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N. BRUN  M. PERNOT 《Archaeometry》1992,34(2):235-252
Opaque red glass was used in the Celtic world for enamels and inlays. Forty artefacts, of various dates and found in various places, have been sampled and studied. They all belong to the same type, a soda-lime-silica high lead glass coloured by crystals of cuprous oxide. There is only one subgroup: glass lumps from the Mont-Beuvray oppidum contain manganese, less iron, and less lead. This change could be the result of Roman influence. Although most of these glasses form a surprisingly homogeneous group, no conclusions as to their origin can be inferred from our present knowledge.  相似文献   

Summary.   This article challenges received thinking relating to the interpretation of Bronze Age finds from the seabed in the waters of north-western Europe, especially the North Sea and Channel area. Metal objects recovered from the sea are traditionally presumed to be the result of shipwrecks. As such, their interpretation as casual, if unfortunate loss is unquestioned. However, abandoning the shipwreck scenario as a remnant of the 'sacred vs profane' heuristic, it is suggested that offshore finds could provide insight into deliberate Bronze Age maritime practice, rather than misadventure. Certain patterning in the data of offshore finds, including affinities with hoards on terra firma , urges another interpretive framework – that of considering the sea as a place for deposition. This appeared to be the case particularly in regions which experienced an intensity of maritime interaction, such as the Channel area during the later Bronze Age. From this it is hypothesized that rather than being considered outside the Bronze Age social realm, the sea, especially in the MBA to earlier LBA in the Channel area, was incorporated into Bronze Age cosmology in similar ways to other zones in the landscape.  相似文献   

In the past millennium, there have been thousands of polities in Europe and millions of laws. This article contributes to efforts by historians and sociologists to make some sense of this sprawl by constructing common types of law and legal change. Such types constitute distinctive patterns by which historical actors change names, ideas, and applications of rules of law under various circumstances. Three classic forms of change, namely legislation, mutation of custom, and judge‐made law, were described by Max Weber. To Weber's model I add four new types or motifs of change, which I dub legal deeds, voice‐supersession, legal fictions, and anthropological expansion. The major advance of the four motifs is that they each combine what could be called a semantic and a social view of legal change. That is, they take seriously the fact that law is often bound in a self‐conscious tradition of thought and practice. But each motif of change is also characterized by a typified social configuration of legal operators and legal subjects, who apply competing ideas to one another in distinctive ways. The paradigm of law in which the four motifs are embedded is evolutionary, pluralist, and liberal in that it posits creative social organization by multiple, independent, interacting individuals in society, weaving cumulative, complex orders. This theory makes several significant scholarly interventions. First, it attempts to reconcile outstanding semantic and social theories of legal change. Second, it historicizes legal pluralism while giving evolutionary theory a healthy dose of contingency. Third, the four motifs should also be serviceable to intellectual historians as tools for describing how historical actors interact with traditions generally. Tradition need not be viewed as conservative or even overwhelmingly static. This paradigm may help historians and social scientists assess how the force of the status quo balances against the power of individuals to innovate.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model that incorporates capital accumulation and spatial spillovers across economies, while allowing for regional differences in absorptive capacity. This model is estimated using a sample of EU regions, over a period including the enlargement of the single‐market area in the middle of the first decade of the 21st century. Results confirm the relevance of local absorptive capacity that is directly linked with the process of making the most of externalities. Capital deepening reduced the role of capital in explaining the regional productivity gap, but was not enough to help lagging regions to equal the return to human capital investments reached by most advanced regions.  相似文献   

这场战争还没有赢家 “9·11”10周年了,10年前发生在纽约世贸中心的那一场恐怖袭击,不止是美利坚民族的灾难,也是全人类共同面对的灾难。那被数十亿电视观众同步见证的爆炸巨响,标志着恐怖主义已成为全人类的敌人。  相似文献   

体制内的霸业以霸业来形容韩三平的电影事业,分量是足够的,人们几乎都忘记了他的真实身份:中国电影业和娱乐圈的央企老总。电影业央企不多,但权力场和影响力所带来垄断利润的快感,任何人都可以想象。毕竟三平霸业依然在体制内,所以他的《建党伟业》在体制内审片的过  相似文献   

中国出不了乔布斯?乔布斯走了,苹果的标识上真的缺了一个口子。他的死,在世界各地掀起了缅怀纪念的滔天波澜,可以说即使是那些威权年代的政治领袖,或娱乐影视巨星,都无法望其项背。人们对他去世的悼念,跨越了国界、种族,同时也跨越社会制度、意识  相似文献   

刑辩之困也是法治之困 刑辩律师目前遭遇的困局,其实就是中国法治社会蹒跚行进的一个缩影,是人治体系巍然屹立的一个写照。 李庄案或许只是个案,但个案却具有普遍性意义。多少年后,也许我们可以知道诸多幕前幕后的故事,但朱明勇"在刀尖上跳舞"而不得不离家出走、自我放逐的经历。  相似文献   

邓赟 《世界》2013,(7):46-60
这一次我们放慢脚步,深入其问,得以更充分地领略自然与人文的交响、更从容地品昧乡土田园的沉厚之美、更深刻地感动于壮丽多元的景观景致、更近更仔细地触摸细腻卓绝的艺术线条。  相似文献   

滇系伺失落之有?用失落的诸侯来形容滇系,是否恰如其分,当属仁智之见,但将滇系历史辟为专题,却是可圈可点的大手笔。中国近代史从南方开始,这一页波澜壮阔,缺不了云之南。百年前的云南,在走向共和的艰难征途上,扮演过不可或缺的角色,西南边陲之地,曾是共和政体的先驱者,是抗日救亡的坚固后方,是推倒蒋家王朝  相似文献   

终身革命者孙中山中国的近代史,总是从南方揭开新的一页,最重要的人物是孙中山。都称他为先行者,但其实他的一生,至少有长达30年处于革命的激情和亢奋状态中,屡战屡挫,屡挫屡战。从乱  相似文献   

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