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<正>Stretching into the distance in Gyantse Valley the dark green barley ears stand heavily on the wide land,alongside golden rape flowers that attract beautiful butterflies to dance around them.On the way to Gyantse,bikes,carriages, motorcycles and tractors are carrying farmers and herdsmen from different towns to gather at the Darma grassland square.  相似文献   

Keeping abreast of China's massive economic and open-door reform,the social productive forces of the Tibet Autonomous Region(TAR)have gradually started to match the same pace as other areas of the country.All ethnicities living in the region have been enjoying the ever-increasing achievements of an abundant modern civilization,and with fullscale assistance from both the central government as well as Chinese people nationwide,local residents have united as one to fight against poverty and backwardness.  相似文献   

戈尔 《世界》2014,(11):124-129
“虽然登顶是每个登山者的梦想,但对我来说,安全下撤回到亲人身边,才是最大的成功。毕竟,山永远在那儿!”作为孩子的母亲,女登山者张焱是理智的,也是明智的,在山的面前,攀登者的随性才是最致命的危险。伺况,这是一只由三位看似柔弱的女孩组成的女子登山队——张焱与公司职员高洋、为攀登梦想而辞去工作的马姗姗,三个女人作为第八届“体验无止境——戈尔特斯TM户外梦想实现”活动首支出发团队、活动成立以来的第一支“女子登山队”,8月19日从成都出发,重装向海拔6119米的多普峨扎峰一路攀登。多普峨扎峰位于青藏高原东南缘,属于高海拔冰岩混合型雪山,是中国最美的山峰之一。这里冰川连绵、裂缝密布,地形非常艰险。据资料显示其难度系数已经超过了主峰,对攀登者的技术、经验、体能方面都要求非常高。这座山峰之前只有一次美国人登顶的记录,中国人还没有成功征服过它。  相似文献   

This article suggests that it could be fruitful to approach women's employment in the context of the labour market rather than the household. In Finland until World War II, the public‐work schemes and relief work were the preferred policies concerning unemployed men and women. Women eligible to relief work were taken to work in mainly textiles in non‐residential workhouses. The difficulties faced in applying the ‘workfare’ policy to unemployed women paved the way for cash benefits in post‐war Finland. It is suggested that the Finnish case opens up a wider perspective on the relationship between the ideology of workfare and the rise and fall of the hegemony of wage labour.  相似文献   

薄荷 《旅游纵览》2011,(7):38-41
<正>由中国女摄影家协会、山东省女摄影家协会、临沂市委宣传部主办的中国百名女摄影家"走进红嫂的故乡——临沂"采风活动,6月11~13日在山东省临沂市举行。  相似文献   

Writing on the labour trade focuses on the question of whether Melanesian labourers recruited to work in Australia and Fiji were kidnapped slaves, or willing volunteers. This debate about victims versus actors tends however to be constructed from the viewpoint of the male recruit. The small minority of Melanesian women who were recruited are typically seen as motivated to go because of love or sexual relations with men, and are sometimes portrayed as ‘prostitutes‘. Through an examination of some primary sources, secondary interpretative histories and the oral history of one region of Vanuatu, this paper queries this image of women in the labour trade. It suggests moreover, that the labour trade must be seen as having dramatic effects on relations between women and men in Vanuatu's villages.  相似文献   

薄荷 《旅游纵览》2011,(4):36-39
<正>2011年1月1日,由鄂尔多斯市旅游局、鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗人民政府、中国艺术研究院《中国摄影家》杂志、内蒙古响沙湾旅游有限公司共同主办,中国女摄影家协会、广东省摄影家协会协办的中国摄影家2011响沙湾迎春国际摄影周暨《中国摄影家》2011迎春年会在内蒙古响沙湾沙漠艺术宫游牧剧场举行。  相似文献   

城市作为人口、产业等要素聚集地,基于多要素解构城市网络对明确城市高质量发展的内涵具有重要作用。本文通过修正经典引力模型和社会网络方法,分析了高质量视角下黄河流域城市网络结构演变特征,利用QAP方法探求其影响因素。结果表明:(1)黄河流域城市网络基本形成了以郑州、西安、济南、太原、兰州等省会城市为核心,辐射至周边城市的网络结构,网络密度逐渐增大但整体较低,网络通达度相对较高且稳定。(2)城市网络社群内部关联高于社群间关联,说明高质量发展视角下黄河流域城市网络社群溢出效应主要以社群内溢出为主,社群外溢作用较少。(3)区位条件、交通基础设施、产业结构、政府支持强度、科技创新的差异对黄河流域高质量发展的城市网络演变有显著影响。  相似文献   

This paper compares the administrative lobbying efforts of women's and environmental groups to nudge the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) to conform with Congressional mandates. In 1973, Congress mandated that AID involve women in its development programs, and AID responded with the establishment of a small, resource-poor monitoring office whose leader nurtured a wider constituency for the issue. In contrast, AID ignored its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act, but once established environmental groups initiated a suit against AID, its General Council joined the environmental monitoring office and other executive branch advocacy units to increase environmentally sound programming. The progress of these two issues is compared, focusing on interest groups, internal AID structure, and the issues themselves.  相似文献   

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