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1952年元旦过后,一场声势浩大的反贪污、反浪费、反官僚主义的“三反”运动迅速在全国展开。运动之初党政机关内部揭露出来的贪污、受贿等问题,对于刚刚执政的共产党来说,可谓触目惊心。毛泽东下大气力全面部署,从中央到各省市,从党政机关到各大军区及志愿军部队,他都亲自布置指导“打虎”斗争。刘青山、张子善这类原为共产党的“有功之臣”,一经揭露为贪污腐化的“大老虎”,党纪国法一律严惩,绝不宽贷,这在全社会引起很大的震动。与此同时,扫除不法资本家“五毒”行为的“五反”运动也如火如茶拉开战幕。建国之初共产党领导的这…  相似文献   

沈芳媛 《黑龙江史志》2013,(13):155+157
贝蒂·弗里丹是现代美国女权主义运动的先锋人物。1963年出版的《女性的奥秘》揭露了在"女性的奥秘"笼罩下千百万美国家庭妇女的无名的痛苦,并提出战胜传统偏见从而来实现男女在教育、就业等各方面的平等。其对美国乃至世界女性主义运动都有着重要的贡献,但由于其所处年代的限制,她的思想中也存在着不足的地方。  相似文献   

沈丹 《神州》2013,(35):262-263
新闻媒体承担着舆论引导的重任,务必建立一种有公信力的媒介文化。本文试图探讨揭露性报道与媒介公信力之间的关系。通过解析公信力的构成要素以及揭露性报道的制作方式,从而得出结论---揭露性报道本身是塑造媒介公信力的利器,但如果处理不当,也可能会对媒介公信力产生冲击,降低公众对媒体的信任和依赖。因此,在揭露性报道的制作过程需要遵循一些基本原则。  相似文献   

发生于20世纪初的美国"黑幕揭发运动"是一些有良知的知识分子掀起的揭露社会阴暗面的社会活动。"黑幕揭发运动"刺激了美国民众麻木的神经,从而形成了一股要求社会改革的潮流,促进了美国社会全面变革和社会进步;网络的崛起,使当下中国的"黑幕揭发运动"潮流不可阻挡,政府应引导使其理性发展,为社会变革营造正确的公众舆论。  相似文献   

五四抵制日货运动中,英美烟草公司利用中国国内的抵制日货运动,趁机揭露和指责简照南加入日本籍、南洋兄弟烟草公司是日资公司。南洋兄弟烟草公司因此遭受中国民众排斥,并被农商部吊销了执照。为摆脱危机,简照南和南洋烟草公司展开了一场以挽救其中国国籍为核心的行动,并获得国内诸多团体及华侨的支持。简氏复籍终获成功,南洋烟草公司也得以恢复注册为国货公司。此案揭示,在民族主义运动中,国籍、国货身份成为重要标识,双重国籍致使国民身份模糊,有时会带来很大负面影响。  相似文献   

甲午中日战争后,中国面临着被帝国主义列强瓜分的危险,民族危机空前严重。为挽救危亡,以康有为、梁启超为代表的资产阶级维新派发动了一场维新变法运动。在这场运动中,维新派针对中国妇女被压迫和摧残的现实进行了揭露和抨击,是中国近代妇女解放运动的初探索。  相似文献   

于化民 《史学月刊》2008,10(6):50-61
汇集了一大批杰出知识精英的西南联大教授会,秉承北大、清华、南开三校"教授治校"的传统,在联大校务管理和学校生活中发挥着重要作用."一二·一"运动发生后,原本非政治性的教授会也不得不在政治是非面前表明立场,它运用自己特殊的社会影响,采取一系列步骤揭露和抗议国民党当局镇压民主的恶劣行径,给青年学生的爱国行动以有力的支持.同时,教授会的内部矛盾也随着运动的深入而突显出来,发展为公开的对立.在即将到来的社会大变革面前,尤其是经过运动的洗礼,在闻一多、吴晗等进步教授感召下,更多的教授逐渐转向进步方面.  相似文献   

封建主义是一种社会制度,也是一个思想体系。这里所讲的批判封建主义,是指批判封建主义的意识形态。《红楼梦》对封建主义的揭露和批判,究竟达到怎样的程度?红学界的看法并不一致,今天来谈谈我的看法,供大家参考。《红楼梦》对封建主义的罪恶是有所揭露的,这揭露同时也是一种批判(至少在客观上),这是大家都肯定的。问题在于,其揭露和批判的程度如何?作者是站在怎样的高度去批  相似文献   

20世纪初美国社会问题丛生。这引起了进步知识分子的高度关注 ,他们发起了一场揭露社会问题的运动。史称黑幕揭发运动。这一运动持续了十年之久。在这场运动中 ,大众化杂志蓬勃兴起 ,它们与黑幕揭发密切相关 ;以黑幕揭发者为代表的进步知识分子通过新闻报道和文化批判不断地揭丑 ,美国的中产阶级给予了极大的支持 ;美国的“民主公众”和“公众舆论”得以形成。  相似文献   

黄继溥 《文史精华》2007,(12):18-20
在抗战胜利已经62年的今天,日本的极右势力仍在否认侵华历史和南京大屠杀的罪行。而在惨案发生的当时,就有许多国际友人敢于在血雨腥风中救助中国难民,而且视"揭露暴行乃是一种道德义务",纷纷向外界揭露南京大屠杀的真相。那么谁是最先向外界揭露这一惨案真相的呢?《谁最先向外界揭露南京大屠杀惨案》一文告诉了我们谜底。  相似文献   

This essay reviews the burgeoning literature on Latin America’s distinctive variant of the Cold War since about 2000. First, it examines a watershed of recent collaborations between Latin American area specialists and foreign relations scholars, which has dramatically transformed Latin American Cold War Studies. Then, it focuses on two of the more fertile veins in that scholarship: first, the notion that the region’s Cold War should be placed in a broader historical context, which scholars are increasingly referring to as Latin America’s “long Cold War,” and second, the long Cold War’s multivalent cultural dimension. If study of the Latin American Cold War has become something of a growth industry in the last 15 years, its leading edge may well be efforts to tease out the complex, power-laden cultural processes, relationships, exchanges, and institutional forms that antedated and shaped Latin America’s Cold War proper (c. 1947 to the early 1990s), and had consequences beyond the conflict’s denouement.  相似文献   

1949~1953年是冷战开始后美台关系的起点.这一时期美国对台湾的援助政策具有相当的稳定性,尽管在执行过程中采取了一些“模糊”策略,但并不存在由“放弃”到“扶植”的明确转折,更没有放弃台湾的切实行动.至1953年共和党执政时,美国对台湾援助政策的最大限度是将其作为“战略后备军”服务于美国的远东冷战.  相似文献   

在朝鲜战争起源的问题上,学术界一直存在着争论.一些西方学者认为,朝鲜战争是在苏联、中国和朝鲜周密的共谋下发动的,这种说法后来被称为"三国同谋论".但这种说法与最近公开的资料并不相符.本文以中国、苏联的新资料为依据对以往的"三国共谋论"进行了反驳,并得出结论:中国不仅没有参加策划朝鲜战争,而且在一定程度上对发动这场战争持不赞成的态度.  相似文献   

从19世纪末叶以来,美国外交思想经历了从孤立主义向所谓的“国际主义”的转变,这种转变到了第一次世界大战爆发后基本完成,其核心内容是美国借助着强大的经济、军事和化力量,大踏步地迈向国际政治竞技场,实现这一时期绝大多数美国领导人梦寐以求的世界领袖地位。然而,这种转变在国内外遇到了强大的阻力,最终把美国的世界领袖梦想化为烟云。不过,美国的政治、经济和战略等利益已经使美国无可解脱地与世界联系在一起。就美国外交而言,这是一个不可逆转的趋势,美国人厌恶卷入大洋之外政治事务的传统心态由此正发生着变化,这也预示着美国力图充任世界领袖的时代正在缓慢地到来。  相似文献   

1948年初,周鲠生与胡适就国际局势问题爆发了一场争论。争论主要围绕两个问题展开。第一,如何看待"西方民主国家"的对德对日政策?第二,苏联是不是一个可怕的侵略势力?周鲠生认为,第二次世界大战结束后英、美的对德对日政策,可能会导致德、日两国军国主义的复活,从而重蹈第一次世界大战后西方民主国家对德政策的覆辙。胡适则认为西方民主国家并未放弃防制德、日侵略势力复活的政策,而苏联已成为一个可怕的侵略势力。从世界范围看,这场争论实际上是第二次世界大战结束后美国国内两种不同的外交主张的分歧在中国的反映,其思想根源则在于两种不同的自由主义理念,反映了战后中国自由主义的复杂走向。  相似文献   

赵学功 《史学集刊》2004,19(2):47-54
冷战初期 ,英美两国在二战时期建立的“特殊关系”得到进一步加强 ,英国成为美国推行冷战政策的最主要支持者和积极参与者。但是 ,这种“特殊关系”并不表明英国在所有国际问题上都与美国保持一致 ,对美国一味给予支持。围绕朝鲜战争和对华政策 ,双方存在着重大分歧和矛盾 ,从而使英美“特殊关系”经历了一次严峻考验。由于实力有限和对美国的依赖 ,英国不得不一再向美国做出妥协、让步 ,以避免双方关系的破裂。对于英国来说 ,维护和加强同美国的关系是其外交政策的核心所在。朝鲜战争从一个侧面揭示了英美关系的复杂性和不对称性  相似文献   

Abstract. This article examines the role of warfare in the development of American nationalism, focusing in particular on the American Civil War (1861–5). The American response to warfare, and especially to the two major conflicts that created and consolidated the American nation -the Revolution and the Civil War - is revealing in terms of how Americans went about the process of defining themselves as a nation. Evidence is offered here of how nineteenthcentury Americans used the American Revolution for both national and sectional definition; and how it in turn came to be supplanted by the Civil War as the positive act of American national construction. This article argues that the American response to the Civil War provides an opportunity for scholars to trace the development of the myths that are central to the construction of nationalism but that have, to date, only been examined in any depth in a European context. Specifically, it addresses the question of how and why a destructive, internecine Civil War is still regarded today as the ‘salvation drama’ of the American nation.  相似文献   

Although the American literature on "war neuroses" expanded during World War II, psychiatrists remained more interested in dramatic instances of "combat fatigue" than in the problems of soldiers who broke down far from the field of battle. This bias in the medical literature shaped both diagnosis and treatment. It had an especially powerful effect on African American soldiers who, in the "Jim Crow" army of World War II, were assigned in disproportionate numbers to service units. When military neuropsychiatrists did write about troubled young African Americans, many revealed a racial conservatism that was surprising given the liberal environmentalist paradigm of the day. (Here, a particularly useful source is the two-volume history of Neuropsychiatry in World War II, produced by the Medical Department of the U.S. Army.) The major challenge to such views came from the National Medical Association (NMA). Despite its many criticisms of military medicine, the NMA argued that African American soldiers and veterans needed more, not fewer, psychiatric services. NMA members also joined their white counterparts in the campaign to diminish the stigma of mental illness, especially among the families of soldiers returning home. We need more investigation of the subsequent history of race and psychiatry, especially within the Veterans Administration.  相似文献   

John Quincy Adams, the sixth and perhaps most scholarly American president, served courageously despite familial essential tremor, depression, and cerebrovascular disease. His cousin Samuel Adams and his father John Adams also had essential tremor, which the later called "quiveration". Alcoholism and depression affected several members of J.Q. Adams's family. Following his own time as president, J.Q. Adams returned to duty as the congressman who most assiduously fought slavery, a fight he continued even after he had suffered a major left hemispheric stroke. His fatal collapse in Congress, protesting the Mexican War, is legendary among the final illnesses of American statesmen.  相似文献   

While the Second World War had profound effects on the way that American men conceived of themselves, for two groups - Jewish men and men who would later identify as gay - the war held a special resonance. Deborah Dash Moore has demonstrated that the Second World War allowed Jewish men to cast off stereotypes and be accepted into the larger American polity, while Alan Berube has written about the ways in which the Second World War created a space where gay men were able to understand themselves as part of a larger community. Historians have looked at the ways service affected these men during the war, however more work needs to be done understanding how these experiences affected men after the war. By examining the life of Edward Field, a Jewish and gay veteran who became a prominent poet in post-war America, we can understand how experiences of wartime allowed men like Field to construct an alternative idea of masculinity, one based on male camaraderie and emotional authenticity. Edward Field's wartime and post-war experiences suggest that Jewish and gay identities could intersect in ways that were mutually reinforcing and highlight the complicated nature of the Second World War experience.  相似文献   

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