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NewBooksDictionaryofAmdoSpokenEnglishThisdictionary,withsome11,000entries,isarrangedinaccordancewith30Tibetanlettersandfourvo...  相似文献   

New Books     
正Studies on"The Belt and Road Initiative"and Tibetan Social and Economic Development This is a book written by Thupten Kedral and Xu Ning. In 2015, the Belt and Road Initiative proposal was put into effect, which resulted in closer relationships with the Tibet Autonomous Region due to its geography. This book systematically introduces such significance as well as the paths and strategies put into involving the TAR within BRI proposal. The Social Sciences Academic Press published this book in July of 2018 at the price of 98 yuan (ISBN:9787520129015).  相似文献   

New Books     
<正>A Study in the Relations between India and China with Regard to Tibet(1904-1914)This is a translated book originally written by British scholar Alastair Lamb and translated by Liang Junyan,proofread by Zhang Yun.Alastair Lamb applies full use of various archives,letters,articles,blue books,and maps to narrate the history of the relationship between China and India with regard to Tibet.He analyzes political policies and practices concerning Tibet and the effectiveness of either the Chinese or British governments in the region from 1904 to 1914.The  相似文献   

New Books     
Theno-man'sareainn0rthernTibethasremainedmyste-rioustothew0rid.Theb00krec0rdsatrans-centurysurveyofthearea,whichwi1llastf0rf0uryears.lttellsthebeauti-fulsceneryoftheNorthernTibetPlateau,itsmysteriouslandandenvironment,wildlifeinthearea,andhistoricalevents.Thelarge-32-mob0ok,runningtol35,000w0rds,ispricedatl9.8yuanperc0py.IthasbeenpublishedbytheNationalitiesPublishingHouse.Now,everyonekn0wstheYarlungZangboGrandCany0nisthenumberone0fitskindinthew0rld.Theauth0r,ZhangJimin,t00kpartinthescien…  相似文献   

New Books     
NewBooks¥//TibetanLanguageDictionaryThisdictionaryinTibetanlanguagehas5,500entriescloselyrelatedtothedailylifeofTibetans.Thed...  相似文献   

New Books     
<正>City and Architecture in Lhasa The authors,Jiao Ziyun and Ou Lei,take Lhasa City and its ancient architecture as their main target for a systematic study to sort out information concerning Lhasa City's societal evolution and historical architecture in relation to religious buildings,official locations,and traditional  相似文献   

New Books     
正The Second Long March-On-the-spot record of marching to and liberating Tibet Jampal Gyatso,the author,joined in the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA)when he was just twelve years old.He witnessed the whole process of marching to Tibet to liberate the people there.This march is referred to as"the second long march"by Marshal Liu Bocheng.During this period,the author took the role as a Chinese-Tibetan interpreter to work amongst  相似文献   

New Books     
正Kangding Native Chieftains between the Han Chinese and Tibetans:A Life History of the Last Mingzheng Tusi(1902-1922)The author,Zheng Shaoxiong,anthropological PhD from Beijing University,unfolds the life story the last Mingzheng Tusi in the Ming Dynasty purporting to have unveiled social,cultural,political and economic internal institutions,which co-exist in China's southwest area.The political figures in the Kham Region,no matter if they are Tusi or lama,have their  相似文献   

New Books     
“A Forum on the Social Development of Ti-bet in the 21st Century”This is one of the series books entitled“Selected Theses onTibetan Social,Economic and Cultural Studies”More than 20 theses concerning social development of Tibetwere included in this book.It consists of four parts:—the increase of income of Tibetan farmers and herdsmenand the construction of a comparatively well-off society in Tibet;—the social development of Tibet;  相似文献   

New Books     
Tibetan Marriage
Dorje Drogya, the author, relates the stories of two women, Drogya and Hao Hao. The former one is a Tibetan who is living under the umbrella of polyandrous family. She is married to five husbands and acts as a bond to these five men in order to maintain family unity and power.  相似文献   

New Books     
Tibet during the Qing Dynasty and Bnlukpa The author,Dr.Thalho from the Ethnology and Anthropology Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,wrote this book based on his wide-ranging and extensive study of historic literature in Chinese,Tibetan,Manchu and English.He sought to systematically analyze the complicated and uneasy relationship between Tibet during the Qing Dynasty and Bulukpa(today’s Bhutan).He offers a profound analysis of how the tributary system  相似文献   

New Books     
A Discussion on Ganden Tripa, a Monastery witho..t a Master The author is Wang Weiqiang. To date, the topic of Ganden Tripa has never been systematically studied. From the first day that the Monastery of Ganden was built by Tsongkhapa and established in the year of 1409, Ganden Tripa came into the world that is the abbot of the Monastery of Ganden. The vast number of disciples looks upon Ganden Tripa as inheriting its authority. On examining Tibetan history from the Qing Dynasty, you will find that although the eentral government placed the Dalai Lama at the peak of the Tibetan unification system of religion,  相似文献   

A Closer Look at the Highest Peak in the World Edited by its editorial committee,the book displays the findings of China’s six scientific expeditions to the Mount Qomolangma area and two scientific expeditions to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau systematically for the first time;a detailed map of the 18 viable climbing routes to Mount Qomolangma is provided,as well as a comprehensive introduction on the north ridge route and its camps and first-hand account on the ascent of the peak;the story of the recent remeasurement of the peak is also told;the reader will experience the difficulty of each expedition,ascent,and measurement.Published by SinoMaps Press and priced at 198 yuan(ISBN:9787520422307).  相似文献   

New Books     
ZhouEnlaiandTibetCompiledbytheCPCTibetResearchInstitute,thisbookwascreatedtomarkthe100thbirthdayofthelatepremier.Thebookhasfourparts;documents,speeches,memoirs,articlesrecallingZhou'slife,andachronology.ThebookishailedasagoodoneforeducationinPatriotism.The32-larqe-mobookhasbeenpublishedbytheChinaTibetologyPressandisPricedat32.40yuanpercopy.VoiceofTibetThisisaliterarybookcontaining,infourvolumes,novels,proseandpoems.The32-large-mobookhasbeenpublishedbytheYunnanPeople'sPublishingHousean…  相似文献   

New Books     
PanchenErdenisThisisabookwrittenbyfiveTibetanstudyworkersasoneoftheTibetanKnowledgeSeriesBooks.Thebooktellslivesofthe4th-10thPanchenErdenis.ReaderswillseehowthePanchenErdeniofvariousgenerationsyearnedfortheunificationofthemotherland,opposedtosplittism,workedfornationalunity,andfoughtforeiqninvaders.Forexample,The4thPanchenworkedhardfortheflourishingoftheY6llowSectandnationalunity;the5thPanchenworkedhardforthestabilityoftheTibetansituation,hencewinningfavoroftheQingDynasty(1644-1911)e…  相似文献   

New Books     
Thisacademicbook,AuthoredbyMaRongwhowenttoTibetforsurveysfortwotimes,istheresultofapp1yingmodernacademicmeanstothestudyofTibet.ThebookexplainsthehistoryoftheHanpopu-lationinTibet.Wthrichfacts,thebookbelieswhattheDalaicliquehassaidthattheChineseGovernments…  相似文献   

New Books     
AnAnalysisofthe14thDalaiLamaThisbook,writenbyShengKaiyunandDarma,recordstheprogresoftheTibetansocietyandthefaloftheseparatist...  相似文献   

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