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李志鹏  白凯  王晓娜 《人文地理》2021,36(3):175-184
地方融入是地方理论的延展和应用领域,其本土化实践与理论研究还有待推进.本文以拉萨八廓街的旅游劳工移民为研究对象,采用关键词网络分析和扎根理论,结合四层一体分析框架,探索该群体的地方融入现状和过程.研究表明:①拉萨八廓街旅游劳工移民地方融入过程可划分为自评、动机、实践和依恋4个阶段;②拉萨的社会氛围体现在对外的高度包容性...  相似文献   

Street peddlers were a common feature of city life in China well into the twentieth century. The presence of these small-scale, often single-good merchants can be traced back to earlier centuries. That they survived until after WWII reflects in part the state of economic development of China, where recent immigrants were prepared to take up the meanest, lowest-paid jobs to make a living. In Peking, thousands of peddlers roamed the streets, and more particularly, the hutongs where most of the population lived. They ceaselessly offered their goods and services to the residents, day and night. In order to attract customers and to entice them out of their walled houses and courtyards, peddlers uttered musical vocal phrases, sometimes in elaborate form, and more interestingly, they sometimes used musical instruments. In this paper I examine who they were, how they operated and what they represented to Peking's urban society. From this sketchy social portrait, I will move into a study of how the peddlers were represented in various settings of the pictorial records. Finally, I argue that peddlers were an integral part of a kind of street theater. This is not just a metaphor. Through their calls, songs, and music, peddlers created a constant flow of live entertainment in the street.  相似文献   

拉萨八廓历史文化街区旅游发展居民感知研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
旺姆  吴必虎 《人文地理》2012,27(2):128-133
历史街区是特定地域历史、社会、文化的核心载体,兼具遗产保护、旅游开发价值,在历史街区旅游发展过程中,如何平衡保护与开发是历史地段发展一直面临的挑战。拉萨市八廓街为"中国历史文化名街",代表着藏族历史文化街区的价值与特色,同时也是西藏集宗教、文化、旅游、商业为一体的重要旅游吸引物。本文以八廓街历史文化街区为例,通过实地观察及问卷调查等方式,探讨旅游开发影响与居民感知之间的关系。研究表明,旅游对于地方经济的积极效益已得到普遍肯定,但是旅游对历史街区的具体作用,尤其是对社会文化负面影响的表现是存在分异的,由此也形成了居民态度的差异。  相似文献   

通过对北京城区市级以上博物馆的时空间分布研究,得出其空间分布随着时间的变化经历了以天安门、故宫为中心的集聚阶段(1949年-1979年)、沿主干道和环线向外扩展阶段(1980-1995年)、沿东北-西南轴向集聚阶段(1996-2007年)三个历史发展阶段,并呈现出不同的空间分布特征,在此基础上概括总结出北京城区市级以上博物馆在空间分布上具有:(1)向心集聚显著,即约占总数50%的博物馆高度集中在主城区,并主要沿长安街两侧分布;(2)北密南疏,即约占总数75%以上的博物馆分布在长安街及其延长线以北地区,形成了明显的南北城差异;(3)主城区以外沿环线分布等特征。同时,探讨了导致这一分布特征的主要因素是历史惯性、经济拉动和交通便捷程度以及由此分布产生的问题;最后,对北京博物馆未来空间布局的发展进行预测,并提出相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

以街道办事处为研究单元,以居民收入数据为基础,采用FGT指数法和矢量数据符号法,分别从收入等级、收入差距、贫困程度等方面对西安市主城区的收入及贫困空间格局展开研究。结果表明:①1收入等级空间特征为"南高北低,西高东低"、"中心城区,高低交错";②街道办之间平均收入差距不大,街道办内部个人收入差距较大;③贫困地区主要集中在老城衰退区、老工业区、城中村棚户区及近郊城乡交错区;④收入高低、收入差距分别与贫困程度呈现反比和正比关系。本文的研究为政府部门从街道层面制定脱贫对策提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper investigates skyscraper competition between New York City and Chicago. The urban economics literature is generally silent on strategic interaction between cities, yet skyscraper rivalry between these cities is a part of U.S. historiography. This paper tests whether there is, in fact, strategic interaction across cities. First, I find that each city has positive reaction functions with respect to the other city, suggesting strategic complementarity. In regard to zoning, I find that height regulations negatively impacted each city, but produced positive responses by the other city, providing evidence for strategic substitutability.  相似文献   

唐长安商业空间形态分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对长安城市外商业点空间分布、存在时间和经营业种的分析,重新认识长安城商业空间发展演变的特点。早期都城的商业空间形态呈封闭对称的双核心结构,中唐以后,随着城市经济的发展和居民生活的需要,商业点突破市坊限制,在朱雀街东以皇城景风门外诸坊和以东市为核心的部分坊里内相对集中分布,形成了以东市为核心的商业区,在朱雀街西则分布较少,在外城城关处仅有零星商业点的分布,没有形成综合性的商业功能空间。所以唐代中后期长安城商业空间形态表现为“一核、一区型”结构特征。  相似文献   


The Weicker site is a small Loma San Gabriel hamlet located in the Uplands of the Sierra Madre Occidental of NW Mexico, just west of the city of Durango, Durango. As part of a larger survey and excavation project in 1952, excavations were conducted in two of the three low mounds present at the site. Testing revealed the remains of two compounds defined by the presence of low rock walls. Within each compound were the remains of three structures thought to be habitation and storage facilities. The floors of the compounds were well compacted and contained hearths between the rooms. A small assemblage of ceramics and chipped and ground stone was also recovered. Architectural features, material culture, household activities, and site function are described and discussed.  相似文献   

Tula, Hidalgo, was an important early Postclassic city that dominated much of central Mexico as well as adjacent regions to its north and west. For many decades, Tula was thought to be the city that early colonial documents referred to as “Tollan,” or “place of the reeds.” It is clear that the Aztec Empire, a later civilization that dominated a much larger area, revered Tollan and connected themselves to the city and its people, the Toltecs, in various ways. Recent research has questioned whether Tula was indeed the Tollan that the Aztecs revered; instead, Tollan may have been a concept that referred to all of the great civilizations that preceded the Aztecs. These two perspectives, which I frame as the “single Tollan/many Tollans” debate, have important consequences for our understanding of the early Postclassic period as well as colonial configurations of power. I argue that to understand the Aztecs’ relationships with their past, and the colonial consequences of those relationships, it is important to shift away from questions of truth. Instead, I concentrate on historical narratives and the social, material, and biological effects that they produced, including the early and late Aztec interventions at Tula. I argue that Jorge Acosta’s data provide evidence for an Early Aztec period termination ritual and a Late Aztec period New Fire ceremony that ushered in a new population boom at Tula. In turn, these connections allowed for the unprecedented rise of the Moctezuma family during the colonial period. This evidence forms part of a broader argument that the two sides of the Tula debate are not mutually exclusive. Rather, they both form part of attempts to control, claim, and revere the past in the inherently unstable fields of power that characterized the late Postclassic and early colonial periods in central Mexico.  相似文献   

This essay examines how the London Street Views organize the city as a space of commercial interaction, one that is curiously at odds with an image of crowded Victorian streets full of shoppers, street-sellers, advertisements, and window displays. As a commercial directory, it is at once tightly self-referential and open ended, cross referring information between the lists of businesses, the advertisements, and the street elevations while also including advertisements for shops in other streets and neighbourhoods than that focused on in each issue. This essay considers the distinctiveness of Tallis’s project by contextualizing his Street Views within a range of forms of urban commercial information, including directories and advertisements.  相似文献   

本文运用FGT指数法和AF多维贫困测度法对西安市主城区收入贫困和典型贫困区多维贫困特征进行研究。主要结论:(1)主城区收入贫困空间与城市发展相对较晚的地区、城乡交错的边缘区、内城衰退区、城中村及老工业区耦合;(2)住房维度的贫困发生率最高,其次依次为暖气、电器资产、教育、职业、给排水、卫生设施维度;教育指数对多维贫困的贡献度最大,是主要的致贫因素;(3)老城衰退区(解放门)和外来人口聚集区城中村(鱼化寨)是多维贫困最严重的地区,退化的国企老工业区(纺织城)相对较轻。经济发展历史格局、城市发展政策导向、转型期社会制度变迁等是贫困形成的主要原因。  相似文献   

寿春城遗址西部清理的3座墓葬,从建造规模及随葬的铜饰件、车马器、铜剑来看,均为中型墓葬,年代可能为春秋晚期,该墓地很可能是历史上的蔡国故地。  相似文献   

In this essay, I explore the role of circulation in Beirut’s urban space and society in the early 1960s. Drawing primarily from the Lebanese francophone newspaper L’Orient, I show how the rise of automobility in postcolonial Beirut brought with it the imposition of certain kinds of moral and civic geographies that prescribed how citizens should use and move through the city. I argue that the newspaper’s narratives about matters of infrastructure and traffic law abidance reveal concerns with not just how people moved through the city, but with the everyday configuration of a rational, modern, biopolitical order.  相似文献   

旅游区域联合开发研究——以粤西海岛旅游开发为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
文吉  魏清泉 《人文地理》2004,19(4):22-25
文章从分析粤西海岛旅游开发的现状入手,提出运用区域联合开发是粤西海岛旅游可持续发展的关键。采用对比分析的方法,客观地评价了粤西海岛旅游开发现状和优劣势,认为要解决粤西各海岛现存的对海岛资源破坏性的过渡开发和各海岛之间的替代性竞争,必须建立粤西海岛旅游联合区,采用粤西海岛旅游区域联合开发的模式。并依据联合开发模式,发挥各海岛的优势,从客源细分和产品设计对粤西海岛旅游联合区进行整体定位。  相似文献   

2008年和2009年,山西省考古所等对山西右玉汉中陵故城进行了考古钻探、调查和发掘,了解了城墙、马面、瓮城、护城河的概况。在西城内探出一条南北向道路和部分夯土建筑基址,并发现了十几座窑址和部分灰坑。东城内也发现少量夯土建筑基址、窑址和灰坑。城内采集到了瓦当、砖、瓦等建筑材料和陶片。  相似文献   

流动商贩的空间分布有较大的临时性和变化性,但在各种不同因素的影响下,也具有一定的特征性。研究其分布特征和影响因素对从空间上引导该非正规经济的发展具有积极意义,而已有从空间角度出发的非正规经济研究成果较少。本文主要采用实证研究的方法,选取广州中山大道西路段的流动商贩为典型案例,从空间的角度对流动商贩这种非正规经济来进行研究。研究发现,流动商贩的空间分布具有时间、空间和类型构成三个特征。影响其分布特征的空间界面因素包括界面用地性质、权属以及界面空间特征等,揭示流动摊贩空间集聚的根源,为城市的规划管理和建设提供一定参考。  相似文献   

In recent years, numerous mainline Christian denominations throughout Canada have sold their places of worship in the real estate market in response to declines in religious membership and participation. At the same time, a growing demand for creative residential spaces by a group of the new middle class encourages the redevelopment of churches into upscale lofts, a practice connected to but divergent from the post-industrial loft living made popular in cities like New York. In this paper, I explore how the production and consumption of churches as lofts represents a novel terrain of private urban redevelopment. Church lofts are an emergent form of housing and the latest frontier in the remaking of material, cultural and religious landscapes in the post-secular city – a context where novel forms of secularity take shape alongside new expressions of religion. With an empirical focus on Toronto, I investigate how ‘redundant’ worship spaces are appropriated and transformed into private domestic spaces of commodified religion and heritage. Rebuilt as unique but exclusive places to live, church lofts are part of a secular upscaling of the central city, a process that increasingly remakes the city as a place of capital reinvestment, middle-class colonization and socio-secular upgrading.  相似文献   

Miriam J. Williams 《对极》2017,49(3):821-839
Feminist theorists in geography and beyond have long been calling for an ethic of care to be considered alongside justice as a normative ideal that can assist us in repairing our world. In urban theory this call has largely remained unheard as an ethic of care remains absent from theorisations of what comprises a just city. In this paper I argue for care to be considered alongside justice as an equally important ethic in our search for justice in the city. I develop the concept of care‐full justice, which assists us in negotiating the inherent tension between the normative and situated in the search for the ideals, and actually existing expressions, of justice and care in the city. I demonstrate the generative potential of this concept and argue that it enables us to re‐think what cities can be and to reveal times and places where this is the case.  相似文献   

西部9省会大城市综合竞争力的分析与研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
城市竞争力已成为当代关注和研究的焦点。在西部大开发战略背景下,探讨西部9省会大城市的综合竞争力尤为重要。本文选取42个指标作为西部地区9省会大城市综合竞争力评价的原始指标,运用因子多变量统计分析法对42个指标数据进行分析处理,得到5个公因子。在此基础上计算出西部地区9省会大城市综合竞争力的综合得分,进行分析和排序,最后对9个大城市进行简单地概括评价。  相似文献   

辛龙 《文博》2022,(1):3-7
隋唐长安城东北角夹城及十王宅遗址位于隋唐长安城遗址东北部,位置十分重要。2021年对遗址整体向西发掘10米,清理了隋唐长安城东郭夹城墙所在区域。该段夹城墙是兴庆宫通往大明宫的夹城墙仅存的一段,为唐玄宗开元年间修筑。本文即是对2021年度发掘工作主要收获的简报。  相似文献   

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