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The author, comparing growth histories of East and West Siberian cities of over 50,000 population through regression and cluster analysis techniques, develops a number of city typologies based on magnitude of population growth, economic specialization, and social infrastructure. It is argued that such typologies are useful in planning because they identify types of cities experiencing similar growth conditions and instances where cities have changed from one type of situation to another. Although the study is limited to 1926-1986, it addresses economic and social components of Siberian urban growth relevant to the interpretation of preliminary results of the 1989 census (translated by H. L. Haslett, Leamington Spa, UK).  相似文献   

在界定港口后勤功能内涵的基础上,本文以长三角地区为例,选择不同价值链环节上的港航服务企业为港口后勤要素,通过分析2002—2018年港口后勤要素结构变化和空间演替,从区域和城市两个尺度阐释长三角地区港口后勤功能转型及空间分异特征。研究结果表明:长三角区域及各城市的港口后勤功能均在不断优化,大型港口城市的转型态势较中小型港口城市更显著;不同城市后勤要素的增速不同,中心城市上海的高端要素增长显著快于其他城市,其他城市在中低端要素增速方面具有一定的优势;3类后勤要素的增速存在明显差异,中高端要素的增速远大于低端要素,且空间分布上较低端要素更集中;区位和行业特性共同导致港口后勤要素在不同尺度上的集散特征也显著不同。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We use the National Establishment Time‐Series database to describe shifts in the geographic dispersion of employment and ownership of firms. Focusing on data on business establishments in California, and establishments anywhere in the United States that are owned by firms headquartered in California, we find shifts in the operations of businesses headquartered in California to other states. However, this shift has been offset by increased employment in the state by firms headquartered elsewhere, resulting in California's share of national employment holding quite constant. The evidence points to increasing geographic dispersion of firms' operations, especially in industries with lower communication costs.  相似文献   

Summary.   Wear-patterns inside Roman samian ware vessels provide a clue as to how the pots were used. The wear repeatedly seen in the cups, Dragendorff 27 and Dragendorff 33, is particularly distinctive. This paper reports the results of using reproduction cups to replicate the patterns in order to discover how these may have been formed. The results suggest that Dragendorff 27 was used in the kitchen as a mortar, while Dragendorff 33 was a wine-drinking vessel. Evidence from historical sources and graffiti supports this view, and suggests that the inhabitants of Roman Britain were conversant with Roman ways of cooking and dining.  相似文献   

近百年来西方港口地理学研究回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
查询13种外文数据库和76种外文期刊,依据文献的引用次数和可得性,遴选了1914至2010年间的521篇国外港口地理文献,通过梳理近百年的相关文献发现,效率评估、空间竞争、体系演化、港城互动、组织管理等构成了港口地理学研究的主要内容。在此基础上文章采用文献分析法,重点剖析了国外港口地理研究在研究成果、学者合作、研究区域和研究主题等方面的特点和新倾向。文章最后指出,随着全球化的不断深入和港口环境的深度变化,海向腹地、港口价值链、物流资源整合等新的领域将成为国外港口地理研究的新近趋向和前沿领域。  相似文献   

The recent discovery in St John's College of a mass burial of mostly young adult males with severe perimortem blade trauma has prompted the suggestion that these may be related to the St Brice's Day Massacre in Oxford on 13th November AD 1002. Three radiocarbon determinations suggest that a date in the tenth century is more likely. We have nevertheless undertaken an isotopic study of the bone collagen (δ13C and δ15N) and dental enamel (δ13C, δ18O and 87Sr/86Sr) in an attempt to answer the question ‘were these individuals of Danish descent?’ Our conclusion is somewhat ambiguous, but the bone collagen suggests a diet more like other Scandinavian populations than that of local groups, and the enamel isotopes point towards a Scandinavian rather than a lowland English origin. Comparison with Oxford Archaeology's recently excavated Weymouth Ridgeway mass burial suggests, however, that the execution of a captured raiding party is more likely than the slaughter of Oxford inhabitants of Danish descent.  相似文献   

The article presents the results of a study based on activity analysis of a medieval churchyard of St. Clemens in the urban setting of Copenhagen. The churchyard was in function from the 11th to 16th century revealing changes in layout and burial rites over time. A glimpse of the symbolic life of the medieval Copenhageners is also exposed and analysed. Moreover, the study of the churchyard reveals activities of a more secular nature and presents some of the activities that must have been part of everyday life in the medieval town. Thus, the churchyard has not only been an arena for meetings between the living and the dead but also a location for experiencing the urban life burgeoning outside the churchyard. For comparison, a recently discovered contemporaneous churchyard at Rådhuspladsen is also discussed.  相似文献   

陈苏镇 《考古学报》2021,(3):381-400
目 次 一 洛阳宫的重建 二 宫门和殿门 三 中华门和上阎 四 太极殿等核心建筑 魏晋的洛阳宫是在东汉北宫的废墟上重建的,其形制和格局与东汉有同也有异.学术界对此有所研究,但许多环节还没弄清,整体认识仍较模糊.笔者基于之前对两汉宫禁制度的研究,又仔细搜集和梳理了与魏晋洛阳宫有关的各种文献史料,认真研究了近年公布的一系列考古勘探发掘成果,对魏晋洛阳宫的形成过程,宫门、殿门、中华门、上阎等门禁设施的位置及其所构成的宫内格局,皇帝办公和居住的场所及其变迁等问题有了一些新看法.今详述于下,供大家参考,也请方家指正.  相似文献   

王列辉  朱艳 《人文地理》2018,33(4):121-129
基于1995、2005、2015年的中国国际航运数据,运用枢纽度模型与复杂网络方法重点分析了上海港在“21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线的港口地位变化,结果表明:上海港成为“21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线最重要的港口,联系航线比重上升,范围扩大,强度增强,与东南亚的港口联系最为紧密;中国面向“21世纪海上丝绸之路”沿线航运网络由香港、上海(一主一副)的双中心向上海、宁波、深圳、香港的四中心发展,上海港成为四中心港口之首,上海港和宁波港同质竞争激烈;最后,从港口层面、区域层面、国家层面的角度提出上海港在“21世纪海上丝绸之路”中的发展建议,包括东南亚发展战略、港口协同发展战略、金字塔发展战略。  相似文献   

李玲  许学强 《人文地理》2001,16(2):22-25
本文在简述城市主导功能转变规律的基础上,分析我国50a来城市主导功能从消费性向生产性转变、及目前少数大城市开始向以服务性功能为主的生活型城市转变的历程。  相似文献   

王恩涌 《人文地理》1996,11(Z1):36-43
政治地理学是人文地理学的一个重要分支。在西方,从拉采尔为该门学科奠定了其科学基础之后,发展是比较迅速。但是,在德国于第一次大战后的二十年代,直到第二次大战结束时,出现了一批地缘政治学家。  相似文献   

Recent petrochemical developments in Alberta are part of a global redistribution of the industry toward raw material locations. A small group of companies has secured control of these raw materials within Alberta and, as a consequence, the power to determine the future pattern of petrochemical development within the province. This pattern will reflect the requirements of the companies rather than the economic policy objectives of the Alberta government.
Les développements récents dans ľindustrie de la pétrochimie en Alberta font partie ďune redistribution globale de ľindustrie vers ses sources de matières premières. Un petit groupe de sociétés a réussi à prendre le contrle de ces matières premières en Alberta, et, par conséquent, le pouvoir de déterminer les directions dans lesquelles ľindustrie pétrochimique évoluera dans cette province. Dans une telle situation, la politique économique du gouvernement de ľAlberta cèdra la place aux besoins prioritaires déterminés par les sociétés elles-měmes.  相似文献   

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