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全球技术空间体系及我国的对策初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孔翔  曾刚 《人文地理》2003,18(5):42-45,21
全球技术空间体系是指技术存量在技术势差激励下,在全球范围内各区域间交流运动所形成的复杂空间网络。它突出地表现为技术存量在不同区域、不同等级的技术供给者、消费者以及联结它们的技术流通渠道中的交流运动。技术势差、技术廊道是全球技术空间体系形成的必要条件,而知识产权保护是保证技术流动长盛不衰的制度保障。本文仅从体系形成的基本条件、现实障碍、特征及区域效应等方面简要分析了全球技术空间体系的形成机制,进而探讨了中国面对全球技术空间体系的政策选择。  相似文献   

全球城市是控制和影响全球政治经济文化的枢纽型城市。系统梳理中外全球城市研究热点、理论争论及研究领域演化,比较东西方全球城市研究视角提出新国际形势下全球城市研究前沿及其可能范式。研究发现:①全球城市被分为超全球城市、新兴全球城市及全球城市国家三类,重点探讨了全球城市的起源与概念、成长机理与类型划分、规模—网络—等级和专业化分工等;②中国学界从引介世界城市概念及其识别指标、形成机制等领域逐渐转向全球城市的功能与作用、比较与评价、培育策略等。③新全球化形势下全球城市研究应关注尺度(政治)与全球城市构建、动力、制度与培育实践导向三层次展望提出世界形势变革背景下全球城市研究重点。  相似文献   

试论全球城市的基本特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球城市是新的国际分工和跨国公司发展的产物,是世界经济的权力中心、金融中心、贸易中心、产业中心,具有金融资本集中、服务业专业化程度高、贸易发达等五方面特征。  相似文献   

本文运用模糊综合评价、K-Means聚类等方法,探讨了全球恐怖袭击事件的危害程度及时空演变特征。研究发现:①发生频次最高的年份为2010年和2011年,地区为南亚、中东和北非,袭击类型为轰炸/爆炸,国家包括印度、伊拉克、巴基斯坦等;②危害程度越高的恐怖袭击事件其集中化程度越高;一级、二级事件主要分布在中东和北非、南亚等地区,三级、四级和五级事件主要分布在南亚、中东和北非及东南亚等地区;③空间上大致分为中东、中亚和南亚三大活跃区,菲律宾群岛等九大次级活跃区,爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛等其他风险区。本文对理解恐怖主义特征以及全球共同抵制恐怖主义具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

蔡一帆  童昕 《人文地理》2014,29(3):115-120
全球金融危机以后,大芬村实现了从生产行画的城中村到结合复制与创意的综合性油画生产基地的产业成功转型。本文分析了此案例在全球化背景下,产业链动力机制的演变对产业链与产业结构、雇佣关系与劳动者身份、进而对整个产业转型升级的推动与影响。本文指出,正是这种介于普通手工业与文化创意产业之间身份认同的焦虑,其中所蕴含的劳动者自我价值的认同,终而成为顺应市场需求变动中的实现产业升级的内在动力。最后讨论了大芬村文化产业升级案例之于发展中国家产业发展与转型的意义,以及地方性在此发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

正Unlike most young Tibetan people who yearn for stable governmental financial support to provide for a simple living upon their completion of education,Norbu Dradul is an exception.Possessing the same name of the heroic Tibetan King Gesar,Norbu Dradul is an influential photographer in Tibetan areas,and he has been working  相似文献   

基于全球区位论的城市发展研究:以江苏省南通市为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
区位论是关于经济组织空间优化的学问,随着时代的发展,传统的区位因子已经不能适应时代发展的需要。本文从传统的区位论入手,剖析经济全球化和科技信息革命背景下传统区位因子发生的变化,在此基础上提出并阐述全球区位因子。本文认为全球区位论对城市发展的意义在于可建立一系列相对标准,并据此寻求和建立城市发展的比较优势。作者认为城市的发展过程就是在全球城市网络体系中不断寻找比较优势,提高城市综合竞争力的过程,并认为跨国公司的区位选择印证了全球区位论对城市发展的影响。最后以江苏省南通市为例,探讨了全球区位论下南通城市发展的切入点应是利用靠近上海的区位优势,融入上海都市圈,实现"曲线救国",建造一个既适宜创业又适宜居住的城市,并从加强基础设施、培育优势产业、改善生态环境和社会环境等四个方面探讨了南通城市发展应采取的具体途径。  相似文献   

孙峰华 《人文地理》1997,12(4):47-50
本文阐述了全球战略地理论的重要性,概述了海上势力论、大陆心脏论、空中势力论及高边疆战略论(星球大战计划)产生的历史背景、核心思想及其影响,提出了"科技势力论"。  相似文献   

Possible future USSR agricultural productivity, given a global warming scenario, is assessed on the basis of paleoclimatic reconstructions for optima of the Holocene and Mikulino interglacial, which may be analogs of the man-modified warm climate of the future. The calculations were made using a dynamic model of grain yields for 94 territorial units, for the most part coincident with the boundaries of oblasts. Three different indicators, which suggest that the warming trend of climate will be generally favorable for agriculture in the European USSR, are analyzed. The paper also provides insights into current spatial patterns of agricultural productivity. Translated by Larry Richardson, Glendale, CA 91202 from: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, seriya geograficheskaya, 1990, No. 6, pp. 29-38.  相似文献   

何光强  宋秀琚 《人文地理》2014,29(2):113-122
地缘政治分析离不开地图。在全球地缘政治分析中,作为世界地图基本空间框架的地图投影通过变形为人们架起了一座"认知的桥梁"--一种空间认知的视角,包括结构、中心方位、距离和面积四种认知。它们在人脑中组合成世界意象地图,为全球地缘政治分析营造了一个多维的空间思维条件。世界观念研究、地缘动态研究,地区研究和全球性问题研究都离不开全球地图投影。总之,地图投影对于国际关系研究具有重要价值。  相似文献   

权力集中化、生产片断化与全球价值链下本土产业的升级   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
全球领先企业的权力集中化和生产的片断化导致价值分配的非均衡,并进一步加剧了全球生产网络中权力结构的不对称。本文提出全球价值链上的权力是一种建立在战略资源基础上的不对称的话语权,并归纳了八种基本的市场权力形式。通过对全球十大工业制成品及服务业的市场份额分析,发现技术能力和品牌能力是全球领先企业市场权力集中的主要根源,也是决定全球价值链上价值分配的决定性因素。嵌入全球价值链有利于发展中国家的本土企业迅速提高生产能力、接近全球市场和技术通道,但是从生产能力到创新能力的升级过程并非自动发生;全球价值链生产片断化带来创新过程的垂直分离和重新整合,发展中国家产业升级的关键在于本土企业的吸收能力和学习速度。  相似文献   

“全球的地方感”理论述评与广州案例解读   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于地方文化意义的研究在西方人文地理学研究中占据着重要的地位.全球化背景下,地方的意义正在被全球性力量中和与消解.在这种断裂之下,原有的对于“地方性”的想象反而在认同形成的过程中被不断加强.本土社会力图在一个“时空压缩”的“超空间”时代中,保存其自身基于地方意义的身份认同.哈维认为,一切基于地方意义形成的认同都是反动与禁锢的.他提出,应从资本运作的角度出发,理解地方差异的形成,从而理解地方建构中的社会关系与权力关系的建构.但马西则在批判哈维理论的基础上提出了全球(进步)的地方感理论,指出应从多样的社会建构出发,理解地方性的形成过程.马西认为,地方的本质特点包括:开放以及与外界密切的社会联系;地方本身是一个过程,认同在不断的再建构过程中;地方内部具有其认同的多样性;进步的地方感并不否认地方性的存在等.基于马西的进步地方感理论,研究通过对广州关于移民以及粤语传承问题讨论中出现的话语进行的文本分析,指出广州本地社会在上述讨论的过程中,其少部分话语已经呈现出进步地方感所批判的禁锢性,因此需要在重新认识地方的过程中加以修正.  相似文献   

The dean of Moscow University's Geography Faculty, a physical geographer, takes issue with alarmist predictions of an environmental deterioration and contends that modern technology will find ways of protecting the environment against pollution. Modern cities, which are among the principal sources of pollution, are taking steps to preserve the urban environment by the increased planting of greenery and the systematic installation of waste treatment facilities for noxious industries. Natural processes are found to have a surprising ability to adapt themselves to new conditions and thus play a more important role than generally assumed in restoring the chemical equilibrium of the natural environment. The cost of environmental protection is undoubtedly rising, and an effort at arms limitation is urged to make the necessary money available. The threat of an exhaustion of energy sources is discounted on the ground that new nonpolluting sources of energy are likely to be developed as fossil fuels approach depletion.  相似文献   

Geological processes are fundamental to the understanding of Global Change and the geological record provides a baseline against which to assess the nature and significance of contemporary global change (Price 1986)  相似文献   

全球视野下的价值链治理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文嫮  张洁  王良健 《人文地理》2007,22(2):14-19,5
在全球化背景下,以地方产业集群为发展模式的区域经济,其竞争力的提升需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动,并实现升级。而价值链治理分析是经济地理学理论研究地方产业集群升级的关键。在这种研究视角下,本文以价值链治理为研究对象,首先界定了价值链治理的概念;并从理论上讨论了全球价值链治理模式的主要类型和演化过程;然后,进一步分析了价值链治理产生的原因、价值链治理的应用,以及价值链治理对地方产业网络升级的影响;最后,本文对国际现有的价值链治理理论进行了比较深入的讨论,并提出进一步研究的展望。  相似文献   

Over the last decade, geographers have paid a great deal of attention to transnational firms (TNCs) and global production networks (GPNs) in the global economy, to the emergence of a mobile transnational business class and also to the development of global or globalizing cities. All three literatures have made important contributions to understanding the spatiality of global economic activity, but each adopts a fairly discreet theoretical and empirical focus. This article aims to outline a number of theoretical dimensions for thinking about how these key strands to the globalization debate can be brought together through the concept of global business spaces. It will propose a framework for understanding the spatialities of global economic activity that seeks to capture the complex interaction of material, social, organizational and virtual spaces that form the context through which it is constituted. With reference to business travel as a key form of economic practice which plays a central role in (re)producing these spaces, it assesses how these emerging spaces of global economic activity present problems for the conceptual categories commonly used by both urban and economic geographers. In so doing, it proposes a series of ways in which a different research agenda can produce new insight into the complex forms of social practice at the centre of global economic activity.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. If the social relations and inherited configuration of production were at the core of economic geography a decade ago, these aspects of the world are increasingly taken for granted. The global scope of industry and corporate strategy has claimed increasing attention over the past decade. And while any 'new' economic geography must have something to say about the nature of human agency and the role of institutions in structuring the landscape, care must be taken not to exaggerate their significance for constructive interaction. In point of fact, the global finance industry is an essential lens through which to study contemporary capitalism from the top-down and the bottom-up. If we are to understand the economic landscape of twenty-first century capitalism, it should be understood through global financial institutions, its social formations and investment practices. This argument is developed by reference to the recent literature on the geography of finance and a metaphor – money flows like mercury – designed to explicate the spatial and temporal logic of global capital flows. Some may dispute this argument, but in doing so they lament the passing of an era rather than advancing a convincing counterclaim about how the world is and what it might become. All this means that we have to rethink the significance of geographical scale and organizational processes as opposed to an unquestioned commitment to localities.  相似文献   

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