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维吾尔族离婚率近年来一直居高不下,通过此调查笔者发现尼勒克县苏布台乡维吾尔族离婚现象比较严重;离婚对该地区妇女带来一系列的问题及产生不利的影响。本文主要分析该地区的高离婚率是伊斯兰教文化,民族文化,民族风俗及婚姻制度的演绎,探讨离婚妇女的问题及提出解决对策。  相似文献   

韩国近些年出现了"黄昏离"风潮。去年,结婚20年以上的韩国夫妻离婚率高达26.4%,首次超过结婚不满4年的年轻一代离婚率。"黄昏离"增加首先是因为观念的转变。在传统观念中,离婚很不光彩。但受西方文化和现代家庭观念的冲击,越来越多的人意识到,即使上了年纪,也有权追求幸福。此外,政府近年对法律进行了修正,规定"即使是家庭妇女,如果离婚责任在丈夫身上,离婚  相似文献   

叙利亚的战乱持续不断,越来越多的叙利亚家庭也陷入危机。进入2013年,叙利亚全国的离婚率上升了100%,平均每天有100对夫妻离婚。经济问题是离婚的主要原因,自陷入战乱以来,叙利亚的物价平均上涨了3倍,但工资平均只上浮了15%。按照叙利亚习俗,男人承担家庭的所有开支。在失业率高涨、收入缩水的情况下,大多数家庭生活变得  相似文献   

离婚自由是五四时期婚姻自由理念的题中应有之义。在知识分子的构想中,离婚自由是打破婚姻桎梏,防止两性错误结合的良策,是男女共享的权利。但由于社会发展的滞后,这一理念却被男性知识分子充分利用,女性的离婚较为被动。女性由于社会压力和自身条件所限,不仅缺乏提出离婚的勇气,给男性主动离婚也造成了压力。因此,在新旧交替的历史时期,无论男女离婚都非易事,尤其是旧女性更承受了无穷的痛苦。为解决离婚困境,知识界积极献言献策,试图从根本上限制离婚率的攀升。离婚自由观念的构建与其实践困境,是转型时期中国社会矛盾的缩影。  相似文献   

当代苏联年轻人家庭的主要问题是其离婚率不断升高,据统计,有时已达2/3。离婚率的升高,不仅给年轻人本人,也给社会带来了许多不利影响,特别是影响了社会的人口增长。苏联的人口政策是鼓励早生多生,政府为此采取了一系列措施。例如,近年来为帮助有孩子的家庭,奖励年轻母亲,为年轻家庭创造良好的条件,  相似文献   

从本文不难看出,东西方文明确实有不少差别。在古罗马共和早期,妇女在婚姻问题上,一切要听从家长的包办,没有自己的选择权,造成了婚姻的不幸,而且,丈夫因为种种原因,还频频和她们离婚。在共和晚期以后,婚内不幸的妇女大胆追求爱情,婚外情、通奸等现象日益普遍。她们也可以选择离婚,离婚率  相似文献   

84.8万对 全国民政事业统计数据显示,今年前两个季度,全国办理离婚登记的夫妻达84.8万对,每天有近5000对夫妻办理离婚登记,其中北京、上海的离婚率已超过1/3。婚外情、异地婚姻、生育率负增长都是离婚的重要原因。  相似文献   

孙振民 《沧桑》2010,(2):165-166
古罗马帝国时期的婚姻制度呈现出了无夫权婚姻流行、姘合合法化、离婚现象严重、社会风气恶化、家庭伦理丧失、婚姻法的不断完善、基督教影响加深等特征。  相似文献   

古罗马帝国时期的婚姻制度呈现出了无夫权婚姻流行、姘合合法化、离婚现象严重、社会风气恶化、家庭伦理丧失、婚姻法的不断完善、基督教影响加深等特征。  相似文献   

韩裔女作家柳美里的"滞日"创作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳美里,滞日韩裔女作家,滞日经历对其文学创作有着深刻的影响。她把痛苦生活的模本作为创作的原型,通过作品《水边的摇篮》以及《家庭电影》、《生》的四部曲等作品,对家庭崩溃进行回忆,对家庭的含义及家庭重构进行重新理解,深刻地刻画出"滞日"一族的生活状态及心理状态。柳美里自身也在通过创作来寻找自身的存在价值和意义。她的文学作品因触及日本社会文化的某些本质方面,而成为日本文学的有机构成。  相似文献   

This article explores how selective application of Japanese divorce laws between 1922 and 1938, which obstructed Korean women from obtaining divorce on the grounds of concubinage, affected the meaning of conjugal relationships in colonial Korea. I argue that in this period affection and companionship emerged as critical components of a legitimate conjugal relationship among Koreans. This legal process, which I call the affectivisation of the female‐spouse, coincided with a popular penchant for romantic love shown in public media and popular novels. Challenging previous scholarship that treated the phenomenon of romantic love as contained in literary discourses, this article shows how literary and legal discourses mutually influenced one another. I further argue that this new ideal of conjugal love had an intricate relationship with overall colonial legal policy: it worked in conjunction (not antithetical) to the family state ideology of the Japanese empire and the family system that the colonial state was trying to implement in Korea. The qualitative transformation of the conjugal relationship contributed to firmer implementation of the family system in Korea and prepared Korean society for the full assimilation of the Korean civil laws in 1940.  相似文献   

日本19世纪进行的明治维新是一场自上而下的强制性制度变迁,这场深刻的社会变革使日本经济、社会面貌发生了翻天覆地的变化。从幕府末期发展的实际情况来看,日本社会产生了一种强烈的制度需求,这种需求使日本社会处于一种制度不均衡的状态,而明治维新提供了所需要的制度,实现了新的制度均衡,使日本走上富国强兵的资本主义发展道路。但是,政府主导的强制性制度变迁虽然使日本经济实现了跳跃式的发展,挤进了西方列强的行列,同时也在政治、经济制度中留下了不少封建因素,成为日后日本经济体制发展中的先天性缺陷。  相似文献   

女性杂志的诞生和发展,是日本社会近代化进程中的一个重要议题。明治时期是日本女性杂志的发端期,女性杂志在这一时期的日本女子教育中起着十分重要的作用;特别是在职业女性的养成方面,成为日本女性进入社会的主要途径。在这个意义上,关于明治时期女性杂志的考察,实际上也是近代日本女性生存状态的一种转型研究。  相似文献   


Concerns about supplies of food have been a feature of Japanese politics since Japan started modernising in the second half of the 1800s. It has remained a prominent political issue even after Japan cemented its status as a wealthy country in the 1980s, with the Japanese Government continuing to protect domestic food production from international competition. Protectionism is a curious policy for a country so dependent on world trade, including for food. Protectionist practices have led to entrenched interests in some sections of government and industry. Protectionist ideas are used in nationalist arguments against food imports. The protection of domestic food production, however, resonates positively well beyond the groups that benefit economically from protection and those that indulge in chauvinist notions about the dangers of “foreign” food. The issue, therefore, is broader than interest-group capture or xenophobia. We find it is deeply embedded in Japanese policies relating to food domestically and internationally, and goes beyond government policy as such, involving ways of thinking about protection of national culture, and social and environmental responsibility. Michel Foucault’s notion of governmentality helps to explain this approach to food security, accounting for the balancing act between free trade and protection as well as the pervasiveness of this rationality beyond government as such.  相似文献   


Life in Hollywood in the 1950s seemed completely at odds with the moral foundations of authoritarian Portugal. By looking at the coverage of the lives of Hollywood stars in Portuguese magazines, however, it is possible to imagine how a conservative society could be exposed to changing values. Readers became acquainted with the period’s most famous cases of divorce. Divorce was at first seen as unacceptable, but the continuous news on the lives of famous people produced a strange impact on the Portuguese public sphere: the end of marriage became familiar and even acceptable in some circumstances. The article disentangles this paradox, by treating magazines as a mediated social actor. The foreign origin of the news may have led readers to assume that divorce was a distant phenomenon. Simultaneously, the social circulation of magazines permeated the everyday with subversive ideas. Magazines thus constitute a decisive source for exploring how North American cultural forms work through the fabric of foreign societies. Imagining the impact of Hollywood in Portugal through the mediation of magazines allows us to identify forms of social change evolving in an apparently uneventful decade, and to grasp the contribution of feelings and attitudes in historical transformation.  相似文献   

It has become increasingly common to play down the 'place stratification' of Japanese cities, and to emphasize their lack of social class segregation. Demonstrating that the Japanese city lacks a social geography in this respect conforms to, and serves to advance, the view that Japan has produced a capitalist form of development that avoids many of the inequalities and social ills characteristic of other advanced capitalist societies (e.g. no 'inner city' problems). But do the social geographies of Japanese cities really conform to this picture of Japanese society? This issue is explored with the help of a new analysis of the occupational class geography of the city of Kyoto.  相似文献   

大城市中产阶层化与商娱场所的空间结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王兴中  高丽 《人文地理》2008,23(2):49-55
自上个世纪70年代随着发达国家"后工业社会"转型以来,中产阶层化现象成为西方发达国家城市问题与空间规划方向的重要研究方面之一,发展至今日,中产阶层化成为了一种全球化的社会与空间现象(Bell,1999)。娱乐作为一种文化现象,可以反映国家生产力水平的高低,是与每个人的生存质量息息相关的领域。因而有关文化休闲娱乐场所的微区位研究也逐渐引起了中外地理学界和社会学界有关学者的极大兴趣。从城市社会空间结构的角度探讨中产阶层生活方式及其消费(娱乐消费)与娱乐场所形成的中产阶层化现象等的社会空间结构。  相似文献   

日本对旅游资源的开发和管理   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乌恩  金波  蔡运龙 《人文地理》2002,17(3):40-43
本文在进行大量实际调查、访问和资料分析的基础上,介绍了日本旅游资源的类型与等级、旅游资源开发的历史与现状、旅游资源开发中的行政管理与法律制度、生态旅游开发活动的动向、旅游开发规划的特点、与旅游资源开发管理相关的高等教育与研究等情况,探讨了日本能够较好地协调旅游开发活动与自然、经济、社会之间和谐关系的原因,并在此基础上提出了我国在市场经济条件下开发和管理旅游资源应该借鉴的一些日本经验,认为丰富多彩的区域景观本身就是我国一笔巨大的旅游资源,在进行城镇规划、区域规划和景观规划时,应该有必要认真考虑如何将现代化与地方传统结合的问题,应该建立与市场经济要求和旅游业特点相适应的旅游资源开发、规划、管理制度。  相似文献   

Recent archaeo‐botanical research has suggested that the introduction of farming did not immediately cause a sufficient shift in subsistence strategy to form an agrarian society but that the process took as long as hundreds of years. It is therefore suggested that it was not the farming technique in itself but the establishment of routinized day‐to‐day activity patterns and world views associated with farming that eventually led to the formation of a new social structure. The holistic concept of a dynamic day‐today routine and its associated physical and conceptual landscape is termed routine‐scape through which the process of agrarian society formation in Japan is examined around 1000–500 bce when paddy rice farming was introduced from China to Japan. A new crop storage system of a raised‐floor granary was also adopted as a part of the rice‐farming routine, which resulted in changing the Japanese routine‐scape. The community leaders increasingly associated the granary with both symbolic and practical significance; alongside controlling the storage‐related routine they finally gained centralized power. This paper indicates that agriculture brought along a new range of routine activities and their dynamic interactions with landscape produced new social structures.  相似文献   

The defeat of Germany and Japan in 1945 required historians in both countries to reevaluate the past to make sense of national catastrophe. Sebastian Conrad's The Quest for the Lost Nation analyzes this process comparatively in the context of allied military occupation and the Cold War to reveal how historians in both countries coped with a discredited national history and gradually salvaged a national identity. He pays special attention to the role of social, discursive, and transnational contexts that shaped this process to highlight the different courses that the politics of the past took in postwar Germany and Japan. The picture that emerges of German and Japanese historiography and the respective attempts to come to terms with the past is at odds with the conventional narrative that usually praises West German historians and society for having come to terms with their dark past, as opposed to postwar Japan, which is usually regarded as having fallen short by comparison. There was in fact far more critical historiographical engagement with the past in Japan than in West Germany in the 1950s. Reasons for the divergent evolution of the politics of the past in Germany and Japan should not be sought in the peculiarities of postwar national history but rather in an entangled transnational context of defeat, occupation, and the Cold War, whose effects played out differently in each country. These conclusions and others reveal some of the opportunities and special challenges of comparative transnational history.  相似文献   

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