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The Garze Tibetan Ethnic Group Autonomous Prefecture is located on the southern tip of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, east of the Henduan Mountains, is a 7,323-square-km area full of thrilling scenery-none more so that the perennially snow-covered Buddhist holy land called Nyainqengonggar Risumgongbu. About 8 km away from the county seat is the Zhiyi (Four-Dragon) Monastery belonging to the White Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It was built in the middle part of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), wh…  相似文献   

徐汝聪 《东南文化》2016,(5):98-105
元代以来,藏传佛教广泛在西藏以外地区传播,带来了独特的宗教理念和宗教艺术。江南地区寺塔林立,在上海佛塔"天宫"、"地宫"出土的佛教文物中,诸多藏传佛教文化元素,从较早的元代一直延续到清代。这些文物是藏传佛教在江南地区传播的实证,对其性质的分析研究,可以了解元明清时期汉藏文化的融合方式和特点。  相似文献   

EDITOR'S NOTE: Glossy Ganoderma (Ganoderma Lucidum) was traditionally taken as "fairy glass" or "auspicious grass." Many believed it would help prolong one's life. The author worked in Tibet and the areas inhabited by people of the Tibetan ethnic groups in Qinghai, Sichuan and Gansu provinces, and therefore had chances to observe and gather materials related to Glossy Ganoderma.China abouds in Glossy Gan-oderma ,and is there fore referred to as the "Kingdom of lossy Ganoderma." It ha…  相似文献   

<正>Tibetan Buddhism is not only one of the two branches of Mahayana Buddhism, but also one of the two most important and evolving traditions of the contemporary Buddhism world. It has  相似文献   

In the last ten years Tibetan studies has made great strides in China.Many scholars have shifted their interests to Tibetan art and gradually realized that these artistic works,containing the ideal of wisdom and compassion,will give them the key to this mysterious  相似文献   

Ellis Gene Smith was born in Ogden in the American state of Utah on August 10th 1936 to a Mormon family. He graduated from Adelphi College, Hobart College, and the University of Utah. In 1959, he obtained a BA on Regional Research in Asia from the University of Washington in Seattle. From 1960 to 1964, he studied for his Masters Degree in the Mongolian and Tibetan languages at the same university. During that period, he also took up a position as a teaching assistant. In 1964,  相似文献   

The historical period of the feudal separatist regimes of Tibet refers to the period of more than 400years from the collapse of the Tubo Dynasty to  相似文献   

樊翔 《敦煌学辑刊》2006,2(2):120-126
本文对凉州白塔寺特殊的历史地位及其与藏传佛教的传播与发展之间的关系进行了简要的阐述,正由于阔端与萨班凉州会谈成功,古凉州遂成为西藏地方统一于中央的历史见证;白塔寺亦成为藏传佛教开始传入蒙古、畏兀儿等民族的历史见证。  相似文献   

Introduction This paper1 tells the story of Damcho Pema (dam chos pad ma)2,a Tibetan Buddhist nun from Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province,and her almost 2000 km prostrating pilgrimage to Lhasa.Before coming to the pilgrimage itself it describes the long road she first had to travel to become a nun,thereby illustrating some of the difficulties facing Tibetan women who decide to become nuns and highlighting contemporary social attitudes towards them.  相似文献   

Throughout the past dynasties of China,porcelainhas always been used by royalty in their palaces.Onone hand they were articles for the daily use and ap-praisal of the aristocracy,and on the other hand,ritualimplements used in ceremonies honouring the ances-tors of the royal families.The high status and prestigeof porcelain were unrivaled.Because of the specialproperties of porcelain,in the Palace the aestheticperception,tastes and faith of the emperors directlyinfluenced and even restricted the development ofporcelain.  相似文献   

刘世德 《文献》2005,(3):70-83
所谓"<三国志演义>四郑刊本",指的是<三国志演义>郑氏宗文堂刊本、郑世容刊本、郑纯镐刊本和郑以祯刊本.它们都属于<三国志演义>明代建阳刊本的行列.巧得很,四位刊行者都姓郑.  相似文献   

《满文大藏经》是乾隆中晚年倡导的一项重要的文化工程。由于其长期深藏内宫寺院,鲜为人知,在学术界基本上还是一块处女地。本文首次对其中尊神名号给予确认,对其绘画内容及艺术风格加以研究论述。  相似文献   

The Ming Dynasty was one of the important periods of cultural exchange and amalgamation between Han Chinese and Tibetans.Along with the governance of Tibet and other Tibetan areas by the Central Government of the Ming Dynasty,Tibetan culture represented by Buddhism and its art was disseminated in the interior of China,primarily in Nanjing city and Beijing city,the capital of the Ming dynasty.At the same time,Chinese culture represented by Chinese Buddhism and its art was also introduced into Tibet and other Tibetan areas.  相似文献   

刘世德 《文献》2005,(4):103-118
五、书叶与文字的残缺:孰先孰后? 郑纯镐刊本和郑世容刊本有相同的残缺的情况.残缺的情况有两种,一为书叶的残缺,一为文字的空缺.  相似文献   

张民权 《文献》2004,(4):161-168
一、符山堂本《五书》版本特点及其差异 符山堂本《音学五书》(下简称《五书》),由当时著名刻书家张弨校刻.顾衍生《元谱》:"(康熙六年)开雕《音学五书》于淮上,张力臣弨父子任校写之役."①  相似文献   

王秀林 《文献》2003,(2):70-78
"诗僧",指善诗的或以诗名世的出家僧侣,也即孙昌武先生所说的"披着袈裟的诗人"①."唐代缁流,能诗者众"②.中唐以来,出现了一大批诗僧.刘禹锡说:"自近世而降,释子以诗名闻于世者相踵焉."(《秋日过鸿举法师院便送归江陵》诗序)③正是讲的这一情形.相较之下,晚唐五代却是诗僧自觉的时代.据《全唐诗》记载,终唐一代可考年者之诗僧共69人,僧诗2800余首,而晚唐阶段就有40人,僧诗近2000首.  相似文献   

油饰彩画作为中国古建筑传统艺术的外在表现形式之一,在古建筑艺术宝库中,占有重要的历史地位,具有保护、装饰和说明建筑木构件等作用。油饰彩画对古建筑尤为重要,针对近年来油饰彩画面临传统工艺的传承和文化遗存的保护,必须对塔尔寺嘉木央活佛府邸油饰彩画进行全面的调查。为此,本工作在塔尔寺嘉木央活佛府邸油饰彩画进行全面调查的基础上,结合塔尔寺活佛府邸建筑彩画的艺术风格和特点,归纳总结了该府邸彩画的题材内容、纹饰纹样、工艺技法及地方性结构特征。基于塔尔寺藏传佛教寺院活佛府邸建筑彩画的传统工艺和结构特点,阐述油饰彩画保护修复过程的调查方法与重点。本调查结果可为塔尔寺嘉木央活佛府邸油饰彩画及类似彩画的修复保护提供参考。  相似文献   

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