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With the development of the women's movement and the impact of feminism,a great number of books dealing with Greek and Roman Women have been published. All of these books tried to trace the history of women in order to break the mainstream classical scholarship, which paid little attention to women. Among them Arethusa's Women in Antiquity (1973) shows us the separate and individual study in ancient women; Sarah B. Pomeroy's Goddesses, Whores, Wives and Slaves:Women in Classical Antiquity (1975) aims to write a social history of women through the centuries in the Greek and Roman worlds;  相似文献   

Of all the Greek cities in the classical period, Athens is the one for which we have by far the greatest range and quantity of evidence.Therefore, Athenian history - and in particular Athenian democracy - has been a major subject of twentieth century scholarship. From the vast number of valuable works dedicated to Athenian democracy we should like to name C. Hignett's History of the Athenian Constitution (1952), A. H. M. Jones' Athenian democracy (1957), R. K. Sinclair's Democracy and Participation in Athens (1988), J. Ober's Mass and Elite in Democratic Athens (1989), M.H.Hansen's The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes (1991), which ever since have been indispensable reference books for teachers and students in ancient Greek history. Although study of Athenian democracy has been going on for more than a century, many questions have not been settled yet. At the turn of the new century, Rhodes has brought forward his new book 'Athenian Democracy'. In fact, it is a collection of academic theses, but it certainly will necessitate much reconsideration of scholars in the field of 'Athenian democracy'. Te work consists of fourteen articles, each illuminating Athenian democracy from different angels and by different kinds of approaches. The articles are organized into four major topics as follows.  相似文献   

正Intertwined Institutions:Slavery as an Example While Global History and Entangled History are nowadays very much focused on modern times,there is a central area in which ancient history has set the pace for research since the 18th century:slavery.Slavery was common in many parts of the world up to the 19th century,it connected regions that were far apart,and it had drastic repercussions on both the"delivering"and the"receiving"areas.The  相似文献   

‘Pursuing the good’ is an old subject in both social history of ancient Greece and Greek philosophy studies. There is hardly anything new when we talk about virtue or morality in the time of Plato and Aristotle. In the area of Greek history, many books and articles on or relevant to that  相似文献   

丘斌  张苇 《东南文化》2003,(12):74-77
It has been a popularity to build opera stages in the village of Le Ping in Jiangxi Province since the ancient time and a great number of the Ming and Qing Dynasties have been handed down to form a paramount of traditional art characterized with ancientness, abundance and beauty. The gorgeousness, the vigour and the elegance of the ancient stages are really rare in the Jiangxi Province even throghout China, which has already reached the peak of the building art of opera stage.  相似文献   

The Roman Empire and Han China are represented as the "twin powers" which reached their peak of extension and prosperity more or less at the same time. In fact, studies have recently noticed the numerous similarities between these two mighty empires at the opposite ends of Eurasia in their political, administrative and cultural circumstances and they have invited a comparative approach in modem scholarship~. However, at that time, distances were too great to permit these kinds of comparisons, and an incomplete (if not archetypical) view prevails in all Ancient writings, whenever they deal with such distant populations in the other half of the world.  相似文献   

The Tibetan Plateau, known as the Roof of the World, is the place where people of the Tibetan ethnic group live and multiply. Here Was a Stretch of Ancient Sea Originally The plateau used to be a part of the ancient sea, but became land when the waters receded during the late Eocene Epoch about 10 million years ago. The nse of the Himalayas, and behind the towering mountain ranges the Tibetan Plateau, was one of the greatest events in world geological history. Although this occurred some…  相似文献   

Water clock is a vital instrument to tell the time in ancient societies. The Indian water clock stayed in a stereotype since the 5th century A.D., till the entering of British, both in literature and people's life.  相似文献   

正At present,Global,Entangled and Transcultural History are commonly used key words in modern history,and also ancient history has partly taken over these ideas and concepts.The Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations(IHAC)was from its beginnings in 1984 devoted to incorporate,and link,all ancient(Western)civilizations under a historical study perspective,an innovative and still up to date idea of its founder Prof.Lin Zhichun.Under his present director Prof.  相似文献   

The annalist Manetho, a native Egyptian scholar-priest who lived in the 3^rd century BC during the reign of Ptolemy II (285-246 BC), wrote a history of Egypt in Greek and divided the history of ancient Egypt into 30 (or 31) dynasties. He began with the unification of Egypt, making a Thinite king of Upper Egypt, whom he knows as Menes, the founder of the First Dynasty (ca.3100-2890 BC). Menes is said to have built his capital at the junction of Upper and Lower Egypt, in a strategical key position. The new capital was called the "White Wall", it became later known as Memphis. There a great temple was built, dedicated to the god Ptah, who remained the patron deity of the city throughout its long history. Up to now no monuments of the First Dynasty have been found that would bear the name of Menes. Therefore, modem archaeologists hold that Menes should be identified with Narmer, the king whose relics have been unearthed at Hierakonpolis. Some scholars even doubt that Menes was a true historical figure, after all.  相似文献   

The Greeks legends, which appeared on the Parthian coins, seem to be meaningless and consider as one of the ambiguities in the history of Parthian dynasty. From the beginning of first century AD, the Greeks legend appeared on Parthian Coins are vague and only seem to be symbolic. By the invasion of Sakas to the north of Iran which led to extinction of the governing of the Greeks in Bactria and pushed them back to the north India, Romans finally succeeded to add the Seleucid as a part of their territory, and left the traders in Selucia and Babylonia in the west and Margiana and Bactria on the east under domination of locals rather than the Greeks. In this article we are to investigate of decline of Greeks in Bactria and its relation to meaningless Greek legends on Parthian coins.  相似文献   

Editors' Note     
As FHC enters a new year,we are very pleased to report on the progress the journal has made in the past year.FHC has published articles on a wide range of topics on Chinese history,featuring a variety of approaches.Whether the methodology was mainstream or cutting edge,all have inspired new ways of conceptualizing Chinese history.In addition to one issue that examined the relationships between the Qing government and its neighbor countries and border areas,FHC launched three forums in the past year.One forum asked how we might,through the lens of critical theory,Marxism,and novel approaches to 20th century capitalism,reinterpret 20th century China.Another forum discussed issues of pregnancy,childrearing,and wedding ceremonies to explore how intellectuals re-conceptualized family management by combining traditional expectations with imported,scientific concepts and practices and how scholars,educators,journalists and officials shifted relationships between Chinese families and the state.The final forum focused on state-building and the transformation of politics,society,economy,and culture under Communist rule in the 1950s and early 1960s.  相似文献   

The exhibition hall of pre-his-toric culture in the TibetMuseum displays exhibitsfrom stoneware of the Pale-olithic Age to bronze andcliff paintings of the early Metal Age,which is a vivid epitome of the develop-ing history of pre-historic human culturein Tibet.Archaeologists have demonstratedthat the distribution of Neolithic Age pot-tery in China covers the whole country,but especially in five major areas: YellowRiver Valley, Yangtze River Valley, south-east China, southwest China and …  相似文献   

Lin Zhongze, The Cult of the Saints and its Social Function during Ancient and Medieval Times Relic-worship popular in western part of Roman Empire, and Iconolatry prevalent in eastern part, have a com...  相似文献   

Potala PalaceConstruction of the Potala Palace began in the mid-7th century for the Tubo King Songtsan Gambo to greet his Han wife, Princess Wencheng. It comprised 999 rooms then, plus one built atop the Red Hill, which, said to have 1,000 rooms, was later destroyed by thunderbolts and wars. What we see today is a structure built during the 17th century.In the mid-17th century, the White House was added to the Potala Palace, which spread along the Red Hill in Lhasa.The palace is a structure of clay, wood and stone. The palace was the residence of the Dalai Lama of various generations. Beginning with the period of the 5th Dalai Lama, major religious and political ceremonies were held there.The palace covers a total area of 360,000 square meters, with major building rising 117 meters high in 13 floors, and extends some 360 meters from east to west.From 1989 to 1994, the State earmarked some 55 million Yuan and large quantities of gold and silver to repair the palace.In December 1994, the palace found its w  相似文献   

Zhuang Guotu, Historical Changes in Numbers and Distribution of Overseas Chinese in the World The Chinese emigrated on a large scale since the end of the 16th century. At the beginning of the 17th cen...  相似文献   

正Sports have the power to strengthen a nation and revitalize its people.Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China and especially since Tibet launched democratic reform,sports in Tibet Autonomous Region,which used to be practically nonexistent,have witnessed tremendous development.Today,various forms of sports have become popular among farmers and herdsmen in Tibet.The Development of Mountaineering  相似文献   

Tibetan folk artists created and passed down through succeeding generations the story of King Gesar. All of them had an extraordinarily good memory. Of the known editions of the epic, only 10 percent are in written form with the remainder have been sung and passed down through history orally.A general survey of the folk editions of the epic in the 1980s showed that some 40 folk balladeers could sing more than 10 editions of King Gesar. Efforts have since been made to save, compile and publish these. Thus far, we have recorded 122 volumes of the epic in some  相似文献   

孙建君 《东南文化》2001,(10):84-88
Chinese folk stone sculpture has long history in people's material and spiritual life, most of which are made by unknown craftsmen.They are of great value on art and historic culture to display splendid technique, tricky design and admirable creativity of ancient Chinese craftsmen. As to the use of stone sculpture, it can be used as the part and decoration of the architecture, formed to serve the religion or practical utensil for daily use or appreciation, which is might be called a grand book.  相似文献   

As our understanding of the Qing empire and its various borderlands has evolved, so too have we come to appreciate China's early modem commercial sophistication. In recent North American studies of the Qing, the links between commerce and conquest have come under investigation, and we are increasingly urged to pay attention to merchants and merchant capital. But how should we understand the relationship between merchants and the Qing empire in the borderlands? This article surveys selected work on the borderlands and commercialization, primarily in the Northwest and Southwest. The goal is to initiate a more comprehensive discussion of how to understand the intersection of commerce and empire while also making some suggestions for ways that borderlands history might shape future work on China.  相似文献   

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