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王红艳 《神州》2012,(12):160-160
语感是人们对语言的敏感性。英语语感是人们对英语语言的感觉,它包括人们对英语的语音感受、语意感受、语言情感色彩的感受等。它是人们对英语语言的直接感知能力,是人们对英语语言法则或语言组织方法的掌握和运用,是经过反复感性认识上升为理性认识的经验和体会。  相似文献   

郑植 《世界》2006,(6):64-64
“顶头上司”的问题,就是我们对谁负责的问题。我们要求官员对党负责,是对党的事业负责,也就是对最广大的人民群众的利益福祉负责。衡量我们的工作的唯一标准,是是否对我们党的事业有利,也就是是否对人民负责。人民群众才是我们每一个官员的顶头上司。  相似文献   

2008年,是举世瞩目的中国改革开放30周年,也是著名经济学家孙冶方先生诞辰100周年。孙冶方先生对中国经济体制改革进行了无畏探索,得到国人的高度崇敬。回顾这30年的历程,是对改革开放最好的纪念,也是对孙冶方先  相似文献   

商兆鑫 《攀登》2010,29(1):37-40
民主集中制是党和国家的根本制度,认清民主和集中的辩证关系至关重要。民主集中制中的民主的功能和目的包含集思广益和利益协调两个方面。民主集中制中的集中则主要表现为人民群众个人对多数人意见的服从,对整体意志的服从,对统一的决定的服从,对纪律的服从,对代表共同利益的权威性指挥中心的服从。从作为一个政党的组织制度和领导制度来讲,民主集中制实际上是一个有机统一的和谐整体。集中是民主基础上的集中,民主是集中指导下的民主。民主是集中的前提和基础,集中是民主的归宿和方向。  相似文献   

拉法格是第二国际工人运动的著名活动家,人们往往忽视他作为一个马克思主义理论家对马克思主义的哲学的宣传和发展,而即使有对其论述的也是关于其历史唯物主义方面的,而对其辩证唯物主义方面的论述国内甚少。本文主要是关于拉法格对辩证唯物主义方面文献的研究,他从哲学的党性原则出发,通过对唯心主义先验论、新康德主义和形而上学思维方式的批判,从而捍卫和阐发了辩证唯物主义。当然他对马克思主义哲学阐发中也存在着缺陷是,但这毕竟是他那个时代马克思主义理论家普遍存在的缺陷。  相似文献   

从他的文章里我就感觉到他对家庭这一方面不是很重视,做学问对他来讲才是最重要的。肯定是对妻子实在处不出感情,但是又不想违背道德抛弃,就一心做学问吧。我很理解这一点,任何事情都是有原因的。这一点不影响我对他的尊敬。  相似文献   

许德民 《世界》2006,(1):54-55
我们社会对公平的需求要远远急于对高尚的需求,我们对公平 的需求是对阳光和空气的需求,而对高尚的需求还是一种奢侈。没 有公平原则的高尚是虚伪的。  相似文献   

郭华军 《旅游纵览》2013,(10):220-221
目前,我国普通高校开设拓展训练这门课程内容的学校比较少,体育院校开设拓展训练课程比较多见,普通院校非常少见,即使有些院校有相应的拓展训练场地和拓展训练的老师,也是大多数对外开放,或者是针对本校的教职员工,对专门可设这门课程还是不够成熟,本文主要是分析拓展训练的价值,以及拓展训练对当今大学生的作用,进入大学体育课堂可行性研究。拓展训练进入高校是对体育课程改革的延续,是对大学生进行素质教育的一种新尝试,是对体育课程的开发,也是对体育教  相似文献   

郑君健 《黑龙江史志》2013,(13):226-226
共同富裕是共产主义社会追求的最终目标,实现共同富裕是社会主义的根本任务。邓小平的共同富裕理论是邓小平理论的重要组成部分。本文通过对邓小平共同富裕理论内涵的阐述,并对邓小平共同富裕理论价值的探讨,希望对我们创新共同富裕道路提供有益帮助。  相似文献   

档案是重要的社会信息资源。对国家而言,档案是国家文化软实力的体现;对企业而言,档案是管理工作的基础;对个人而言,档案是人生经历的记录。提高档案管理科学化水平,是经济发展的要求,是文化发展的要求,更是信息社会发展的要求。本文着眼档案管理中存在的问题,分析了提高档案管理科学化水平的路径选择。  相似文献   

再论大汶口文化的陶刻   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
关于大汶口文化中出现的陶刻符号,就其意义问题,曾引起学术界的热烈争论。从 60年代首次发现于大汶口文化遗址以来,一直没有间断对这一课题的研究。本文通过相关文化的区域特征和刻划符号出土的背景资料,阐明大汶口文化的刻符,并非具有文字的意义,应该与原始宗教有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

A model of culture as a partially coherent system of signs comprised the most widely employed instrument for analyzing cultural meaning among the new cultural historians. However, the model failed to account for meanings that agents produce by executing social practices rather than by only "reading" contrasts among signs. It also encouraged some analysts to conceive the difference between sign system and concrete practice as that between what is graspable as an intellectual form and what remains inaccessibly material or corporeal. This essay introduces three exemplars of the ties between signs and practices to show how the pragmatics of using signs comprises a structure and a generator of meaning in its own right. In the three exemplars, which are based on the tropes of metonymy, metaphor, and irony, I employ the analytic tools of linguistics to appreciate the non-discursive organization of practice. Analysis of the diverse logics for organizing practice offers promising means for investigating how signs come to seem experientially real for their users. Finally, this view of culture in practice suggests new hypotheses about the possible interdependencies as well as the lack of connection among the elements of a cultural setting.  相似文献   

长江下游史前刻划符号   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长江下游史前陶器上的刻划符号处于中国字发展历程中从原始记事符号到字出现之间的过渡阶段,长江下游是中国明起源的中心之一。  相似文献   

This article concerns German railway cartography in the mid-nineteenth century and its effects on spatio-political perceptions. The evolution of a railway system in Germany, from isolated single routes into national and ultimately international networks, has been customarily linked to the political issue of unification in 1871. The infrastructural changes triggered the introduction of new maps and map signs, which overshadowed other national and political signs and should not be seen as a simple means to a nationalist end. By examining the developing iconography of railways and railway networks, I argue that railways were a cause of deterritorialization for regions and states and for the vision of a unified Germany.  相似文献   

This article uses the approach of diplomatic semiotics to explore early medieval signs of authority in charters and on coins, especially the monogram and the sign of the cross used as an individual ‘signature’. Coins and charters used these signs communicating royal or imperial authority differently, addressing diverse regional and social audiences. From the fifth through the ninth centuries, the early medieval signum of a ruler gradually transformed from the individualizing sign of a particular monarch, designed to differentiate him symbolically from other rulers, to the generalizing sign of the king by the grace of God, which as a visual attribute of authority could be shared by several rulers. This transformation signified the inauguration of a new ‘medieval’ tradition in the communication of authority in late Carolingian times.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how Croats view the minority Serb population in Croatia. It is based on focus groups, dyads and interviews conducted in Croatia in 2014 and 2015. Serbs constitute the ‘other’ to Croatian identity, which is defined primarily through language and religion. The analysis finds that the predominant war narrative related to the 1991–1995 conflict, one of defence against a larger Serbian aggressor, influences both of these notions of identity, as well as perceptions of the Serb minority in the state. Participants displayed contradictory attitudes in a discourse that featured many key facets of the war narrative. Most respondents agreed that Serbs should be equal members of Croatian society, but they also did not believe Cyrillic signs should be put up in Vukovar. The introduction of bilingual signs both reduced trust in government institutions and was interpreted as a continued threat against the Croatian people and state.  相似文献   

We report a possible rheumatoid arthritis (RA) case found in a Korean Joseon Dynasty (1392–1910) tomb encapsulated by a lime‐soil mixture barrier (LSMB). The tomb is thought to have been constructed during the 1700s AD (1760 AD by carbon dating). In our anthropological examination, joint destruction, erosion or fusion (signs of polyarthritis) were identified mainly in the peripheral skeleton. Especially in both sides of the wrist bones, severe destruction/joint fusion possibly caused by polyarthritis was observed. A similar polyarthritis pattern also was seen in the right foot bones, even though we failed to confirm this symmetry due to the missing left foot bones. Despite these findings, signs suggestive of polyarthritis are very rarely seen in axial bones, even though bony fusions are found in the atlanto‐occipital joint or thoracic vertebrae (TV) 9–10. By the osteological signs observed in this case, the individual, a female, might have been suffering from a very late stage of RA and died in her 40s, even though other forms of chronic arthritis could not be ruled out completely. Though the current case could not provide evidence to decisively settle the debates on the antiquity of RA, our report could be a stepping stone for forthcoming studies on RA cases found in East Asian countries. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

文章从胎釉、造型、器类、釉彩、纹饰、款识等几个方面对清代嘉道咸时期的瓷器特征进行了全面的分析和归纳,为这一时期的瓷器判识建立了较为完备的标尺。  相似文献   

The irreducible complexity and singular unpredictability of the upheavals that have roiled the Middle East since December 2010 challenge analysts—from university students to policymakers—to grapple with irresolvable questions; this, rather than analysts' superimposing their own visions of what might constitute the upheavals' driving forces, and what will, or should be the outcomes of the regional turmoil. Drawing on strategies gleaned from teaching about the Arab uprisings, this article asserts that the uprisings may be collectively read as comprising a text that contains signs of indeterminacy pointing to many possible meanings and sources of meanings. Focus is placed on those signs that embody the differing discourses through which the Middle East upheavals are, have been, or can be represented and assessed; and the fluid, multidimensional forms of political identity that have contributed to the upheavals, and are being further reshaped, in their wake. By reading these signs with intellectual openness and humility, interpreters can achieve greater insight into the profoundly contingent and unforeseeable dynamics at work across the region.  相似文献   

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