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Yagla is the biggest nomadic village I have seen in northern Tibet.It lies in Sog County,about one kilometer away from the downtown of Sog. This village is situated on flat terrain by the mountainside,adjacent to Sogchu River.A suspension bridge links the two river banks and further extends into abundant grazing lands skirted with flourishing grass and spotted by countless flocks of yaks,goats,  相似文献   

Yagla is the biggest nomadic village I have seen in northern Tibet.It lies in Sog County,about one kilometer away from the downtown of Sog. This village is situated on flat terrain by the mountainside,adjacent to Sogchu River.A suspension bridge links the two river banks and further extends into abundant grazing lands skirted with flourishing grass and spotted by countless flocks of yaks,goats,  相似文献   

ChagoVillageissevenkmlfromdowntownLhasa.lThatdistanceisnomorethan20kInfromtheLhasaBridgeinsoutheastLhasa.IhaveshuttledbetWeenLhasaandthevillagemanyhmes.Recently,lwenttherefortheTibetanNewYearRmiALToDlSPELEVlLSPlRny.ontheeveningofthe29thdayofthe12thTibetanmonth,aritualisheldtodisPelevilspirits.Tibetansworshipdeitiesinchnyeoftheheaven,theearthandwater,andhavetabooswithregardtodealingwiththeghostworld.Althoughan"evilspirit"soundshorrible,theritUalheldtodispeltheevilspintislotsoffun.B…  相似文献   

在土乡,最美丽的身影是站立的树; 在土乡,最动人的色彩是流动的绿. --摘自采访手记 地处青海东北的互助土族自治县,素以"彩虹的故乡"而为世人所熟知. 其实,互助不仅为多彩多姿的世界孕育了独特的土族文化,它也向美丽和谐的世界贡献了它绿色的情怀.  相似文献   


I have argued in other research that modern presidents have been facilitators rather than directors of change. They are highly dependent on their environments and can do little to increase their resources of influence. This article probes such a theory of presidential leadership further by examining the congressional leadership of George Washington.

Perhaps the most revered political leader in American history, Washington entered office with tremendous prestige, a Congress dominated by men he viewed as political allies, and, because he was the first president, the fewest constraining precedents of policy or process. Thus, Washington enjoyed the greatest potential to serve as a “director” and move the country in new directions through his leadership.

Yet the study reveals that Washington was mainly a facilitator, not a director of change—much like George Bush two centuries later. Systemic factors such as political culture and the structure of the constitutional system determined that Washington had to be a facilitator, dependent on the opportunities the electorate handed him rather than a director, creating opportunities for change through his own leadership. Similar features characterize the leadership of the current administration.  相似文献   

This article compares two radically opposed views concerning “race” in the first half of the 20th century: the one of Franz Boas (1858–1942), the founder of American cultural anthropology, and the other of Hans F.K. Günther (1889–1968), the most widely read theoretician of race in Nazi Germany. Opposite as their views were, both derived from a similar non-evolutionist German anthropological matrix. The article reconstructs their definitions of racial objects and studies their analyses of racial intermixture. Although both believed that contemporary peoples were racially deeply mixed, Boas moved towards an antiracist conception of race-as-population, whereas Günther moved towards a racist conception of homogenous races in mixed peoples. The comparison shows that the major difference between them concerns their ideals or guiding principles. Their respective ideals seeped into their versions of science and transformed the nature and the significance of their respective ideas.  相似文献   

王新文  吕正平 《丝绸之路》2010,(24):112-116
文化遗产保护是一项全人类的事业,世界各国在遗产保护事业发展中,形成了宝贵的经验。总体来看,国际遗产保护经验主要表现在遗产观转变使遗产类型不断扩展,扩大了保护范围;合理的资金保障制度保证了遗产保护事业的发展;通过合理利用遗产推动遗产保护;重视文化遗产宣传调动全民积极性。西安遗产保护事业急需构建城市文化遗产体系,建立西安城市文化遗产保护资金多样化投入制度,重视文化遗产保护宣传工作。  相似文献   

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