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Three shipwreck sites of the 19th century in Channel Islands National Park, California form case studies in evaluating the contribution of beached shipwrecks to maritime and historical archaeology. Two of the sites are consistent with the historically-documented Pacific coast lumber schooners J. M. Colman and Dora Bluhm, but the archaeological record is sparse. Material remains are compared to primary documents, such as original 19th-century construction contracts and insurance classifications, to make a case for the beached shipwreck scatters belonging to these ships. A third site, Comet, presents the other end of the spectrum; its remains have been conclusively identified by historical photographs and the site is a partially-intact hull embedded in the beach sand. This site was also recorded in detail and the formation processes of all three sites were examined to aid in archaeological interpretation.  相似文献   

17世纪是中西关系发展取得重大突破的一个世纪。北京在中西文化交流中占有中心地位。经考证17世纪来京的耶稣会士为76人,其中有些留下了在京观察、生活的文献纪录,它们是西方世界了解北京的第一手珍贵材料,亦是研究明末清初北京与中西文化交流关系的重要历史文献。《利玛窦中国札记》及其书简是17世纪初期耶稣会士北京经验的历史纪录,安文思的《中国新史》表现了17世纪中期耶稣会士眼中的北京,李明的《中国近事报道》展现的是17世纪后期耶稣会士视野中的北京形象。这三部著作组合在一起,建构了一幅较为完整的17世纪西方耶稣会士的北京画像,奠定了西方北京学知识谱系的重要基础。  相似文献   

当代中国史研究中的文献史料问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国史研究需要搜集、整理、考证和利用文献史料。搜集史料要求“全”,整理史料要求“实”,考证史料要求“真”,利用史料要求“准”,这些直接关系到所出研究成果的科学水平和学术质量。当代中国史文献史料类型多种,既包括有关的文件和档案、文集和文稿、报纸和新闻稿、定期刊物、纪实和回忆、资料汇编,又涉及地方史志、史学史料、国外资料、批判研究资料。就此文献史料进行马克思主义的历史考察和具体分析,可加深对其真实性、政治性和现实性的认识。建国后,学术界十分重视当代中国史文献史料工作:搜集相当广泛,整理比较系统,考证多有创新,利用成效显著。倘能对此丰富实践继续给予理论上的总结,无论对于当代中国史文献史料学的学科建设,乃至当代中国史研究的深入和发展,都具有一定的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

《清季外交史料》由王彦威、王亮父子辑编,该书出版,使晚清外交的官方档案文献得以合成完璧。其成书,耗时近半个世纪,王氏父子做出了巨大的努力和贡献。其内容主要为光绪、宣统两朝各种外交事件,另涉及相关的重要内政。其中尤为重视约章,扣住晚清外交最重要环节,反映了中外条约关系的变化和时代需要。所辑文件为官方档籍,不仅对当时外交起了资鉴作用,且对研究晚清中外关系史具有极高的文献史料价值。编纂体例上,既承袭了传统体裁,又有新创,增加了新的表述形式。作为一部史料汇编,该书亦有时代的局限,存在种种不足和不当之处。  相似文献   

对唐代贾耽的地理(地图)著述的名目进行辨析,分析了"关中陇右及山南九州等图"、《九州图》、《海内华夷图》之间的关系,以及别录与通录的区别。指出《九州图》、《海内华夷图》是贾耽国图撰修总体事业在不同历史阶段的总称。并从地图学传统、方志学传统入手,探讨了贾耽地理(地图)著述的性质,对其中的地图学成绩进行了重新评价,进而从"近意就实,依稀像真"分析了贾耽地图学的滞后性,指出"古墨今朱"应只是文字注记的区别,并非通过图形绘制表达古今地理要素的差异,由此审视了中国古代地图史上图形绘制与文字注记的关系。  相似文献   

中国族谱是中国历史文献的重要组成部分,在中国历史发展过程中,它与正史、方志构成中国古代史籍的三大支柱,而且数量之多、影响之广,为其它文献所不能比拟.然而,各地区纂修的族谱数量极不平衡,留存于今的中国族谱,江、浙、皖、湘等地的数量远远超过了其他地区.本文以历史人口为切入点,分析认为,各地区经济发展的差异是其根本原因,同时,各地的谱牒文化及修谱机制等方面的落差,也是导致族谱数量悬殊的重要因素.  相似文献   

“The Rules of the Game,” expounded in ten remarkably bold theses, can easily be read as a synthetic retrospective or introduction to the formidable oeuvre of Arnaldo Momigliano. Indeed, this piece served as the opening chapter to his Introduzione bibliografica alla storia greca fino a Socrate (Florence: La Nuova Italia, 1975), and its subsequent reprints as an independent essay in several Italian journals and anthologies signal its importance for Momigliano. In this provocative and occasionally brilliantly witty essay, Momigliano sets forth his programmatic views on the ethos of the historian, as well as on the historical method and its applications in the study of ancient history. Here, as elsewhere, Momigliano is interested in detailing the link between ancient documents and their historical interpretations in later millennia. Ancient sources, he cautions, do not capture ancient realities transparently or completely, but are mediated documents whose historical value hinges, within certain limits, on the historian's analytical questions, inflected as they inevitably are by different ideological commitments. For this reason, he places special emphasis on the comparative method, stressing difference rather than similarity, and advises that historians with various areas of expertise collaborate, a point underscored throughout the essay. What is more, the essay contains the salutary reminder that the historian ought to attend not only to the surviving documents but also to the conspicuous silences and lacunae in the evidence.  相似文献   

This paper argues that effective cross-border cooperation (CBC) networks closely interrelate with the building of ‘trust’ between actors. The aim is to contribute to the CBC literature by investigating the different forms of trust, their spatial attributes and impact on actor relations in the context of the Finnish–Russian European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI) of CBC. The paper applies a specific spatial approach by identifying the territorial and relational aspects of four different forms of trust: rational-personal decisions, social-cultural understanding, general-personal interactions and the historical–institutional environment. The analysis, based on policy documents and semi-structured interviews with relevant Finnish ENI CBC actors, shows that the study of transnational cooperation networks benefits from a conceptualization of trust recognizing its spatial characteristics. The study concludes that sub-national actors are key agents in the formation and maintenance of trust. These actors negotiate with socio-cultural differences through the development of personal relationships which increase social capital in the actor–network. However, the cooperation network is vulnerable towards geopolitical circumstances affecting foreign relations. The paper demonstrates that Finnish ENI CBC actors are operating in a transnational network in which their activities are challenged by territorial constraints such as national border-crossing regulations.  相似文献   

从统万城的兴废看人类活动对生态环境脆弱地区的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
位于毛乌素沙地南缘的统万城建成于公元419年,废毁于公元994年。统万城的兴废,不单单是一个城市的历史问题,而是揭示了北方生态环境敏感带地区人地关系的变化过程。本文在前人工作基础之上,利用大比例尺航空遥感影像判读、历史文献分析和实地考察等多种手段,在复原统万城的城市形态的基础上,对建城初期的当地生态环境做了一些初步的复原工作,并探讨了统万城从修建到废毁期间人类活动对当地生态环境的影响过程。  相似文献   

The Qingshuijiang Documents, a collection of private documents written in Chinese, date from as early as the period in which the Qing government began developing the Miao frontier; these documents first appeared on the middle and lower reaches of the Qingshuijiang River and have remained there ever since. The Qing’s efforts to open new frontiers during the Yongzheng reign led to economic and social changes in the Qingshuijiang River valley in southeast Guizhou. These changes centered on the growth of forestry, ranging from planting and cutting trees to shipping and trading in timber. The Qingshuijiang Documents are original records of this historical process and a live reflection of it. Once widely kept in private hands, these documents are valuable not only for research on regional cultural change since the Qing, but also for formulating new perspectives and exploring methods for the study of private historical documents.  相似文献   


The cabreves are notarial documents prepared between the 13th and 19th centuries in the Catalan and Valencian regions of Spain. These historical records were published before the first cadastral maps and contain geographical information that could help spatially reconstruct historical landscapes. However, these documents have not been used to their full potential mainly because of their semi-structured and complex nature. In this article, we propose a new graph-based interactive methodology for partially reconstructing historical landscapes. We have successfully applied this methodology for reconstructing the historical landscape of the Barony of Sella in the 18th century and the methodology has also helped us locate “El Poblet,” a previously unknown archeological site abandoned after the expulsion of the Moriscos in 1609.  相似文献   

论"夷"和"东夷"   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栾丰实 《中原文物》2002,2(1):16-20
“东夷”本是传世和出土文献对古史上某一时期东方居民的称谓。近年来,随着考古学的发展,越来越多的学者把黄淮下游海岱地区史前考古学文化的族属称为东夷。本文旨在根据传世和出土文献的相关记载,廓清“夷”和“东夷” 的产生、发展、流变和消失的历史过程。  相似文献   

杨卫军 《攀登》2011,30(4):59-63
马克思以前的自然概念以非实践的方式来看待自然,割裂了自然与人、自然与历史、自然科学与人的科学的联系。马克思“感性的自然”突出了自然界与人的相关性;“人化的自然”强调了自然概念的社会历史性;“历史的自然”体现了自然与历史的辩证法;“人本学的自然”是对自然科学与人的科学分离的克服;“价值的自然”是对人与自然和谐的守望。  相似文献   

Charcot and his medical observations remain an enduring topic of scientific study in neurology, but he is also the topic of modern literary works. This essay examines the depiction of Jean-Martin Charcot (1825-1893) as a character in late-twentieth-century literature as an index of the contemporary nonmedical literary public's interest in neurology and Charcot. It focuses on three contemporary works that involve Charcot as a central figure with comparison between primary source documents and the rendered context, character development, and plot lines of these literary works. The two French novels [Slumbers of Indiscretion and Dr. Charcot of the Salpêtrière] and one American play [Augustine (Big Hysteria)] approach Charcot and neurology with differing levels of historical accuracy. All create a figure of authority, each with a different coloration of the balance between power and its abuse. Two focus almost exclusively on his work with hysteria and inaccurately amplify Charcot's concern with symbolic sexual conflict as the origin of hysteria and fictionalize more extensive interactions with Freud than historical documents support. The three works demonstrate that Charcot retains an enduring fascination with an enigmatic personality, a controversial career, and a pivotal role in the development of studies involving the brain and behavior. Neurologists should not look to these works as replacements for more seriously composed historical studies, but as enrichments anchored in the imaginative possibilities of Charcot and his fin de siècle era.  相似文献   

在1949年以前业已取得很大成就的20世纪中国历史考证学,进入新中国以后,由于一批原先熟悉严密考证方法的史学家接受了唯物史观的指导,他们做到既发扬广搜史料、互相参证的优良传统,又能把握历史演进的大势,由表及里,探求历史事件之间的联系和发展演变的趋势,达到对历史本质的认识,因而使历史考证学达到了新的境界。他们的卓越成就为20世纪中国史学谱写了出色的篇章,留给我们许多重要的启示。  相似文献   

蓝勇 《历史地理研究》2020,40(1):96-108
本文以唐代昌州治所变迁及静南县治地考辨为个案,提出文献分析与田野中的记忆、形胜、文物三视阈相结合,考证研究中古时期州县治城位置的方法。考证指出,唐代静南县必定不在今大足区龙水镇,也不在今大足区三溪镇,应在今大足区西五十里之地,旧称静南坝,即今大足区高升镇太和坝张家坝。乾元元年(758年),昌州初治昌元县,在今荣昌区盘龙狮子坝狮子林会龙桥,历史上又称旧州坝。大历四年(769年)迁移昌元县治到“南凭赤水,北倚长岩”的赖婆村,即今荣昌区河包镇。昌州因大历六年(771年)战乱而废,大历十年(775年)重置,至元和年间,昌州治和昌元县治地记载已不清晰,但至迟到元和八年(813年),昌州治所已经从昌元县改治静南县。到唐末景福元年(892年),昌州治从静南县改为大足县。考证过程中发现,由于传世历史文献地理认知上存在里程计算感性、方位坐标僵化、方位指向模糊、简脱衍串明显的“四大不精”,所以,在考证古代州县治地位置时,为了保证研究的信度,须用田野考察获取的乡土历史记忆、实地山川形胜、周边文物支撑三视阈对历史文献记载进行校证。  相似文献   

Building a cultural landscape involves deep political and social processes. Discussions relating to decisions about preservation reveal cultural values at a particular moment and explain the character of the surviving landscape. This study analyses how one community in Western Australia defined its sense of place and identity. In the 1930s, on a wave of historical consciousness, Western Australians sought to enshrine the desire to preserve a range of historical materials in legislation, and conducted debates about the very survival of the buildings and documents. This paper investigates why legislation to preserve buildings and documents failed, and how the community understood the relationship between these two forms of heritage. Bringing together the two series of discussions, about the values inherent in and surrounding documents and buildings, highlights the way in which meanings are invested in places and things, and the values and processes through which the cultural landscape is shaped.  相似文献   

This article discusses the theoretical problems pertaining to the relationship between historical contextualization and historical understanding and interpretation. On the one hand, there is the view that documents need to be understood in relation to their historical context; on the other, it is not clear how a historian can get out of his or her own historical context in order to be able to engage with the conceptual frameworks, beliefs, or ways of reasoning that are radically different from his or her own. The paper proposes a resolution to this dilemma; its upshot is that historical understanding is constituted by contextualization.  相似文献   

甘肃汉唐之际纂修的方志大多散佚,虽然仅有部分为传世文献引存,但却具有极其珍贵的史料价值和学术价值。近百年国内外有关甘肃汉唐散佚方志的研究取得了丰硕成果,主要表现在存目稽考、佚志辑校、综合研究等方面。遗憾的是,每方面都有不足之处:存目稽考仅为考订题名、撰者、卷帙存佚及成书年代之作,并非辑佚校释之著述;佚志辑校方面均有失考之处,且有的未进行校勘整理;综合研究方面比较欠缺,成果很少。因此,甘肃汉唐方志的整理研究亟待进一步加强。  相似文献   

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