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房列曙 《安徽史学》2015,(6):94-102
八年抗战时期,国民政府变通普通行政人员、边远省区和具有特殊性质公务员的任用法规,降低考试及格人员的任职资格。与此同时,统一人事管理制度,补办公务员甄别审查,推行公务员、备用人员、军用文职人员的登记,以及公务员的聘用、派用与内外调任制度,兼顾了公务员任用制度的常态发展。这些举措,体现了公务员的依法任用,顺应了抗战建国的需要。由于公务员任用制度本身存在缺点,在执行的过程中"事前审查"变成"事后追认",以及专制制度的危害,孙中山关于考试权独立的理想没有完全实现。  相似文献   

After the Japanese occupation of North China at the beginning of the Anti-Japanese War, the Nationalist government adopted the strategy of using the regular army to develop the battlefield to the rear of the enemy in order to sustain a protracted war. As a result, the Northwestern Army, which was organizing anti-Japanese forces in North China, became the Nationalist government's main military force in the occupied area. However, caught between Japanese and Communist troops, the Northwestern Army surrendered to the Japanese for the purpose of self-preservation and thus became a puppet army. From a nationalist point of view, the collaborationists who covered up their self-serving motives and later defended their actions as a crooked path to national salvation had a negative image. In response to Communist expansion, the Nationalist government acquiesced in the measure of collaborating with the puppet troops to annihilate the Communists. To reinforce the battles at the front, the Nationalist government also attempted to plot anti-Japanese mutinies among the puppet troops, but its plan was never implemented. The Northwestern Army forces planned to build an alliance in order to survive as a third force both in the confrontation between the Chinese government and the Japanese army and in the confrontation between the Nationalists and the Communists. Yet, due to the tight control exercised by the Japanese in North China, it was difficult for the Northwestern Army to gain momentum as a third force. After the end of the Anti-Japanese War, the Northwestern Army had to take sides in the Civil War, and this dilemma caused its final collapse.  相似文献   

淮南煤矿是国民政府建设委员会创建的官办煤矿.日军侵占淮南煤矿,目的在于掠夺淮南煤炭资源,为其侵华战争服务.为此,日本帝国主义采用高度垄断的方式和掠夺式的开采方法经营管理淮南煤矿,使日伪时期淮南煤矿的经营管理具有垄断性、掠夺性和残酷性特征.  相似文献   

When the National-Socialists started their restrictive measures against Jewish civil servants and professionals in 1933, they caused a wave of emigration only to be surpassed by the one following the Anschluß of Austria and the ‘November pogrom’ in 1938. Due to their great number, jewish doctors were to become the main object of Nazi persecution in the professional group. Up until 1935 Palestine was their main destination of immigration. In 1935 the British Mandatory Government passed a numerus clausus which mainly cut down the licensing of newly arrived doctors. The article deals with the social problems caused by the mass immigration of a highly qualified professional group in Palestine and with the fight against the restrictive measures of the mandatory Government. A short retrospective glance is cast at the situation in Palestine before 1933. Finally an outlook is given at the impact of this immigration on the health system in Israel.  相似文献   

民国初年广东乡村的基层权力机构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
邱捷 《史学月刊》2003,1(5):89-96
民国初年,受到辛亥革命冲击的广东乡村基层权力机构以各种方式恢复和重建。这些机构包括警局、区乡办事所和团局,而主要是团局。控制乡村基层权力机构的人物有士绅、商人、回乡官吏、退伍军官等,有军事经历、直接掌握武力者通常在这些机构中担任主角。由于广东政局动荡,省、县政府对乡村往往不能充分行使权力,乡村基层权力机构获得很大的独立性,有时甚至同政府、军队发生冲突。国民政府成立后,广东实行新县政,但民国初年形成的乡村基层权力机构的格局,在不少地区一直延续到40年代末。  相似文献   

This article examines the water distribution systems in Johannesburg and Mumbai to argue that the political and institutional contexts of service delivery shape people’s access to the state and its resources, and also mediation between citizens and government institutions by councillors. Through ethnographies of water supply and distribution systems in Mumbai and Johannesburg, I explain how the organizational structure of the water utility, institutional arrangements of service delivery, regulatory systems, councillors’ proximity to decision makers and their relationship with municipal officials, civil servants and party members variously influence councillors’ mediation capacities and their ability to fulfil the claims of their constituencies for piped water supply and connections.  相似文献   

日本侵华期间,在华中地区扶持建立了傀儡政权———伪“中华民国维新政府”,旨在加紧对中国进行政治、军事、经济侵略。  相似文献   

翁有为 《史学月刊》2020,(4):96-102
全面抗战前南京国民政府省制变革是近代中国省制变革的一个重要历史阶段。这一时期,大体经历了南京国民政府初期的省区分治与权势平衡、二次北伐完成后关于省财权人事权和军事权的央地博弈与武力纷争、中原大战后集权与分治的微妙平衡三个阶段的演变。南京政府正常的省权制度变革无法有序展开,在体制内却只能依靠军事和战争手段解决。这是最下策之下策,而且无法真正有效解决省权过大问题。直到全面抗战前夕,省制变革一直成为牵引中国时局演化与社会变动的中枢和焦点问题。  相似文献   

本文根据国民政府主计处统计局编印的《统计期讯—卫生》,围绕着死亡疾病类型和死亡者的身份属性、职业背景以及生理年龄,考察20世纪30年代的南京、北平和广州城市居民的疾病与死亡问题。文章认为从死亡疾病分析,20世纪30年代南京、北平和广州居民的死亡疾病涉及到传染性疾病、消化系统、呼吸系统、心脏系统以及神经系统等诸种疾病,其中一些非传染性疾病或者非法定传染性疾病的威胁较大。从死亡年龄与职业分析,南京、广州和北平三地居民死亡年龄分布情况虽然存在地域性差异,但是死亡年龄主要集中在0—1岁、1—4岁、40—60岁和60岁以上的年龄段,不同年龄段所染患疾病也表现出一定年龄特征;职业差异对城市居民健康的影响也不容忽视。文章认为,这些事实逻辑实际上是提醒我们要谨慎对待目前这一领域的某些认识规范。  相似文献   

东魏北齐侵梁夺地及北齐欲在建康建立傀儡政权,是一种积极进取精神的体现。大体说来,可以乾明元年(560)为界,将东魏北齐历史分为二期,此前为积极进取的时期,此后为维持现状及衰亡的时期。  相似文献   

Geographers examining the spaces of government and governance, and in particular those drawing upon the writings of Michel Foucault on government and governmentality, have tended to overlook the importance of different media, technical devices and practices of self-government to specific rationalities and programmes of government. In this paper I argue that the materialities and immaterialities of many mundane media technologies, the way they articulate and translate particular programmes of government, and the way they instil practices of self-government in citizens, are important but frequently overlooked dimensions of the geographies of government. I focus on the codes of countryside conduct – The Country Code/Countryside Code – that have been published in England and Wales since 1951. I examine how the National Parks Commission, and subsequently the Countryside Commission and Countryside Agency, identified the potential strengths and limitations of using the Country Code booklet to govern the conduct of visitors to the countryside. The paper shows how the material form of the booklet and methods of distributing and promoting it were seen to matter, and examines how civil servants attempted to extend the 'reach' of the Code and articulate its message through a diverse range of media which entailed different kinds of performative encounters in different spaces.  相似文献   

吴景平 《史学月刊》2003,22(1):47-54
抗战爆发后.国民政府调整中的外汇政策和措施仍得以在上海执行。政府银行运用自有外汇、英美政府资金和相关银行先后介入.维持上海汇市。大部分外商银行是官方牌价外汇的争购者和暗市的主角,其市场行为在中美英政府联手推行外汇管理后有所约束。普通华商行庄未能在维持外汇市场方面发挥主动性作用,但以银钱业同业公会为代表的L海金融业仍奉西迂内地的国民政府为惟一合法的中央政府,国民政府的有关监管政策和措施大体上仍能令行禁止,这成为太平洋战争爆发前外汇市场得以维持的重要因素。日伪金融势力则始终是维持上海外汇市场的破坏力量。  相似文献   

曾景忠 《史学月刊》2004,53(5):60-66,91
东北易帜后,全国虽然实现了统一,但还主要是形式上的。国民政府下诸军政集团问的内战频频发生,中国共产党领导的红军战争星火燎原。中原大战和平定石友三之乱,东北军大量调入关内,严重削弱了东北边防。连年内战,耗损了国力,无力抵御外侮。日本侵略者正是利用了中国的内争不统一,乘虚而进,发动九一八事变,占领东北。1931年发生的宁粤对立,严重地影响了对日和战的决行。张学良对中央政府具有相当大的独立性。当关东军向辽西进攻时,张氏拒绝中央政府的一再指令,擅从锦州撤兵,终致东北全部沦陷。民族不统一,给外敌人侵造成了可乘之机。日本充分利用中国内部不统一,侵略东北,策划建立满蒙“独立”政权。这是九一八事变的重要历史教训。  相似文献   

When the National‐Socialists from the year 1933 forced jewish civil‐servants and professionals to leave their jobs with restrictive laws against different professional groups, among those who left the country in order do find new openings were many women. For many of them the exile meant the break up of their academic career. However, those who found a new occupation in the Turkish university reform the Turkish state started in 1933 made an important contribution to a successful project of science transfer the large group of emigrants from Germany and Austria carried out in Turkey between 1933 and 1945. The article shows how exiled German and Austrian women especially in the medical professions took part in the innovational shift of science and learning of the Turkish universities and the clinical practice in the institutions of public health.  相似文献   

《满洲评论》是伪满洲国时期重要时事评论周刊。小山贞知是该刊创始人之一,也是该刊从创刊至停刊14年间唯一的法人代表和发行人。小山出身特务机关坂西公馆,有着复杂的政治背景;他在为日本政府效力的同时,也为日本左翼文人的活动舞台《满洲评论》提供官方的资金支援和政治保护。他是伪满洲国时期在华活动的日本文人中的一个特例,具有知识分子和政界人士的双重身份。本文以其在华三十余年的文化活动为主,追述了小山贞知的生平,梳理了小山著述中的几种政治主张。  相似文献   

After four years of occupation, Belgium emerged ruined at the end of the Great War. The King returned from Yser, leading the army and acclaimed by the population. In contrast, the government and the exiles came back discreetly and the absence of the dead was felt strongly. Part of the population felt itself to be the victim of the occupation and sought revenge: shop windows were broken and houses sacked, men were molested and women's heads shaven. Manufacturers who had closed their businesses sought the severe repression of those who had pursued their activities. Journalists who had stopped writing called for harsh treatment of the newspapers that submitted to German censorship. A fraction of the population stigmatised those who profited from the occupation and demanded justice. In 1918, Belgium was already confronted with problems that most European countries only discovered at the end of the Second World War. How does one move on from a war of occupation? How does one reconstruct a state weakened by occupation? How does one handle collective vengeance and respond to calls for justice? This article will study successively the wave of ‘popular’ violence accompanying the country's liberation in November and December 1918 and the state's answer through the judiciary repression of collaboration with the enemy conducted between 1919 and 1921, mainly by military and civil tribunals.  相似文献   

营业税是民国时期从西方引进的一种现代税收制度,随国家政治与社会经济形势的变化而不断调整。作为税收制度的核心要素,民国时期营业税税率经历了从北洋政府时期的定额税率向南京政府时期的比例税率的转变。在南京国民政府的分税制体制下,地方营业税税率设计存在差别比例税率和单一比例税率两种模式。抗战和内战期间,国民政府逐步统一及大幅提高营业税税率以增加财政收入。营业税纳税人实际税负的增加是税率因素与非税率因素共同作用的结果。民国时期营业税在成为政府重要收入来源的同时,也给工商业经济和普通民众带来沉重的税收负担。  相似文献   

民国时期公务员(文官)考铨制度研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民国时期开始实行且步履艰难的公务员(文官)考铨制度,历经北京政府、南京政府和抗日战争的动荡,成为民国时期行政管理体制近代化的重要标志.伴随着制度性建设的日益完善和具体实践上的相对混乱,这一时期公务员(文官)考铨制度在理论与实践上的得与失,为后人留下了宝贵遗产.近年来,史学界对这一问题的探讨日益重视,取得了一系列的成果.  相似文献   

伪满洲国建立后,日本便不失时机地向中国东北大规模推行日本人农业移民.以达到土地和人口的占领,进而实现长期霸占的目的。为此日本关东军等有关侵略机构便煞费苦心炮制了一系列日本农业移民用地取得的方针、政策,并以军事为后盾,对中国东北的土地进行疯狂的强行“征用”、“收买”和掠夺,给中国人民带来了深重的灾难。  相似文献   

伪满洲国成立后很快构筑了基本法体系。伪满基本法中,规定政府机关职能及其相互关系的《组织法》处于核心地位。本文重点分析了《组织法》对傀儡政权的政治设计。作者认为:日本殖民者设置“参议府”是为了防止立法权和行政权出现独立的倾向;虽然《组织法》包含着权力分立的原则,但实际上立法权、监察权均是行政权的点缀;伪满政权立法迅速,但并不周详,《组织法》的个别条款存在混乱和矛盾。  相似文献   

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