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Coasts and Seas of the United Kingdom—the JNCC Coastal Directories Project: Regional Report 12: Wales, Margam to Little Orme J. H. BARNES, C. F. ROBSON, S. S. KAZWOWSKA and J. P. DOODY (Eds) 239 pp., many B&W illustrations and maps Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), Peterborough via Natural History Books Ltd, 2-3 Wills Road, Totnes, Devon TQ9 5XN, UK. 1995. £75, ISBN 1-873701-86-1. (Set of 17 vols). ISBN 1 8737701-91-1 Arab Seafaring GEORGE F. HOURANI, revised and expanded by John Carswell 189 pp., maps, illustrations Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA. 1995, £14.95, ISBN 0-691-00032-8 Underwater Archaeology Proceedings from SHA 1995 Conference, Washington DC PAUL FORSYTHE JOHNSTON 186 pp., line illustrations Society for Historical Archaeology, PO Box 30446, Tucson, AZ 85751-0446, USA, 1995, US $20+p&p The Polyeric Quest—Renaissance & Baroque Theories about Ancient Men-of-war L. TH. LEHMANN 184 pp., 26 black-&-white illustrations Obtainable: L. Th. Lehmann, Keestraat 15B, 1012 BW Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 1995, £20 or 35 Dfl. inc. postage. In Dutch as De queeste naar de multireme from De Bezige Bij, P.O.B. 75184, 1070 AD Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Dutch edition 45 Dfl., ISBN 90-9008462-2 Les Amphores en Gaule: production et circulation (Annales Littéraires de I'Université de Besançon 474) FANETTE LAUBENHEIMER (Ed.) 737 pp., illustrated Les Belles Lettres, 95 Bd Raspail, 75006 Paris, France, 1992, Fr.fr. 150, ISBN 2-251-60474-X The Heyday of Sail—Merchant Sailing Ship 1650-1830 (Conway's‘History of Ship’series) PHILIP BOSSCHEK 175 pp., numerous illustrations Conway Maritime Press, 33 John Street, London WCIN 2AT, UK. 1995, £28, ISBN 0-85177-562-4 The Ship as Symbol in Prehistoric and Medieval Scandinavia (Vol. 1 of PNM Studies in Archaeology of History) OLE CRUMLIN PEDERSEN and BIRGITTE THYE 196 pp., illustrated National Museum of Denmark, Department of Archaeology and Early History, 12, Frederiksholms Kanal, Copenhagen K, DK-1220, 1995, Dk.Kr.295, ISBN 87-893384-01-6, ISSN 0909-9506 Das Wrack der antike Schiffsfund von Mahdia (2 volumes) GISELA HELLEMPER SALIES (Ed.) 1127 pp., fully illustrated+32 colour plates Rheinland Verlag, Köln, 1994, N.P.G., ISBN 3-7927-1442-6 Archeologia Sottomarina alle Isole Eolie MENSUN BOUND 148 pp., 137 photographs, 61 plates Pungitopo Editrice, via Scaletta 2, 98060 Marina di Patti, Messina, Italy, 1992, It.L.30,000, ISBN 88-85328-39-3  相似文献   

Excavations at Carthage: The British Mission, Volume II, 1: The Circular Harbour, North Side: The Site and Finds Other Than Pottery H. R. HURST 335 pp., many illustrations Oxford University Press for the British Academy, 1994, £75, ISBN 0-17-727003-4 Excavations at Carthage, The British Mission Volume II, 2: The Circular Harbour, North Side: The Pottery (BA Monographs in Archaeology No. 5) M. G. FULFORD and D. P. S. PEACOCK with contributions from Henry Hurst, Kathryn Knowles and Jane Timby 124 pp., 39 line-drawings, 1 half-tone illustration British Academy and Oxford University Press, 1995, £30, ISBN 0-19-727004-2 Saint-Blaise/Bains des Dames 1: palynologie d'un site néolithique et histoire de la végetation des derniers 16,000 ans (Archéologie Neuchâteloise 18) PHILIPPE HADORN 121 pp.+ 50 pp., illustrated (colour plates) Musée Cantonal d'Archéologie, CH-2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 1994, Sw.Fr. 70 The History of English Sea Ordnance 1523–1715, Volume I: 1523–1715, The Age of Evolution ADRIAN B. CARUANA 237 pp., illustrated Jean Boudriot Publications, Rotherfield, Sussex TN6 3QX, UK, 1994, £50 The Sea-Gunner (1691) JOHN SELLER 258 pp + xiv, 3 plates Facsimile reprint with an Introduction by Adrian B. Caruana Jean Boudriot Publications, Rotherfield, 1994, £37 (cloth bound), £60 (leather bound), ISBN 0-948864-25-7 or ISBN 0-948864-26-5 (respectively) Die Reise nach Batavia, Deutsche Abenteurer in Ostasien, 1609 bis 1695 PETER KIRSCH 440 PP. Ernst Kabel Verlag, Hamburg, 1994, D.mk.49.80 ISBN 3-8225-0297 La Grotte Cosquer—Peintures et Gravures de la Caverne engloutie JEAN CLOTTES and JEAN COURTIN 189 pp., illustrated Editions du Seuil. Paris. 1994, F.fr 390, ISBN 2-020-198207 La Grotte Cosquer: Plongée dans la Prehistoire HENRI COSQUER 119 pp., 119 photographs + 2 plans in colour (all) Solar, Spain, 1992, F.fr. 150, ISBN 2-263-01943-X A History of Working Watercraft of the Western World (2nd edition) THOMAS C. GILLMER 276 pp., illustrated International Marine, P.O. Box 220, Camden, Maine, 04843, USA, 1994. £17.95 or $25.95, ISBN 0-07-023616-X The New Maritime History of Devon vol. II—from the Late Eighteenth Century to the Present Day M. DUFFY, S. FISHER, B. GREENHILL, D. STARKEY and JOYCE YOUINGS 272 pp., illustrated University of Exeter & Conway Maritime Press, London, 1994, £35, ISBN 0-85177-6337  相似文献   

Joseph Rykwert, The Dancing Column. On Order in Architecture, Cambridge, Mass. and London: The MIT Press, 1996. xviii + 598 pp., 316 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–18170–3. £49.95.

Janet Lang and Andrew Middleton (eds.), Radiography of Cultural Material, Oxford: Butterworth‐Heinemann, 1997. xii + 193 pp., 23 col. and 157 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7506–2621–6. £45.00.

Chris Rojek and John Urry (eds.), Touring Cultures: Transformations of Travel and Theory, London and New York: Routledge, 1997. x + 214 pp., 11 b. & w. illus. and 1 fig. ISBN 0–415–111225–0. £13.99.

Peter Mandler, The Fall and Rise of the Stately Home, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1997. viii + 523 pp., 99 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–300–06703–8. £19.95.

Susan M. Pearce (ed.), Experiencing Material Culture in the Western World, London and Washington: Leicester University Press, 1997. xiv + 274 pp., 1 b. & w. illus. ISBN 9–7185–0022–9. £18–99.

Steven Parissien, Station to Station, London: Phaidon, 1997. 240 pp., 191 col. and 146 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7148–3467‐X. £39.99.

David Phillips, Exhibiting Authenticity, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1997. xi + 234 pp., 61 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4797–8. £16.99.

Phillip Lindley (ed.), Sculpture Conservation: Preservation or Interference?, Aldershot, England: Scolar Press, 1997. xxxii + 237 pp., 18 figs., 97 b. & w. and 65 col. illus. ISBN 1–85928–254–7. £35.00.

George (Rip) Rapp Jr. and Christopher L. Hill, Geoarchaeology: the Earth‐science Approach to Archaeological Interpretation, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1998. xiii + 274 pp., 80 figs. ISBN 0–300–07075–6. £28.00.

Brian J. Shaw and Roy Jones (eds.), Contested Urban Heritage: Voices from the Periphery, Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate, 1997. ix + 205 pp., 19 figs, 42 b. & w. illus. ISBN 1–85972–554–6. £37.50.

Dianne Sachko Macleod, Art and the Victorian Middle Class: Money and the Making of Cultural Identity, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xx + 530 pp., 8 col. and 76 b. & w. illns. ISBN 0–521–55090–4. £65.00.

Nicholas Barton, Stone Age Britain, London: B. T. Batsford in association with English Heritage, 1997. 144 pp., 7 figs., 16 col. and 113 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7134–6846–7. £15.99.

Paul Bidwell, Roman Forts in Britain, London: B. T. Batsford in association with English Heritage, 1997. 128 pp., 12 col. and 80 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7134–7100‐X. £15.99.

Peter Marsden, Ships and Shipwrecks, London: B. T. Batsford in association with English Heritage, 1997. 128 pp., 11 col. and 85 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7134–7536–6. £15.99.

Trevor Rowley, Norman England, London: B. T. Batsford in association with English Heritage, 1997. 144 pp., 12 col. and 94 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7134–8060–2. £15.99.  相似文献   

Visker, R., Michel Foucault— Genealogy as Critique, translated by C. Turner (Verso, 1995), 179pp., £12.95 pbk, ISBN 1 85984 095 7; £39.95 hbk, ISBN 0 86091 468 2

Simons, J., Foucault and the Political (Routledge, 1995), 152pp, pbk, ISBN 0 415 10066 6; hbk, ISBN 0 415 10065 8

Olivier, L., Michel FoucaultPenser au temps du nihilisme (Liber, 1995), 247pp., pbk, ISBN 2 921569 21 3  相似文献   

Douglas Crimp, On the Museum's Ruins (with photographs by Louise Lawler), Cambridge, Mass. and London: The MIT Press, 1993. xx + 348 pp., 110 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–03209–0. £24.95.

Clarissa Campbell Orr (ed.), Women in the Victorian Art World, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995. xiv + 208 pp., 1 fig., 29 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4123–6. £14.99.

Diana Ketcham, Le Désert de Retz, Cambridge, Mass. & London: The MIT Press, 1994. vii + 135 pp., 99 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–11186–1. £35.95.

Anthony & Patricia Wylson, Theme Parks, Leisure Centres, Zoos and Aquaria, London: Longman, 1994. 183 pp., 107 figs., 109 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–582–099285. £60.00.

David Lambert, Peter Goodchild, & Judith Roberts, Researching a Garden's History: A Guide to Documentary and Published Sources, Reigate: Landscape Design Trust, in association with Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, University of York, 1995. 28 pp. 12 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–9518377–0–2. £6.00.

Mike Sixsmith (ed.), Touring Exhibitions: The Touring Exhibitions Group's Manual of Good Practice, Oxford: Butterworth‐Heinemann, 1995. xviii + 237 pp., ISBN 0–7506–2518‐x. £35.00.

Richard Harrison (ed.), Manual of Heritage Management, Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann and the Association of Independent Museums, 1994. xiii + 425 pp. ISBN 0–7506–0822–6. £65.00.

J. M. Fladmark (ed.), Sharing the Earth : Local Identity in Global Culture, London: Donhead, 1995. xviii + 381 pp., 70 b. & w. illus. ISBN 1–873394–19–5. £37.00.

Gary Edson and David Dean, The Handbook for Museums, London and New York: Routledge, 1994. xvi + 302 pp. ISBN 0–415–09952–8. £27.50.

Michael Wheeler (ed.), Ruskin and Environment: The Storm‐Cloud of the Nineteenth Century, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1995. x + 202 pp., 7 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4377–8. £40.00.

M. D. Anderson, History and Imagery in British Churches, London: John Murray, [1971], 1995. xxiv + 291 pp., 1 map, 18 figs., 93 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7195–5414–4. £15.99.

Chris Brooks & Andrew Saint (eds.), The Victorian Church. Architecture and Society, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1995. xii + 228 pp., 82 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–4020–5. £16.99.

M. Christine Boyer, The City of Collective Memory: Its Historical Imagery and Architectural Entertainments, Cambridge, Mass., and London: The MIT Press, 1994. xii + 560 pp., 65 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–262–02371–7. £34.95.

John Glasson, Kerry Godfrey, Brian Goodey, Helen Absalom, & Jan Van der Borg, Towards Visitor Impact Management, Aldershot: Avebury, 1995. xii + 189 pp. ISBN 1–85972–054–4. £35.00.

Ann Bermingham & John Brewer (eds.), The Consumption of Culture 1600–1800. Image, Object, Text, London & New York: Routledge, 1995. xvi + 548 pp., 111 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–415–12135–5. £120.00.

B. W. Clapp An Environmental History of Britain since the Industrial Revolution, London and New York: Longman, 1994. 268 pp., 2 maps, 12 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–582–22626–0. £12.99.

Eilean Hooper‐Greenhill, Museum, Media, Message, London and New York: Routledge, 1995. xvi + 299 pp., 23 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–415–11672–4. £40.00.

A. Davey, B. Heath, D. Hodges, M. Ketchin & R. Milne, The Care and Conservation of Georgian Houses: A Maintenance Manual for Edinburgh New Town, Oxford: Butterworth, 4th ed., 1995. xxviii + 291 pp., 100 b. & w. illus. and 100 figs. ISBN 0–7506–1860–4. £40.00.

Philip Rahtz, English Heritage Book of Glastonbury, London: Batsford & English Heritage, 1993. 144 pp., 97 figs., ISBN 0–7134–6865–3. £14.99.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Cogs, Caravels and Galleons: The Sailing Ship 1000–1650 (History of the Ship Series). RICHARD W. UNGER (Ed.)
Medieval Ships and Shipping (No. 3 in The Archaeology of Medieval Britain series). GILLIAN HUTCHINSON
Crossroads in Ancient Shipbuilding: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology, Roskilde 1991 (Oxbow Monograph 40). C. WESTERDAHL (Ed.)
Archaeonautica 11: L'épave D'Omonville-la-rouge (Manche) (pp 31–129). J. GUESNON
Zes Vatem Rundvlees mit het Scheepswrak Scheurrak S01 . J. T. ZEILER  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1997,6(1):95-123

Book Reviews     
《Early Medieval Europe》1997,6(2):229-252
Les évêques normands du XIe siêcle. Edited by Pierre Bouet and François Neveux. Caen: Presses Universitaires de Caen. 1995. 336 pp. 150 FF. ISBN 2 84133 021 4. The Book of Cerne: Prayer, Power, and Patronage in Ninth-Century England. By Michelle P. Brown. The British Library Studies in Medieval Culture 1. London and Toronto: The British Library and Toronto University Press. 1996. 252 pp. £45. ISBN 0 7123 0486 X Scandinavian Settlement in Northern Britain. Edited by Barbara E. Crawford. Studies in the Early History of Britain series. London and New York: Leicester University Press. 1995. xv + 248pp. £45. ISBN 0 7185 1923 X Picts, Gaels and Scots. By Sally M. Foster. London: BT Batsford Ltd/Historic Scotland. 1996. 128pp. £15.99. ISBN 0 7134 7485 8 (cased) 0 7134 7486 6 (limp). Pre-Conquest Charter-Bounds of Devon and Cornwall. By Della Hooke. Woodbridge: Boydell Press. 1994. 239 pp. £29.50. ISBN 0 85115 354 2. The Envy of Angels: Cathedral Schools and Social Ideals in Medieval Europe, 950–1200. By C. Stephen Jaeger. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1994. xvi + 515 pp. $37.95. ISBN 0 8122 3246 1. On Original Sin and a Disputation with the Jew, Leo, Concerning the Advent of Christ, the Son of God: Two Theological Treatises. Odo of Tournai. Edited by Irven M. Resnick. Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 1994. x + 150 pp. $29.95. ISBN 0 8122 3288 7. Engraved Gems of the Carolingian Renaissance. By Genevra Kornbluth. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995. xxv + 139 pp. 1 colour pl. (frontispiece), 220 illustrations. £35.95/$45. ISBN 0 271 01426 1. Pacifico di Verona. Il passato Carolingio nella costruzione della memoria urbana, con un nota di Stefano Zamponi. By Cristina La Rocca. Rome: Istituto storico Italiano per il Medio Evo, nuovi studi storici 31. 1995. ix + 266 pp. 26 plates. ISBN 0391-8475. Slavery in Early Medieval England: From the Reign of Alfred Until the Twelfth Century. By David Pelteret. Studies in Anglo-Saxon History 7. Woodbridge: Boydell. 1995. xvi + 375 pp. £45/$63. ISBN 0 85115 399 2. Studies in Medieval Language and Culture. By Michael Richter. Dublin: Four Courts Press. 1995. 227 pp. £37.50. ISBN 1 85182 171 6. Gift and Exchange in the Anglo-Saxon Poetic Corpus: A Contribution Towards the Representation of Wealth. By Nida Louise Surber-Meyer. Geneva: Editions Slatkine. 1994. 256 pp. ISBN 2 101302 0. Frauen, Heiligkeit und Macht: Lateinische Frauenviten aus dem 4. bis 7. Jahrhundert. By Susanne Wittern. Stuttgart and Weimar: Metzler. 1994. Ergebnisse der Frauenforschung 33. iv + 220 pp. DM 42. ISBN 3 476 00951 3. Der Ragyndrudis-Codex des Hl. Bonifatius. By Lutz E. von Padberg and Hans-Walter Stork. Paderborn: Bonifatius Druck. Buch Verlag, and Fulda: Verlag Parzeller. 1995. 134 pp with 30 illustrations. ISBN (Bonifatius Verlag) 3 87088 812 1 and ISBN (Parzeller Verlag) 3 7900 0238 0. The Ship as symbol in prehistoric and medieval Scandinavia. Edited by Ole Crumlin-Pedersen and Birgitte Munch Thye. Studies in Archaeology and History. 1 Copenhagen, Publications from the National Museum. 1995. 196 pp with line drawings and photographs throughout (paperback). ISBN 87 89384 01 6. ISSN 0909 9506. Available direct from The National Museum, The Museum Shop, 12, Frederiksholms Kanal, DK-1220 Copenhagen K. The Germanization of early medieval Christianity. A sociohistorical approach to Religious transformation. By James C. Russell, Oxford. Oxford University Press 1994. xiii + 258 pp. £25. ISBN 0 19 507696 6.  相似文献   

Apollinaire, G., Alcools, trans. Donald Revell (University Press of New England, 1995), 171pp., £20.50 hbk., ISBN 0 8195 2224 4, £10.75 pbk, ISBN 0 8195 1228 1

Bredin, J.‐D., L'Affaire (Fayard/Julliard, 1993), 856pp., 198F.

Burac, R., Charles Péguy. La révolution et lagrâce (Laffont, 1994), 347pp., 139F.

Freeman, E.T., Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac (Glasgow Introductory Guides 34, 1995 76pp., £3.95, ISBN 0 85261 467 5

French Pocket Dictionary, English‐French, French‐English (Harrap, 1995), 712pp., £6.99, ISBN 0 245 60575 4

INSEE, L'Economie française (Librairie générale française, 1995), 282pp., ISBN 2 253 90520 8

Lloyd, H., Bonjour Tristesse (Glasgow Introductory Guides to French Literature 35, 1995), 60pp., £3.95, ISBN 0 85261 469 1

Raymond, J., Eluard (Seuil, 1995), 220pp., ISBN 2 02 023561 7

School French Dictionary (Larousse, 1994), 480pp., £5.50, ISBN 2 03 401761 7

Soulez‐Larivière, D., L'Avocature (Seuil, 1995), 350pp., 140F., ISBN 2 02 023510 2  相似文献   

ALMÉRAS, P. Un Français nommé Pétain Robert Laffont, 1995 451pp., 75F., ISBN 2 221 07960 4

BADIE, B., and WIHTOL DE WENDEN, C. (Eds) Le Défi migratoire: questions de relations internationales Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1994 185pp. ISBN 2 7246 0650 7

BOURDAIS, H. La JOC sous l'occupation allemande Les Editions de l'Atelier, 1995 224pp., 130F., ISBN 2708231855

BRELOT, C. I. and MAYAND, J.‐L. (Eds) Voyages en histoire Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon, no. 550 Série Historique, no. 9, 1995 215pp.

CAHM, E. The Dreyfus Affair in French Society and Politics Longman, 1996 211pp., £11.99, pbk, ISBN 0 582 279780

CAIRE, G. L'emploi: des repères pour comprendre et agir Liris, 1994 192pp., 89F., ISBN 2 909420 09 4

COQ, G. Laïcité et République. Le Lien Nécessaire Félin, 1995 335pp., 139F., ISBN 2 86645 196

DREYFUS. F.‐G. Histoire de la Résistance Editions de Fallois, 1996 653pp. 150F., ISBN 2 87706 257 0

ELLIS, K. Music Criticism in Nineteenth‐century France Cambridge University Press, 1995 273pp., £35, ISBN 0 521 45443

GILDEA, R. France since 1945 Oxford University Press, 1996 280pp., £17.99, ISBN 0 19 219246 9

GREILSAMER, L., and SCHNEIDERMANN, D. Un certain Monsieur Paul Fayard, 1994 266pp., 110F., ISBN 2 213 59248 9

JULLIARD, J. and WINOCK, M. (Eds) Dictionnaire des intellectuels francais, les personnes, les lieux, les moments Seuil, 1996 1258pp., 295F., ISBN 2 02 018334 X

KRITZMAN, L.D. (Ed.) Auschwitz and After: Race, Culture, and ‘the Jewish Question’ in France Routledge, 1995 335pp., £40 hbk, ISBN 0 415 90440 4; £14.99 pbk, ISBN 0 415 90441 2.

MAGUIRE, G.E. Anglo‐American Policy towards the Free French Macmillan, 1995 210pp., £35, ISBN 0 312 12710 3.

PEDLEY, A. As Mighty as the Sword: a Study of the Writings of Charles de Gaulle Elm Bank Publications, 1996 226pp., £24.99, ISBN 0 9502595 3 5

RAJSFUS, M. La Police de Vichy, les forces de l'ordre français au service de la Gestapo, 1940–1944 Le Cherche‐Midi, 1995 286pp., 115 F., ISBN 2 86274 358 5

RIGAUD, J. L'exception culturelle: culture et pouvoirs sous la Ve République Grasset, 1995 299pp., 120F., ISBN 2 246 5143 1 2

TEYSSIER, A. La Ve République 1958–1995 de de Gaulle à Chirac Pygmalion/Gérard Watelet, 1995 557pp., 150F., ISBN 2 85704 461 5

ULLMANN, B. Jacques Soustelle Plon, 1995 443pp., 159F., ISBN 2 259 02793 8

WRIGHT, G. France in Modern Times W. W. Norton, 1995 490pp., £14.95, ISBN 0 393 96705 0  相似文献   

Wilfrid Blunt & William T. Steam, The Art of BotanicalIllustration, Woodbridge, Suffolk & Wappingers' Falls, New York: Antique Collectors' Club in association with The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, 1994. 368 pp., 133 col. and 140 b. & w. illus. ISBN 1-85149-177-5. £29.95.

Priscilla Boniface & Peter J. Fowler, Heritage and Tourismin in ‘The Global Village’, London & New York: Routledge, 1993. xiv + 175pp, 18 b.&w.illus. ISBN 0-415-07237-9 £15.99.

P. Devereux, Secrets of Ancient and Sacred Places: the world'smysterious heritage, London: Blandford, 1992, 192 pp., 169 Illus., ISBN 0-7137-2229-0, £16.99.

J.M. Fladmark, ed., Heritage: conservation, interpretation, enterprise, London: Donhead, 1993, 355 pp., 21 figs., 30 b.& w. illus. ISBN 1-873394-13-6. £35.

Roger Miles & Lauro Zavala (eds.), Towards the Museum ofthe Future. New European Perspectives, London & New York:Routledge, 1994. xiv + 203pp., 28 b. & w. illus. ISBN0-415-09498-4. £27.50.

Naomi Tarrant, The Development of Costume. London & NewYork: Routledge in conjunction with The National Museumof Scotland 1994. xv+176pp., 72 b.& w.illus. ISBN 0 41508018 5 £35.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
‘WE GATHER TOGETHER’: FOOD AND FESTIVAL IN AMERICAN LIFE. Edited by THEODORE H. HUMPHREY and LIN T. HUMPHREY. Utah State University Press, 1991. 289pp. $17.95 paper, ISBN 0-87421-155-7. Reviewed by Jennifer Chandler.

SPOKEN IN JEST. Edited by Gillian Bennett. Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 1992. ISBN 1850752575. 296pp., 3 plates, 22 figures. £25 (cloth). Reviewed by Susan Storrier.

WEDDING CAKES AND CULTURAL HISTORY by SIMON CHARSLEY. Routledge, London, 1992. 162pp. 4 illustrations. ISBN 0-415-02648-2 (hbk); 0-415-02649-0 (pbk). Reviewed by George Monger.

NORSE MYTHS. By R. I. PAGE. London: British Museum Press, 1990. 80pp. £5.95. ISBN 0 7141 2062 6. Reviewed by Carolyne Larrington.

DIE MAUS IM JUMBO-JET: NEUE SAGENHAFTE GESCHICHTEN VON HEUTE. By ROLF WILHELM BREDNICH, Beck'sche Reihe 435. München: Beck, 1991. 143 pp. Reviewed by W. F. H. Nicolaisen.

THE RISE OF MAGIC IN EARLY MEDIEVAL EUROPE by VALERIE J. FLINT. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1991. 452 pp. ISBN 0-19-820093-5. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

INTERNATIONAL PROVERB SCHOLARSHIP: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. SUPPLEMENT I (1800–1981). WOLFGANG MIEDER. Garland Publishing Inc., New York and London, 1990. 436 pp. Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

THE CONCISE OXFORD DICTIONARY OF PROVERBS. Ed. JOHN SIMPSON and JENNIFER SPEAKE. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York (2nd ed.), 1992. 316 pp. ISBN 0-19-866177-0. Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

A DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN PROVERBS. Ed. WOLFGANG MIEDER, S. A. KINGSBURY and K. B. HARDER. Oxford University Press, Oxford and New York, 1992. 710 pp. £27.50. ISBN 0-19-505399-0. Reviewed by Malcolm Jones.

ETHNIC MUSIC ON RECORDS. By RICHARD K. SPOTTSWOOD. University of Illinois Press, 1990. Volumes 1-7. Pp. 4,347. Illustrated. ISBN 0-252-01718-8 (set). Reviewed by Gordon Ashman.

DUNBAR THE MAKAR. By PRISCILLA BAWCUTT. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1992. 196pp. £50. ISBN 0-19-812963-7. Reviewed by Jacqueline Simpson.

SIGNS FROM THE ANCESTORS by M. JANE YOUNG, 1990. Reviewed by Donald Taylor.

THE NIGHTWAY by JAMES C FARIS, 1990. Reviewed by Donald Taylor.

FORMS OF DEFORMITY. By LYNN HOLDEN. Journal for the Study of the Old Testament Supplement Series 131. Sheffield: JSOT Press, 1991. 370pp. Appendix and bibliography. ISBN 1-85074-327-X. £40. Reviewed by Jennifer Chandler.

CITY, MARRIAGE, TOURNAMENT ARTS OF RULE IN LATE MEDIEVAL SCOTLAND. By LOUISE OLGA FRADENBURG. University of Wisconsin Press, 1991. 390pp, ill. ISBN 0-299-12954-3. Reviewed by Sandra Billington.

GEORGE EWART EVANS. By GARETH WILLIAMS. Writers of Wales Series, University of Wales Press, Cardiff, 1991. 93pp. £3.50. Reviewed by Trefor M. Owen.  相似文献   

Andrew, D., Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film (Princeton Paperbacks, 1995), xv + 409pp., £19.95, ISBN 0 691 00883 3

Barou, J., and Prado, P., Les Anglais dans nos campagnes (L'Harmattan, 1995), 238pp., 140F., ISBN 2 7384 3352 9

Blanchot, M., The Writing of the Disaster, trans. Ann Smock, new edn. (University of Nebraska Press, [1986] 1995), 153pp., £11.00, ISBN 0 8032 6120 9

Brami, J., Cottentenet‐Hage, M., and Verdaguer, P., eds., Regards sur la France des armies 1980 ‐ Le Roman (Anma Libri, 1994), 260pp., ISBN 0 915838 96 6

Brewer, M.M., Claude Simon: Narrativities Without Narrative (University of Nebraska Press, 1995), 183pp., $38.50, ISBN 0 8032 1261 5

Carroll, D., French Literary Fascism: Nationalism, Anti‐Semitism and the Ideology of Culture (Princeton University Press, 1995), 300pp., £24.95, ISBN 0 691 03723 X

Charle, C., A Social History of France in the Nineteenth Century trans. Mirian Kochan, (Berg, 1994), x + 314pp., hbk, ISBN 0 85496 906 2, pbk, ISBN 0 85496 913 6

Cordelier, S., Poisson, E. et al., L'État de la France 1995–96 (La Découverte, 1995), 635pp., 159F., ISBN 2 7071 2447 8

Crisp, C., The Classic French Cinema 1930–1960 (Indiana University Press, 1994), 485pp., £50.00, ISBN 0 2533 1550 6

Crozier, M., La Crise de l'Intelligence (Interéditions, 1995), 200pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7296 0567 3

Debré, M., Combattre Toujours: Mémoires, 1969–1993 (Albin Michel, 1994), 333pp., 150F., ISBN 2 226 07536 4

Dieudonné, P., ed., Villes reconstruites du dessin au iestin (L'Harmattan, 1994), vol. 1, 382pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2605 0, vol. 2, 384pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7384 2606 9

Domenach, N., and Szarfan, M., De si bons amis (Plon, 1994), 454pp., 110F., ISBN 2 259 18018 3

Duchene, F.L., Jean Monnet: the First Statesman of Interdependence (W. W. Norton, 1994), 410pp., £22.00, ISBN 0 393 03497 6

Dutton, D., ed., Statecraft and Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (Liverpool University Press, 1995), 180pp., £15.05, ISBN 0 85323 379 9

Eck, J.‐F., La France dans la nouvelle economic mondiale (PUF, 1994), 312pp., 150F., ISBN 2 13 046092 5

Forest, P., Histoire de Tel Quel, 1960–82 (Seuil, 1995), 655pp., 180F., ISBN 2 02 017346 8

Gardies, A., L'Espace au cinéma (Meridiens Klincksieck, 1993)

Gregg, J., Maurice Blanchot and the Literature of Transgression (Princeton University Press, 1994), 241pp., £25.00, ISBN 0 691 03329 3

Habert, P., Perrineau, P., and Ysmal, C., eds., Le Vote Sanction: Les élections législatives des 21 et 28 mars 1993 (Départment des études politiques du Figaro et Presses de la Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, 1993), 347pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7246 0634 5

Kessler, M.‐C., Les Grands corps de l'état (Presses Universitaires de France, 1994), 128pp., 36F., ISBN 2 13 046502 1

Kramer, S.P., Does France Still Count? The French Role in the New Europe (Praeger, 1994), 113pp., £11.95, ‘Washington Papers’ series ISBN 0 275 95061 1.

Lallement, M., ed., Travail et emploi: le temps de métamorphoses (L'Harmattan, 1995), 283pp., 150F., ISBN 2 7384 2559 3

Le Crom, J.‐P., Syndicate nous voilal Vichy et le corporatisme (Les Editions Ouvrières, 1995), 410pp., 190F., ISBN 2 7082 3123 5

Lefait, P., Quatre Ministres etpuis s'en vont (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 310pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3105 7

Lepetit, B. et al., Atlas de la Révolution française, vol. 8, Population (Editions EHESS, 1995), 92pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7132 1189 1

Manent, P., An Intellectual History of Liberalism, trans. Rebecca Balinski (Princeton University Press, 1994), pp. 128, £16.95, ISBN 0 691 03437 0

Martelli, R., Le rouge et le bleu. Essai sur le communisme français (Editions de l'Atelier, 1995), 286pp., 120F., ISBN 2 7082 3119 7

Mélenchon, J.‐L., Rocard, le rendezvous manqué (Ramsay, 1994), 237pp., 110F..ISBN2 84114 053 9

Minc, A., La France ie l'an 2000 (Odile Jacob/Documentation Française), 321pp., 60F., ISBN 2 7381 0281 6

Osen, J., Royalist Political Thought during the French Revolution (Greenwood Press, 1995), 154pp., £49.50, ISBN 0 313 29441 0

Outram, D., The Enlightenment (Cambridge University Press, 1995), 141pp., £27.95 hbk, ISBN 0 521 41522 5, £9.96 pbk, ISBN 0 521 42534

Phillips, P., Republican France: Divided Loyalties (Greenwood, 1993), xxiii + 168pp., $49.95, ISBN 0 313 27503 3

Platten, D., Djian: 37° 2 le matin (University of Glasgow French &; German Publications, 1995), 92pp., £3.95, ISBN 085261 368 7

Proudhon, P.‐J., What is Property? (CUP, 1994), 227pp., £55 hbk, £12.95 pbk.

Roberts, M., Civilization Without Sexes: Reconstructing Gender in Postwar France 1917–1927 (University of Chicago Press, 1994), 337pp., £15.25, ISBN 0 226 72122 1

Rosanvallon, P., La nouvelle question sociale (Seuil, 1995), 223pp., 95F., ISBN 2 02 022030

Royal, S., Pays, paysans, pay sages. La reconciliation est‐elle possible? (Laffont, 1993), 228pp., 89F., ISBN 2 221 07046 1

Suleiman, E., Les Ressorts cachés de la réussite française (Seuil, 1995), 377pp., 130F., ISBN 2 02 021841 0

Tindall, G., Célestine. Voices from a French Village (Sinclair‐Stevenson, 1995), ix + 286pp., £17.99, ISBN 1 85619 534 1

Tricot, B., Mémoires (Quai Voltaire, 1994), 503pp., 148F., ISBN 2 87653 209 3

Veillon, D., Vivre et Survivre en France 1939–1947 (Editions Payot, 1995), 371pp., 145F., ISBN 2 228 88875 3

Vigato, J.‐C., L‘Architecture Régionalize. France 1890–1950 (Norma, 1994), 392pp., 160F., ISBN 2 9092832 11 9

Wagstaff, P., ed., Regionalism in Europe (Intellect, 1994), 120pp., £14.95, ISBN 1 871516 84 6

Walker, D.H., Outrage and Insight: Modern French Writers and the ’Fait Divers’ (Berg, 1995), 281pp., £39.95, ISBN 0 85946 780 X

Wilson, H.S., African Decolonisation (Edward Arnold, 1994), 222pp., £12.99, ISBN 0 340 55929 2  相似文献   

Sam Smiles, The Image of Antiquity: Ancient Britain and the Romantic Imagination, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1994. x + 252 pp., 128 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–300–05814–4. £35.00.

Marcia Pointon (ed.), Art Apart: Art Institutions and Ideology Across England and North America, Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 1994. 292 pp., 39 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–7190–3918–5. f 10.99.

Daniel J. Sherman and Irit Rogoff (eds.), Museum Culture: Histories, Discourses, Spectacles, London: Routledge and Minneapolis: the University of Minnesota Press, 1994. xx + 301 pp., 26 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–415–09274–4. £14.99.

Sheena Mackellar Goulty, Heritage Gardens. Care, Conservation and Management, London and New York: Routledge, 1993. 176 pp., 82 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–415–07474–6. £19.99.

Anne Fahy (ed.), Collections Management, London and New York: Rontledge, 1995. xii + 304 pp., 2 figs. ISBN 0–415–11283–4. £19.99.

Annie E. Coombes, Reinventing Africa: Museums, Material Culture and Popular Imagination, New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1994. vii + 280 pp., 112 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–300‐ 05972–8. £35.00.

Lesley Hoskins (ed.), The Papered Wall. The History, Patterns and Techniques of Wallpaper, London: Thames and Hudson, 1994. 256 pp., 185 col. and 157 b. & w. illus. ISBN 0–500–23695‐X. £32.00.  相似文献   

Diego Garzia 《Modern Italy》2013,18(1):99-101

Tom Behan, The Camorra, Routledge, London, 1996, 225 pp., ISBN 0–415–09987–0 hbk, £25.00.

Gianluca Fiorentini and Sam Peltzman (eds), The Economics of Organized Crime, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 301 pp., ISBN 0–521–47248–2 hbk, £30.00.

T.C.W. Blanning and David Cannadine (eds), History and Biography: Essays in Honour of Derek Beales, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, ix + 298 pp, ISBN 0–521–47330–6 hbk, £35.00.

’La Terza Irlanda’. Gli scritti sulla Sardegna di Carlo Cattaneo e Giuseppe Mazzini, (ed.) Francesco Cheratzu, Condaghes, Cagliari, 1995, ISBN 88–86229–12–1.

Martin Clark, Modern Italy 1871–1995,2nd edn, Longman, London and New York, 1996, xiii + 474 pp., ISBN 0–582–05126–6 pbk, £19.99.

Spencer M. Di Scala, Italy: From Revolution to Republic: 1700 to the Present, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1995, xxiii + 416 pp, ISBN 0–8133–1342–2 hbk, £56.50, 0–8133–1343–0 pbk, £15.50.

Christopher Duggan and Christopher Wagstaff (eds), Italy in the Cold War: Politics, Culture and Society, 1948–58, Berg, Oxford, 1995, 228 pp., ISBN 1–85973–038–8 hbk, £34.95.

Douglas J. Forsyth, The Crisis of Liberal Italy. Monetary and Financial Policy, 1914–1922, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1993, xii + 370 pp., ISBN 0–521–41682–5 hbk, £40.00.

Paul Furlong, Modern Italy: Representation and Reform, Routledge, London, 1994, 295 pp., ISBN 0–415–01565–0 pbk.

Maria Ida Gaeta (ed.), Giovanni Gentile: la filosofia, la politica, l'organizzazione della cultura, Marsilio, Venice, 1995, ISBN 88–317–6285–0, 30,000 Lire.

Giovanni Turi, Giovanni Gentile: una biografia, Giunti, Florence, 1995, ISBN 88–09–20755–6, 48,000 Lire.

Mark Gilbert, The Italian Revolution. The End of Politics, Italian Style?, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1995, 204 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8788–4 hbk, ISBN 0–8133–2685–0 pbk.

V.A. Goddard, Gender, Family and Work in Naples, Berg, Oxford, 1996, 264 pp., ISBN 1–85973–0345 hbk, 1–85973–039–6 pbk, £14.95.

Italo Pardo, Managing Existence in Naples: Morality, Action and Structure, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 232 pp., ISBN 0–521–562–279 hbk, 0–521–566–657 pbk.

Stephen Gundle, I comunisti italiani tra Hollywood e Mosca. La sfida della cultura di massa, Giunti, Florence, 1995, 572 pp., ISBN 88–09–20642–8 pbk, 42,000 Lire.

Walter Laqueur, Fascism: Past, Present, Future, Oxford University Press, New York, 1996, 263 pp., ISBN 0–19–509245–7 hbk, $27.50, 0–19–511793‐X pbk, $13.95.

Stanley G. Payne, A History of Fascism 1914–1945, University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1995, 613 pp., ISBN 0–299–1487–0 hbk, $39.95 or £31.95, 0–299–14874–2 pbk, $19.95 or £14.95.

Renzo Martinelli, Storia del Partito comunista italiano: II ‘Partito nuovo’ dalla Liberazione al 18 Aprile, Einaudi, Turin, 1995, 382 pp, ISBN 88–06–13877–4, 65,000 Lire.

Patrick McCarthy and Gianfranco Pasquino (eds), The End of Post‐War Politics in Italy. The Landmark 1992 Elections, Westview Press, Boulder, San Francisco and Oxford, 1993, 187 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8628–4, £21.95.

Philip Morgan, Italian Fascism 1919–1945, Macmillan, Basingstoke, 1995, vii + 209 pp., ISBN 03353–7793 pbk, £12.99

John Whittam, Fascist Italy, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1995, v + 179 pp., ISBN 07190–40043 pbk, £12.99.

Serge Noiret, La nascita del sistema dei partiti nell'ltalia contemporanea. La proportionate del 1919, Lacaita, Manduria, Bari and Rome, 1994, 313 pp., 30,1997 Lire.

Silvana Patriarca, Numbers and Nationhood. Writing Statistics in Nineteenth‐Century Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, pp. 280, ISBN 0–521–46296–7 hbk, £40.00.

Paolo Pombeni, La Costituente. Un problema storico‐politico, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995, 170 pp., ISBN 88–15–05192–9 pbk, 18,000 Lire.

Michele Sarfatti, Mussolini contro gli ebrei: Cronaca dell'elaborazione delle leggi del 1938, Silvio Zamorani editore, Turin, 1994, 199 pp., ISBN 88–7158–033–8, 30,000 Lire.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
ILO‐GEET, Economic Restructuring and Social Dialogue in the Ivanovo Oblast, Russia, International Labour Organization — Central and Eastern European Team, Report No. 14. Available from: ILO‐CEET, Moszaru. 14, Budapest H‐1066, Hungary. 62 pp, hb, ISBN 92 2 110302 1 (no price included).

Europe at the Margins: New Mosaics of Inequality. Costis Hadjimichalis and David Sadler (Eds). Chichester, John Wiley, 1995, xii+ 246pp, £45.00 hb, ISBN 0 471 95635 X.

Post‐Fordism: a Reader. A. Amin (Ed). Oxford, Blackwell, 1994, ix + 435 pp, £45.00 hb, ISBN 0 631 18856 8, £14.99, pb, ISBN 0 631 18857 6.

An Enlarged Europe: Regions in Competition?. Sally Hardy, Mark Hart, Louis Albrechts and Anastasios Katos (Eds). London: Jessica Kingsley & Regional Studies Association, 1995, 342 pp., £22.50 pb, ISBN 1 85302 188 1.  相似文献   

Association Georges Pompidou, Georges Pompidou et l'Europe (Brussels, Complexe, 1995), 692pp., 235R, ISBN 2 87027 525 0

Bard, C., Les filles de Marianne: Histoire des féminismes 1914–1940 (Librairie Arthème Fayard, 1995), 528pp., 168F., ISBN 2 213 59390 6

Béhar J.‐M., Guide des grandes entreprises: les groupes qui font la France (Seuil, 1995), 318pp., 190F., ISBN 2 02 022725 8

Breunig, L.C., ed., The Cubist Poets in Paris (University of Nebraska Press, 1995), 326pp, ISBN 0 8032 1224 0

Colombani, J.‐L., La gauche survivra‐t‐elle aux socialistes? (Flammarion, 1994), 212pp., 105F., ISBN 2 08 066953 2

Cornick, M., The Nouvelle Revue Française under Jean Paulhan, 1925–1940 (Rodopi, 1994), 224pp., Hfl. 65/USS 40.50, ISBN 90 5183 797 6

Daphins, F., Le Peuple à la une (SA EPJS, 1995), 139pp., 150F.

Daubié, J.‐V., La Femme pauvre au dixneuvième siècle, t.2: Condition morale (Côté‐femmes, 1993), 203pp., 120F., ISBN 2 907883 69 0 (t.2: Conditions économiques et travail, 294pp., 120F., ISBN 2 907883 46 1. t.3: Réponses à des objections, 125pp., 96F., ISBN 2 907883 70 4)

Derrida, J., Points ... Interviews, 1974–1994 (Stanford University Press, 1995), 494pp., £11.95, ISBN 0 8047 2488 1

Estier, C., De Mitterrand à Jospin (Stock, 1995), 347pp., 130F., ISBN 2 234 04537 1

Georgi, F., L'Invention de la CFDT, 1957–1970 (Editions de l'Atelier/CNRS, 1995), 200pp., 651E, ISBN 2 271 05310 2

Jacquet‐Francillon, F., Naissances de l'école du peuple, 1815–1870 (Editions de l'Atelier/Editions Ouvrières, 1995), 319pp., 170F., ISBN 2 7082 3162 6

Kaplan, R.E., Forgotten crisis. The Fin‐de‐Siècle Crisis of Democracy in France (Oxford/Herndon VA, 1995), 211pp. ISBN 185973 032 9

Knight, D., and Still, J., eds., Women and Representation (Women Teaching French Occasional Papers 3, 1995), 143pp., £5.00, ISBN 085 358 0421

Landau, P.E., L'Opinion juive et l'affaire Dreyfus (Albin Michel, 1995), 152pp., 40F., ISBN 2226 07553 4

Leak, A., Barthes: Mythologies (Grant &; Cutler, 1995), 82pp., £4.95, ISBN 0 7293 0370 5

Leser, E., Crazy Lyonnais: les infortunés d'une banque publique (Calmann‐Lévy, 1995), 268pp., 110F., ISBN 2 7021 2373 2

Molette, C., Prêtres, religieux, et religieuses dans la résistance au nazisme, 1940–1945 (Fayard, 1995), 225pp., 120F., ISBN 2 213 59446 5

Montbrial, T. de, et al., eds, Agir pour l'Europe. Les relations franco‐allemandes dans l'après‐guerre froide (Masson, 1995), 372pp., 249F., ISBN 2 225 84918 8

Pitte, J.‐R., ed., Géographie historique et culturelle de l'Europe (Presses de l'Université de Paris‐Sorbonne, 1995), 424pp., 195F., ISBN 2 84050 042 6

Portrait social. Les femmes (INSEE, 1995), 217pp., 80F., ISBN 2 11 066 240 9

Roudinesco, E., Jacques Lacan: esquisse d'une vie, histoire d'un système de pensée (Fayard, 1993), 723pp., 180F., ISBN 2 213 03146 0

Tallett, F., and Atkin, N., eds., Catholicism in Britain and France since 1789 (Hambledon Press, 1996), 256pp., £36.00

Weitz, M. (Collins), Sisters in the Resistance — How Women Fought to Free France 1940–1945 (John Wiley and Sons, 1995), 350pp., £19.99 hbk, ISBN 471 12676 4

Wokler, R., ed., Rousseau and Liberty (Manchester University Press, 1995), xviii + 299pp., £45.00 hbk ISBN 0 7190 3510 4, £15.99 pbk ISBN 0 7190 4721 8  相似文献   

Art and Power. Europe under the dictators, 1930–45 Hayward Gallery, London, 26 October, 1995–21 January 1996; Centro de Cultura Contemporània, Barcelona, 26 February‐6 May 1996; Deutsches Historisches Museum, Berlin, 7 June‐20 August 1996.

Richard Bessel (ed.), Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996, 256 pp., ISBN 0–521–47129x hbk, £35.00,0–521–477115 pbk, £ 12.95.

Alexander J. de Grand, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, The ‘Fascist Style of Rule’, Routledge, London, 1995, 128 pp., ISBN 0–451–105986 pbk, £ 7.99.

R.J.B. Bosworth, Italy and the Wider World 1860–1960, Routledge, London, 1996, 252pp., ISBN 0–415–134773–3, hbk, £40.

Philip V. Cannistraro and Brian R. Sullivan, Il Duce's Other Woman, William Morrow and Co. Inc., New York, 1993, 685 pp., ISBN 0–688–06299–7, pbk, $25.00.

Lino Del Fra, Sciara Sciat. Genocidio nell'oasi. L'esercito italiano a Tripoli, Datanews, Rome, 1995,103 pp., ISBN 88–7981–051–0,15,000 Lire.

Angelo Del Boca, I gas di Mussolini, Il fascismo e la guerra d'Etiopia, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1996,190 pp., ISBN 88–359–4091–5,15,000 Lire.

Giovanni De Luna, Donne in oggetto. L'antifascismo nella società italiana, 1922–1939, Bollati Boringhieri, Turin, 1995, 435 pp., ISBN 88–339–0932–8, hbk, 50,000 Lire.

Roberto Franzosi, The Puzzle of Strikes. Class and State Strategies in Postwar Italy, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, pp.502, ISBN 0–521–45287–2 hbk, £.40.00.

Adriano and Luca Sofri (eds), Si allontanarono alla spicciolata. Le carte riservate di polizia su Lotta Continua, Sellerio Editorio, Palermo, 1996, pp.183, ISBN 88–389–1228–9, hbk, 15,000 Lire.

Stephen Gundle and Simon Parker (eds), The New Italian Republic. From the Fall of the Berlin Wall to Berlusconi, Routledge, London, 1996, 352 pp., ISBN 0415 12161 2 hbk, £45.00, ISBN 0 415 12162 0 pbk, £14.99.

Marco Innocenti, L'Italia del dopoguerra 1946–1960. Come eravamo negli anni dal boogie‐woogie alia dolce vita, Mursia, Milan, 1995, pp.238, ISBN 88–425–1911–1 pbk, 28,000 Lire.

Richard S. Katz and Piero Ignazi (eds), Italian Politics. The Year of the Tycoon, Istituto Cattaneo/Westview Press, Oxford and Boulder, Co., 1996, 261 pp., ISBN 0–8133–8972–0 hbk, £37.00,0–8133–2976–0 pbk, £13.50.

Gian Enrico Rusconi, Resistenza e postfascismo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995, 207 pp., ISBN 88–15–04850–2, pbk, 18,000 Lire.

Giulio Sapelli, Southern Europe since 1945: Tradition and Modernity in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece and Turkey, translated by Ann Fuller, Longman, London, 1995, 251 pp., ISBN 0–582–07064–3 hbk, £35.00, 0–582–07065–1 pbk, £14.99.

Frank M. Snowden, Naples in the Time of Cholera, 1884–1911, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1995, 478 pp., ISBN 0–521–48310–7 hbk, £40.00.

Lucio Sponza and Diego Zancani (compilers), World Bibliographical Series: Volume 30: Italy, Clio Press, Oxford and Santa Barbara, Ca., 1995, xxi + 417 pp., ISBN 0–903450–44–5 hbk, £67.50.

Storia dell'Italia repubblicana. Volume seconda, La. trasformazione dell'Italia: sviluppo e squilibri. I. Politica, economia, società, Einaudi, Turin, 1995, pp.897, ISBN 88–06–1365–6 hbk, 130,000 Lire.

Carlo Tullio‐Altan; Ethnos e civiltà. Identiche etniche e valori democratici, Feltrinelli, Milan, 1995, 181 pp., ISBN 88–07–10193–9 pbk, 30,000 Lire.

Perry R. Willson, The Clockwork Factory: Women and Work in Fascist Italy, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1993, 291 pp., ISBN 0–19–822732–9 hbk, £35.00.  相似文献   

Hughes, E.J., Camus: Le Premier Homme and La Peste (Glasgow, 1995), 90pp., ISBN 0 85261 447 0

France, P., ed., The New Oxford Companion to Literature in French (Oxford University Press, 1995), 865pp., £30, ISBN 0 19 866125 8  相似文献   

Cate, C., André Malraux: A Biography (Hutchison, 1995), xvi + 451pp., £25, ISBN 0 09 174856 9

Raymond, G., André Malraux: Politics and the Temptation of Myth (Avebury, 1995), 212pp., £35, ISBN 1 85972 132X  相似文献   

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