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黄建秋 《中原文物》2007,1(5):34-37
根据遗物的文化和自然属性比较,可将分布于不同考古学文化的外形复杂、制作技术要求相对较高的遗物作为跨文化遗物,并且确定跨文化遗物的分布范围。这些遗物分布有三种模式:散点分布、线性分布和飞地分布。在研究中要注意飞地分布模式中空白的真伪、遗物分布范围是否稳定。  相似文献   

A detailed examination of commonalities between folk religion beliefs and practices of African American and European American ethnic groups raises intriguing issues. Interpretations concerning the ethnic group association of conjuration artifacts uncovered at eighteenth- and nineteenth-century sites in the mid-Atlantic region must be based on a clearer articulation of the interplay of three issues: the general dynamics of ethnic group boundedness; how material culture communicates such ethnic identities; and how conjuration practices support or subvert ethnic group boundaries. A variety of protective and malevolent conjuration practices likely functioned in different ways in intergroup and intragroup settings.  相似文献   

With a focus on bronze production in the south-central Andes during the Middle Horizon, this study reports the first archaeological use of lead isotope analysis to investigate metallic ores and metal artifacts in the Andean zone of South America. Because the vast majority of metal deposits in the Andean cordillera formed in a convergent plate boundary setting, lead isotope compositions of most Andean ore sources are not unique. Lead isotope ratios of central and south-central Andean ores define four geographically distinct ore lead isotope provinces, oriented and elongated parallel or sub-parallel to the trend of the Andean cordilleras. Consequently, ore lead isotope ratios vary strongly from west to east along transects through the coast, highlands, and altiplano, but they exhibit much less variation from north to south. The strong west-to-east variation in ore lead isotope signatures allows discrimination between ore bodies, and ultimately between metal artifacts, as a function of macro-ecozone location: coast, junga-qiswa, puna, and altiplano. We present the most up-to-date database of ore lead isotope signatures for the south-central Andes including those determined for ores we sampled over an approximate 250,000-km2 region within Bolivia, northern Chile, and northwest Argentina. Lead isotope signatures of Cu-As-Ni bronze artifacts from Tiwanaku (altiplano capital) and San Pedro de Atacama (desert oasis entrepôt) establish that altiplano and high sierra ore bodies provided the metal for both assemblages. Conchopata (Wari) arsenic bronze artifacts exhibit lead isotope ratios compatible with the Julcani (Huancavelica) copper sulfarsenide deposit.  相似文献   

石制品经使用废弃后会经历漫长的后埋藏过程,在这个过程中石制品表面可能会产生和人类使用痕迹相似的微痕。关于石制品表面的后埋藏微痕实验研究,是通过实验模拟石制品的埋藏环境与过程,观察石制品表面因此而产生的后埋藏微痕,将之与使用微痕进行对比,从而更好地区分二者。当前有关石制品埋藏的实验研究主要集中在土壤埋藏及扰动、水流搬运活动和踩踏行为三个方面,较为全面的后埋藏实验研究对于提高石器微痕分析的准确性有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ground-edged artifacts were an important part of the Australian Aboriginal toolkit. They had practical day-to-day uses, but some had symbolic and social values that led to their movement across great distances. Australian provenance studies document long-distance Aboriginal exchange systems extending over hundreds of kilometers. The size and complexity of exchange systems and social networks were contingent upon resources and the productivity of a region's environment. Along the fertile, well-watered lands east of the Great Dividing Range, movement of objects may have been geographically more circumscribed than in drier areas to the west. One hundred and twenty-one mafic, ground-edged artifacts from the New South Wales (NSW) Central Coast and 368 geological specimens from potential sources were non-destructively analyzed by portable X-Ray fluorescence spectrometry. Results indicate the existence of a well-used basalt source within the region at Peats Ridge-Popran Creek as well as multiple local and non-local sources up to 430?km from Mangrove Mountain on the NSW Central Coast.  相似文献   

1998年5月,吉林大学考古系的部分师生和镇赉县文物管理所的同志对该遗址进行复查时,发现石制品111件。经整理研究,将石制品划分为细石器和非细石器两类。发现的石制品中有石片、细石叶、细石叶石核、刮削器、石镞、雕刻器、舌形器和磨制石器等,是新石器时代早期的典型细石器工业,为新、旧石器时代的过渡研究提供了一批宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   


Medical museums and collections care for important artifacts relating to the history of the neurosciences across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Europe. This essay highlights the collections and galleries of greatest interest and worth a visit. It also provides a list of online directories of medical museums and bibliography of related publications.  相似文献   

近年来,浙江绍兴西施山遗址出土了一大批春秋战国时期的遗物,据不完全统计,总数不下五六百件。绍兴市博物馆征集到的器物共有200余件,有青铜器、铁器、原始瓷器、陶器等。其中青铜器包括礼器、农具和兵器,数量众多,类型丰富,制作精良,为本遗址最重要的发现。铁器的出土则表明越国在战国中期前后已有了冶铁业,标志着手工业的发达和生产力的进步。同时,众多春秋战国器物的出土还证明了西施山是越国的重要遗址。  相似文献   

本文在对浙江出土先秦青铜器作分区研究的基础上,就不同地区青铜器的铸造技术作了考察,发现在不同时期分别运用了浑铸法、分铸法两种成型技术为主的工艺。再结合这些器物的出土情况,明确其相对年代,并对不同期段青铜器的流动情况作了探索。  相似文献   

明代王士琦墓出土金银器百余件,为人熟知的金带銙一副二十枚、金镶玉带具一件是王士琦物,其余则以女子首饰为多。本文对王士琦墓出土的金银器,尤其是其中的女子首饰,作了大致的梳理,包括对这些器物予以重新命名,兼及对式样和工艺的讨论。  相似文献   

安图沙金沟旧石器遗址发现的石器研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
安图县沙金沟遗址于2006年发现,遗址位于沙金河右岸第Ⅲ级阶地上,在地表和含角砾的黄色亚黏土层中共发现石器82件,原料以黑曜岩为主,包括石核、石片、石叶、细石叶、二类和三类工具(刮削器、雕刻器、尖状器和砍砸器等)。遗址的地质年代推测为晚更新世的晚期,即旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

热处理用于改善材料性能以及获取所需色泽,彰显了古人的智慧与技术.除石器工具的热处理之外,象征性器物的热处理也是旧石器时代末期以来的一项重要人类行为.滑石因硬度较软,很早被中国先民用作装饰品和礼仪器,但很少用作珠饰.青铜时代早期至西周时期,滑石珠饰大量出现,部分经过了热处理.与近东和南亚地区相比,热处理滑石珠饰在器型、功...  相似文献   

As new digital technologies now pervade the discipline of archaeology, the practice of creating digital 3D representations of artifacts has become widespread. The rapid growth and acceptance of these technologies into the discipline leaves us in a position where we must engage with how these tools fit our epistemologies. I propose that we look to a much older technology, photography, to inform the way that these digital artifacts are dealt with as we move into an increasingly digital field. In doing so, I will argue that the creation of a 3D digital artifact is a productive process, just as any form of media used to document and interpret the archaeological record. Through this production, the digital form is decoupled from the original physical artifact. The creation of a new representation of the artifact (in the form of a photograph or digital model) provides a new dimension to our interactions with these artifacts. The result of the digital movement in archaeology is a more interactive experience with artifacts, allowing researchers and the public alike digital access to archaeological collections. If the current trend continues, digital artifact modeling will become as indispensable to archaeology as traditional photography. It is therefore necessary for archaeologists to be aware of the subjectivities and biases that exist during this productive act as we move into a more integrated field of digital, representational technologies.  相似文献   

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