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Vermont, as one of the most rural and independent states in the U.S., has always relied heavily on agriculture and its natural environment to underpin its economy. This article examines the state's agricultural economy as a sustainable food systems cluster and how it is adapting to the global economy, corporate agriculture, and environmental concerns. It describes the scale and concentration of the cluster, its support structure, and the ways it impact other sectors of the economy, including energy, tourism, and the arts. It also explains how a cluster of largely small-scale and artisan enterprises that often represent lifestyle rather than economic choices can be innovative, collectively create a wealth-producing and branded cluster, and the implications of the new agricultural model for the state's educational system.  相似文献   

米兰  张琪 《风景名胜》2009,(4):38-43
如果说白墙黑瓦、小桥流水的苏杭一带,是一幅天然的江南水墨画。那么,位于苏杭一侧的常熟,则是画上被晕染开来的那一点边际。虽然着色不多,但却给人更大的想像空间。如果要给常熟的江南意象绘上一笔,那么一定是尚湖。江南是离不开水的,没有了水,就少了灵动。常熟是不能没有尚湖的,这里的城、这里的山、这里的田野村庄,只有在尚湖的润泽下,才有了灵秀和风雅,才有了江南的韵昧。无数的文人墨客曾经停留在尚湖,  相似文献   

Lake Nuga Nuga is a levee‐dammed lake in the dry sub‐humid tropics of the Fitzroy Basin in Central Queensland, Australia, that has expanded significantly since it was first mapped in 1866. 210Pb dating of a sediment core from the lake indicates that the rate of sedimentation has been constant for the past 67 years at 3 mm yr?1 despite widespread clearing and land use intensification in the catchment during that time. Pollen analysis confirms this and shows that there was little change in vegetation during the early settlement period (1863–1962), but the intensification of land use that started in the early 1960s brought about a dramatic change in the vegetation communities. This study demonstrates that while sediment production may be significantly impacted by land‐use activities, sediment delivery is primarily controlled by topography.  相似文献   

<正>知道斯洛文尼亚这个国家是从布莱德湖开始的,我想很多人都和我一样。两天的湖边时光令人难忘,晴时看它明艳动人,雾时看它飘逸空灵。很幸运,我拥有过这样惊艳的时光,有时晴天有时雨。布莱德湖山上的眼睛从卢布亚尔那出发前往布莱德湖,虽然只有短短的55公里,全程几乎都是高速,但风景却出乎意料的美。成片的树林色彩缤纷,山间云雾缭绕,点缀着眼前的这片风景。  相似文献   

《尤利西斯》用了几十万字写下都柏林一天的生活;《广岛之恋》唱着,“二十四小时的爱情是我一生难忘的美丽回忆”:电视剧《24小时》24集紧张刺激的反恐大戏,在一天24个小时内展开……  相似文献   

Y. LIU  G. CHI  K. M. BETHUNE  B. DUBÉ 《Geofluids》2011,11(3):260-279
The Red Lake mine trend, a deformation zone in the Archean Red Lake greenstone belt that hosts the world‐class Campbell‐Red Lake gold deposit, is characterized by abundant foliation‐parallel iron‐carbonate ± quartz veins with banded colloform‐crustiform structures and cockade breccias overprinted by silicification and gold mineralization. There is an apparent incompatibility between the cavity‐fill structures of the veins and breccias (typically developed at shallow crustal depths) and the upper greenschist to lower amphibole facies metamorphic conditions recorded in the host rocks (indicating relatively deep environments). This, together with the development of veins along the foliation plane, represents an enigmatic problem that may be related to the interplay between fluid dynamics and stress field. We approach this problem through systematic study of fluid inclusion planes (FIPs) in the vein minerals, including the orientations of the FIPs and the pressure–temperature conditions inferred from fluid inclusion microthermometry. We find that fluid inclusions in the main stage vein minerals (pregold mineralization ankerite and quartz and syn‐ore quartz) are predominantly carbonic without a visible aqueous phase, whereas many inclusions in the postore stage contain an aqueous phase. Most FIPs are subvertical, and many are subparallel to the foliation. High fluid pressure coupled with the high wetting angles of the water‐poor, carbonic fluids may have been responsible for the abundance of brittle deformation features. The development of subvertical FIPs is interpreted to indicate episodic switching of the maximum principal compressive stress (σ1) from subhorizontal (perpendicular to the foliation) to subvertical (parallel to the foliation) orientation. The subvertical σ1 is favorable for the formation of foliation‐parallel veins, as fractures are preferentially opened along the foliation in such a stress regime, the origin of which may be linked to the fluid source.  相似文献   

勒斜武担湖,位于可可西里国家级自然保护区的最西端,坐标为35°45′N 90°12′E,海拔4875m,湖泊面积为272.58 km^2。该湖身居可可西里腹地,在可可西里山的北坡,邻近区域为荒漠、沼泽,是新疆、西藏和青海三省交界地带,通达性差。据说还是狗熊活动十分频繁的地方,也是非法穿越者常常选择经过的地方,以此避开三省巡山队的视线。考察队从2019年11月1日到4日对该湖展开科考,包括赶路和湖上作业,获取水质、水样、表层沉积物和水下地形参数等。  相似文献   

可可西里湖,位于可可西里国家级自然保d护区内中西部,坐标35°36’N 91°08'E,海拔4891米,湖面面积349.72平方干米。可能因为与可可西里地区同名的缘故,这个湖泊格外受重视,可可西里湖泊考察队决定要在这里钴取一根长岩芯,并希望用获取的水深数据,借助数字高程模型(DEM)来丈量它的湖泊水量。在这个湖畔,科考队驻扎了整整7天(2019年11月7日至11月13日)。  相似文献   

Scales of regional income disparities in the USA, 1955 2003   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article examines multiple dimensions of regional per capitaincome disparities in the USA between 1955 and 2003 with a particularfocus on scalar effects. It combines various exploratory analyticaltools of spatial disparities, including inequality indices,mobility indices, kernel density estimation, spatial autocorrelationstatistics and scale variances, to analyse regional averageper capita income distributions at multiple spatial scales,ranging from counties to multi-state regions. The analysis revealspreviously unrecognised systematic patterns of cross-scalardynamics, whereby spatial income disparities are increasinglymore pronounced at smaller scales in the last few decades.  相似文献   

提到日内瓦的香水及香料制造,不得不提到大卫多夫和芬美意。 芬美意公司(Firmenlch)——成立于1895年,由一位才华横溢的瑞士化学家和一个精明的商人合作创办,是当今香精香料行业中最权威和最成功的供应商之一,占据了行业1/10的份额;大卫多夫(Dayldoff)——水一样清冷的香水,让人想起水晶般透明的高山湖水,这个全世界男人为之倾倒的品牌世家,也开始了征服女人的征程。  相似文献   

The quantity and variety of animals contributing to foodways and landscapes are often overlooked in studies of urban colonial experiences. In colonial Charleston, South Carolina (USA), wild and domestic animals contributed to a unique lowcountry cuisine. Some of these animals lived in the city where their activities shaped, and were shaped by, the urban landscape. Many aspects of the environment were designed to accommodate and restrict these animals. Excavations at two eighteenth-century sites provide more detailed views of the changing role of animals in the lowcountry foodways and landscape from 1720 into the 1800s.  相似文献   

A holistic landscape approach to cultural resource analysis of a set of archaeological sites in the central Penobscot Valley led to inferences regarding the Holocene physical and biological environmental context. Targeted environmental studies include (1) examination of forest and wetland changes through time and (2) lake-level studies as a key to paleohydrology. These studies were combined with broad-scale geomorphic investigations and detailed stratigraphic analyses, and studies of archaeological sites and their artifact assemblages. Together, these studies provide a picture of dramatic changes to the physical and vegetational landscape. These included reestablishment of a major river following deglaciation, evolution of extensive lakes to uplands and peatlands, and a shifting mosaic of open and closed forest composed of a variety of hardwood and softwood species. Inferences based on buried soils exposed in archaeological excavations supported climatic interpretations based on vegetation and paleohydrology. As a result, this work allowed evaluation of (1) site formation and preservation processes and (2) occupational patterns. Site formation and preservation of Early Holocene sites can be linked to sedimentation by hydraulic damming upstream of rapids at the mouths of tributary streams. Shifting human land use reflected by changes in occupation patterns appears to correspond to changes in forest composition as well as wetland and stream evolution through time.  相似文献   

This paper reports the initial recording of an early riverboat wreck located in the Red River between Oklahoma and Texas. The wreck is probably the Caddo lost in 1842. The visible wreckage is described and the history of the Caddo is discussed. This is the earliest western rivers steamboat investigated by archaeologists to date.  相似文献   

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