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谯慧 《收藏家》2007,(7):67-70
金银器因其本身质地柔软,富有美丽的光泽,并具有较高的经济价值,因此人们常把它与财富等同看待。5000年前的古埃及出现了世界上最早的黄金制品。在中国金银器的发展则相对较为缓慢,迟至商代,距今3000余年前才出现金制品。就发展区域来讲,主要分布在这几个地域,如北方少数民族地区,内蒙古、辽宁、吉林、陕西、宁夏、中原地区、西部的西藏、南方的云南等地,都曾发现古代的金器。这时期金器的形制工艺都比较简单,器型小巧,纹饰少见,大多为装饰品,地区文化的特点十分鲜明。  相似文献   

青海卡约文化出土的金器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卡约文化是分布在青海地区青铜时代的考古学文化,除发现陶、石、骨、角、牙、料器等类文物外,还发现了一批主要用于装饰的金器。这批金器从制作到用途,反映了青藏高原东北部古羌民族的重要文化特色。作为我国目前发现的最早黄金制品之一,卡约文化金器代表的是这一时段金属冶炼和制作技术的水平,也为我们探讨黄金的原始功用提供了重要线索。  相似文献   

<正>黄金的使用最早可追溯至公元前4000纪前后的西亚和埃及古王国时期,而中国黄金制品的最早发现是在夏商时期。在岁月的洗礼中,中国古代金器经历了草原游牧文明与中原农耕文明的碰撞,见证了中西方多元文化的交融,展示了不同地域、民族的审美意识、生活情趣与观念信仰,最终形成了独特的中国黄金艺术。2018年9月20日至11月20日,成都金沙遗址博物馆联合国内40家考古文博单位,共同举办了《金色记忆—中国出土14世纪前金器特展》。这是目前国内时代跨度最长、合作规模最大、展品最为丰富的原创金器特展,本  相似文献   

陕西省淳化县枣树沟脑遗址出土一批西周黄金制品,为研究其成份特征和制作工艺,利用超景深显微镜、金相显微镜对其中4件金器的表面和内部组织进行观察,结果显示其有热锻及退火处理等工艺特点;采用扫描电镜显微能谱仪、电子探针检测分析,发现其为金银合金且存在铂族元素富集的现象,进而推测其矿料来源可能与南秦岭黑色岩系中的金矿床具有一定联系。渭河流域的西周金器工艺和金矿料来源分析结果暗示,该地区先民可能已掌握了黄金开采和器物制作技术。  相似文献   

正黄金自古以来就受到人类的喜爱,中国在3000多年前的夏商时期有了金器,金器在历史文物中占据重要位置,承载灿烂文明,传承历史文化。黑龙江省博物馆藏金器以金代金器为主,其他时期金器数量较少。小金佛(图1)1988年7月,黑龙江省宁安县渤海镇西地村农民在趟菜地时发现一尊小金佛。小金佛,唐渤海,立式,身高5、肩宽1.15、插柱高2厘米,重49.3克。佛像站于莲花托上,莲花托下是一长约2厘米的莲花茎形插柱。佛像头顶发髻,面相祥和,双眼微闭。全身穿  相似文献   

秦器三论——益门春秋墓几个问题浅谈   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宝鸡益门2号春秋墓出土的大批精美的金器、玉器,很引人注目,数量可观的铁器亦至为重要。此墓在已发现的秦墓中属于小型墓,但出土了这样多的珍品,值得研究。这里只就金器、铁器及短剑,谈一些初步的以识。一、先秦金器发展状况管窥益门2号墓出土的文物中,纯金器、金与铁、铜等复合器共104件组,几乎占全部文物的一半,确实是一个很特殊的现象。而  相似文献   

##正##璀璨绚烂的金制品或许是五至六世纪韩国新罗王国(公元前五七~公元九三五年)墓葬中最为震撼的发现。其他文化从未像新罗墓葬这样大量出土金器。虽然这些珍贵金属文物的确切来源还有待研究,但这些大到王权标志物,小到日用器的炫目珍宝,已然见证了新罗古国显赫的金文化。在出土的随身  相似文献   

最近,笔者在对馆藏金银器进行整理的过程中,发现一批十分引人注目的明代金器。这批金器不仅种类全,式样多,而且工艺精湛,充分显示了明代工艺的特点,为研究明代金银器提供了实物资料。  相似文献   

最近,笔者在对馆藏金银器进行整理的过程中,发现一批十分引人注目的明代金器.这批金器不仅种类全,式样多,而且工艺精湛,充分显示了明代工艺的特点,为研究明代金银器提供了实物资料.  相似文献   

刘晓晨 《收藏家》2020,(10):11-18
中国的用漆历史悠久,早在六七千年前,我国的先民便开始制作并使用漆器了。考古发现最早的漆器是一个木胎朱漆碗,发现于浙江余姚河姆渡遗址的第三文化层中,这时期的漆器如同孩童般,工艺稚嫩,颜色单一。历经历史的洗礼后,漆器不断成熟、发展出更多技法、色彩、器型。到了清代,漆器的品种已有色漆、描金器、描漆与描油、描金彩漆、填漆、戗金彩漆、识文描金、嵌螺钿、百宝嵌、雕漆等多种。  相似文献   


Gold plays a dominant role in the jewellery market. This is to a large extent due to the intrinsic value of gold, its beauty and its unique resistance to tarnish and corrosion. In 1990 the amount of gold used in jewellery was about 2000 t worldwide, reaching about 75% of the total demand for gold. The demands on gold materials for jewellery, its applications in the form of bulk material for wrought and cast jewellery and as gold solutions for electrodeposition and electroforming as well as activities to introduce powder materials for the manufacture of jewellery are described. Today's conventional carat gold alloys are reviewed; coloured gold alloys based on the Au–Ag–Cu system, as well as the white gold alloys, based on Au–Ni or Au–Pd alloys. Additionally, the development of special gold alloys is mentioned, for instance that of a very high carat gold alloy, 990 gold–titanium.  相似文献   

In 1982, 38 gold pieces were unearthed from Nanyao Village, Xuyi, Jiangsu Province, including the gold leopard of Warring States Period, the Bronze pot inlaid with gold and silver, and gold currency. This article tells the story about the excavation and the storage of these precious pieces.  相似文献   

The adsorption onto other minerals of charged gold nanoparticles, carried by gas ascending from the Earth’s interior, is an important component of their transport and deposition in surficial cover such as alluvial, aeolian, and glacial sediments. To simulate the adsorption of these particles, an experiment was conducted in which a flow of air that contained gold nanoparticles was passed upward through a sample of alluvium from the middle–lower reaches of the Yangtze River. These experiments showed that gold nanoparticles are adsorbed on kaolinite, halloysite, goethite, and hematite in the alluvial cover. Both the gold nanoparticles and minerals (i.e., kaolinite, halloysite, goethite, and hematite) carry surface charges that provide them with excellent adsorption properties. This study showed that the specific mineral composition of surficial alluvial cover affects the concentration of gold nanoparticles in the ascending gas. This phenomenon may plausibly be used in exploration for concealed gold, copper–gold, and silver–gold deposits in areas of thick alluvial cover. Geofluids (2010) 10 , 438–446  相似文献   

本文运用宝石学和物理镨学的理论和方法,通过肉眼和宝石显微镜观察、红外吸收光谱、激光拉曼光谱、环境扫描电子显微镜和贵金属含量检测仪等大型仪器测试,对江西南昌市新建县华东交通大学校园内发掘出土的一件玉圭、两组玉组佩、五枚金镶宝玉石戒指和一枚金钗的材质成分作了科学鉴定。鉴定结果表明两种玉器的玉质成分是软玉,戒指的戒面有绿松石、蓝宝石和尖晶石,金钗的黄金含量为96.75%,而戒指金托的黄金含量仅为78.24%。从而提高了出土金玉器研究的科技含量。  相似文献   

In 1252 Genoa and Florence embarked upon the issuance of gold coins. Although Genoa's effort ultimately failed due to an internal economic crisis, the Florentine florin dominated the international money markets of western Europe and beyond for the next two and a half centuries. Lucca, Florence's Tuscan neighbor, likewise ventured into the issuance of a gold coin at least by 1256. However, Lucca's gold issue was apparently of a modest scale and never mounted a challenge to the florin. This article establishes the date ante quern at which Lucca made her return to gold and attempts to explain why the Lucchese gold groat did not become a significant factor in Europe's earliest experiment with bimetallism.  相似文献   

The gold was put into use as early as Shang dynasty. From the late Tang dynasty on, the private gold and silver workshop came into being in accord with the improvement of excavation and workmanship systems, which stimulates greatly the gold and silver production in the southern China. Most of the gold and silver wares unearthed in Zhe Jiang are from Late Tang to Ming dynasty. Its categories and shapes are closely fit in with the needs of daily life.  相似文献   

刘妍  古克 《收藏家》2011,(9):25-29
金和银两种金属,由于他们的结构密实,外表艳丽而舒润,延展性强,韧性好,便于操作,自古就受到人们的青睐,为人们所钟爱。常用它来制作货贝及器皿和饰品。  相似文献   

A metallurgical study of platinum plating on a gold pendant of the La Tolita culture of northern Ecuador was carried out, using high‐magnification examination by scanning electron microscopy with analytical facilities. The plating layer was found to comprise a 25 µm thick foil of platinum grains sintered with a gold–silver alloy. The high silver content of this alloy suggests the deliberate selection of pale‐coloured, silver‐rich alluvial gold. The foil had been bonded on to the pre‐formed gold sheet by hammering and heating. It is postulated that a strip of gold sheet was plated by this method and that several pendants were cut from it.  相似文献   

P. W. Cromie  Khin Zaw 《Geofluids》2003,3(2):133-143
Carlin‐type gold deposits in southern China are present in Palaeozoic to Mesozoic siliciclastic and carbonate rocks. The border region of Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi Provinces contains gold deposits on the south‐western margin of the Pre‐Cambrian South China Craton in south‐eastern Yunnan Province. The Fu Ning gold deposits host epigenetic, micron‐sized disseminated gold in: (i) Middle Devonian (D1p) black carbonaceous mudstone at the Kuzhubao gold deposit and (ii) fault breccia zones at the contact between Triassic gabbro (β ) and the Devonian mudstone (D1p) at the Bashishan gold deposit. The deposits are associated with zones of intense deformation with enhanced permeability and porosity that focused hydrothermal fluid flow, especially where low‐angle N‐S striking thrust faults are cut by NW striking strike‐slip and/or NE striking normal faults. Major sulphide ore minerals in the Fu Ning gold deposits are pyrite, arsenopyrite, arsenic‐rich pyrite, stibnite and minor iron‐poor sphalerite. Gangue minerals are quartz, sericite, calcite, ankerite and chlorite. Hypogene ore grades range from 1 to 7 g t?1 Au and up to 18 g t?1 Au at the Kuzhubao gold deposit and are generally less than 3 g t?1 Au at the Bashishan gold deposit. Sub‐microscopic gold mineralization is associated with finely disseminated arsenic‐rich pyrite in the Stage III mineral assemblage. Two types of primary fluid inclusions have been recorded: Type I liquid–vapour inclusions with moderate‐to‐high liquid/vapour ratios, and Type II inclusions containing moderate liquid/vapour ratios with CO2 as determined from laser Raman analysis. Temperature of homogenization (Th) data collected from these primary fluid inclusions in gold‐ore Stage III quartz ranged from 180 to 275°C at the Kuzhubao gold deposit and 210 to 330°C at the Bashishan gold deposit. Salinity results indicate that there were possibly two fluids present during gold deposition, including: (i) an early fluid with 0.8–6.5 wt.% NaCl equivalent, similar to salinity in shear‐zone‐hosted gold deposits with metamorphic derived fluids; and (ii) a late fluid with 11.8–13.4 wt.% NaCl equivalent, indicating possible derivation from connate waters and/or brine sources. CO2 and trace CH4 were only detected by laser Raman spectrometry in gold‐ore‐stage primary fluid inclusions. Results of sulphur isotope studies showed that δ34S values for pyrite and arsenopyrite associated with gold‐ore mineralization during Stage III at the Kuzhubao and Bashishan gold deposits are isotopically similar and moderately heavy with a range from +9 to +15 per mil, and also fall into the range of δ34S values reported for Carlin‐type gold deposits. Sulphur isotopes suggest that the Fu Ning gold deposits were formed from connate waters and/or basinal brines. Fluid geochemistry data from the Fu Ning gold deposits suggest a Carlin‐type genetic model, involving fluid mixing between: (i) deep CO2‐rich metamorphic fluids, (ii) moderately saline, reduced connate waters and/or basinal brines; and (iii) evolved meteoric waters.  相似文献   

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