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Pollen and palynofacies from sheep/goat, rodent and human coprolites of Romano-Libyan, Arab and recent age from a farmstead in the Wadi el-Amud, Tripolitania, Libya are described. There are few differences between assemblages from modern sheep/goat dung and from recent aeolian sand—both contain high percentages of desert species and significant far-travelled pollen. The Romano-Libyan and Arab samples contain high percentages of steppe taxa, suggesting significant vegetation change has occurred subsequently. Romano-Libyan sheep/goat dung samples are often dominated by single taxa, suggesting that the grazing of these animals was closely controlled or that they were stalled and fed hay, cereal waste or other crop residue. This practice seems to have contributed to the longevity of a mixed-Mediterranean agroecosystem in the predesert by preventing widespread and indiscriminate grazing and consequent landscape destabilization.  相似文献   


This article is based on a report compiled for English Heritage to accompany a series of measured drawings commissioned by them of the remarkably complete and well-maintained water-powered farm threshing mill at Poltimore Farm in east Devon. The machinery and buildings were recorded in January 1990, prior to repair and restoration work.  相似文献   

While rural and farm women have a long history of interaction with the Australian state, it is only recently that Commonwealth government departments have established specifically dedicated policy machinery to address their needs. What is notable is that this has occurred at a time when other gender equity infrastructure is being disbanded. This article examines this anomaly. To begin, it documents the material and discursive changes in terms of equity for women which have occurred since the election of the Howard government in 1996. Following this, it details the emergence of a state agenda for rural and farm women in Australia and explains some of the definitive elements of this agenda. In the final section, the article gives attention to explaining why equity for farm and rural women has been emphasised by government in a period marked by the erosion of state-sponsored equity initiatives.  相似文献   

<正>动物是人类同源的朋友。展开生命这幅奇妙的画卷,睹而遐思,自命不凡的人类,尤其不能不关注朋友们五彩缤纷的语言,也不能不为诸多朋友超前绝后的语言交际本能所倾倒。  相似文献   

Animal Beliefs     
P. J. Heather 《Folklore》2013,124(4):259-276

Animal Beliefs     
P. J. Heather 《Folklore》2013,124(3):172-178


After introducing influences which will affect mechanization of agriculture over the next 50 years, the review deals separately with three aspects of equipment on farms. These are machinery for arable farming, equipment used in livestock husbandry, and the hardware and software likely to assist farm management. The bulk of crop production is predicted to be carried out by a system of field gantries which will replace today's tractor and implements. The gantries will be fitted with automatic guidance but will still carry an operator who will be provided with extensive monitoring instrumentation. Second, monitoring of livestock growth or yield will be computer based. Health and breeding will also be automatically monitored and controlled, and farm staff will be aided by a robot, whose functions will include remote viewing and sensing, routine animal and feed handling operations, and assistance with animal herding. Computers will be used extensively in farm management with on-farm machines linked permanently to national information data banks, to suppliers and organizations who purchase from the farm and to consultant organizations. Computers will also be used for planning decisions based on operational research predictive methods and particularly for daily work planning.  相似文献   

西宁市现有农村人口约100万,解决好百万农民的增收问题是我们工作的头等大事,也是农业农村经济结构战略性调整的目标之一。 近年来,西宁市紧紧围绕农业增效和农民增收这个中心大力调整农业结构,提高农畜产品的市场竞争力,农业生产和农村经济有了长足的发展,全市农民人均纯收入从1998年的1410元提高到2002年的1839元,农民生活水平有了明显改善。但也存在着一些问题:从年度、地区看,农民收入增长速度缓慢,且个别地区增速不平衡,反复性强;  相似文献   

In May 2005, the Commonwealth announced changes to the eligibility criteria for a number of farm welfare payments which have resulted in farmers receiving such payments on more generous terms than other disadvantaged groups in the community. The changes passed largely unremarked by the media or political commentators. Farm welfare programs are developed independently of the general welfare safety net and are based on assumptions about the nature, extent and causes of farm poverty. No comprehensive empirical research has been conducted into farm poverty since the Henderson Inquiry of the 1970 Henderson, R. F., Harcourt, A. and Harper, R. J.A. 1970. People in Poverty: A Melbourne Survey, Melbourne: University of Melbourne.  [Google Scholar]s. This paper discusses the issue of farm poverty in Australia and how it fits into the broader welfare debate, and proposes a way forward to develop more effective and equitable farm welfare programs.  相似文献   


The farm mounds of coastal North Norway are settlement accumulations produced by long period settlement on the same location. The majority seems to have come during medieval and later periods, but there are a few of early iron age origin.

There has been no total excavation of a farm mound, only minor trenches. This paper summarizes the efforts done on exploring the context and characteristics of farm mounds, based on surveys in one central part of North Norway, the Harstad area.

Questions like economical reconstruction and causes of accumulation are discussed.  相似文献   

The conspicuous silo on American farmsteads is the result of an evolving process to store ensilage effectively. From merely indoor stone-lined pits in the ground and exterior wooden rectangular and circular silos of the past, today's silos include the highly mechanical fiberglass and metal (Harvestore) structures. Ensilage has become an important aspect of agriculture, especially in the northeastern quarter of the United States and adjacent parts of Canada. The silo reflects the ongoing changes in agricultural production and in the American farmstead.  相似文献   

<正>在澳大利亚本土的东南方向,有一座遗世独立的岛屿,叫塔斯马尼亚岛。这是一个令众多旅友和生态爱好者魂牵梦萦的岛屿,它有一种魅力,让几乎每个到的人都不由感叹:这是一座来了就不想走的岛屿,没有来过塔斯马尼亚,也就不能算真正地来过澳大利亚。  相似文献   

<正>在澳大利亚本土的东南方向,有一座遗世独立的岛屿,叫塔斯马尼亚岛。这是一个令众多旅友和生态爱好者魂牵梦萦的岛屿,它有一种魅力,让几乎每个到的人都不由感叹:这是一座来了就不想走的岛屿,没有来过塔斯马尼亚,也就不能算真正地来过澳大利亚。  相似文献   

<正>非洲东部国家肯尼亚,地跨赤道,东邻索马里,南接坦桑尼亚,西连乌干达,北与埃塞俄比亚、南苏丹交界,东南濒临印度洋,海岸线绵延536公里。肯尼亚有草原、荒漠、半荒漠、热带雨林等各种植被类型,生活着成千上万头狮子、大象、犀牛、野水牛、猎豹、斑马、羚羊、河马、火烈鸟等野生动物。这里充满了野性魅力,蕴含着饱满的原始能量,时刻散发着遥远神秘却令人渴望触及的吸引力。  相似文献   

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