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The handicrafts of ethnic groups embody their culture and aesthetics. The workmanship not only reflects the developmental situation of the local crafts industry, but  相似文献   

Economic Situation in TibetEconomicSituationinTibet¥//SincethepeacefulliberationofTibetin1951.Tibet,tuckedawayintheRoofoftheW...  相似文献   

<正>Editor's Note:Han Shuli,modern painter and first-class national artist,has worked on art in Tibet since 1973.He has worked on quite a number of paintings on Tibet,and is honored as the"leading figure of the Tibet highland school of painting".It is often said that disposition decides destiny or your hobby foretells your fate.I do not entirely agree with this.For my part,before I was 25,it had never occurred to me that my life would have any  相似文献   

正The weather has turned warm,the pastures green,and Nyima Sichul is busy again.He can be seen in every corner of the village,building irrigation canals and roads,tending to elderly people with no family,and providing I employment services.The villagers come to him with all kinds of issues,and he always goes out of his way to help them,and bears responsibility without grudge.Not only that,he has worked out ways to bring in more income for the  相似文献   

Embarking from a case study of the Danish commune Kana, this article focuses on an overlooked aspect of the youth rebellion that was an intrinsic part of the self‐articulation of the commune movement: namely, the re‐addressing of the relationship between the private and the public, the personal and the political, spare time and work.  相似文献   

The Dorkang pastoral areas refer to the livestock breeding sections in the Tibetaninhabited areas in Sichuan, Qinghai andGansu provinces, all with an elevation of over 3,500meters. Living under a harsh environment notorious for thin air and violent weather changes, andbeing totally landlocked, the people there enjoy anextremely simple cultural life, composed mainly ofsorcerer's dances, a butter sculpture show andworshipping the mountain gods, all of them held bylocal monasteries. Singing, da…  相似文献   

Atotal of 28house founda-tions werefound in theKarub Ruins in Qamdo.They take the shape of acircle,half underground.They are dwelling housesbuilt as early as some 5,000years ago when Tibet wasexperiencing the New StoneAge.  相似文献   

The articles in this special issue, entitled Reform and Revolution in Scandinavia, 1917–1919: Entangled Histories and Visions of the Future, deal with the political turmoil in Scandinavia in the late 1910s, accelerated by the First World War and the revolutions in Russia in February/March and October/November 1917 and eventually in Germany in the autumn of 1918. Their special focus is on the political debates about reform and revolution and the related visions of the future of political order and social structures in national contexts and across borders. The articles examine how actors with different agendas in different contexts exploited the opportunities opened up by a window of change. None of the Scandinavian countries were directly involved in the theatre of war, but the whole of Scandinavia was associated with the hostilities in many other ways. The revolutionary processes in Russia affected Finland directly but – reflecting the events spreading from Petrograd – the debates about the legitimacy of the established political order intensified in all Scandinavian countries. The articles demonstrate how the debates and political processes took diverse forms in varying national contexts but were often more dependent on international relations, transnationally interconnected and entangled, than has traditionally been recognized in nation-state-centred historiographies.  相似文献   

Today is Sunday. Anyi, a Tibetan woman, gets up early and gets dressed. She combs her hair and tries to make herself to look smart. She takes her daughter Nyina, together with some fellow villagers, to walk toward the ehureh situated at the entrance to the village. To most of these villagers in Tsakhalho Village, this is a normal Sunday activity.  相似文献   

Editor's Note:
In 2002 a special class was established in Minzu University of China. It recruited non-Tibetan high school graduates from the hinterland. After graduation, the students would work on some basic tasks below county level in Tibet Autonomous Region to serve local economic and social development. Upon graduation, these young men were to be sent to places, which were completely unfamiliar to them. How would they face difficulties in work and life? Could they stick to their tasks?  相似文献   

Whenthe9thNationalCommitteeoftheChinesePeople'sPoliticalConsultativeConferenceconvenedinMarchinBejing,we.reporterstbrChina'sTibet,visitedtheTibetandelegates.WetalkedalotabouttheprogrcssTibethaswitnessed,effOrtsmadebytheCentralGovernment,thelocalgotvernmentofTibet,andtheTibetanpeople.ManyTihetandelegateswereelatedtolearnthattheCentralGovem-menthasdecidedtoextensivelydevelopthewesternregions,andsawthedevelopmentasanewchanceforTibettoseekfurtherdevelopment.DevelopmentofWestTibetQamwobaD…  相似文献   

<正>While visiting England,Ireland and France(from April 16th to 28th.2012).the delegation of editors from the Journal China's Tibet sought to survey the publication and circulation of the journal.With full support of Chinese embassies in the three countries,as well as Chinese societies and associations overseas,the delegation interviewed overseas Chinese,including Chinese media,overseas Tibetans and local readers from all walks of life,received their comments and suggestions to improve the quality of the journal.  相似文献   

<正>Themed as"Tibet's Good Water,the World to Share",the promotion was held in the Great Hall of the People,Beijing on Nov.27,2014 in order to boost Tibet's high-quality water further into domestic and foreign markets.Many famous water brands of Tibet took part in the activity,such as Qomolangma Glacier,5100,Sunbara,Droma Spring.Chinese Academy of  相似文献   

Benba,38,is Director ofthe BorderTrade Bureau of the TibetAutonomous Region.Born andbrought up in Xigaze,he talkedabout booming border trade in Tibet duringmy recent interview.  相似文献   

<正>From May 23rd to June 1st of 2011,the photographic exhibition"Commemorating the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet,Witnessing the 60 Years of Tibet"was held in the...  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the continued strong population growth in U.S. nonmetropolitan areas possessing high levels of natural amenities during the 1990s and the reasons for near convergence of growth across the top tiers of the amenity hierarchy. Based on estimated parsimonious spatial hedonic growth regressions, strong demand for high‐amenity areas continued in the 1990s, but the converging of population growth across the top tiers appeared related to capitalization of amenity differences among the tiers into factor prices. Yet, evidence obtained from controlling for spatial effects suggests that the relative quality of life in the top two tiers had deteriorated.  相似文献   

Rural Marriage In Tibet,everybody knows the saying“hit a dog“;some even use it in literature, referring to“A romantic fashion of hitting dogs“.It cannot be easily determined where this phrase originated and there are certainly no records available but, notwithstanding, this phrase has spread throughout the community, referring to certain trysts between men and women.  相似文献   

正To commemorate the 60th anniversary of democratic reform in Tibet, the photo exhibition named"Milestone of Abolishing the Feudal Serfdom-Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of Democratic Reform in Tibet"was opened on March 29th, 2019at the Tibet Cultural Museum in Beijing.By nearly 400 pictures, 68pieces (sets) of physical objects  相似文献   

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