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武保华 《沧桑》2010,(3):165-166
在日新月异的政府体制改革中,要顺应时代潮流,要适应信息化浪潮,建立电子政府,使之担当创新大位。建立电子政府能提高政府工作及服务效率,推进政府办公电子化、网络化、现代化等,且目前这些已成为各国政府建立廉洁、高效、透明、务实的政府机构的共同目标。  相似文献   

2005年11月23-24日,四川省政府在成都召开了四川省第七次地方志工作会议。该会标志着由省委领导、省政府主持的四川省第二轮修志工作的全面开展。省委副书记、常务副省长、省地方志编纂委员会主任蒋巨峰出席并讲话。省人大副主任钮小明、省政协副主席杨海清及省老领导聂荣贵出席了23目的大会。省政府秘书长李洪仁主持大会。参加大会的有各市(州)分管修志工作的市(州)长和地方志办公室负责人、省级有关部门分管修志工作的负责人及被表彰的先进集体、先进个人代表计300人。  相似文献   

奇磊 《福建史志》2005,(6):46-49
第四次“剿共”失败后,蒋介石不顾日寇对华虎视眈眈妄图继续扩大侵略华北乃至整个中国的阴谋,仍然抱着“攘外必先安内”的指导思想.自1933年7月起,在江西庐山设立军官训练团,接连召集蒋系军官轮训,前后三期,轮训了7500多名连长以上的军官,为进一步“围剿”中央苏区和红军,作好充分的准备。  相似文献   

高玉兰 《攀登》2002,21(3):87-89
社区建设是近年来城市社会发展理论与实践的一个重要课题。本笔谈所组织的一组文章,从社区建设的基本问题、社区建设中的若干具体问题和西宁市的社区建设等方面,对社区建设的理论和实践问题做了多角度的探讨。  相似文献   

庹平 《炎黄春秋》2001,(10):30-34
萧克同志说:“过去讲中央苏区五次反‘围剿’的历史时,讲第一、二、三次反‘围剿’,是毛泽东指挥取得了胜利;第五次反‘围剿’是从共产国际来的李德指挥的,遭受了严重失败;而第四次反‘围剿’不讲谁指挥的,只讲在毛泽东同志的正确军事思想影响下取得了胜利。”萧克明确地讲:“第四次反‘围剿’是周恩来、朱德指挥的,取得了很大的胜利,这是历史事实,要如实讲。”(见《纵横》2000年第11期,蒋杰:《萧克指导我们正确评价历史》)本文告诉你的就是这一段历史的真实:  相似文献   

1966年6月下旬的一天,我正在家里和父亲、弟弟一起擦锅子,猛然听见外面马路上锣鼓喧天,喊声大振。我不知发生了什么事情,立即拿着锅子跑出去看,只见马路上“雄赳赳、气昂昂”地走着一长串游行队伍,游行者均是大中学生,他们臂缠红袖章,高擎“交大反到底”、“红三司”、“红革会”之类的大旗,狂呼滥喊着所谓的“革命”口号。  相似文献   

政府,是国家机构的组成部分,指的是国家行政机关。但“政府”一词本义并非如此。  相似文献   

以“三次革命高潮”为基本标志的中国近代史诠释体系,在相当长的时间里对大陆学者的近代史研究产生了导向性的影响。“三次革命高潮”概念的提出并得到广泛接受并非偶然,自有其深刻的时代背景和社会思想基础。胡绳在对中国近代史的总体把握中将国内阶级矛盾置于中外民族矛盾之上,“三次革命高潮”突出中国本土因素、相对忽视涉外事件即与此密切相关。此外,他将“义和团运动”与“戊戌变法”合称为第二次“革命高潮”,这样,近代史上四个被特别突出的历史事件之主角,农民与资产阶级各居其二,从表面上看来无所偏重,实则为其解释体系的调整预留了空间。胡绳通过对“义和团运动”与“戊戌变法”这两大史事作有分寸地扬此抑彼的解读,在一定程度上因应了不同时代的理论需求,增强了其学说的包容性。  相似文献   

薛庆超 《百年潮》2011,(4):I0001-I0002
2011年2月26日,中国中共党史学会第七次会员代表大会在北京举行。会前,中共中央政治局常委、中央书记处书记、国家副主席习近平同志亲切接见出席会议的代表并发表重要讲话。习近平同志在讲话中,对进一步深入贯彻落实中央有关文件和全国党史工作会议精神、  相似文献   

文献记载的中国七夕早在日本奈良时代传至日本,作为宫廷的惯例,以"展示丝织品和诗宴"的形式直到平安时代。中国民间传承的七夕竹竿晾衣曝晒与愿丝乞巧,在日本庶民文化渐起的室町时代骤然以"竹竿悬挂五色绢丝乞巧"的形式大量出现,至江户时代青竹"笹"代替竹竿进入七夕,五色绢丝换成五色"短册",并参与"七夕送"的活动,是庶民文化的重大转折。日本的"七夕祭"因为神道和佛教因素的渗入,从而真正具备了"祭祀"的意义。而完成宫廷乞巧风雅向民间祭祀转变的标志,就是青竹"笹"代替竹竿悬挂五色"短册"的出现。"笹"是日本既尊重传统又迎合时代变化的七夕文化标志,它保留了来自中国七夕文化的主体"竹",也结合了本土文化"青竹",承载着日本七夕文化的过去、现在与未来,寄托着日本人对生活的无限美好愿望与期盼。  相似文献   

我国旅游产业市场化进程中的政府职能探析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
李伟清 《旅游科学》2002,(1):9-11,42
随着我国旅游产业市场化进程的深入、旅游产业的发展进入了一个新的发展阶段,政府的职能应有所调整,其对经济活动的影响将趋向于运用经济的手段和间接的方式进行调控。  相似文献   

冯建辉 《攀登》2010,29(3):70-74
当代中国政府正面临着由传统的管制型政府向现代的服务型政府的转型,这需要当代中国政治哲学予以学理性关注。社会层级结构理论是把握马克思哲学本性而面向中国问题的当代中国政治哲学新范式,"权力至上"的传统社会层级结构对当代中国政治实践具有深刻影响。因此,需要从改造深层社会结构入手,逐步改造传统社会层级结构,把自上而下的"金字塔式"社会层级结构转变为中国共产党领导下的市场经济、服务型政府和公民社会所构成的三维制约的社会结构,以推进当代中国政府转型。  相似文献   

史全生 《史学月刊》2003,2(5):47-53
南京临时政府中的“立宪派”、“旧官僚”都是他们未参加革命以前的身份。武昌起义以后,他们分别放弃了君主立宪主张,投入革命行列;宣布独立光复,脱离清朝政府,加入民国军政府。他们与革命党人和其他革命志士一起组成了革命统一阵线。南京临时政府就是这革命统一阵线的革命政府,并且是按照同盟会《军政府宣言》和《临时政府组织大纲》的规定建立起来的行政、立法二权分立的民主共和政体,并奠定了向行政、立法、司法三权分立政体过渡的法律基础。其职能也发生了根本的转化,从封建专制统治转化为现代国家公共事务管理的文明政府。  相似文献   

This paper reviews trends over the last two to three decades in the socio‐economic divisions in Australia, focusing on their spatial dimensions. It provides empirical evidence that our society is dividing on multiple dimensions – including shifts in industry and occupational structure, income distribution, the incidence of poverty. And it demonstrates that the differentiations across space in socio‐economic phenomena also have complex multiple dimensions, which are explained inadequately by a ‘city/bush’ dichotomy popularly espoused by politicians and reported in the media. Processes of globalisation, economic restructuring and employment shifts, and changing patterns of population movement are combining to create stark differentials between places both within the major cities as well as in regional Australia. As demonstrated by the recent One Nation phenomenon, voter backlash is strong, and it too has specific spatial characteristics.  相似文献   

Elliot Siemiatycki 《对极》2012,44(2):453-473
Abstract: The stunning decline of Ford, General Motors and Chrysler over the past decade has rendered the once “Big Three” US automakers a vulnerable “Detroit Three”. In their attempts to return to profitability, the Detroit Three have undertaken a series of “turnarounds” aimed at renewing their competitive edge. Through this corporate restructuring agenda, 250,000 assembly jobs in North America have been lost, upwards of 50 auto plants have been closed, wages and benefits for new hires have been cut substantially and once strong, independent auto unions have been thoroughly overwhelmed. Permanent restructuring, then, represents a crisis strategy on the part of the corporate elite to continually intensify the demands placed on labour in the hopes of creating new conditions for capital accumulation. Working within labour geography, this paper documents the “regional race to the bottom” in the North American auto industry while reminding labour geographers that capitalist restructuring is a powerful constraint on labour agency.  相似文献   

Over the past few years a considerable body of research has illuminated the changing geographies of service provision in rural Australia. Mostly, this work has emphasised the quantitative aspects of restructuring, by way of documenting numerical reductions in service delivery points and their implications for local employment and service access. In this paper, an examination of recent restructuring within the dealership system for high‐horsepower tractors underlines that these quantitative changes also intersect with qualitative shifts to the character of service delivery. Interviews with 31 participants in the tractor dealership system of Central‐West New South Wales reveal the recent evolution of a producer‐driven supply chain in which two dominant, multinational, tractor‐machinery companies have sought to exercise tighter control over customer relations through the restructuring of franchise agreements with dealers. There has been a resultant demise of the independent dealership, and its replacement by a system of standardised, company‐affiliated outlets operated by franchise holders. Hence, the spatial restructuring of this industry represents the surface manifestations of corporate strategies in which large economic entities are re‐organising their interests in light of globalised theatres of competition and profit. In this sense, the tractor‐dealership system is emblematic of changes to power and control in rural service provision as the franchise models propagated by large corporate interests increasingly subsume the small‐business sector activities of Australia's rural towns.  相似文献   

Aboriginal peoples in Canada are gaining influence in post‐secondary education through Aboriginal‐directed programs and policies in non‐Aboriginal institutions. However, these gains have occurred alongside, and in some cases through, neoliberal reforms to higher education. This article explores the political consequences of the neoliberal institutionalization of First Nations empowerment for public sector unions and workers. We examine a case where the indigenization of a community college in British Columbia was embedded in neoliberal reforms that ran counter to the interests of academic instructors. Although many union members supported indigenization, many also possessed a deep ambivalence about the change. Neoliberal indigenization increased work intensity, decreased worker autonomy and promoted an educational philosophy that prioritized labour market needs over liberal arts. This example demonstrates how the integration of Aboriginal aspirations into neoliberal processes of reform works to rationalize public sector restructuring, constricting labour agency and the possibilities for alliances between labour and Aboriginal peoples.  相似文献   

Rosie R. Meade 《对极》2012,44(3):889-910
Abstract: This paper historicises the recent and ongoing professionalisation of community development in the Republic of Ireland. The term professionalisation refers both to the designation and accreditation of a distinctive community work occupation and a wider set of processes that effect more strategic approaches to the planning, delivery and evaluation of community organisations. The paper reviews some tensions associated with professionalisation; tensions that closely relate to community work's reputation as a “bottom‐up” or “participatory” strategy. It also interrogates community development's place as a strategy of government in contemporary Ireland. In so doing it reconsiders the assumed separateness and distinctiveness of the state and community sectors, arguing that the state has been centrally implicated in calling the community sector into being. In their turn community development organisations have shaped and mediated policy delivery on the ground. It is these processes of hybridisation, co‐operation, antagonism and struggle that have given professionalisation its momentum.  相似文献   

Kruger Incorporated purchased the aging pulp and paper mill in Corner Brook in 1984, armed with a federal-provincial modernization agreement and a pattern-breaking contract with the mill unions. It is argued that changes made in the decade since then correspond most closely with a form of lean production. Six elements of lean production are found at Corner Brook: tighter coordination of production and automation; a continued concentration on core activities; the farming out of ancillary activities; shrinking and segmentation of the workforce; environmental compliance, increasing technical efficiency; and the co-opting of the workforce into the mission of the firm.  相似文献   

Andrew Warren 《对极》2019,51(2):681-706
Informed by labour geography's thrust to situate workers as active subjects of analysis, this article examines lived experiences of restructuring at Australia's single largest industrial workplace. Drawing on extended ethnographic research, the article traverses three restructuring outcomes faced by workers and their families: (1) job retention; (2) redundancy; and (3) re‐employment. Amid the turbulence and uncertainty of a major workplace restructuring episode, workers' different lived experiences illuminate uneven intra‐labour power relations. As capitalist workplaces are re‐organised and labour processes redefined, more conflictual and divisive relationships often develop among groups of workers differentially positioned within the hierarchical labour markets of large firms. Emphasising restructuring episodes as generative contexts for grounded labour geographies research, the article develops intra‐labour agency as a critical analytical frame to explore more deeply the agency implications of workplace structures, co‐worker relationships, and social life matters that shape workers' capacities for action inside and beyond workplaces.  相似文献   

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