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正One is isolated on the roof of the world known as the nearest place to the sun;the other is a paradise,an archipelago in middle of the Pacific Ocean.While at first glance they may seem worlds different,the two surprisingly share quite a bit in common.Why not take a closer look?"Tashi Delek!"is the most well known and popular Tibetan greeting.The phrase is imbued with auspiciousness,wishes for good luck,hopes for peace,and many other such understandings.For the people of Hawaii,"Aloha!"similarly indicates feelings of love,  相似文献   

<正>When the earthquake curred,this man led on his fellow villagers to rescue three children from the debris without going home to take care of his wife and his own fallen house.He is well known as afull-timeParty Secretary,because in order to live up to the  相似文献   

正Having been fascinated by traditional handicrafts,I was wandering about the Barkor Street to look for some beautiful hand-made works during my stays in Lhasa.Definitely,one can always discover something exquisite from craftsmen scattering around this old town area,varying from shiny tea kettles,well-painted cabinets,delicate  相似文献   

<正>This year,the New Year in Tibetan calendar fell on Feb.27.Known as Losar in the Tibetan language,this is the most grand festival for Tibetan people,as families reunite and enjoy traditional festivities.  相似文献   

<正>From dreaming of typing a Tibetan word on the computer to creating Tibetan typefaces and input methods for Microsoft Windows,and then to developing Qomolangma Tibetan typefaces,digitization of the Tibetan language has been apersonal pursuit for several decades for Tashi Tsering,a research fellow at the China Tibetology Research Center.He has witnessed the emergence and rapid development of the Tibetan language on the  相似文献   

正Having gone around the holy mountain of Gang Rinpoche in 2014,the year of horse of the Tibetan calendar,I did the same with the Namtso Tashi Peninsula during the year of sheep in 2015.Namtso,Manasarovar,and Yamdrok Tso are known as the three holy lakes in Tibet,with Namtso  相似文献   

<正>I am someone who is full of happiness.In this world,the people who surround me look after me and treat me very well.The environment I live in is absolutely beautiful,and the best part of my life is most certainly these most recent years,allowing me to live in full confidence with each passing day.You young ones,I  相似文献   

刘斌  杨钊 《人文地理》2020,35(6):18-25,131
老年旅游的发展是全球人口结构老龄化的现象之一,成为了旅游学、老年学等多学科交叉研究的一个重要领域。国外已经形成了一个较为完善的研究体系,国内对老年旅游的关注日益提高,但尚处于现象描述等初期阶段,各学科关注度和研究深度较一般。本文以人文地理学科为背景,收集、整理并仔细分析了国外老年旅游研究的主要文献,系统性的地总结了国外老年旅游研究的进展脉络、线索、较具代表性的学术理论观点和多学科的理论与方法介入状况。从人文主义地理学的理论视角分析了目前国外老年旅游研究的不足,作出了人文主义地理学对老年旅游研究的适用性研判,并提出了新的研究思路框架。一方面致力于解决现实的研究问题,另一方面是寻求人文地理学科在老年旅游研究中的深度介入,兼具理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

<正>2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the founding of Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR).As a state leader born in an ordinary Tibetan family,Jampa Phuntsog has witnessed the changes and development throughout the50 years of TAR.He has undertaken official positions as Chairman of the TAR government and as Director of the Standing Committee of the regional People's Congress.Currently,  相似文献   

This paper extends the literature on amenity migration by focusing on healthcare access for later‐life migrants. Previous studies have strongly suggested that natural amenities are strong pull factors for later‐life migrants, but high natural amenity counties rarely possess the quality healthcare access optimal for elderly migrants. Utilizing a spatial Bayesian estimation strategy, we explicitly consider numerous drivers of later‐life migration to examine the extent to which health access is a driver in location decisions. We find healthcare access measures, including hospital expenditures, hospital beds, and number of doctors, are positively associated with later‐life migration decisions.  相似文献   

On May 16th,2003,Jampa Phuntsog,on wining the most votes at the second session of the eighth People‘s Congress of Tibetan Autonomous Region(TAR),was chosen to be the chairman of the government of TAR.Since then,the Khampa man from downtown Chamdu of TAR became the seventh chairman of the government of TAR,and the leader of 2.7 million people living on the snow-covered plateau. On January 30th,2007,the author kept an appointment at the Tibet Hotel in Beijing to hold an exclusive interview with Chairman Ja...  相似文献   

On May 16th,2003,Jampa Phuntsog,on wining the most votes at the second session of the eighth People's Congress of Tibetan Autonomous Region(TAR),was chosen to be the chairman of the government of TAR.Since then,the Khampa man from downtown Chamdu of TAR became the seventh chairman of the government of TAR,and the leader of 2.7 million people living on the snow-covered plateau. On January 30th,2007,the author kept an appointment at the Tibet Hotel in Beijing to hold an exclusive interview with Chairman Jampa Phuntsog,an ethnic Tibetan and university graduate.The interview was initially planed to take place in Lhasa,but just before setting off by airplane,the author was informed that Chairman Jampa Phuntsog was on his way to Beijing for a conference.Speaking with Chairman Jamp Phuntsog he agreed to change the interview to Beijing."This may save you a journey",Chairman Jampa remarked courteously. In the interview,Chairman Jampa Phuntsog gave a comprehensive introduction to TAR's status quo regarding development in recent years and added a brief of himself.  相似文献   

In this study, research questions are formulated to investigate the determinants and consequences of the physical distances separating residents of government-assisted senior citizen apartment (SCA) projects and their adult children. Interview survey data were obtained from residents (n= 97) of three SCAS in suburban Winnipeg, Canada, and geographically matching baseline samples of community residents (n= 105). The analysis involves the use of bivariate statistical inferential tests and multiple regression frameworks. The results disclose that (1) greater parent-child separation distances are registered by SCA residents compared to the community elderly; (2) ‘distance of the most recent residential move’ is the most significant predictor of the intergenerational separation distances recorded by SCA residents; (3) spatial proximity is the most significant predictor of social interaction between SCA residents and their children. It is concluded that the results have important implications for (1) developmental models of elderly migration and (2) policies governing the provision of seniors' housing. Dans cette étude, on s'interroge sur les déterminants et les conséquences des distances physiques qui séparent les reéidents des programmes d'habitation pour personnes âgées (SCA) subventionnés par le gouvernement, et leurs enfants adultes. On a recueilli des données d'enquête en faisant des entrevues avec les résidents (n= 97) de trois SCA dans la banlieue de Winnipeg, Canada, et avec des résidents dans la communauté (n= 105) qui font partie des échantillons de référence appariés géographiquement. Pour analyser les données, on a utilisé des tests d'inférence statistique bivariés et des analyses de régression multiple. Les résultats démontrent les faits suivants: (1) les enfants des résidents des SCA sont séparés de leurs parents par une plus grande distance que les enfants des personnes âgées dans la communauté; (2) ? la distance du plus récent déménagement?est le prédicteur le plus important des distances de séparation intergénérationnelle; (3) la proximité spatiale est le prédicteur le plus significatif de l'interaction sociale entre les résidents des SCA et leurs enfants. Ces résultats comportent des conséquences importantes pour le développement des modèles de migration des personnes âgées, aussi bien que pour les politiques qui régissent le logement pour personnes âgées.  相似文献   

传统的人才培养理念导致了院校旅游人才培养与业界人才使用的矛盾,从而使旅游院校毕业生呈现出低比例的行业就业率、高比例的行业跳槽率、低比例的行业停留率、低比例的行业发展率等问题和特征,院校、人才、企业相互有不满,矛盾重重.基于此,本文在分析我国目前旅游专业人才供需现状以及旅游专业人才培养模式存在问题的基础上,提出高比例的行业就业率、高行业停留率、高职位就业率、高行业发展率的"四高"人才培养理念及其运作模式.以期能缓解目前旅游人才供需的矛盾,改善旅游专业人才的就业及其发展问题.  相似文献   

刘超  吴殿廷  顾苏丹  张若  蔡春霞 《人文地理》2004,19(5):64-68,59
中国科学院院士时空分布的主要特点是:(1)空间上以水域广阔、特别是水域面积/山地面积较大的地方为多,主要是东南沿海地区,尤其是江浙一带;(2)时间上以20世纪初出生者最多,这主要是教育、历史及院士增选过程的原因。以上特点是自然地理环境、经济水平、教育水平、家庭背景以及悠久的历史文化背景等因素综合作用的结果。本文系统地考察了中国科学院院士成材的背景,用统计分析的方法探讨了我国高级人才的分布规律,指出自然因素、经济一文化因素和教师、家庭等对高级人才成长的影响机制,为科教兴国战略的实施提供参考和依据。  相似文献   

在全球化与知识经济时代的双重背景下,人才尤其是高端人才已然成为衡量区域创新能力与经济发展水平的重要指标,其空间分布与流动趋势开始引起学术界的关注。基于人才履历大数据,应用履历分析、社会网络分析与修正型复合指标划分方法,对长三角地区企业经营管理人才空间分布及其流动网络进行了探究。结果表明:①企业经营管理人才空间分布具有明显地域差异,主要集中于沿海沿江地区,且空间集聚态势日益强化;②企业经营管理人才流动网络结构层级显著,网络链接空间上呈“Z”型分布;人才流动整体呈现出低流动性、“一主四副”结构、集中性、均衡性、极核交互与邻域渗透、跨区域性6大特征;③结合流动方向与活跃程度划分出四种人才流动地域类型,总体呈“破碎化”特征。为合理制定城市人才政策、促进区域高质量一体化发展提供科学借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

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