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Although it is widely accepted that exchangeable items often have a role in boundary maintenance, the forms of regression analysis used by archaeologists in the analysis of artifact distributions are generally unable to recognize the marked boundary effects that might be theoretically predicted, and alternative techniques are clearly required. In this study, it is suggested that single boundary profiles are well represented by a two-parameter family of functions related to the Verhulst model for population growth. A curve of this type was fitted by an iterative technique to empirical data values provided by the distribution of various regional series of late Iron Age coinage in southern Britain, and preliminary results suggest that in most cases the boundaries identified correspond to those which have been inferred on the basis of historical evidence. In addition, the analysis has drawn attention to a number of features which might repay further study—a close relationship between boundaries and major rivers, and a suggestion of the existence of distinct boundary zones between discrete territorial units. There are, however, a number of problems in the application of the method, and further work is needed.  相似文献   

The American Civil War shipwrecks H. L. Hunley and USS Housatonic have been the focus of intensive archaeological investigations since the discovery of Hunley in 1995. H. L. Hunley , the world's first successful combat submarine, sank the Union blockader USS Housatonic in 1864, but sank immediately afterwards. In work done prior to the recovery of Hunley in 2000, site-formation processes for both vessels were a primary research focus—a necessary precursor to identifying battlefield behaviour. This paper presents research on the Hunley / Housatonic Naval Engagement Site, where both wrecks are treated as complementary components of a single battlefield site.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   


Marine geological and geophysical techniques have been applied to studies of the Monitor wreck to chart the fragments of the wreck and to determine the corrosion state of the remaining iron and the state of the geological and oceanographic environment in the immediate area of the wreck. Methods included magnetic surveying of the wreck site, computer calculations of the magnetization of the Monitor iron, and comparisons with magnetic measurements on iron artifacts from the wreck. Piston coring of the strata immediately beneath the wreck and near-bottom current measurements revealed evidence on the sedimentation rates and sediment transport at the site; these data confirmed interpretations made from high-resolution subbottom reflection profiles across the site.  相似文献   

Fouille et identification du baleinier Day Dawn (Australie Occidentale) mike McCarthy Cette étude illustre un nouveau procédé permettant de relever les contours intérieurs et extérieurs d'un bateau. Cette méthode a été appliquée sur un bateau construit en 1851 et naufragé sur la côte ouest d'Australie.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of broadband infrastructure, along with a range of other local characteristics such as motorways and other infrastructure, availability of human capital, and access to third‐level educational facilities, on the location of new business establishments. The sample period spans the introduction and recent history of broadband in Ireland. The results indicate that the availability of broadband infrastructure is a significant determinant, but its effects may be mediated by the presence of sufficiently high human capital in an area.  相似文献   

Scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) worked in a collaborative partnership with archaeologists from the National Park Service's (NPS) Submerged Resources Center (SRC) to develop a finite element model (FEM) of the battleship USS Arizona. An FEM is a computer-based engineering model that calculates theoretical stresses, propagation of force, and shape changes to a structure under loads using thousands or even millions of individual elements whose individual responses are well understood. NIST researchers created an FEM of an 80 ft. (25 m) midships section of the Arizona site to analyze archaeological site formation processes on the sunken battleship, in particular to determine the current condition of the wreck and predict its future strength and structural integrity as it continues to corrode. The NIST's FEM study is one aspect of a larger project under the direction of the NPS, the USS Arizona Preservation Project, whose goal is to determine the nature and rate of corrosion affecting USS Arizona, and to model its long-term structural deterioration. The FEM incorporates findings from other key components of the USS Arizona Preservation Project, such as steel hull corrosion rates, structural surveys of the vessel, sediment compaction studies, and analysis of the concretion that covers the ship's hull, into a single tool that is being used to predict how the wreck will degrade in the future.  相似文献   

美国的政治制度在内战之前的半个多世纪发生了重大变革,其显著标志是废除了选举权和担任官职的财产资格限制,确立了白人男性成人的选举权和担任官职资格,在制度上确立了白人民主制.然而在美国南部蓄奴州,奴隶制的社会整合作用导致政治权力落入奴隶主利益集团的掌控之中.这样,法制上的白人民主制在实际政治世界中就蜕变成了奴隶主统治.在内战前的南部政治世界中,在总体上奴隶主政治人物担当着领导角色,广大非奴隶主大众是奴隶主在政治活动中的附庸.  相似文献   

A method is described for the extraction and identification of opal phytoliths from food residue on the teeth of cattle. Two types of residual food debris were recognized. These yielded varying quantities of silica particles from plants and soil. The application of the identification of silica bodies to enviromental archaeolory is discussed.  相似文献   

因为“历史“是记载,文学是“创作“,于是形成了一种“历史“比文学更具真实性的普遍观念.本文将历史记载的武则天和叶卡特琳娜二世与其文学形象进行了比较分析,认为,文学创作较之历史记载有着更为深刻的内涵和更加广阔的外延,因此,具有更高层次的综合性和真实性.  相似文献   

初版与再版邮票的质子激发X荧光鉴别法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道用质子激发X荧光(PIXE)法分析我国初版与再版纪念邮票和特种邮票的实验结果。实验表明,初版和再版邮票所用印刷油墨颜料的化学元素的成分是不同的,因而PIXE方法可以用来实现初版和再版珍贵邮票的无损鉴定。这一方法也可以应用到对某些重要纸质文献或艺术品真伪的鉴定。  相似文献   

Based on a study in four Norwegian cities (Oslo, Stavanger/Sandnes, Bergen and Trondheim) differing in size and centre structure, this article illuminates how residential and workplace location, local-area density and transit accessibility influence different aspects of travel behaviour. We find strong effects of residential and workplace distance to the city centre on overall driving distances and commuting distances. We also find clear effects of local area densities around residences and workplaces on the choice of car as a travel mode, along with less pronounced effects of the distance from dwellings and workplaces to the city centre. In the cities with the best developed transit provision, we also see clear effects of transit accessibility at the residence on the propensity of choosing the car as travel mode. The results provide strong support of Norwegian national policies of urban densification as a planning strategy to curb the growth in urban motoring. However, although the influences of urban structure on travel show many similarities across the four cities, there are also important differences reflecting variations in centre structure (predominantly mono- or polycentric) and population size. The magnitude of the influences of various urban structural characteristics on travel behaviour are thus highly context-dependent.  相似文献   

本就在观察分析带锈青铜器锈蚀物的基础上,应用扫描电子显微镜和X-射线粉晶衍射仪检测分析,确定中提及的4件带锈青铜器为伪器。同时中对青铜器锈的真伪辨别方法进行了论述。  相似文献   

Trade and the location of industries in the OECD and European Union   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Trade and location theory identifies forces that could leadto locational dispersion (comparative advantage) or locationalconcentration (scale economies) in the face of globalizing markets,each with different consequences for specialization and theadjustment costs associated with integration. However, theseforces can play themselves out in very complex ways if locationalchange principally affects intermediate production. Moreover,effects of history may be important, if locational patternswhich exist prior to integration reflect either strong externaleconomies or, as we argue, strong institutionalized capacitiesto respond to more open markets. This could especially be thecase in the context of Europe, whose territories are generallyless specialized than the states of the USA. To see how thesedifferent effects are operating today, empirical measurementis required. Using a data set which allows changes in locationaldistribution of manufacturing industries in the OECD to be measured,we show that Europe does not seem to be ‘Americanizing’its economic geography. Many sectors are actually spreadingout in Europe, implying that the effects of history have remainedstrong up to this point. Specialization increases are weak inmost European economies as well. The OECD has a more complexpicture of spread and concentration. Some of the implicationsfor further research on agglomeration, intra-industry trade,and integration are brought out in the conclusion.  相似文献   

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