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But you must also be aware of another distinct bias nearly all of the examples are from the United States, Canada, Britain and Sweden. Is it fair? Are the new ideas to be found almost exclusively in these four countries —what the French call les Anglo-Saxons. Is this where the explosion in modern geography started, and continues to gather its strength? Now I am probably going to make myself extremely unpopular around the world but I am going to answer Yes to those three questions with a bit of a caveat here and there—which is the Latin word for a loophole you can wriggle out of if you have to  相似文献   

"A Good Judge"     

Men's history—masculine history, if you will—begins when we redefine our usual notion of historical significance and when we shift our usual frame of reference. Once we have made these two conceptual adjustments, we uncover some secrets hidden in the familiar landscape of the past. More often—and ultimately more important—as we shift our angle of vision, we recognise new meanings in the evidence that lay in front of our eyes all along.1 A man would never set out to write a book on the peculiar situation of the human male. But if I wish to define myself I must first of all say: ‘I am a woman’; a man never begins by presenting himself as an individual of a certain sex, it goes without saying that he is a man.2  相似文献   

Although the first presidential election where both major party candidates (William Howard Taft and William Jennings Bryan) hit the campaign trail, the election of 1908 is a neglected election. When scholars do address it, they typically focus on retiring incumbent president Theodore Roosevelt and his role therein. This article turns the focus away from Roosevelt, and also Bryan, and places it firmly on Taft, a reluctant candidate. Taft's role in 1908 is important because his very reluctance to embrace the changing expectations of the presidency helps to highlight the tensions between the old and new ways of campaigning and, more broadly, the traditional and modern presidencies.

The article first addresses Taft's decision to abandon his “front-porch” campaign. Taft's initial inclination toward a front-porch campaign reveals well his more traditional approach to the election and to the presidency in general, just as his decision to abandon this plan and “stump” for votes reflects his submission to developing trends and expectations. Second, the article examines the changing role of technology, this election being the first to feature phonograph recordings of the candidates, which would then be sold—and played—across the country. Third, the tours and speeches of Taft in the 1908 general election take center stage. The spectacle of these tours offers further evidence of the changing contours of American politics and presidential leadership, especially in elevating the personalities of the candidates. Finally, the 1908 election is examined from the standpoint of American political development and presidential history.  相似文献   

Old volume, I do love you. For me—who cannot speak—it's a relief to be able to write. And to no one else than you can I write about things I am ashamed of, things I would like to tear out of my mind, if only I could. But I can't … The only means is to analyse.  相似文献   

2 Juan Pablo Bonta, Architecture and Its Interpretation: A Study of Expressive Systems in Architecture (London: Lund Humphries, 1979), 232.
—Juan Pablo Bonta
3 Quoted in Andrew Ballantyne, “The Pillar and the Fire,” in What is Architecture?, ed. Andrew Ballantyne (London and New York: Routledge, 2002), 7.
—Ludwig Wittgenstein

I want to start by offering you two quotations. Both are from Harlan's famous dissent from Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, when the rest of the Justices held that it was constitutional to segregate people according to their race. The first quotation is famous; the second is not well-known—in fact, some of you may have never heard it before. Here is the first quotation:  相似文献   

AN ENAMEL DISK found in Suffolk in 1972 was the subject of a seminal article by Professor V. I. Evison, in which for the first time a group of Anglo-Saxon cloisonné enamels was established.1 The current article is likewise concerned with a newly discovered cloisonné enamel, and the group to which the find belongs—a total of fifteen late 10th- and 11th-century enamels known to the author—is added in catalogue form. As three in the British Museum were originally published as late 4th century,2 it is to be hoped that further examples will emerge from Romano-British and other collections as a result of the present publication.  相似文献   

Two decades ago, in the summer of 1987, celebrations of the bicentennial of the United States Constitution were in high gear under the watchful eye of then recently retired Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, who chaired the Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution between 1985 and 1991. 1 Numerous lectures, seminars, and conferences across the land made clear not only the role and value of what Chief Justice William Howard Taft once called “the ark of our covenant” 2 in the life of the nation but also the central place the judiciary had long occupied in the political system, as state and national courts confronted vital questions of public policy perplexing and dividing the people. As that astute French aristocrat Alexis de Tocqueville first noted in 1835, the “American judge is dragged in spite of himself onto the political field . … There is hardly a political question in the United States which does not sooner or later turn into a judicial one.” 3 With the “right to declare laws unconstitutional,” he explained, the judge “cannot compel the people to make laws, but at least he can constrain them to be faithful to their own laws and to remain in harmony with themselves.” 4  相似文献   

It can be argued that so‐called appellate judicial distinction sometimes results from a Justice basking in the positive reaction to a decision that may be based in part—or even in totality—on arguments raised by counsel. If this is true, who, then, is the distinguished figure? The successful advocate is one who can persuade an appellate court as to the soundness of the position he or she takes. The Justice gets the credit, while the attorney gets the fee. But is there more to being a great advocate besides winning cases? This article examines aspects of John Campbell's career, in what may be called “the case of the creative advocate.” It will focus in particular on the greatest case he ever argued, the Slaughterhouse Cases, 1 and will draw on the recent book I coauthored with Ronald Labbé. 2  相似文献   

I had been a closet gay before I got married, about 1948, which means I had a relationship with a woman, and I'd been in love with her but I thought I was the only person in the world. There was no others in the world. I had never read a gay book. I didn't even know the word ‘gay’… I didn't know the word ‘lesbian’… And I really believe that women used to dress mannish simply to get you to know who they were … In those days it was very important.1  相似文献   

Justice William J. Brennan once remarked that the Court has never fully developed a jurisprudence of national security. It is simply too episodic, he said. 1 Our present Chief Justice would, it would seem, largely agree, though his own research shows some greater willingness for the Court to superintend—at least after the fact 2 —the actions of the executive in times of war or similar crisis. My assignment in this essay was to ask the question slightly differently; namely, has the posture of the Court differed in times of hot or cold war, and if so, how has it differed? As will be evident momentarily, that question is less helpful to our present circumstance than it might seem. Why? Because, frankly, we are in neither a hot nor cold war, but something quite different 3 —something that has the potential to be not only hot, but blistering, and something which will likely never be fully appreciated as having gone truly cold.  相似文献   

The state of a group of glaciers in the northern Mackenzie Mountains across the Yukon‐Northwest Territories border was investigated over a period of three decades, using Landsat TM and OLI imagery from 1987, 1994, 1999, 2004, 2013, and 2017 to examine changes in glacier extents. A thresholded red/shortwave infrared band ratio image was used to delineate glacier boundaries. The total area of 74 glaciers in the study area decreased from 52.78 ± 1.32 km2 in 1987 to 24.89 ± 0.62 km2 in 2017, a loss of 27.89 ± 1.39 km2 or 52.8 ± 2.6%, with a mean rate of reduction of 1.8% · a?1. Smaller glaciers experienced larger relative changes in area. In this study, the rates of reduction are high compared to decreases reported for other glaciers in the region in the late 20th century. Based on linear extrapolation of the trend in values of total glacier area, it is predicted—subject to uncertainties in how glaciers diminish in size and eventually disappear—that the study area could be free of visible glacier cover within three decades.  相似文献   

A Clerk's View     
One enduring challenge of being a law clerk for Justice Stevens was trying to prove, at least to yourself, that the Justice actually needed a clerk. He could do it all himself—and he frequently did. It wasn't just the fact that he drafted his own opinions, although that was definitely part of it. (What exactly do you say as a young, recent lawschool graduate when he gives you his polished and carefully conceived draft?“Good effort, Justice, I think you’re coming along nicely”?) And it wasn't just the fact that he would read the same mountain of briefs as you and then come up with an insight that nobody had seen and that irrevocably turned the case on its side for all concerned, including the lawyers and the other Justices.  相似文献   

Multi-isotope fingerprints in the bioapatite of archaeological skeletons are mostly superior over single isotope analyses for provenance studies. Gaussian mixture model (GMM) clustering is a novel tool for a similarity search among multidimensional data sets and at the same time permits the evaluation of the structural importance of particular isotopic ratios in the data set. We applied three GMM clustering experiments on multi-isotope fingerprints—stable strontium (Sr), lead (Pb) and oxygen (O) isotopic ratios—established in 217 archaeological animal bones excavated along a specific transect across the European Alps. This reference region had been in use since prehistoric times by humans who crossed the Alps from north to south, and vice versa. The resulting clusters permit a spatial assignment of the specimens with a very high probability, in particular with regard to the geological complexity of the region. A combination of Sr with Pb stable isotopes led to an optimal differentiation between the southern and northern Alpine forelands that cannot be distinguished from each other by 87Sr/86Sr ratios alone, while the contribution of δ18O is not particularly high. The isotopic mapping and subsequent cluster analysis is suitable for the analysis of archaeological human finds and the reconstruction of the direction of transalpine mobility and trade.  相似文献   

《Central Europe》2013,11(1):17-46

This article examines the works of four writers of Croatian, Slovene, Serbian and Bosniak literature in the period of National Revival, in their literary, historical and discursive contexts: Pre?ern’s Krst pri Savici, Ma?urani?’s Smrt Smail-age ?engi?a, Njego?’s Gorski vijenac and Ba?agi?’s Abdullah Pa?a. Three of the four authors were also statesmen, and all four are considered canonical national writers. There is a striking similarity between their otherwise different works, resulting from speeches by priests who either demand and justify conversion, or vehemently oppose it and call for vengeance. In all four works, the enemy is not a foreign conqueror, but an apostate who sides with the conqueror by accepting his faith. Although in all four works the values of the epic and heroic world are pronounced dead, epic action — a ’sword’ — is still very much alive. Though the central act of conversion is accompanied by religious symbolism which gives rise to the impression of a clash of religions, in all four works conversion does not have a religious meaning, it is purely political.  相似文献   

We made South West. Why should we give it to you? Settler Employer to African Employee1 We do not believe in a system that sells people. Striking ‘Contract’ Workers2 It must be borne in mind that the Namibian people are shedding blood to liberate each and every inch of the Namibian soil, thus each and every inch of the Namibian land must and will belong to the Namibian people. Sam Nujoma, President of SWAPO3 A nation which is dependent on another country for the food consumption of its population cannot be but a dependent hostage of the particular country which feeds its population. SWAPO, Political Programme4  相似文献   

This article examines the importance of the kitchen for immigrant women who arrived in Australia in the late 1940s and 1950s. Using oral history interviews with 27 immigrant women I examine the multiple and overlapping ways in which they ‘make’ home. Women construct home through the kitchen by re/negotiating the kitchen space to ensure that the kitchen and their central placement within it produces a ‘feeling’ of being ‘at home’. Women shape the architecture and design of the kitchen in terms of their own understandings of the discourses of efficiency and domesticity, and also through colour and decoration, to ‘make’ the kitchen home. These understandings will be explored through nuanced readings of the immigrant women's stories of their kitchen lives.

In those days a woman's home, [well] you were in the kitchen all the time. You felt safe and confident in your kitchen because it was yours, your job, your work or whatever you do, you feel confident, but if you meet someone else outside of that you lose a little bit of that confidence … In the kitchen, I felt good … Cooking or whatever it may be, we just sat down at the table and it was a wonderful feeling. (Emily: interview, 1998, Scottish immigrant)1 1. Emily is a Scottish immigrant woman who arrived in Western Australia in 1951. Pseudonyms are used to maintain anonymity. View all notes.  相似文献   

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