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This paper presents and discusses the results of residue analysis conducted on 78 ceramic lamps found in archaeological excavations in ancient Jerusalem, in an attempt to identify the types of oils used and the reasons for their preferential choice. The oil lamps chosen for the study were taken from a variety of contexts, which represent the different periods during which Jerusalem was settled and the different sectors of the city. The results of the study show that even the most mundane activity of lighting using oil held within it social and economic choices, as mirrored in the different excavation areas.  相似文献   

Angoche was an important historic trading port on the northern Mozambique coast. A maritime archaeological survey was undertaken of the islands and mainland to study Swahili trade, clarify the sequence of settlement development and record the exploitation of resources during the medieval and post-medieval periods. Previous archaeological investigations have revealed local ceramics from the early second millennium AD and imports from the late fifteenth century. According to oral traditions and ancient sources, Angoche’s growth is associated with the arrival of coastal settlers from Kilwa in 1485. The survey revealed evidence for occupation dating from c. AD 500 and trading evidence from the late first millennium AD. Artefacts from the thirteenth to sixteenth century on the islands are similar to those found at Kilwa and Sofala, which shows a link to Kilwa earlier than the oral traditions and the name of one of the Angoche Islands ‘Quilua’, is Kilwa in Portuguese. The islands are well resourced in terms of rice, mangrove wood, seafood and farmland and offer sheltered inlets and access to the coastal trade route. The name of Angoche relates to a port of call and the presence of ninth-tenth-century- storage vessels from southern Iran supports this theory. Traded glass and ceramic artifacts and beads increase from the late medieval period revealing that Angoche became an important and wealthy entrepôt. The lack of coral limestone and reef coral, on the sandy Angoche Islands, indicates some building materials would have had to have been imported. Although many buildings would have been made of wood, some stone ruins are likely to have been demolished and burnt to make lime. The original stratigraphy of many sites has been destroyed by aeolian and marine processes but the survey has shown that valuable information on settlement location and ethnographic practices can still be recovered.  相似文献   

The story of managing depressed fractures illustrates how knowledge of proven value does not always get handed down. Celsus was the first to describe sensible management for depressed fractures. As he wrote in Latin this was forgotten. Galen’s Greek writings survived forming the basis of management until the sixteenth century. In 1517, Hans von Gersdorff published a formidable illustrated surgical text. One illustration depicts an instrument for elevating depressed bone fragments. It looked dramatic but could not work and its defects were finally defined in the eighteenth century. Ambroise Paré used a bone punch just as we do today, but no later surgeon mentions this, though the instrument was well known. Elements of chance, fashion, emotionally powerful illustrations, and perhaps stubbornness had a profound effect on management delaying rational treatment for centuries.  相似文献   

南京大屠杀前夕南京人口的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张连红 《民国档案》2004,(3):127-134
自20世纪80年代以来,日本右派学一直在南京大屠杀的人数问题上大做章,其中一个特别具有煽动和迷惑性的论点就是,南京沦陷前夕南京居民只有20万,加上5万的守城部队,“怎么会有30万人被杀呢?”日本右派学“20万说”的“根据”究竟为何?南京沦陷之前究竟还有多少人留在南京?对南京沦陷之前南京人口数字问题的解读为何大相径庭?本认为,日本右派学在论述“战前南京人口”时,在史料的选择上,他们只采用对自己观点有利的史料,而摒弃对已不利的一切史料;在论述过程中,他们经常不断置换南京市人口与南京城区人口、南京城区常住人口与南京城内人口等不同概念;在论述立场方面,则一直试图压低战前南京人口数字,以说明屠杀“30万”之不可能。日本右派学对南京战前人口问题的偏向诠释与解读,将不利于两国民众对战争仇恨的化解与共同历史的构建。  相似文献   

博物馆的社会责任与社会发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于博物馆而言,其责任就是"为社会及其发展服务",使博物馆与观众之间相和谐;使博物馆文化与民众文化需求相协调;使博物馆事业与社会进步相统一;使博物馆社会效益最大化.同时,博物馆应积极与其他组织机构开展合作,博物馆之间的合作应向深度发展;要积极争取全社会支持与参与,彼此形成良好的互动态势,让更多的民众分享博物馆文化.  相似文献   


The design and development of the early aircraft carriers has made great demands on the interdisciplinary teams charged with these tasks. Although the same basic principles have always operated, and will continue to do so for all ships of this class, they were difficult to apply first to ships converted to carry aircraft and later to the ships specifically designed for aircraft-carrying purposes. Here these difficulties are reviewed and the compromises described as they relate to the Royal Navy and the United States Navy. Political constraints, as laid down by the Washington Treaty, played only a minor role.  相似文献   

A senior American specialist on China and noted geographer argues that the preoccupation of China geographers' with empirical analyses of that country's dramatic economic, social, and urban transformation over the last two decades—usually explained in terms of the now familiar quadruple forces of globalization, marketization, deregulation, and decentralization—should be broadened to reflect a concern for the problems of disadvantaged groups impacted negatively in dynamic urban and environmental settings. The methodology of reflexive activism is proposed as affording a framework for a more relevant geography focused on the study of China, with the potential to bring about positive and constructive change on behalf of China's disadvantaged population and its natural environment, and (as a possible side benefit) generate local epistemologies enriching the study of geography more broadly. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: P30. 68 references.  相似文献   

光在文物陈列运用时,既要充分发挥光的颜色、阴影及光的象征性特征,又要尽可能地减少灯光装置和光源,把照明方式与艺术陈列融为一体,创造出千姿百态,美仑美奂、柔和谐美的光空间。  相似文献   

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