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出土透闪石—阳起石玉器呈现部分白化和全器白化现象,其时代涵盖史前至近代,地域跨越中国全境。目前白化动力成因研究颇为零散,迄今尚未从"面"上进行系统总结。为此,本研究拟从玉料加工成器之前的自然(风化)白化、玉料加工成器之后的加热白化和自然(受沁)白化等三方面对白化的性状特征和形成机制进行细致梳理和探讨,总结透闪石—阳起石玉火烧变白过程的热力学机制,探讨自然成因的多样形式以及不同形式的内在白化机制,藉此有助于判断和揭示白化玉器背后的人类行为和自然行为。  相似文献   

中国古代玉器和玉石科技考古研究的几点看法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
综合分析了中国古玉器和玉石科学考古(包括地质考古)研究的进展和若干问题,进一步论述了关于真玉和假玉的名称及分类问题、古玉器和玉石科技考古中的方法问题、以及中国古玉器的质地和玉材来源问题.报道了最近用无损分析方法对新石器时代(包括良渚文化和仰韶文化)以及夏、商、周时代中国古代玉器的实验结果.讨论了进一步对中国玉器科技考古研究的一些看法.  相似文献   

本文在昌化石材质研究的基础上,对越国玉石器的用途、纹饰特征做了研究,并对平面透雕、粘合、镶嵌、线刻、打磨、钻孔等工艺技术特征作了分析,同时对昌化石的使用年代及应用范围进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

上海青浦福泉山遗址出土玉器中的绝大多数没有做过科学测试,本次研究对其中6件崧泽玉器和478件良渚玉器进行了显微放大观察和红外光谱(FTIR)、便携式X射线荧光光谱(pXRF)、拉曼光谱(Raman)无损测试分析。结果表明:福泉山遗址出土崧泽玉器材质含透闪石玉、蛇纹石玉、萤石3类;良渚玉器材质含透闪石玉、蛇纹石玉、石英质玉、云母质玉、萤石、滑石质玉、绿松石7类。确认部分透闪石玉样品为含石墨包裹体的青花玉品种,所有透闪石玉样品的Sr含量都小于50 μg/g,与已知江苏小梅岭透闪石玉不符。揭示福泉山遗址所用透闪石玉和蛇纹石玉均存在超基性岩型、大理岩型两种成因类型,有多产地来源的特点,为从玉料使用角度全面认识南方史前文明化进程提供了新的重要材料。  相似文献   

为综合研究出土玉器的风化机理,正确评估玉器的保存状况,本研究采用物相、成分和电镜等方法对2016年广州重要考古发现——增城墨依山玉器进行了材质和结构分析,确认了墨依山玉器材质为透闪石。在此基础上,对玉器周边土壤进行了物相、成分、结构和酸碱度等分析,并结合玉器本体和遗址气候条件,综合探讨了强酸性环境下墨依山玉器的受沁过程。本研究有助于丰富对玉器风化机理的认识,有利于科学制定玉器的保护措施。  相似文献   

透闪石-阳起石玉器是中国优秀传统文化的杰出代表,其保护传承非常值得关注。本工作将玉器在入土埋藏前人类行为和入土埋藏后自然风化过程的影响作用进行有机结合,对狭义概念的透闪石-阳起石质出土玉器的病害特征、形成机制、修复和保护策略等方面进行了系统梳理。结果显示,出土玉器的病害特征主要包括10种:裂隙、剥落、断裂、残损等4种可因人类行为方式造成;表面污染、表面结壳、孔洞、粉化、复合材料脱落等5种主要由自然受沁作用造成;色变现象可由人类行为方式和自然受沁作用分别或共同造成。出土玉器的修复应遵循最小干预性原则,一般不作处理;存在孔洞严重、粉化、复合材料脱落的玉器,建议加固封护,维持其基本外形。出土玉器的预防性保护需要设置中高湿度条件,展陈时规避紫外光,保藏时使用无酸性材料包装。该项工作旨在将保护和考古工作紧密结合,不仅为玉器保护服务,而且为玉器考古工作服务,进而有助于该类珍贵文化遗产的传承。  相似文献   

A detailed electron microscopy analysis of jadeitite celts from the Early Ceramic Age Golden Rock settlement on the small volcanic island of St Eustatius, Lesser Antilles, is presented in an effort to identify the source region(s) of these jadeitite axes and evaluate the extent of trade networks in the Caribbean during pre-Columbian times through which those tools (or source rocks) circulated. Habitation at the site occurred between ca. AD 230–890, and the jadeitite tools most likely date between cal. AD 600 and 825/890. We argue that in provenancing jadeitite emphasis should be placed on the identification of the entire mineral assemblage (including the accessory minerals) and textures, given the complex geological histories and processes that form this quasi-monomineralic rock. Indeed, the mineral assemblages and the characteristics of the individual minerals within the studied jadeitite samples are far from homogenous, suggesting either the source has a high degree of internal variation or there are multiple sources. We have identified three jadeitite groups among the analyzed samples on the basis of mineralogical assemblages: Group 1 consists of samples bearing phlogopite (plus phengite and epidote but without lawsonite or quartz); Group 2 contains lawsonite (plus phengite and quartz but without phlogopite and epidote); and Group 3 is defined by containing hematite. Importantly, we have not identified glaucophane in the analyzed materials. The comparison of these artifact data with those of jadeitites from the four potential known source regions of Caribbean jade, i.e., Guatemala (North and South Motagua Fault mélanges), Cuba (Sierra del Convento mélange) and Dominican Republic (Río San Juan complex) allows us to conclude that both the North and South Motagua Valley mélanges are the most likely sources for artifact groups 2 and 3, and perhaps also for group 1. This identification supports earlier hypotheses on the existence of pan-regional exchange networks, tying the northern Antilles with the Isthmo-Colombian region (Colombia, Panama and Costa Rica) during the Ceramic Age of the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Toward the end of the Pleistocene, North America lost some 35 genera of mammals. It has long been assumed that all or virtually all of the extinctions occurred between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago, but detailed analyses of the radiocarbon chronology provide little support for this assumption, which seems to have been widely accepted because of the kinds of explanations felt most likely to account for the extinctions in the first place. Approaches that attribute the losses to human predation depend almost entirely on the assumed synchroneity between the extinctions and the onset of large mammal hunting by North American peoples. The fact that only two of the extinct genera have been found in a convincing kill context presents an overwhelming problem for this approach. Climatic models, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly precise and account for a wide variety of apparently synchronous biogeographic events. While a role for human activities in the extinction of some taxa is fully possible, there can be little doubt that the underlying cause of the extinctions lies in massive climatic change.  相似文献   

为了解西汉玉器的组分特征及玉料来源,利用显微放大观察结合电子探针、红外光谱、拉曼光谱和LA-ICP-MS技术,对徐州狮子山西汉楚王陵出土的部分玉片(玉衣片和玉棺片)样品进行了检测分析。检测结果表明:1)显微放大观察发现:出土玉片样品均含石墨包裹体,不可能来自不含石墨包裹体的福建南平闪石玉和江苏溧阳小梅岭闪石玉。2)电子探针结果显示:出土玉片样品为透闪石;出土玉片样品的ω(FeO)/%范围为0.287~0.925,不可能来自富Fe的玛纳斯闪石玉及贫Fe的的青海闪石玉;ω(Al_2O_3)/%远远高于河南栾川软玉。3)红外光谱分析显示:出土玉片样品为透闪石,与电子探针结果相符;玉片样品的M-OH伸缩振动谱带位置集中在3674cm~(-1)附近,说明玉料Mg含量较高。4)拉曼光谱分析显示:出土玉片样品具有和透闪石矿物共同的特征拉曼谱峰,为透闪石质软玉,与电子探针及红外光谱结果相符。5)LA-ICP-MS分析显示:出土玉衣片样品的稀土元素质量分数及分馏情况与辽宁岫岩闪石玉、四川汶川龙溪闪石玉及河南栾川闪石玉有所不同;Cr、Ni、Co含量较低,指示玉料来自热液交代型镁质大理岩型软玉矿床;Sr含量较低,排除了来自江苏溧阳小梅岭闪石玉的可能。分析结果表明,徐州狮子山楚王陵出土玉器玉料来源主要和新疆和田地区玉料有关;新疆和田地区的闪石玉至西汉早期已覆盖到楚文化区域,并且成为宫廷玉料的主流来源。  相似文献   

Within the last 7–8 years, there has been a substantial growth in our knowledge of the solar and interplanetary causes of geomagnetic storms at Earth. This review article will not attempt to cover all of the work done during this period. This can be found elsewhere. Our emphasis here will be on recent efforts that expose important, presently unanswered questions that must be addressed and solved before true predictability of storms can be possible. Hopefully, this article will encourage some readers to join this effort and perhaps make major contributions to the field.  相似文献   

浅谈中国玉文化及内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据献记载和考古材料表明,我国早在距今7000多年前的新石器时代就已经知道利用天然玉料制作精细的工具和装饰品。因为玉的高雅故而更被赋予了神圣的色彩,作为吉祥或权力的象征,赢得历代王公贵族和平民百姓的喜爱。因此,玉在我国便成为最珍贵的装饰品。中国玉雕始于新石器时代,成熟于商周,兴盛于明清。它工艺精湛,在世界上久负盛名。  相似文献   

宝鸡益门出土玉器分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、能谱仪(EDS)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)对陕西宝鸡益门出土的玉器残块的显微结构、元素和物相组成进行了分析研究。结果表明,益门二号墓出土玉器分析样品属单斜闪石类型中的透闪石系,其透闪石含量在85%以上。出土玉器样品应归属为青玉种类,玉料较好,属中上水平的玉料。根据我国玉器文化的历史和和田玉的矿物特征,益门二号墓出土玉器分析样品类似于和田玉矿物。  相似文献   

一、性别考古学概述自20世纪80年代以来的考古学进展中,一项新兴的探索领域是性别考古学(genderarchaeology )。其要旨是从性别研究来进行社会考古学的研究,并对考古学中主要侧重男性的作用和忽视女性的倾向进行纠偏。这项研究并非限于  相似文献   

Current humanitarian crises are bedeviling the United Nations, relief agencies and governments. Efforts to provide food and other basic supplies to traumatized populations are frequently stymied by uncooperative regimes, violent militias, remote locations, high costs and complicated operations. As a result, humanitarian relief operations that have focused primarily on food distribution must be radically revised to encompass the much broader agenda of humanitarian intervention, which entails an aggressive, multilateral role within states. Five ‘pillars’ are proposed—basic needs, public security, political dialogue, human rights/justice and sustained economic development—on which to base future humanitarian interventions.  相似文献   

Sitting on the shore platform at Ben Buckler, the north‐east headland of Bondi Beach, Sydney, is a large isolated boulder, weighing around 235 tons. In this article I analyse geomorphological explanations for, and historical representations of, the boulder, locally known as the Big Rock. Explanations for and representations of Bondi's Big Rock typically appear in discussions and debates about changes to the New South Wales coast and the impact of storm waves and tsunami. Geomorphologists date the Big Rock from a storm in July 1912 and have identified a range of wave sizes and forms to explain its presence. Yet, neither their explanations nor evidence have convinced a number of local residents who claim the rock existed before the 1912 storm. Bondi's Big Rock is thus a valuable reminder that geomorphological features are not fully formed subjects. Rather, they must be defined and contextualised in inordinately complex processes of explanation and representation that ultimately are always interpretations.  相似文献   

We report on the development of a computerized automatic system to illustrate complex archaeological objects. The illustrations are based on 3D scans of the artifacts. The 3D models can be automatically translated, by new algorithms specifically designed for this purpose, into 3D or 2D line drawings; into colored images that emphasize the salient shape attributes of the artifacts and of the 3D designs on them; and to images that enhance faint/eroded designs that are otherwise difficult to discern. These illustrations are intended to replace traditional, manual drawings, which are very expensive to produce and not accurate enough. Our illustrations also provide a better visualization tool than the 3D models themselves. Though 3D scanning already improves the visibility of objects and their features, it does not suffice for rapid visual recognition. Our system generates efficient, objective, accurate and simplified representations of complex objects and the designs on them from any number of required views.  相似文献   

甘肃出土木器依据形态与结构划分,属于典型的糟朽木器类型,材质外观特征与特性明显。制作材质鉴定表明,基本类型有①松科云杉;②松科冷杉;③柏科圆柏。通过对糟朽木器形态类型、结构属性、影响因素及发生改变原因剖析,指出了糟朽木器材质在经历了第一阶段的转折性根本改变后(含水率远低于纤维饱和点),即将面临第二阶段的转折性根本变化(含水率略高或接近于平衡含水率),而这一阶段的改变结果对器物将是毁灭性的;为了避免出土器物在短期内形态发生剧变,运用生物切片、扫描电镜分析技术对木质纤维显微结构进行了观察和研究,研究结果与结构病害腐变结果相吻合。选取与糟朽器物同期考古出土的糟朽棺板木作为分析对象,分别对其化学成分、容积重、含水率以及力学性能进行了实验测试,测得糟朽木器降解损失超过50%,含水率约为10.5%,力学强度指标与正常材质相比,均有明显的下降,且相对差异较大,最大约为正常木材强度的60%。对比分析结果,得出了结论:①糟朽木器的形态与结构状况与实验生物切片分析、电镜显微结构观察和研究结果相吻合,同时材质成分、容积重与力学性能测定结果为上述分析结果提供了有力的数据支撑;②致使糟朽木器形态和结构发生改变的主要因素是胎木含水率,其值是非恒定的并随外部环境而改变,因此含水率可用于反映糟朽木器的材质特性;③纤维饱和点与平衡含水率是影响、衡量和评估糟朽木器形态与结构的两个重要的物理参数;④鉴于糟朽木器的材质特性,后期保存应尽量避免与水分的直接接触,需要严格控制其胎木的含水率,且维持恒定、稳定的保存环境,这点对后期糟朽木器的保存是非常重要的  相似文献   

More than 40 years ago Kent Flannery coined the term Broad Spectrum Revolution (BSR) in reference to a broadening of the subsistence base of Late Pleistocene hunter–gatherers in the Near East that preceded and helped pave the way for the domestication and plants and animals and the emergence of agriculture. Set within a demographic density model that projected differential rates of population growth and emigration in different resource zones of the Near East, Flannery’s BSR quickly became a global construct linking resource diversification and intensification to imbalances between population and environmental carrying capacity. In recent years the BSR has proven especially attractive to researchers working within an optimal foraging theory (OFT) framework in which diversification and intensification of subsistence only occurs within the context of resource depression, caused by either demographic pressure or environmental deterioration. This OFT perspective, that situates human societies in a one-way adaptive framework as they are forced to adapt to declining availability of optimal resources, however, is increasingly being called into question. Numerous examples of diversification and intensification are being documented in contexts of resource abundance shaped, in part, by deliberate human efforts at ecosystem engineering intended to promote resource productivity. An alternative approach, framed within a newer paradigm from evolutionary biology, niche construction theory (NCT), provides a more powerful explanatory framework for the BSR wherever it occurred.  相似文献   

青铜器锈蚀结构组成及形态的比较研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线电子能谱(EDS)和金相显微镜(OM)等方法,分析比较了染有“粉状锈”与未染“粉状锈”的典型青铜残片的锈蚀产物的矿物组成、腐蚀层分层结构及金相组织。结果发现,未染有“粉状锈”的青铜样品腐蚀层一般分为二层,外层是二价铜化合物,合金组织中未见α (α δ)组织,锈蚀产物中不含碱式氯化铜;而染有“粉状锈”的青铜样品都含有碱式氯化铜,其断面腐蚀层分三至四层,且每层锈体的结构和元素组成各不相同,在靠近合金基体层的锈层中发现了大量的CuCl存在。结果表明,青铜文物表面锈蚀覆盖层的致密性、空气中的湿度及锈层中CuCl层状分布的存在,是青铜器表面“粉状锈”形成和发展的根本原因。  相似文献   

玉,在中国文化中一直具有崇高的地位。玉器产地是玉器文物研究、保护修复和真伪鉴定的重要依据。目前可用于软玉检测的方法虽然很多,但由于取样损伤文物、定量精度不足、数据分析复杂等问题的限制,难以广泛用于玉器文物产地鉴定。因此,本研究应用近红外光谱结合化学计量学无损检测新技术,对和田、青海、俄罗斯、韩国等产地的软玉样品进行了判别分析。结果表明,该方法不仅测试简单、数据处理方便,而且能够对有限的样品进行产地分类,用于玉器文物的材料产地鉴定是可行的。研究结果为玉器产地无损鉴定提供了一条新的思路。  相似文献   

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