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州县在清代盐政和保障盐税征收中至为重要,负有地方通商疏引的职责,朝廷对州县官也有严格的盐法考成。但由于清代制度设计中地方州县没有独立地位,因此在盐政的日常运作中常常处于被动。康乾时期广东东莞县"盐入粮丁"(将盐课派入田亩)的事件,就是在上级政策与州县实际之间的矛盾激发下进行制度调整的结果,是一个从不符合朝廷盐法,到在州县的日常运作中逐渐得到默许的政策。这一过程表明,州县官在盐法考成的压力下,时常借助时势变化和对制度的因应利用,通过寻求州县与上层制度之间的博弈点和利益契机,达到适时调整地方盐法的目的,从而保障有清一代盐政的有效运作和盐税的正常完纳。  相似文献   

清代两淮盐务在其财政收入中占有重要的地位。两淮盐务改革剔除积弊,振兴盐业,为历代改革家所推崇。清代两淮地区的盐政体制经历了从清初的纲盐制到道光年间的票盐制,继而发展成循环转运制的历程。本文通过探究法论述清道光、咸丰年间的两次盐法改革的过程与关系,以期廓清清代票盐法的形成过程。  相似文献   

明代创设的监管地方盐政事务的盐法道,是我们重新理解明代地方道制与盐政管理体制的重要切入点。由于明代盐运司等地方盐务机构无力统筹管理食盐专卖的全部过程,创设盐法道成为朝廷解决开中法败坏后盐课无征、管理失控等问题的重要手段。景泰年间,朝廷最先令四川、两广等地盐法由司道官督理;天顺、成化以后,蔓延至云南、河东、陕西、山东等地;嘉靖以后,两浙、长芦、两淮等重要盐产区以及不产盐的江西、湖广、河南、贵州等纯销区省份,都开始普遍设置专管盐法的道员。盐道的设立与职权扩张,促使专业化程度较低的生产管理以及分散于府县的疏销责任集中到省级层面,盐政管理呈现一定程度的集权化,这一趋势为清政府所继承并进一步推向纵深。  相似文献   

本文对清代在西北所推行的食盐政策进行了探讨,认为清代在西北盐政问题上采取了求实的态度,将盐政与民族关系、边疆安宁以及社会发展水平结合考虑,采用了因地、因时制宜的方针,比较好地适应了西北的社会发展状况,对稳定西北边疆起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   

抗战后期,云南地区食盐黑市愈演愈烈,引发社会各方关注。云南省参议会、省物价管理委员会、昆明市参议会、当地报纸等纷纷对盐务当局盐管制度提出质询,建议改革滇省盐政,变更销盐制度,开放食盐统制。本组史料集中反映了云南地方当局与中央盐务机关争夺地方盐政的经过情形。  相似文献   

抗战后期,云南地区食盐黑市愈演愈烈,引发社会各方关注.云南省参议会、省物价管理委员会、昆明市参议会、当地报纸等纷纷对盐务当局盐管制度提出质询,建议改革滇省盐政,变更销盐制度,开放食盐统制.本组史料集中反映了云南地方当局与中央盐务机关争夺地方盐政的经过情形.  相似文献   

清朝发展出复杂的盐业管理制度体系,设置官员,特许专商,派出兵丁、巡役,对食盐的产、运、销进行全面规制,其目标为盐课收入,即所谓“规制生财”,这揭示了清代盐政的基本目标、特点和性质。清代盐政运行过程中,形成了五大原则:盐课收入最大化期望转化为课入最优化实践的试错原则,交易成本与课入量动态协调的平衡原则,计划性与市场性相结合的折中原则,作为盐区边界纠纷动力的行政收益考量原则,使盐区难以改划更无法取消的路径依赖原则。这五大原则型构了清代盐政运作的内在逻辑和机制。  相似文献   

冯时 《南方文物》2009,(1):57-71
商周古文字作为直出先人手笔的直接史料,不仅对于史学研究具有重要的意义,而且与考古学研究相结合,也具有诠释史料的独特作用。因此,综合分析古文字资料中有关先秦盐政的史料.既可以从新的角度探索早期盐业文明,又不失为对相关考古学研究的有益补充。  相似文献   

在明朝盐政"开中法"制度下,商人应政府邀请,运送粮食,换取盐引,凭盐引支取、运送食盐至指定地点销售。一方面,从15世纪开始到16世纪初,两淮盐政开中法从漫无预算、个别执行,逐步演变为盐引分类、开中定额,再演变为通盘规划、预先开中。情形一如政府发行公债。另一方面,16世纪初"余盐银"制度的设立,使白银进入开中法,盐引成为炒卖对象,盐商也分化为边商、内商两大集团。就这样,明朝两淮盐政制度不自觉地发展出以盐引为中心的公共资本市场制度。  相似文献   

丁宝桢为官清正,刚介有为,在晚清封建官吏中卓有政声。特别是在其“宦海生涯”的最后阶段,即在就任四川总督之后,毅然排除阻力,大刀阔斧地改革盐政,赢得了广泛的称道。作为最先受益和受益最多的贵州人民,尤其是有口皆碑。黔无盐。人民食用所需,主要依靠川盐的供应。由于运道艰远、税负过重,再加上大、小盐商的垄断操纵与重利盘剥,食盐贵  相似文献   

清代盐务法律问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从历史学和法学的双重角度对盐政、盐务、盐业、专卖、专营、公卖等概念加以厘清 ,分析清代盐务专卖的法律构成要件 ,对关于票引法性质的世产说、有价证券说、契约说、许可证说逐一加以辩正 ,认为清代盐商商纲组织是股份公司的前身  相似文献   

这两封信札是当时的贵州巡抚黎培敬亲笔书写,写于光绪四年(1878)的正月初四日和四月初九日。这段时间正是四川总督丁宝桢试点筹办黔边盐务的改革初期,双方督抚往来信函频繁。虽然该两封信札已被收录进《黎文肃公(培敬)遗书》中,但书中没有注明日期并有所删改。现将该两封信札的内容、注释提供给读者研究,增进人们对那段历史的了解。  相似文献   

明代的盐法是从宋元时期的盐法继承而来的,在国家专卖制度下组织了灶户制度,随着明初钞法的破坏,以及社会经济的变化,明代的盐法经历了一系列深刻的变化,如允许余盐和正盐一样可以公开进入国家的专卖体系;明中叶以后又出现了纳银开中制度等。所有的这些变化并不仅仅是盐法自身的变化,它也引起了与明代盐法变化密切相关的商人的地位与命运的变化。  相似文献   

The Lion Salt Works are the last standing buildings of the open-pan salt industry that dominated the mid-Cheshire valleys of the rivers Weaver and Wheelock in North-West England. The site had been in the hands of the Thompson family from 1856, when the first works the Alliance Salt Works began. The Lion Salt Works occupied an adjacent land plot and ran from 1894 until their closure in 1986. The site opened with a small museum, but despite the continued campaigning of the Lion Salt Works Trust over the next 25 years the majority of the buildings remained in a dilapidated state. The site was closed between 2009 and 2015 as the buildings were restored and reopened as a museum, conference facilities and café as part of a project funded by a combination of the Heritage Lottery Fund, Cheshire West and Chester Council, Manage+, WREN and Historic England. Archaeological and historical research was conducted as part of the project. This paper describes the results of this research, detailing how salt was made at the site, the development of salt-making in Cheshire, the archaeology uncovered on site and the Thompson family business. It finally concludes by examining the Lion Salt Works place in a wider landscape of the Cheshire salt industry and the chemical industry in North-West England.  相似文献   

<正>2006年5月底,为了配合澜沧江古水水电站工程建设,受中国水电顾问集团昆明勘测设计研究院委托,西藏自治区文物保护研究所组织来自西藏  相似文献   

This article explores the myths and motivations behind US foreign policy towards Iraq in America's 'war on terrorism'. It argues that the foreign policy of the Bush administration is widely misunderstood and that much of the debate about Iraq policy that has taken place has been conducted at an unhelpful level of analysis. It addresses arguments that the Bush administration is motivated by oil, revenge or hubris as well as the more mainstream arguments that an attack on Iraq would provoke instability through the entire Middle East, as well as encouraging further acts of and support for murderous terrorism; that there is no urgency to act against Iraq as containment and deterrence remain adequate means to manage this threat; and that Iraq should be a lower priority than dealing with North Korea. It does this by analysing the development of American foreign policy thinking on the war on terrorism, what motivates it, and why it rejects the arguments of its critics. The article explains the intellectual process by which the US decided upon this course of action and how Europe's failure to understand this process added to its incomprehension of American policy. It does not argue that European's opposition would have been swept aside had they better understood the Bush administration, the central disagreement about the necessity and prudence of military action versus containment remains, but that such an understanding would have allowed for a better and more focused level of debate than the one which has got us to this point. Nor does it argue that the Bush administration approach is necessarily persuasive or justified, merely that its case is reasoned and explicable in terms of America's foreign policy traditions.  相似文献   

After long neglect in the Soviet period, the study of Russia's provincial governors and local institutions of self-government is attracting new interest among contemporary historians, who struggle with questions that preoccupied their late imperial predecessors.  相似文献   

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