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地域人文环境下苏南小城镇发展演化研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在当前全新的社会发展时期,小城镇进入一个快速发展阶段。然而,我国现在很多地方的小城镇建设过分强调硬环境的建设,而忽视了软环境即人文环境的改善。本文通过对苏南模式下小城镇发展演化过程进行回顾,分析苏南人文环境的转化。从本土文化、经济发展、政府管理、政策等三个方面揭示了其地域内本土文化伴随着社会经济的发展持续作用于小城镇本身,形成特定的动态开放型小城镇社会人文环境,保证了该地区小城镇的健康发展演化,指出人文环境是提升综合社会环境质量,带动经济发展和城市化进程加快的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

正The Township Village of Druchen lies in the southwest area of Padma County within Golog Prefecture,Qinghai Province,Druchen is 55 kilometers away from the town,near Namdak Township Village and Yuthok Township Village in Rangtang County and Sertar County's Nyanlung Township Village in Sichuan.Province,which are respectively to the east,south,and west.Druchen is purely  相似文献   

Editor's Note:
In 2002 a special class was established in Minzu University of China. It recruited non-Tibetan high school graduates from the hinterland. After graduation, the students would work on some basic tasks below county level in Tibet Autonomous Region to serve local economic and social development. Upon graduation, these young men were to be sent to places, which were completely unfamiliar to them. How would they face difficulties in work and life? Could they stick to their tasks?  相似文献   

In the second half of July in 2008 I was conducting interviews on the housing project beginning in Geren Village of Kyitod Town in Riwoche County(Chamdo Prefecture).By chance Jampel Nyima,the town administrator,  相似文献   

冯娟  罗静 《人文地理》2013,28(5):81-86
我国进入快速城市化发展时期以来,在城市化和工业化的推动下,各类村镇主体的空间行为能力逐步增强,在其追求自身利益最大化的过程中,往往出现不理性的空间行为,在农村地区引发出诸多的空间问题。本文以各类村镇主体(农村居民、企业、农村基层自治组织、地方政府)的空间行为为研究对象,运用博弈理论深入分析各类不良空间行为产生的根源,有针对性地提出相关公共政策建议,以期改变其博弈规则,从而有效引导和规范各类村镇主体的空间行为,优化村镇空间。  相似文献   

长江三角洲地区城镇空间组织模式的结构与特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文基于产业结构升级与城镇空间组织模式协同的视角,运用主成分和聚类分析方法,对长江三角洲地区城镇空间组织模式的结构与特征进行了探讨,以此为长三角城市群规划编制提供科学依据。本文认为:①长三角城市群实际上涵盖了7大都市圈,各都市圈之间的边界存在有许多重叠的部分;②根据上述结果与断裂点分析,城镇空间组织模式的结构实际上是由5大不同等级、不同范围、相互交叉、大圈套小圈、圈圈相扣的都市圈所构成的"多元圈层"结构,并由核心区内圈向外呈分指状发散性分布,核-缘拓展的特征比较明显。  相似文献   

河南省人口分布与乡镇可达性空间耦合特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人口作为区域发展的内在因素,交通可达性提高将有利于促进人口或劳动力要素的自由流动和优化配置。在考虑土地利用及地形因素的基础上,采用包含乡村道的交通网络数据集,应用改进的成本距离计算方法,分析河南省乡镇可达性及其分布特征;通过乡镇可达性与人口密度的空间叠加,揭示人口分布与可达性的空间耦合特征。结果表明:①各乡镇可达性总体呈现明显的圈层分布,可达性值由内向外逐渐降低;时段越短,内部差异越大,交通指向越明显。②乡镇可达性与人口密度在各时间圈呈现正相关关系,可达性与人口分布集聚产生作用的最大时间距离为1.5h。③人口与交通可达性的空间耦合呈现较明显的半环状分布,社会经济指向性明显。④交通可达性对人口变化的影响具有时间阶段性和区域差异性。  相似文献   

On October 31 and November 1, 2002, two earthquakes of magnitude 5.4 and 5.3 hit the area at the border between the Molise and Puglia regions in Southern Italy. The damage pattern in the epicentral area qualified the quake as an intensity VII MCS event, although providing a notable exception relevant to the small village of San Giuliano di Puglia. Since the first macroseismic survey, it appeared clear that in S. Giuliano the intensity was two degrees higher with respect to three neighbouring villages located within a radius of 3 km. Soon after the quake, our team started a campaign of microtremor HVSR measurements (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio), then we installed accelerometers and carried out damage and geological surveys. Finally, we performed a geoelectrical tomography and two profiles of Vs velocity with depth using the NASW technique (Noise Analysis of Surface Waves). The preliminary observations indicate that ground motion amplification is present in S. Giuliano within the frequency band that may affect building. A strong velocity contrast 20 m deep causes the predominant peak. More amplification could be due to more complicated, 2D effects. As regards the damage pattern, it divides S. Giuliano in three zones showing different characteristics and seismic behaviour. A building-by-building survey is still under way to better evaluate vulnerability variations in different zones of the village. However, the acquired data so far is sufficient to propose site amplification as a possible cause of the damage enhancement observed in S. Giuliano.  相似文献   

In this paper the Author proposes a damage model for the analysis of masonry plates and shells, which is based on an improvement of a previous constitutive model. The modifications introduced, connected to the head joint damage, allow us to study the influence of masonry texture on the damage modes once the mechanical characteristics of the elements constituting the masonry and the results of tests on simple assemblages are known. Having a nonlinear constitutive model is certainly one of the basic elements for understanding the damage mechanisms in masonry buildings. If, in fact, an elastic-linear constitutive model may be used under normal loading conditions, in critical situations it is necessary to model the damage and the dissipation mechanisms that occur between the elements, stone (brick) and mortar, in correlation with their characteristics and kind of masonry. To validate the model a comparison is made between the numerical and experimental results, in the case of tests available in the literature in masonry panels subjected to out-of plane loading and in a real structure through the observation of the damage in Umbria (Italy) surveyed after the 1997 earthquake.  相似文献   

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 (M b ) occurred in west-central part of Colombia on January 25, 1999. This earthquake is officially called Quindio Earthquake from the name of the most affected province. The earthquake caused disastrous damage to a large number of buildings resulting in significant casualties. In Armenia City and its neighbouring villages close to the epicentre over 1000 people were killed by the earthquake and the total monetary loss reached US$ 2 billion. Armenia City, which has an approximate population of 280 000 people, apparently suffered the worst in terms of casualties and damage to the buildings.

The present paper focuses on the causes of damage to houses and buildings in Armenia City. First, the evolution of the urban area of the city was investigated using historical features available maps from each era. Then a correlation between buildings damage and topographical features of the city was studied. The effects of geological features and amplification of ground motion were also investigated.  相似文献   

“金钱义记” 是清末咸丰、同治年间浙南闽北金钱会铸行的一种钱币。本文试就金钱义记发行的历史背景和原因、制作、发行的起迄时间、流通区域、读法、版别作一考察和论述。  相似文献   

交通拥堵是制约国内外城市可持续发展的瓶颈问题之一,给城市经济、社会与环境带来诸多负面影响.本文聚焦城市交通拥堵的结构性因素,系统归纳和综述了引导可持续出行行为的空间政策(如城市空间结构和土地利用政策)与基础设施供应侧政策(如道路和公共交通基础设施投资政策),及其在交通拥堵治理上的理论探讨、学术争论焦点、实证分析及当前亟...  相似文献   

Since the Second World War, the structure of agriculture in developed nations has undergone a fundamental change toward an industrial mode of production. Much of the literature suggests that trends associated with industrializing agriculture have hurt farm communities, as evidenced by the decline of social and economic opportunities. To examine this notion, a comparative study (1965–86) was carried out on the social participation and interaction rates of farm families in an area of industrializing agriculture in southwestern Ontario. Specific attributes of the farm and farm family were correlated to family participationlinteraction scores. Analysis revealed that participation in the community had not declined despite the effects of quite dramatic agricultural change. It is postulated that the overall social cohesion of the farm community is stronger than has been suggested. Depuis la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, la structure de l'agriculture dam les nations développées a subi un changement fondamental vers un mode de production industrielle. La plus grande partie de la littérature sur ce sujet suggére que le cours des événements associéà I'agriculture industrialisée a eu un effet négatif sur les communautés agricoles. Afin d'examiner plusieurs aspects de cette idée, une étude comparative fur faite (1965–86) pour établir le taux et participation de d'interaction sociale chez les familles rurales dans une région d'agriculture industrialisée du sud-ouest Ontario. Des caractéristiques spécifiques de la ferme et de la famille rurale furent mises en corrélation avec les résultats touchant la participation et l'interaction familiales. L'analyse des données révéla que la participation dans la communauté n'avait pas baissée malgré les effets des changements assez dramatiques dans l'agriculture. On peut donc postuler que la cohésion sociale globale de la communauté agricole est plus forte que l'on pensait.  相似文献   

It is accepted that failure criteria for earthquake-resistant structures should be based on energy dissipation as well as on maximum ductility. Even though rational procedures to include low-cycle fatigue in the definition of the design spectra have been derived, major difficulties arise in the definition of the cyclic damageability of the structure. The work conducted so far was mainly based on cyclic tests conducted on simple structural elements, therefore, the extension to the complete structure is not an easy task. A final cyclic test was conducted at the ELSA reaction wall facility on a four-storey full-scale reinforced concrete frame designed according to Eurocode 8, at the end of a series of pseudodynamic tests. The results allow the performance during the pseudodynamic tests to be assessed and the cyclic damageability of a complete structure to be investigated. The effects of low-cycle fatigue on a high-ductility structure turned out to be more important than expected.  相似文献   

The author got a chance to visit Turkey for investigating the damage of industrial facilities in the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake which occurred on 17 August 1999 in the Kocaeli province of Turkey.

This report provides a brief investigation obtained through the seismic damage survey, particularly, focused on the damages to industrial facilities. The epicentral area in the Kocaeli province is the most industrial region of Turkey. Severe excitation attacked this region and industrial plants and structures were more or less damaged. Since the author could only visit a few sites, the report mainly describes the damages of two plants; TÜPRA? oil refinery where big fire occurred and TOYOTA-SA car manufacturing factory where no significant damage appeared.  相似文献   

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