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This article was presented as a paper to ‘World Cultural Heritage: a global challenge’, an International Symposium at Hildesheim, Germany in February 1997. The paper outlines the problems of attempting to develop a combined heritage and tourism strategy for the small, remote, Himalayan kingdom of Mustang. The development of tourism brings both opportunities and threats to local people and their identity.  相似文献   


This paper examines the nature of networking and learning by tourism firms in relation to accessing knowledge for innovation. In particular, the nature of tourism learning and networking, geography of networking linkages, and systemic characteristics of relationships between tourism firms, government agencies, higher education institutions, and other organisations in the Western Cape tourism system are examined. The analysis draws on 182 tourism firm, tourism system, and contextual interviews. This investigation demonstrates that even though tourism firms mostly use internal resources for innovation, external, non-local knowledge is significant for enhancing novel innovation. It is disclosed that whilst local network linkages are dense, loose, and of importance for business and marketing purposes, extra-regional network relationships are imperative for learning in relation to innovation. As further observed, network linkages between local and regional actors for supporting tourism innovation in the Western Cape are generally weak which points to the underdevelopment of local and regional innovation networks or systems. The paper provides planning recommendations for enhancing the competitiveness of tourism firms towards fostering development and growth in the regional tourism economy. Specifically, support for stimulating learning networks as well as strengthening systemic relationships in the Western Cape tourism system are recommended. It is underscored that strategic relationships with non-local partners need to be nurtured towards fostering tourism innovation and enhancing regional competitiveness.  相似文献   


The mass cruise tourism industry (MCTI) is inscribed in a neoliberal production of tourism space that promotes the economic, sociocultural and environmental marginalization of cruise destinations. With cruise tourism halted as a result of the COVID-19, but likely to resume in 2021, I question the relevance of this form of tourism and propose future development alternatives aligned with deglobalisation and degrowth of the industry. Power relations with destinations communities can be critiqued using the concepts of global mobility and local mobility to show that the former, imperative for the deployment of mass cruise tourism, is a weakness for the industry in a post-pandemic perspective of reduced mobility. Destinations must use the industry’s dependence on global mobility as leverage to transform the balance of power in their favor and promote local mobility. They must embrace radical solutions to take control of their territory to favor a transition from “Growth for development” to “Degrowth for liveability”. Host territories, relying on national and regional governance, should gradually ban or restrict the arrival of mega-cruise ships, implement policies that promote the development of a niche cruise tourism industry (NCTI) with small ships and develop a fleet controlled by local actors.  相似文献   

The quality of Jordan’s archaeological heritage resource for tourism is widely acknowledged, but heritage authorities have hardly begun to explore and develop their tourism potential. Nonetheless, the tourism industry in Jordan is a leading activity for the economy countrywide. Jordan’s tourism and heritage management have undergone quiet and basic improvement in recent years. This paper seeks to assess the heritage tourism potential of the archaeological site of Umm el-Jimal. It addresses the question of what potentials and values the site possesses, and what obstacles heritage and tourism management need to tackle to enable its development. To achieve this, current heritage practice in the management of the archaeological site of Umm el-Jimal is investigated. The methodology employed by the researchers comprised an assortment of research techniques including meetings, consultations, interviews, surveys, observation, alongside a literature review on various related topics and heritage management studies. The analysis of the study revealed that Umm el-Jimal has substantial heritage tourism potential and diversified values that have not yet been utilized due to the presence of a variety of hindering factors. Primarily, these are lack of tourist facilities, a backlog of heritage conservation and insufficient methods of interpretation and presentation. Combined, these factors hold back heritage tourism development of the site. Finally, it is recommended that the collaboration between the different interested parties at both public and private levels with the diverse stakeholders such as local people, private sector is imperative to make use of the heritage tourism potential of the site and alleviate the obstacles to successful development.  相似文献   

向海自然保护区生态旅游地可持续发展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着旅游形式的改变,生态旅游地逐渐成为旅游活动主体的聚集点。吉林省向海国家级自然保护区是我国东北地区重要生态旅游地,自然地理环境独特,旅游资源丰富多样,旅游业已初具规模。由于其可持续发展对当地经济发展和生态环境保护具有双重战略意义,因此本文在简要分析旅游业发展潜力及开发中存在的问题的基础上,重点探讨了如何在区域系统理论的指导下,以协调人地关系为主旨的区域可持续发展的对策,提出了解决湿地水源、加强区域文化建设与生态敏感区管理、拓展旅游客源市场、科技兴旅、积极发展旅游服务业等建设性方案。  相似文献   


This paper presents a case of Singapore's latest theme park, the Universal Studios Singapore (USS). While theme parks are commonly perceived as money-making entities providing entertainment to the masses, the study argues that heritage is an equally important dimension of a commercial theme park's development, identity and profile. As a heritage-rich environment, the USS is a tourism landscape shaped simultaneously by the forces of corporate heritage and local cultural considerations. ‘Glocalization’ – the interaction of global and local forces – offers a conceptual insight into understanding how themed environments are created and marketed as tourism destinations welcoming to all and yet distinctive to its community and locality. Caution, however, is also sounded as to whether an international attraction can or should ever be ‘too local’ at the risk of diluting its global brand name and broad-based appeal.  相似文献   

生态旅游与世界遗产教育策略拟定之研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
世界遗产促进了旅游,旅游带来了发展.然而,不当的旅游行为也破坏和污染了遗产地独特的环境,对当地的资源构成了威胁,降低了遗产地的特色.因此实施可持续发展策略是世界遗产旅游的必需选择.世界遗产教育有助于促使人们保护世界遗产地生态系统的完整性、尊重当地社区的文化,并使当地居民积极分享社会和经济利益.本文将生态旅游作为世界遗产旅游的一种可持续发展方式,并将生态旅游计划制定的相关权益关系人,依照其影响力和重要性分群,根据每一个分群的特性,拟定生态旅游与世界遗产教育策略,让这些权益关系人了解世界遗产的相关知识和保护世界遗产的重要性,进而唤醒他们对于遗产保育的积极性,从而制定出最佳的生态旅游计划.  相似文献   

This article discusses some aspects of state–NGO relationships in India at the central and local levels from 1947 onwards. It draws its analytical framework from studies which incorporate organizational complexities and characteristics, political, social, and economic realities, associational cultures of individual countries, and human agency in analysing state–NGO relationships. It examines the applicability to India of some propositions on state–NGO relationships which are found in the literature. The author argues that there are observable differences in state–NGO relationships in various localities; these are illustrated through a set of case studies of local state–NGO interactions in the context of housing and land policies for the urban poor. Despite these differences, however, the author argues that the relationship at the local level can be generally characterized by the hostility of politicians, party workers, local élites, lower level bureaucrats, and lower level employees of the state toward NGO activity.  相似文献   

企业网络已成为全球经济运行中主要的组织创新形式。拥有核心能力和关键资源的企业成为网络的发起者和管理者,权力跨越企业边界演变成网络权力。网络权力已成为影响企业投资空间决策的重要因子之一。网络权力对网络成员跨界投资和区位决策的影响力源于其能降低生产成本、维持原供货联结与社会关系、优化投资政策、促进技术创新等。网络权力从某种意义上能转化成成本、政治、社会、市场等优势。全球生产网络的空间转移或扩张往往是由全球领导公司及其所控制下的地方网络领导公司的驱动或影响下形成的,生产型领导公司的网络权力使其在跨界生产扩张中能影响网络成员与其海外子公司毗邻定位,购买型领导公司网络权力能影响地方网络领导公司带动地方网络向成本低地或目标市场转移。  相似文献   

地方是旅游活动的空间载体,也是旅游目的地形象建构的核心内容。本文在对地方和地方营造的缘起和内涵进行辨析总结的基础上,通过CiteSpace的可视化主题分析和文献阅读,对其应用于旅游发展的主要议题和脉络进行梳理发现:①地方和地方营造的本质是意义建构,地方在旅游发展中具有多重可建构性。旅游既是地方营造的驱动力,也对地方营造和地方发展产生重要影响。②地方营造过程涉及政府、资本、游客、当地居民等多重主体和视角,也因而牵涉多方协商和多主体认同。一方面,多方协商的地方意义有助于地方性的快速重构,推动旅游地迅速发展;另一方面,各方利益主体权力不对等也使得地方营造成为强势权力主体的表达结果,这将加速旅游地的商品化。  相似文献   

近年来,西方研究人员在撰写有关中国旅游的课题时,对可持续发展旅游业给予了特别的关注。"可持续发展旅游业"这一词可理解为为了达到社会文化、自然环境、以及旅游业经济增长这三点之间的和谐关系而努力发展的旅游业。本文回顾了全球各方力量对旅游业的塑造,并指出在创造积极的旅游前景时其可持续发展性所面临的挑战。对如何执行和研究可持续发展所采取的具体措施及对其的深度理解是当前研究的热点。通过五大路径,十种个人行为及四个组织模块建立可持续发展旅游业的主导思想。  相似文献   

基于负责任旅游的政府管理行为   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张帆 《旅游科学》2012,26(2):10-18
研究旅游,不仅要分析它的发展,还要考虑其所产生的影响。在个人、企业和国家层面都可能存在负责任或不负责任的行为所导致的正面或负面影响。负责任旅游的核心是要采取一种能使旅游的正面影响最大化、负面影响最小化的旅游发展方式,它主张旅游行为主体通过自律性的负责任行为约束途径,而不是期望他人的道德行为实现旅游可持续发展的目标。本文探讨了政府在负责任旅游管理中的行为,包括制定负责任旅游伦理规范、政策以及负责任旅游认证制度建设等,并对认证制度建设中如何构建负责任旅游认证的指标体系提出相应的构想。  相似文献   

从现实来看,遗产与旅游关系密切。其一,遗产的潜在价值将是最直接的旅游资源,这可从蜂拥而至的大众旅游看出;其二,遗产旅游的独特性可能会使规划者依据需要选择遗产地的一些文化特质,一方面适应于全球化的模式需要,另一方面则凸显其地方文化特色。这一观点呈现出遗产地村落面临遗产旅游而可能发生的两种现象:去地方化与再地方化。本文将以武夷山城村古村落为个案,在重新审视世界遗产保护模式的基础上,考察村落共同体在遗产保护中的文化变迁与调适,以期说明去地方化和再地方化现象是地方(村落、民众等)应对当下遗产运动所做出的表述,由此强调遗产的地方性主体的文化自觉对遗产保护的重要意义。  相似文献   

梁冰瑜  彭华  翁时秀 《人文地理》2015,30(1):129-134
随着旅游业的发展,一种以经济为纽带的新型乡村邻里关系正在建立,但国内学界对此缺乏关注。本文以丹霞山旅游区内的瑶塘村和断石村为案例,在确定了人际关系的衡量框架并对其可能的变化作出假设后,通过深度访谈、问卷调查的方法进行实地调研并检验假设,探讨旅游业所起的作用和影响。研究发现:除了一般认识上的负面影响,如交往时间减少、当地村民淳朴性下降等,旅游发展对人际关系还有较大正面作用,如提高了当地的文明程度、减少了村民日常交往中的摩擦、增加了新型的集体活动等。  相似文献   

全球与地方的契合:权力与生产网络的二维治理   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
景秀艳  曾刚 《人文地理》2007,22(3):22-27
企业间关键资源的不均衡引致权力关系的不对称,强势企业得以领导以其为核心的企业网络。由于生产环节的组织和地域上的可分割性,居于权力优势地位的领先公司在全球招募企业组成生产网络。全球购买型领先公司通过外包与地方生产网络建立新的关系拓扑,地方生产网络的治理以全球商品链为纽带,嵌入到以领先公司为主导的全球价值链治理体系中。全球生产型领先公司跨境投资时无法将生产网络全盘复制,以其为主导的跨界生产网络的治理需要通过各种权力的博奕和管理上的互动来实现。  相似文献   


Evolutionary economic geography (EEG) is receiving increasing attention from tourism geographers with over 30 publications explicitly incorporating EEG into tourism between 2011 and 2016. Many of these contributions are conceptual, which is not surprising given the novelty of EEG within economic geography, in general, and tourism, in particular. However, a sizeable number of these are built on detailed case studies, using EEG as an analytical lens rather than as a conceptual point of departure. Thus, many tourism researchers have found that EEG has great potential for understanding change in tourism destinations. In this Research Frontiers paper I critically reflect on this early research of EEG in tourism geographies from a sustainable development perspective. In the cases presented, EEG offers a fresh understanding of two related challenges in each of two separate aspects of sustainable tourism development. First, pro-growth governance models can be disrupted by engaged local stakeholders in order to make tangible sustainability gains but these gains remain precarious over time as pro-growth governance models prove tenacious in the very long-term. Second, regional institutional legacies hamper new path emergence in two ways – through institutional inertia which keeps the region's focus on past success in other sectors and through the (possibly competing) institutional imperatives of the dominant and emerging tourism sub-sectors or sub-regions. These challenges are illustrated through two complementary Canadian cases drawn from the extant literature – the mass tourism destination of Niagara and the resort community of Whistler. I highlight how a sustainable tourism perspective can also help to critique EEG theory and empirics in line with other recent political economy critiques in economic geography. I conclude that sustainable tourism, at its best, is an established reflexive lens which will help to develop, validate, and challenge aspects of EEG theory within tourism studies, in particular, and economic geography, in general.  相似文献   

Tourism destinations in peripheral areas are often large regions established by centralised government agencies to encourage collaboration between dispersed communities and foster innovation. Relatively little research attention has been paid to the impact that centrally defined destination boundaries have on whether and how small communities contribute to innovation at a regional level. This paper examines the case of Burra, a small town in rural South Australia. It analyses the networking, collaboration and knowledge exchange behaviour of tourism stakeholders in the context of the state-government-defined ‘Clare Valley’ tourism region. Data were drawn from a web-based social network analysis, in-depth interviews, historic document analysis and field observations. The study found that the local tourism system had limited aspirations and capabilities to collaborate with other towns in the region. Lack of regional engagement was only partially due to intra-regional competition and resistance to regional boundaries. More significant barriers included a local culture of operating in isolation, an embedded reliance on public sector leadership to manage systemic interactions, an aging system with limited ambition to change and an inability to harness in-migrants and externally based stakeholders to stimulate knowledge transfer. Changing the imposed destination boundaries would have limited impact on the operation of the local system. The paper concludes that effective regional destination development in peripheral areas needs to be better informed by more detailed understandings of local tourism systems and their capacities to engage.  相似文献   

王凯  谭华云 《旅游科学》2005,19(4):38-43
近年来,转让经营权成为一些风景名胜区管理和经营改革过程中引入企业化经营的一种制度创新模式。为解决湖南凤凰县旅游开发和保护资金不足等难题,这一新型的旅游开发经营模式成功落户于凤凰。本文基于对包括凤凰县政府部门、黄龙洞投资股份有限公司、凤凰当地居民在内的三大旅游地主体的问卷调查和访谈记录分析,认为景区经营权转让对旅游地景区资源价值与知名度、景区资源环境、旅游地文化生态以及旅游地生活环境等产生了重大影响,并提出完善景区经营权转让模式、规避经营管理风险和负面影响的相关对策,旨在为我国相关旅游地的开发提供有益的实践参考和理论借鉴。  相似文献   

Expansion of territories targeted by travellers and growth of attendance rates make tourism sector of significant interest for the implementation of policies on environmental protection at the European Union (EU) level. The need to protect local natural heritage, to integrate tourism industry development policies with the ones pertaining to other sectors that characterize a given territory and to enhance the overall environmental performance are some of the priorities that may appear conflicting at times. This paper discusses a method of analysis and planning aiming to promote potential directives of local governance. This method, representing the outcome of a process coordinated and shared across territories, is oriented towards the sustainable development of the area and refers to the implementation of integrated policies, The Interreg Eco Tourism (INTER.ECO.TUR) project, co-financed by the European Commission under the EU's INTERREG IIIC, provided the research with a useful case study to analyse the dynamics of sustainable tourism development within the European Mediterranean area. The debate of its results offers evidences on the possibility to develop such a governance process effectively, providing insight into an assessment methodology enriched by a clear-cut analysis of its applied experiences.  相似文献   

徐淑梅  刘继生  陈才 《人文地理》2005,20(6):64-67,47
本文阐述了马克思主义休闲观和国际旅游业发展相关理念;以我国新的科学发展观为指导,概括出追求人的全面发展、坚持五个统筹及构建和谐社会、加强文化与设施等社会建设、进行企业制度变迁和体制创新等区域旅游发展新思路;在对黑龙江省旅游业可持续发展程度进行综合定量评价基础上,按照新科学发展观的定位,有针对性地提出了黑龙江省旅游业科学发展的对策选择。  相似文献   

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