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Since the late 1990s, a number of specialists have proposed a ‘multiple species model’ to explain the origins of behavioural modernity. This model establishes that most of the traits defining modern behaviour, including ornaments and art, are not exclusive to modern humans, but arose among anatomically ‘non‐modern’ populations, like the late Neanderthals of Europe. This paper proposes that the emergence of this multiple species model is related to conceptual changes in the definitions of ‘Neanderthals’ and ‘art’. In the first place, Neanderthals, once characterized as apish creatures lacking intelligence, are now considered by many as complex cognitive people capable of modern behaviour, including the ability to create symbolic and artistic representations. In the second place, personal ornaments, once trivialized as ‘trinkets’, are recognized today as artistic representations and as symbolically valued as other prehistoric artworks. These redefinitions of Neanderthals and personal ornaments reflect not only the multiple species model but also some of the recent debates concerning the origins of symbolic behaviour.  相似文献   

This short article on a large subject is presented as a tribute to Klavs Randsborg, because of his involvement in the 1990s with the archaeology of Kephalonia at the time of the resurgence of the debate over the identification of the island with Homeric Ithaca, to which he himself contributed some thoughts. It briefly traces the history of the controversy about the Homeric geography and topography from its origins and discusses the evidence that has made Kephalonia a contender for the homeland of Odysseus. The intention is not to offer yet another hypothesis about the location of Homeric Ithaca, but to consider and question the role of archaeology in the debate, in view of the high expectations of Homeric realists.  相似文献   

In 1929 Ernst Cassirer and Martin Heidegger participated in a momentous debate in Davos, Switzerland, which is widely held to have marked an important division in twentieth‐century European thought. Peter E. Gordon's recent book, Continental Divide: Heidegger, Cassirer, Davos, centers on this debate between these two philosophical adversaries. In his book Gordon examines the background of the debate, the issues that distinguished the respective positions of Cassirer and Heidegger, and the legacy of the debate for later decades. Throughout the work, Gordon concisely portrays the source of disagreement between the two adversaries in terms of a difference between Cassirer's philosophy of spontaneity and Heidegger's philosophy of receptivity, or of “thrownness” (Geworfenheit), into a situation that finite human beings can never hope to master. Although it recognizes that this work provides an important contribution to our understanding of the Davos debate and to twentieth‐century European thought, this review essay subjects Gordon's manner of interpreting the distinction between Cassirer and Heidegger to critical scrutiny. Its purpose is to examine the possibility that important aspects of the debate, which do not conform to the grid imposed by Gordon's interpretation, might have been set aside in the context of his analysis.  相似文献   

“摇钱树”一词,最早见于明冯梦龙的《警世通言》三二卷“杜十娘怒沉百宝箱”一文中。作为一个考古学名词,是我国著名考古学家冯汉骥先生,在四十年代对彭山汉代崖墓出土的一种随葬器物,进行研究后提出来的。六十年代,于豪亮先生《“钱树”“钱树座”和鱼龙漫衍之戏》一文在《文物》杂志上发表后,这一称谓便为考古学界所接受。  相似文献   

Summary. In this article, we draw upon a wide range of archaeological, technical and iconographical evidence in order to examine the organisation and social role of fine pottery production in two contrasting Archaic and Classical poleis, Athens and Corinth. We examine developments in the relationship between the organisation of production, changes in decorative style and the degree of complexity of the social and political organisation of the two producer societies during a period of state formation. We also consider variation in the behavioural patterns surrounding ceramic use, and the role of production within the overall economy (and especially its relationship to subsistence activity). Such a study of comparative ceramic ecology not only offers a distinctive source of information about the internal ordering of producer societies, but also addresses the issue of the generation of variability in the ceramic record, an issue which has hitherto received little attention from Classical archaeologists, but which is central to a full understanding of ceramic trade and exchange.  相似文献   

This article is about the problem of the unity of history as seen through the writings of Karl Löwith. By “unity of history” I understand the notion that all history constitutes one and only one range of kinds of objects and/or one field of knowledge. The article argues that the problem of the unity of history—though often neglected as a matter of mere argumentative infrastructure—is central to a number of wider problems, most prominently the possibility of a plural understanding of historicity and the possibility of ultimately avoiding a unified historical teleology. The article revisits Löwith's writings and proposes a variety of novel interpretations with the aim of evincing the centrality, and of exploring diverse aspects, of the problematic of the unity of history. This problematic is shown to have informed Löwith's work on the secularization thesis as well as his debate with Hans Blumenberg. The foundations of Löwith's discussion of the problem are pursued across his ambivalent critique and appropriation of Heidegger's model of an ontology of historicity as marked by inevitable internal conflict and thus disunity. The paper reconstructs the manner in which, after the Second World War, Löwith's philosophy of history sought to salvage basic traits of the Heideggerian model when it tried to establish the possibility of plural historicity from a notion of the natural cosmos. It is demonstrated that the motives for this salvage operation ultimately extended beyond the problem of Löwith's reception of Heidegger and concerned the possibility of continuing any debate on the philosophy of history.  相似文献   


Contrary to widespread conception, environmental issues were commonly debated in public already over a hundred years ago. Based on an extensive newspaper study this paper concentrates on water management and animal welfare issues in the local newspapers in the city of Turku, Finland, in 1890–1950. At the time, the role of the newspapers was important in shaping public understanding of environmental issues. Although the amount of environment‐related writing remained scarce in comparison to today's media, the debate was continuous and sometimes even fierce. Both environmental protection and animal welfare received very positive comments in the press and they were considered important aims. The discussion reflected the opinions of the middle‐class and especially the well‐educated professionals and officials, whose views dominated the debate. However, animal protection also gave women a possibility to get their voice heard. Ordinary newspaper‐reading city dwellers must have been well aware of the local environmental problems already in the early 20th century.  相似文献   

“Thing” has undergone reification, and it has done so together with its linguistic “conjoined twin” – “landscape”. Whereas thing once was the name for meetings where people assembled to treat common things that matter, things, in the modern sense, have become physical objects (things as matter). Likewise, landscape's meaning has been reified from being a polity constituted by common thing meetings treating substantive things that matter, to becoming a spatial assemblage of physical things as matter. To fully grasp the contemporary meaning of both things and landscape it is necessary to understand the way in which those meanings are the intertwined outcome of a process of revolutionary inversion, or turning inside–out, by which the meaning of things has been spatialized, enclosed, individualized, privatized, scaled and reified as a constituent of the mental and social landscape of modernity. The potentiality of the concept of thing lies, it will be argued, in its continued containment of older, subaltern meanings that can work to empower an alternative “non‐modern” understanding of things along the lines of, but distinct from, Bruno Latour's notion of Dingpolitik, which will be termed “thing politics” here. This argument is analysed in relation to Martin Heidegger's concept of the “thing”, and exemplified by the mandate of the European Landscape Convention, and the modern planning usage of Landscape Character Assessment and Ecosystem Services, as applied to England's Lake District.  相似文献   

过滤理论的起源、概念及研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
过滤是住房的生命周期与家庭的生命周期之间相互作用的产物,包括两大支流:以建立经济理论和模型为代表的关注住房的过滤研究、有关居民迁居的强调家庭的过滤研究。过滤理论的地理学视角可以追溯到霍伊特(Hoyt)的扇形模型,提供了关于居民迁居和城市社会空间结构之关系的解释。过滤理论意义主要有:为低收入群体提供合适住房、解释城市微观和宏观空间变化、分析和解释与住房市场有关的社会问题。过滤理论是中国城市转型研究的新视角。  相似文献   

当前我国自助游监管"空心化"的成因、根源及对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨俭波  肖顺金 《人文地理》2007,22(3):87-91,97
本文首先就国内自助游研究现状进行了文献综述,提出所要探讨的自助游监管和监管空心化问题;进而对自助游监管“空心化”的表现、成因和根源进行了探讨;在此基础上,文章提出了关于改善当前自助游监管“空心化”现象的建议,内容涵盖政府、行业协会、企业三个层面,以期促进自助游市场的健康和良性发展。  相似文献   

We propose an urban search‐matching model with land development. Wages, unemployment, prices of housing and land are endogenously determined. We characterize the steady‐state equilibrium and then discuss the issue of efficiency. To explore interactions among markets, we implement comparative static analysis. We also consider three policies: an entry‐cost policy that reduces firms' entry, a transportation policy that reduces commuting costs, and a housing policy that decreases rental prices. We find that the transportation and housing policies are more efficient if the unemployment rate is low, while the entry‐cost policy is more efficient if the unemployment rate is high.  相似文献   

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