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In this paper a study of the corporate restructuring of the U.S. food retail industry, during and following the period of regulatory relaxation and high-leverage capital transformations of the 1980s, is used to interrogate the complex relationships between market regulation, investment regimes, corporate strategies, and spatial outcomes. It is shown that changes in the “rules” governing investment and competition in the United States in the 1980s triggered countervailing spatial processes in the food retail industry. Those processes took more than a decade to work themselves through, but by the late 1990s a radically altered corporate landscape was beginning to emerge. In particular, consolidation of the industry had finally gained momentum–creating an industry whose leading firms are likely by 2002 to have a market share double the level of the early 1990s. The paper concludes by considering the insights which a consideration of corporate restructuring and regulation in this U.S. industry offers for some important areas of conceptual debate in economic geography. In particular, it is argued that industries in which capital structure transformations of the firm must be confronted and treated as a central issue have an intrinsic, but until recently neglected, importance in theoretical debate in the discipline.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We examine the impact of the political trade‐off between rural economic development and environmental quality on the determination of environmental regulations in the U.S. intensive livestock industry. The political economy model, adapted from Fredriksson (1997) , is tested empirically, using state‐level data on environmental regulation of the U.S. livestock sector. We find that state governments respond to greater potential for water pollution with more stringent environmental regulations. Consistent with our political economy model, we also find that states with lower recent growth in per capita income implement less stringent environmental regulations.  相似文献   

Within the broader debate to (re)define public archaeology, Grima's (2016) paper calls for an archaeology embedded in public archaeology, thereby focusing on this avenue of expansion instead of its own development as a singular discipline. Not fully rejecting this idea, this short paper aims to situate the debate a step beyond, towards a slightly different approach. Employing a historiographical perspective, it is argued that complementary visions about public archaeology help to enrich the discipline.  相似文献   

This paper offers a selective overview and assessment of cultural planning in urban Australia from the perspective of a cultural geographer. It is argued that in theory cultural planning adopts a fluid and broad definition of culture similar to that used by contemporary cultural geographers. In practice, however, a narrow, material definition of culture is found in cultural plans, and the relations between cultural practices and place are construed unidimensionally.  相似文献   

Since the early 1980s, there has been widespread debate over the impacts of rising levels of inward foreign direct investment (FDI) on the U.S. economy. A frequently noted, but little studied, issue within the debate is the impact of FDI on U.S. foreign trade, and particularly, on the foreign trade of U.S. regions. This study assesses the effects of FDI on the manufacturing export performance of U.S. states during the period from 1980 to 1991. Results indicate that increased levels of FDI are positively related to future improvements in state manufacturing export performance.  相似文献   

This paper critically examines the dominant discourse on the global media and its impact on cultural diversity. The term cultural diversity suffers from the lack of good definition and criteria to assess its degree and change over time in specific markets. The paper also argues from an economic perspective that the distinctive economic features of the film business has led to market concentration, which, however, is ‘natural’ and does not trigger the application of competition law to rectify it. A particular problem is the assumed link between the market structure and its performance, which is not definitively supported by theory or empirical research. It is argued that the discussion in the media and entertainment studies literature is sometimes based on flawed reasoning and insufficient evidence. It is suggested that we start with the important discussion on what state of cultural diversity cultural policy should strive to achieve.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the significant debate on the effects of the Australian criminal justice system on Aborigines and in particular Aboriginal youth. This debate fed into nation-wide concern over an ever increasing number of Aboriginal deaths in custody, recently culminating in the Federal Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody. Through the use of case studies and other ethnographic data drawn from investigations in the country town of Port Augusta, South Australia, the author illustrates how the agents of the legal and welfare systems in this state operate to present a view of Aboriginal juvenile crime as a normal response to these children's social environment and social conditioning. This process in turn, it is argued, reinforces and legitimates Aboriginal juvenile crime and contributes to its continuance, and the subsequent over-representation of Aboriginal youths at all stages of the juvenile justice system. Yet it is forcefully pointed out that Aboriginal children are not passive victims of the legal and welfare systems. Rather, they form their own interpretations of these systems and their ‘criminal’ activities are often attempts at defiance and capturing some form of control of their own lives in the face of a legal/welfare system seeking to impose control over them. Unfortunately, it is these very activities which return Aboriginal children to the legal and welfare systems they act against.  相似文献   

Despite the prevalence of polycentricity as a normative strategy in planning documents, a lengthy and inconclusive debate regarding its definition in academic research persists. The aim of this article is to eliminate the conceptual confusion surrounding functional polycentricity from a geographical perspective. By classifying different approaches to polycentricity, we outline the properties that characterize all forms of functional polycentricity. Accordingly, we redefine functional polycentricity and propose a corresponding framework with which to measure it. The commuting and leisure functional polycentricity of Atlanta is used as an example to illustrate the application of this framework.  相似文献   

Based on Danish experiences the article discusses the increasing role that the discourse of “quality” is playing in cultural policy. Throughout the 1990s, from the general cultural debate, this discourse has spread to more instrumental considerations and practices in the field of cultural policy. The article presents this process in a historical perspective and characterises the present tendency towards a technocratisation of the discourse of quality under the auspices of New Public Management and the general trend in modern state policy towards instrumentalising all societal resources in the global economic competition. Opposing this line of development, it is argued that “quality” could serve as a progressive, non‐instrumentalist discourse if it is defined in relation to a modernised understanding of the “rational core” of the cultural policy tradition of the Nordic countries. In this perspective, the article suggests a contextualisation of the concept of quality and possible ways of implementing the discourse in practical cultural policy.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been a series of public controversies related to construction of Islamic worship spaces in the U.S. One of these controversies, surrounding a proposal for an Islamic community center in New York City known as Park51, dominated media coverage for several weeks in the summer of 2010 and is one of several high‐profile mosque‐building debates in the U.S. Another contentious debate occurred in the community of Temecula, Calif. These controversies represent the still‐uncertain place Islam holds in the American public sphere. Using framing theory, this article considers the ways in which Islam is portrayed in news media content by political actors and the potential consequences of such framing.  相似文献   

This article looks at the empowerment approach in relation to issues of women and development. After explaining why this is currently the most fruitful perspective in the field of gender planning, it then goes on to explore two central problems of the empowerment approach. The first problem is the conceptualization of women's gender interests. The distinction between women's practical and strategic gender interests was introduced by Molyneux and popularized by Moser. It is argued here that this distinction is theoretically unfounded and empirically untenable. Secondly, gender planners tend towards a preference for simplified tools and quantifiable targets. Here it is argued that women's realities should not be bent into this planning framework but that instead planners, working from an empowerment perspective, should demonstrate flexibility and theoretical grounding, and be aware of the political dimensions of their work.  相似文献   

热纳维耶芙·马萨-吉波教授谈法国环境史研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
访谈的主要议题是 ,法国环境史研究如何兴起 ,为什么滞后 ,它的动力和特色是什么 ,如何看待农业生态史模式与城市环境史模式的争论 ,如何分析把美国发动的伊拉克战争看成是资源争夺战的观点  相似文献   

Summary. This article reviews recent publications on Neolithic and Megalithic origins in North-Western France, and focuses on a debate within French archaeology between a 'Parisian' school, which emphasises the influence of Bandkeramik communities, and an 'Atlantic' school which emphasises contact along the Atlantic facade with Impressed Ware groups. It is argued that this debate is largely sterile, and an alternative model is proposed, stressing different forms of interaction between Neolithic and Mesolithic groups in different regions.  相似文献   

In this study, we use a vector autoregressive modeling framework to test the zero restrictions implied by alternative criteria for ranking regions into hierarchies in the wage-transmission debate. This approach allows formal statistical tests to be carried out for competing criteria suggested for determining leading and following regions. The ability of the modeling technique proposed here to produce a set of nested hypothesis tests of alternative criteria is in stark contrast to the historical literature in this debate. Researchers have traditionally proposed a criterion for ranking regions into a hierarchy, and then argued for the merits of their particular criterion by demonstrating that an econometric model of wage formation produces statistically significant coefficient estimates when their criterion is used to rank the regions of their data sample. We apply the methods proposed here to a sample of eight midwestern cities in the U.S. in order to test the following criteria: Beaumont (1983), Hart and MacKay (1977), Reed and Hutchinson (1976), unemployment rate, and earnings level. The test is for consistency with the Granger-causal structure of wage interactions inherent in the wage diffusion idea. We argue that the technique set forth here is a real step forward that should allow a resolution of this particular debate. The proposed procedures might also be applied to empirically test other regional science hypotheses concerning for example, intercity and interindustry causal structures.  相似文献   

Since 1870 a group of planners tried to ground urban planning scientifically in economy, engineering and hygiene. It is argued that hygiene as a newly developed natural science provided planners with a lot of good arguments to legitimize a change in the traditional urban planning regulations. These had not been able to prevent the chaotic growth of big cities that resulted in a housing misery, in large block of flats, and in noisy and smelling factories neighboring better class housing. Hygienic reasoning concerned with sunlight (because of its germ killing capacity), air, and ventilation (to drive away miasma) was transformed into urban planning and, than, stood for lesser hight of buildings, more space between large blocks of flats, and different parts of town for industry and housing. Planning regulations with these ends were often opposed by owners who did not accept the devaluation of their property. Therefore it was not before 1918 that these hygienically motivated planning regulations could be set into practice by a new ruling class.  相似文献   

Using the properties of the Gini coefficient, a structural model is developed to assess the impact of uniform changes in environmental compliance costs on the distribution of per capita emissions across U.S. counties and states, a distribution that places a larger burden on minorities. Using data from the U.S. EPA's Toxic Release Inventory and three state-specific measures of environmental compliance costs, we find that uniform increases in federal environmental standards have little impact on the distribution of environmental hazards, and may actually exacerbate spatial inequality. As a result, Federal standards that target specific high pollution locations are necessary to redress current inequities.  相似文献   

Over the last half century, scientists and engineers have developed methods to better understand and mitigate the damage caused by tsunamis. According to U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) P646, buildings in many regions, including the U.S. Pacific Northwest, will experience substantial ground shaking from an offshore earthquake that precedes a tsunami and then experience the tsunami forces themselves. Thus, both hazards should be considered in computing the damage and collapse risk to buildings. This article summarizes a basic approach to numerically consider the successive seismic and tsunami risk to buildings in near-field tsunami regions such as the U.S. Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   


We examine the changing dynamics of institutional control over U.S. policy toward Cuba that have played out during the time between two codifications of Cuba policy: The 1996 Helms-Burton legislation that codified the long-standing embargo policy as law, and the 2000 bill that wrote travel restrictions into law. The study of who makes U.S. foreign policy has long been characterized by a debate over the respective roles of the president and Congress in this area, but-in theory, at least-Helms-Burton should have put an end to the scholarly debate about who makes Cuba policy: With codification, Congress does. But the practice of making Cuba policy has been more complicated than it might have first appeared in March 1996. We track the politics of Cuba policy between these two codifications and try to understand what they mean for who makes Cuba policy now, and speculate about what these dynamics may more generally mean.  相似文献   

As a result of the Rio Conference, mountain areas have been placed at the centre of several international initiatives to prepare suitable strategies for long-term development. In recent years, the concepts of cultural theory and complexity have been proposed as frameworks in which to develop practical agenda encouraging the sustainable development. Any such agenda must account for the dynamic interaction between the particular physical conditions of mountains and the livelihoods of the population, itself a long-standing problem for geographers. This paper draws upon a number of development initiatives in the Moroccan High Atlas to provide a critique of these concepts. It outlines the initiatives for livestock management, soil erosion, arboriculture and tourism as they represent four important areas of policy debate. The principal features of cultural theory and the use of complexity thinking in social science are then outlined. This provides an opportunity to recast the development problems in the light of these concepts, and it is argued that co-evolution, diversity and indeterminacy provide helpful pointers to the design of successful strategies.  相似文献   

本文将美国边界安全置于地缘政治视角之下进行研究,通过对美国边界的空间形态与特征进行分析,总结美国边界安全在当前空间状态下存在的有利和不利因素。在全球反恐背景下,以"9·11"事件作为转折点,对比恐怖主义袭击前后20年美国政府在边界安全政策问题上的认知和态度变化,在对美国边界安全政策进行梳理后,阐述在新的边界安全环境下,美国所采取的保障陆海空边界安全的一系列强有力措施。在此基础上提出了美国经验对中国边界安全的五点启示,以期对中国的国家安全政策和实践提供借鉴。  相似文献   

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