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运用辩证唯物主义分析续志编纂工作中的重点与一般、是与非、个性与共性、宏观与微观、交叉与重复、原因与结果、详与略、继承与创新、内容与形式、速度与质量等十大关系,认为编纂出高质量的志书就必须正确处理好这十大关系。  相似文献   

文章举例阐述志书写作中立意方面的正与讹、庄与谐、隐与显,谋篇方面的纵与横、升与降、繁与简,取材方面的真与假、实与虚、点与面,表达方面的详与略、广与深、褒与贬等的辩证艺术。认为志书写作讲究辩证艺术既是践行科学发展观和唯物辩证法的应有之义,也是提高志书质量的一个有效途径。  相似文献   

<正>对比是各种艺术表现形式的主要手法,对比的视觉语言十分丰富,单从摄影艺术画面来看,光与影、明与暗、高与低、大与小、多与少、重与轻、强与弱、粗与细、刚与柔、曲与直、冷与暖、动与静、疏与密、软与硬、钝与锐、新与旧等诸多方面的对比关系。这些对比关系在摄影画面中有的体现在直观的具体形式上,有的体现在看不见的思想内容中,无论是内容还是形式的对比出现,都会加强视觉效果,增加感知内容,使读者产生空间感、力度感、神秘感等。  相似文献   

童中贤 《攀登》2001,20(1):32-36
用人问题是干部队伍建设中的重大问题,在用人实践中,尚德与尚才、政绩与德才、名与实、用人与知人、长处与短处、用人与育人、用人与容人、使用与爱护、用人与导向、用人与责任等十个方面的关系问题,充满了辩证法,是我们应该经常思考和研究的。在今天,进一步认识和分析这些问题,也是我们的事业所急需。  相似文献   

倪泽仑 《新疆地方志》2012,(1):45-46,55
年鉴是全面、系统、准确地记述上年度事物发展变化的资料性工具书。编辑年鉴时要注意处理好共性与个性、稳定与创新、点与面、历史与现实、官与民、成绩与失误等关系。  相似文献   

论文从宗教信仰与经济、宗教信仰与政治、宗教信仰与社会、宗教信仰与文化四个范畴,论述了改革开放40年来中国学者的东南亚华侨华人宗教信仰研究的发展变化。其中,宗教信仰与经济主要包括宗教信仰与工商业经济、宗教信仰与侨乡现代化及宗教信仰的经济目的,宗教信仰与政治主要包括宗教信仰与同化、宗教信仰与公共外交,宗教信仰与社会主要包括宗教信仰与文化适应、宗教信仰与华人社团、宗教信仰与跨国社会互动,宗教信仰与文化主要包括宗教信仰与文化传播、宗教信仰与中华艺术。论文认为,东南亚华侨华人宗教信仰研究还有三个可以努力的方向:一是华侨华人宗教信仰的内涵有待于进一步明确;二是研究资料的学术价值有待于进一步挖掘;三是女性移民的宗教信仰研究有待于进一步加强。  相似文献   

邓小平社会主义本质论的十大辩证内涵   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张国宏 《攀登》2001,20(3):13-16
邓小平的社会主义本质论具有鲜明的辩证特性。本从生产力和生产关系及经济基础和上层建筑的辩证统一、解放生产力与发展生产力的辩证统一、目的与手段的辩证统一、共性与个性的辩证统一、效率与公平的辩证统一、理想与现实的辩证统一、既定性与过程性的辩证统一、物质明与精神明的辩证统一、真理原则与价值原则的辩证统一、普遍原理与具体实践的辩证统一等十个方面全面探究了社会主义本质论的辩证内涵。这对于全面而科学地把握社会主义本质论的精神实质具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会是一项系统工程,涉及到各种社会关系的平衡与协调,其中最重要的是需处理好经济建设与各项事业的关系、社会活力与社会稳定的关系、效率与公平的关系、行政管理与自我管理的关系、传统政治优势与群众工作机制的关系、人与自然环境的关系等。  相似文献   

喀什地区位于中国西陲,西部与塔吉克斯坦相连,西南与阿富汗、巴基斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦接壤,边境线长388公里。它东临塔克拉玛干沙漠,南依喀喇昆仑山与西藏阿里地区,西靠帕米尔高原,东北与阿克苏地区柯坪县、阿瓦提县相连,西北与克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州的阿图什市、乌恰县、阿克陶县相连,  相似文献   

由香港中文大学人类学系主办的“侨乡与海外华人”国际学术研讨会于 2 0 0 4年 2月 5日 -7日在福建泉州海外交通史博物馆举行。来自中国大陆、香港、美国、加拿大、英国、西班牙、瑞典、澳大利亚、特立尼达和多巴哥、日本、菲律宾、马来西亚等国家和地区的 3 0多名学者参加了会议。会后 ,与会代表参观了晋江的石圳和陈埭两个侨乡。会议围绕着主题 ,分为人类学与侨乡研究、移民社区与海外华人、归侨与侨乡、海外华人与中国、侨乡与跨国网络、跨国网络与中国、传统文化与变迁、侨乡与社团组织八个专题进行深入的研讨。其要点有 :1 .关于海外华…  相似文献   

中国历史地理学的理论体系、学科属性与研究方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文总结了有关中国历史地理学理论方面的若干问题 ,认为历史地理学具有区域性、演变性、结构综合性与有用于世的目的性 ,前三点也与构成其研究内容的空间、时间、部门 (专题 )三大要素相对应 ,其理论体系中除了包括历史自然和历史人文地理诸分支外 ,还应包括区域综合历史地理学、历史地理学理论、历史地图学、应用历史地理学。尽管历史地理学界已普遍认为历史地理学应该属于地理科学 ,但实际上其却多作为历史学的专门史而存在着。本文分析了这种理论与实践脱离状态的形成原因 ,并希望经过长期努力 ,把历史地理学建设成为一门独立的综合性学科  相似文献   

中国历史地理学的回顾与前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国历史地理学是一门既古老而又年轻的科学,是研究历史时期我国地理现象和人地关系的科学。这是近几十年来治此学的学人经过历时长久的论证,与历来的沿革地理学不同,沿革地理学只是中国历史地理学中历史人文地理的一个部分,不能以一个部分代替全面。中国历史地理学是一门有用于世的学科,当前国家的建设事业,多与此学有关,深望治此学人共同努力,多所建树,无负于时代的使命。  相似文献   

抗战时期,随国民政府还都重庆,大批史地学者和教学科研机构云集西南。他们应西南开发的需要,积极开展西南历史地理的教学、科研工作,并在对西南历史政治地理、西南历史民族地理、西南历史经济地理、西南历史自然地理等方面的研究上取得不同程度的进展。西南历史地理研究的特点主要表现在内容、方法、目的三个方面。  相似文献   

Recent appraisals of historical geography range widely in their assessment of the field. Donald Meinig (1989), writing of 'The Historical Geography Imperative,' concludes: 'historical geography is not, has never been, just another item in the proliferating diversity of our grand enterprise. Rather, like physical and environmental geography, it is one of the foundations of the whole enterprise. In its own way historical geography encompasses and contributes to all of geography. Micheal Dear (1988) disagrees. In 'The postmodern challenge: Reconstructing human geography,' he states that historical geography is 'overde-termined,' and 'an empty concept' conveying 'few (if any) significant analytical distinctions …. He concludes that historical geography does 'little more than confirm what geography is about. Both writers agree on the pervasive and comprehensive nature of historical geography, but Dear sees this inclusiveness as more of a cincture, whereas Meinig conveys the fundamental and embracing understanding of geography inherent in the practice of historical geography.  相似文献   

The ideas of Sauer, Darby, Clark, and Meinig have had a formative influence on the making of modern Anglo–American historical geography. These scholars emphasized the spatial– and place–;focused orientation of geography, contrasting it with history’s concern with time, the past, and change. Historical geography was conceived as combining the spatial interests of geography with the temporal interest of history, creating a field concerned with changing spatial patterns and landscapes. This idea of historical geography avoided issues in the philosophy of history by making the historical geographer a kind of spectator to external changes in the ways things were ordered and arranged on the face of the earth. This “natural history” view of historical geography failed to deal with history conceived as an autonomous mode of understanding in which the scholar’s task is to understand human activity as an embodiment of thought. Historical geography is more adequately conceived as a Collingwoodian–type historical discipline, in which the task of the historical geographer is aimed at rethinking and displaying the thought of historical agents as their actions relate to the physical environment. The traditional subject matter of historical geography is not thereby redefined, but a change in the way geography is seen in its relation to history is necessitated.  相似文献   

We explore in this essay the relatively uneven "travels" of feminist historical geography within the academy in order to highlight the realized and potential intellectual productivity that can result from bringing together a feminist and historical approach to understanding place and space. We outline in what ways much of feminist geography is already historical and in what ways much of historical geography is already feminist, and then turn to a discussion of the unevenness of these intellectual journeys. We conclude by suggesting challenges for future research in feminist historical geography.  相似文献   

A geographical historical geography, concerned with the history of development of the landscape, is distinguished from the historian's historical geography, dealing with the geography of countries and regions in the past and the history of development of cities and transport routes. The aim of the geographer's approach to historical geography is to characterize changes in the natural environment during historical times, to map landscapes from the point of view of their evolution and to classify and regionalize them on the basis of genetic principles. For this purpose, historical geography is to be distinguished from paleogeography, which should be limited to evolution of the landscape in prehistoric times.  相似文献   

近70年来中国历史城市地理研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史城市地理是历史地理学的重要分支之一。近70年来,中国历史城市地理研究经历了奠基与探索、缓滞、复苏与拓展、深化与融合等发展阶段,在研究内容拓展、理论与方法总结、新技术探索等方面取得了长足进步和丰硕成果,促进了中国历史地理学的整体发展。基于近70年来历史城市地理领域的代表性研究论著,总结了中国历史城市地理研究的阶段性特征,论述了九大专题领域的研究进展,并对历史城市地理研究相关问题进行了辨析,对今后的研究趋向加以展望。  相似文献   

In this article, the authors assess some of the major trends within anglophonic feminist historical geography appearing in the decade since Rose & Ogborn called for the development of an explicitly feminist approach to the subfield. In examining the 'geography' of feminist historical geographies, three main categories of scholarship are evident: a 'new' historical geography of North America, portions of which are informed by feminist theories and methods; a British school of feminist historical geography with a focus on the discipline of geography, geographical knowledges and colonialism/imperialism; and feminist historical geography interventions in cultural politics of space and place. A diversity of feminist methods and epistemologies appears across the literature. In an attempt to avoid a reading of these trends as better or worse approximations of historical 'progress', the authors conceptualize them as emplaced within a number of specific social and spatial contexts. Most recent work is concerned with the production of gender differences as they are worked through economic, political, cultural and sexual differences in the creation of past geographies. The continued need simply to write women into historical narratives and geographies, however, is also evident. The work of feminist historical geography questions and challenges geography's masculinist historical record.  相似文献   

历史地理学的学科属性辨析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章从学科属性、历史根源及客观现实等方面剖析了历史地理学科命名上的名实不符问题。认为历史地理学的研究应回归到研究社会历史与地理环境关系的轨道,现实的历史地理学研究内容应归属于地理历史学的学科范畴,指出了研究社会历史发展与地理环境关系的重要性与必要性。  相似文献   

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