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早在三年前.蔡如鹏第一次看到牧民们挖冬虫夏草的照片就为之着迷,打算亲自去崇德牧场看一看。今年5月.他与摄影师一道在采挖虫草的最佳时节赶到那里.不想却并没有看到预想中”漫山遍野的挖草人”。原来.由于这两年虫草越来越难挖.今年来的人少了一大半。[第一段]  相似文献   

雅匝贡布,"雅匝"是藏语"夏天的草"的意思;"贡布"是"冬天的虫",雅匝贡布就是"冬虫夏草"。这种似虫非虫、似草非草的奇异物种具有两种莫可名状的神奇力量,养生延年力量和一夜暴富的力量。就是这么一种亦虫亦草的蝙蝠蛾幼虫与虫草真菌的不可思议的结合体,竟满载着我们的长寿与富贵的梦想……  相似文献   

2013年8月31日至9月3日,由青海省商务厅主办的“极草2013首届中国·青海国际冬虫夏草暨藏医药展交会”在青海省西宁市盛大召开,这也是冬虫夏草业界有史以来第一次如此规模的盛会。3000余名来自国内外的商家云集于此,460多个各具风格的名贵药草展位争奇斗艳。  相似文献   

韦金兰 《攀登》2011,30(5):102-104
青海冬虫夏草生长于高寒高海拔区,其独特的药用和营养价值深受国内外消费者的青睐,需求量不断增加,价格一路攀升,随之在冬虫夏草资源开发利用和管理中出现了一些不容忽视的问题。加强冬虫夏草资源管理,对于保护草原生态,全面实现冬虫夏草资源持续开发利用,有效提高虫草产区社会经济协调发展和增加农牧民收入具有重要意义。  相似文献   

静初 《风景名胜》2013,(11):172-173
早起的人头顶茶袋赶在雨前收摘茶叶,动作娴熟神态自若:他们也会伸出手。轻轻拉住你的手,去触摸还有些雾气的茶叶和纤细的茶树,空洞的眼神里泛出光芒——那是他们的骄傲,尊严和善良。  相似文献   

你知道吗?不同血型的宝宝会有不同的性格哦!你想知道你的宝宝会渐渐显露怎样的性格吗?他以后是自信健谈还是温文尔雅呢?来跟我们一起从血型着眼,看看这股能够左右性格的神秘力量吧!  相似文献   

王放 《华夏地理》2007,(9):136-157
北京大学校园内每天太约有3万名学生和教师学习,生活。但很少人知道,这里还生活着上百种鸟类、几十种陆生脊椎动物。庇护,养育它们的,正是北大校园内自由奔放的生态系统。[编者按]  相似文献   

冯永锋  赵钢摄影 《山茶》2009,(9):160-173
在三江源地区,孩子们7月底还在上课。大约两年前,青海省玉树州所有学校的暑假从七八月份提前到了五六月份,改名为“虫草假”。称多县的一位小学老师说,五六月份是采挖冬虫夏草的季节,要是暑假不改为“虫草假”,到了五月,家长把小孩子几乎都带走挖虫草去了,一百多人的学校,最多只有十几个孩子可能还会来上学。  相似文献   

王礼 《文史天地》2011,(4):94-94
为什么扑克牌正好有52张正牌(2张丑角牌除外)?研究者认为,一年正好有52个星期。更有意思的是,如果把四组点牌数字相加,再把J、Q、K分别以每张11、12、13计算,两张丑角牌各按半点计算,全部相加,其总数恰好365点,等于一年的天数。至于红、黑两色,则意味着白昼和黑夜。  相似文献   

从远处看苏菲比近处看年轻很多,腰身的曲线是长期不懈练习瑜伽的结果(一周3次,连失恋期间都不间断)。最近,她的健身日程表上又增加了高尔夫,但那更多的是一种交际,毕竟,上海并非一座方便打高尔夫的城市。在这个城市里生活,有时候,像住在一只光影璀璨的玻璃盒子里,美丽通透又坚硬冰冷。  相似文献   

包括贵重金属、珠宝玉石、名贵药材或其他林林总总的稀世珍品,从来没有一种东西能像冬虫夏草这样:它是那么的稀有.但只要合理采挖.就能够循环再生;它既是药品又是保健品.既是高档奢侈品又像是价格低廉的土特产品;它是短线投资的绝佳投资工具.也是馈赠佳品;既可以让我们永葆青春活力.也能够彰显尊荣:  相似文献   

In 1825 Astley Cooper described the first account of ligation of the abdominal aorta. The patient developed loss of feeling in his lower limbs, incontinence of urine and died after several days. A post mortem was carried out but not, unfortunately, of the spinal cord. This case was recorded again by Astley Cooper, by Brock in 1940-41, and again by Ellis in 1994. Whilst there was early recognition of infarction of the brain, infarction of the spinal cord was thought to be almost unknown by Charcot in 1883 but it was recorded in the English literature by Bastian in 1886 and Williamson in 1894. There were isolated case reports but it was the advent of major surgery upon the aorta in the Second World War that drew attention to the frequency of this condition. The subsequent evolution of our recognition of infarction of the cord is described. The present situation, where it can be caused by a fall in blood pressure without there being direct interference to the blood supply, is evaluated.  相似文献   

Ludwig Guttmann was a pioneer of the idea of rehabilitation for victims of spinal cord injury. He looked beyond the physical survival of his patients, to their re-integration into a social life worth living. While the International Stoke Mandeville Games are fairly well known to the general public as a gathering for physically handicapped athletes, less is known about the man who helped start the movement. On the occasion of the recent Sydney 2000 Paralympics, this paper reviews the contribution of Ludwig Guttmann, who introduced sport into the life of paralyzed patients.  相似文献   

左纵右横绳纹和左曲绳纹是尚未被重视的两种商系绳纹。左纵右横绳纹流行于殷墟文化晚期,沿用至西周早期,为辨识周初殷遗民新创和使用的陶鬲提供了重要线索。左曲绳纹是商人故地西周晚期肥袋足无实足根陶鬲的式别特征之一,具有重要的断代意义。  相似文献   

Rhinoceros remains are commonly found in Chinese Pleistocene archaeological localities. This study examines the characteristics of the Rhinoceros sinensis sample from Panxian Dadong, a karst cave in the mountains of western Guizhou province, with a mammalian fauna in association with stone artefacts and human remains from the late Middle Pleistocene (MIS 6‐8). The distribution of skeletal elements shows a predominance of foot (metapodial and phalanges) and lower limb (carpals and tarsals) bones, while the dental age‐at‐death profile, constructed using dental eruption and tooth wear data, is characterised by a high frequency of prime age adult teeth. There is little taphonomic evidence for the involvement of non‐human carnivores or natural agencies in the formation of the faunal assemblage. Instead, it appears that human activities were responsible for the unexpected prevalence of prime age adults. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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