旅游产业带所包含的7个城市为研究对象,构建了旅游产业竞争力评价指标体系,运用因子分析和聚类分析方法对其旅游产业竞争力进行了测评和分类,在此基础上提出了竞合对策,旨在推动7城市开展合理分工和有序竞争,以增强河北省环京津休闲旅游产业带的整体竞争力,为河北省旅游产业的跨越式发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

基于价值链理论的科学技术与旅游业结合模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张捷  张进  刘佳 《旅游科学》2005,19(1):12-16
本文回顾了国际上关于科技发展趋势及信息通信技术在旅游业中应用的最新发展趋势。结合价值链理论,分析.了旅游价值链的特征,以及科学技术在未来旅游业中带来的新的旅游价值链体系,提出了传统功能、衍生功能、虚拟功能和新生功能四种不同功能指向的旅游科技类型,并将科技在旅游业中的应用模式分为两种基本模式:需求导向型和技术导向型。文章对产生两种模式的技术背景和未来社会经济背景及运行特征进行了分析。  相似文献   

西方国家历史文化旅游发展的现状和趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴承忠 《人文地理》2004,19(6):62-66
本文总结了历史文化旅游的特点。进而预测西方历史文化旅游将有如下发展趋势:1.文化吸引物的管理、筹资与营销变得更专业化;2.在全球化和区域化的背景下,政府和企业的强力推动使文化吸引物供应过剩,同时文化产业内部合作的缺乏,最终导致竞争的加剧;3.广泛运用网络、信息、虚拟等高新技术;4.必须采取新的手段来适应游客体验不断变化的特点。我们可以增加新项目、利用新主题组合旅游吸引物、举办大型城市或地方文化活动来吸引越来越多的旅游者和休闲者。  相似文献   

体验导向型景区开发模式:一种新的旅游开发思路   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文提出一种新的旅游开发规划思路-体验导向型景区开发模式,从模式提出的背景、依据以及模式的开发思想、目标、前提、原则和步骤等方面,对体验导向型景区开发模式做了初步的系统理论研究,起抛砖引玉作用。  相似文献   

韩光明  黄安民 《人文地理》2013,28(2):125-130
地方理论认为,人与地之间的情感连接,使地方成为一个充满意义的空间。以休闲为导向发展的城市正是一个这样的充满意义的空间。在国内外相关研究的基础上,从人本主义的微观认知方法论角度,以地方理论为基本研究视角,阐释了城市休闲与地方性、地方意义、地方依恋感的联系,探讨了休闲主体与城市之间的"人与地"关系,提出了城市休闲的地方依恋研究框架,分析了地方观应用于城市休闲研究的必要性,最后构建了城市休闲的地方观研究概念框架。以期为休闲领域的理论和实践提供一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   

Cyclists’ written records of their Irish tours in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries have been overlooked by those scholars who have studied travellers’ impressions of Ireland in this period. The tricycle and the bicycle opened Ireland to a new form of tourism in the form of cycling tourism, and many of these holidaymakers, both Irish and foreign, were keen to record their experiences and impressions awheel, either in the cycling press or in other publications. This article is the first sustained effort to present a scholarly analysis of this material. It shows that the cycling tourists’ writings, as is the case with other travel writings, reveal more about the authors’ prejudices and their preconceived ideas about the places that they would visit and the people that they would encounter than they necessarily do about the realities of Irish life.  相似文献   

旅游规划的价值取向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叶文  谢军 《人文地理》2003,18(6):40-43
"旅游"的核心概念是"经历",是人的一种精神需求,是一种社会行为,一种人的社会活动方式。旅游规划的目的是为人们提供一种社会活动空间。本文从旅游规划的伦理层面研究入手,对旅游规划的弱经济功利价值取向、可持续发展价值取向、比较优势价值取向和休闲价值取向进行了探讨。旅游规划的经济价值取向造成了旅游资源消耗、环境恶化、目的地生命周期缩短的恶性循环;可持续发展取向类似于生态旅游,是人地关系的新价值取向;在旅游规划研究中,比较优势价值取向不仅是一种思想,还是一种方法;休闲是人存在的一种状态,是人对幸福和生命意义追求的过程。其目的力图将旅游规划的研究和实践还原到旅游是人的一种社会活动方式的层面上来。这对规划师的价值取向提出了新要求,与规划师个人的生活经历、个性、知识结构和创新能力有关。对于一个旅游规划师来说,树立"吾离今人远,而离后人近"的旅游规划学术自信、超前意识和休闲价值取向,并在实践中予以应用是时代的要求。  相似文献   

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