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以宜兴为中国陶业经济文化典型,从社会文化学和遗产学角度,对其6000年陶业生产活动进行分析梳理和分期归纳,从中提炼出宜兴陶业文化遗产的重要概念;陶业文化遗产对当代宜兴甚而中国社会可持续发展,以及振兴宜兴和中国陶业经济文化有着重要作用与意义。  相似文献   

宜兴素有中国"陶都"之称,宜兴陶业的兴旺发展与中原文化的影响有着直接关联。  相似文献   

范蠡是宜兴的兴陶祖。 范蠡,字少伯,楚国宛(今河南南阳)人。春秋末年的政治家、军事家、陶业家、经济学家。他的事迹见《国语》、《史记》等著作,但他在宜兴振兴陶业的一段历史却鲜为人知。 范蠡在帮助勾践灭吴成功以后,看出勾践其人“可以共患难,不可以同富贵”,遂功成身退,归隐民间,而其去向却不甚分明,比较流行的说法是去了齐国定陶,陶朱致富。然而根据宜兴的史料,却是他先到无锡,又到宜兴,在宜兴振兴陶业,然后去了定陶。  相似文献   

从胎土、成型、修整、装饰、焙烧五个方面对顺山集遗址出土的陶器破片进行观察后可知:第一期遗存陶器以泥片贴筑法制坯为主,少量为泥条筑成;第二期遗存中,泥条筑成的陶器数量有所增加,成为主要制坯方法。顺山集遗址第一、二期文化陶器制作工艺的变化,符合新石器时代陶器制作由泥片筑成法向泥条筑成法转变的总体变化规律,表明第一、二期遗存陶器制作工艺的延续和发展。  相似文献   

从胎土、成型、修整、装饰、焙烧五个方面对顺山集遗址出土的陶器破片进行观察后可知:第一期遗存陶器以泥片贴筑法制坯为主,少量为泥条筑成;第二期遗存中,泥条筑成的陶器数量有所增加,成为主要制坯方法。顺山集遗址第一、二期文化陶器制作工艺的变化,符合新石器时代陶器制作由泥片筑成法向泥条筑成法转变的总体变化规律,表明第一、二期遗存陶器制作工艺的延续和发展。  相似文献   

广西桂林甑皮岩遗址陶器的成型工艺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桂林市甑皮岩遗址第三、四期陶器的显著特征是流行泥片贴筑成型的圜底器。本文根据陶器口部标本剖面图上所显示的钩状包裹现象,断定这批圜底器采用正筑泥片贴筑法成型,其具体步骤是先捏塑底部,再向上贴筑至口部。  相似文献   

宜兴制陶历史悠远,考古发掘证明,宋代已有紫砂器具的生产,至明清时期紫砂烧造达到鼎盛。随着社会发展和时代变迁,制陶技艺也在不断演进,陶业分类越来越细化,其独特的制作技艺和繁多的制作工具在先辈们的发明创造下,逐渐形成了自己的风格特点,并且在材质和形式上发生了许多革新演变,在各类陶瓷生产中独树一帜。  相似文献   

广西钦州紫砂器   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
广西钦州紫砂器生产从清咸丰年迄今已有一百多年的历史,它与江苏宜兴、云南建水的紫砂在我国陶艺苑中同放异彩,而钦州紫砂工艺更是享誉中外,倍受两广和东南亚地区人们的青睐。钦州紫砂器的历史《钦州陶冶志》记载:“钦有宜兴各器,始于咸丰年间。胡老六创制吸烟小泥器,精良远胜于宜兴……”其中将钦州紫砂器称为宜兴器。可是在当地方言却称为泥兴器,“兴”有喜爱之意,泥兴与宜兴恰好谐音而故名。显然钦州紫砂器与江苏宜兴紫砂器有一脉相承的关系。关于钦州紫砂器创制者胡老六的经历:“相传他当过清兵,曾任江苏宜兴驻屯过,学习过紫砂陶的生产技  相似文献   

甘肃秦安大地湾一期制陶工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘肃秦安大地湾一期制陶工艺研究李文杰郎树德赵建龙本文通过考察实物和模拟实验揭示了大地湾一期制陶工艺的奥秘:夹砂陶的分层现象是间隔使用夹砂、泥质两种泥料和逐层敷泥的结果;器身用内模敷泥法成型,壶的领部用外模敷泥法成型,二者可统称为模具敷泥法;修整器表也...  相似文献   

葛韬,字耕陶孺子,号泥夫。出生于具有600年制陶历史的陶业世家。著名工艺美术师。1991年入顾景舟大师工作室,从紫砂历史、紫砂原料入手。学习传统技艺。师从陶艺家葛陶中先生,受一代宗师顾景舟大师严格督导。同时受清华大学美术学院王建中教授造型指导。  相似文献   

位于广西壮族自治区宾阳县的新窑村,尚有现代制陶作坊存在.这些制陶作坊均采用快轮制陶技术.此次,对其进行的考察主要包括原料采集、制作工艺、阴干及烧制等方面.考察的结果,对于我们研究中国古代制陶工艺有着十分重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

In this article, we present the results of application of petrographic and neutron activation analyses to a group of pottery fragments dating to the 12th century BCE deriving from ancient Eleon (Boeotia, Greece) as a means of investigating regional and interregional networks in which the site participated. Production centres in Boeotia and central Euboea provided, as could be expected, the majority of sampled pottery across various shapes. A number of more distant areas, however, such as eastern Attica, the Cyclades, Macedonia, and western Crete, are also documented in the present study, suggesting their products were available to local consumers at ancient Eleon. These results are discussed with reference to consumer preferences and exchange networks operating at that time. Finally, some of the identified petrographic and chemical groups can be securely identified at the macroscopic level, allowing us to arrive at conclusions pertinent to a substantial part of the entire pottery assemblage.  相似文献   


Until recent pottery studies of the ancient Classical and Early Islamic rural sites in northern Jordan were of less interest to archaeologists. This article focuses on the Byzantine and Umayyad period pottery that has been discovered during the first season of excavation at Barsinia in the north-western part of Jordan. Fifty-two indicative pottery sherds were sorted according to their date and function into two main groups: the early Byzantine pottery (fourth–sixth centuries) and the Late Byzantine–Umayyad pottery (sixth–eighth centuries). Since Barsinia is one of the small rural archaeological sites, and such sites were rarely mentioned in ancient literary sources, the study of material remains at such locations is essential for elucidating regional development and trade. It also sheds more light on the relation between the site and the surroundings through the comparative study of the pottery objects.  相似文献   

In the early colonial period, Jamaican slaves manufactured pottery that incorporated traditional West African technology with selected European innovations. Recent examination of Afro-Jamaican wares from the seventeenth-century site of Port Royal suggests that the decorative elements are consistent with those that are in wide use among West African pottery traditions, particularly those of the Gold Coast (Ghana). Stamped designs prevail as the clearest example of this continuity. Potential Amerindian contributions to the Jamaican folk pottery industry during this period are considered and shown to be unlikely. The isolation of decorative traits demonstrates how certain craft elements of West African peoples were transported to the New World and integrated with other cultural traditions. It also corroborates the documentary record pertaining to the geographical origin of Jamaican slaves during the early colonial period.  相似文献   

彩绘陶器以其绚丽多彩的彩色装饰为主要特征,对它们的相关研究将不断丰富古代制陶工艺及颜料加工技术的认识。为此,本研究利用EDXRF、XRD、SEM、热膨胀分析等技术手段对山东青州香山汉墓和沂源战国墓葬出土彩绘陶器的组成结构及烧制温度进行了深入分析,首次发现了先以滑石粉打底其上再绘朱砂的彩绘陶品种。沂源战国墓葬中出土了表面用锡层作装饰的陶器,这是在我国北方地区的墓葬中首次发现这种"锡涂陶"。青州香山汉墓出土的陶俑和器物的胎料组成相近,而烧成温度存在明显差异,陶俑的烧成温度要高于器物。这些结果可为研究彩绘陶器的工艺发展提供新资料。  相似文献   

古代保留下来的遗存中陶器最为丰富,承载着我国先民们生产、生活的各类丰富信息本工作是在以往中科院上海硅酸盐研究所和景德镇陶瓷学院等单位对我国早期陶器相关科技研究的基础上,在国家自然科学基金的支持下,结合近年来相关考古机构对我国南方广西桂林甑皮岩、江西万年仙人洞、浙江浦江上山等若干典型遗址出土早期陶器的科技研究积累,对各遗址制陶原料的选取和加工、陶器成型及烧成方法等一系列我国早期陶器制作的工艺特,点、技术内涵等进行了比较分析,以期对我国南方不同文化区系早期陶器的演变和发展有更加深入、全面和客观的认识。  相似文献   

容波  兰德省  王亮  朱振宇  李斌  王春燕 《文博》2009,(6):266-268
为了掌握陕西省内陶质彩绘文物的基本情况、受损现状及保护现状等基础数据,我们开展了“陕西省陶质彩绘文物调查研究项目”。通过对咸阳地区汉景帝阳陵、杨家湾汉墓、汉武帝茂陵、窑店三义村等大型汉代墓葬出土彩绘陶器表面颜料进行研究,从颜料物质成分、彩绘工艺等方面进行了科学检测和分析,为彩绘陶器的保护修复提供了依据。  相似文献   

Salt is an essential mineral in the human diet, and ancient peoples obtained salt either directly from rock salt, from salt lakes, or by concentrating saline waters from salt springs or seawater in pottery vessels. However, because sodium chloride, the major component of salt, is soluble in water, it has been thought unlikely that any trace of salt would remain in the pottery after a long period of time. A new methodology for retrieval of water-insoluble (retainable) chloride ion trapped within a pottery matrix is presented as a method for detecting previous use of the pottery for salt making. Simulated salt-making pottery was used to make salt by repeatedly boiling seawater over a fire. After chloride had been extracted with distilled water, to mimic the removal of chloride by natural waters such as rainwater and groundwater, an aqueous ammonium fluoride solution was shown to be capable of extracting chloride ions remaining in the pottery. A chloride-selective electrode was used to quantify the amount of extracted chloride in the presence of fluoride. This method was then successfully applied to excavated Japanese pottery vessels suspected of having been used for making salt. Identification of retainable chloride in pottery can offer insights into salt trading networks, which reflect the growth and affluence of an ancient society.  相似文献   

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