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Leeds, Anthony, Sanjek, Roger, eds. Cities, Classes and the Social Order. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1994. xiii + 272 pp. including bibliography and index. $39.95 cloth; $16.95 paper.  相似文献   

RÉSUMÉ. Cette carte de caractére pédagogique montrela répartition des esquimaux et natijs groenlandais de l'Amérique du nord. Les autorités concernées out gracieusement fourni les données nécessaires à la compilation de cette carte, bien que celle-ci aille au-delà des statistiques déjà publiées. Parmi certaines difficultés, on note celles engendrées par la localisation de ces emplacements rapportés lors du dernier recensement, mais dont on a pas retrouve trace depuis.
l'emploi de symboles circulaires s'est avéré inéfficace dans ce cas-ci, la vérité des dimensions des localités obscurcissant outre mesure la représentation graphique de la population. Un systéme multicirculaire jut dont adopté même si celui-ci tend à jausser quelque peu le nombre des villages. Un tableau dans le texte montre les données de la population selon le recensement, de même que la position géogra-phique de chacun des endroits. Des remercie-ments sont adressés à l'endroit des officiers du recensement des trois gouvernements concernés, ainsi qu à tous ceux qui ont rendu possible la préparation de cette carte.  相似文献   

《Southeastern Archaeology》2013,32(1):222-232

The current widely adopted sixteenth-century glass bead chronology in southeastern North America was essentially formulated more than two decades ago. Subsequently, new glass-bead data have been recorded from the Americas and Europe. A review of this evidence compelled a reevaluation and minor revisions of the extant glass-bead chronology.  相似文献   

In view of the declining inflow into the Aral Sea, alternative proposals are advanced to save this inland sea by reducing its area as well as its salinity levels. The proposals involve the closing off of some portions of the sea, notably the Little Aral in the northeast and the Western Aral, from the large shallow eastern portion. Some portions of this fragmented sea would then be treated as active bodies of water with a throughflow regime, discharging surplus waters of high salinity into other portions, which would be allowed to become salt marshes. Various combinations of active water areas and residual water areas are examined, and possible trends in waterlevel and salinity are projected to the middle of the 21st century.  相似文献   

<正>欣赏这组名为《北方的雪》的作品,不由自主地被一幅幅质朴无华但却又饱含着对"北方的雪"的深情厚意的影像所吸引。金建国镜头里恢弘的林海雪原,神奇的不冻河,童话世界般的雪乡村里……构成了一个优美的黑白雪世界,向观众展示着黑白摄影的魅力。金建国习惯使用标准镜头,要求相机按照他的旨意"平和"客观"地看世界,尽量避免刻意去制造影像的夸张和变形。他善于透过作品"平淡"的表面,向读者呈现出大自然和社会生活的美感和内涵,他  相似文献   

Lake Sevan, the largest lake in the Caucasus, with an area of about 540 square miles, underwent a rapid drop of its water level after its discharge was artificially expanded in conjunction with the construction of a series of hydroelectric stations on the Razdan River, its outlet. The drop of the lake level was associated with adverse environmental consequences and led to a decision to transfer water from the nearby Arpa River to the lake to help maintain its level. The diversion tunnel from the Arpa River is under construction. New findings on the various components of the income and outgo of water have made it possible to adjust the water balance of Lake Sevan and to predict the balance after the Arpa-Sevan diversion tunnel goes into operation.  相似文献   

The sea ice cover in Baffin Bay and northern Davis Strait is at a maximum in March and at a minimum in September. It depletes rapidly in July and August and grows rapidly during October and November. More annual variations were noticed during periods of ice cover depletion than during ice cover growth periods. The paper presents a sea ice forecast model which is based on annual ice cover depletion and growth data 1968-79 and which should be useful for planning navigation and drilling operations.
Le couvert de glace dans la baie de Baffin et le nord du détroit de Davis atteint son maximum en mars et est réduit à son minimum en septembre. II régresse rapidement en juillet et en aot et crot rapidement en octobre et en novembre. Plus de variations annuelles ont été observées pour les périodes de diminution du couvert de glace que pour les periodes de croissance de ce dernier. Cet article présente un modèle de prévision du couvert de glace lequel est basé sur les donnees relatives à la croissance et à la régression du couvert de glace pour la période 1968-79. Ce modèle devrait ětre utile dans la planification de la navigation et des opérations de forage.  相似文献   

陈德广 《人文地理》2006,21(2):12-16
通过对56篇中国旅游地理学博士学位论文和76篇北美论文的比较研究发现:中国旅游地理研究的博士学位论文滞后于北美,但中国博士论文增长速度快于北美;北美论文选题视野宽泛而中国论文选题视角比较狭窄;北美旅游地理博士学位论文选题的学科本位特征比较明显,而中国旅游地理博士学位论文选题的实践驱动比较突出;由于中国和北美旅游业发展背景和所处发展阶段不同或研究者对旅游地理问题认识的差异使其博士学位论文选题倾向有明显不同,即使在同一时期也有不同的研究热点。在北美,旅游影响研究和旅游景观/形象/感知研究是两个长盛不衰的课题且涉及的论文数量最多;在中国,涉及最多的研究领域是区域旅游开发/发展和生态旅游。  相似文献   

美国人口地理学的近期进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张文新 《人文地理》2001,16(1):6-10
20世纪90年代以来,美国人口地理学的研究领域和研究方法有了新的发展。本文首先简要回顾了美国人口地理学的发展历史,然后重点对20世纪90年代以来美国人口地理学的新发展作了详细阐述和评价;并在此基础上指出了我国人口地理学应该借鉴的方面。  相似文献   

A Roman archaeological site in northern Spain (La Maja, province of La Rioja) includes pottery workshops, part of an important ceramic industry that developed from about the first century BC to the first century AD. A geophysical study was planned to determine the extent of the industrial complex in the vicinity of an excavated kiln. Magnetic observations were done on a grid of 30 × 36m, with a sampling interval of 1m. Two dipolar-shaped anomalies were found: one in the north-east and the other in the south-west of the area. Low-pass and band-pass filters were used in the Fourier domain to enhance the characteristics of the magnetic data and to remove noise and undesirable shallow features. Three-dimensional polygonal prisms were used to model the magnetic anomalies based on palaeomagnetic measurements performed over an uncovered kiln that helped to constrain the induced and remanent parameters of the magnetizing fields.  相似文献   

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