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The conceptualization of political and economic determinants of public policy as interactive rather than sufficient causes is subjected here to a comparative state analysis. An examination of interactive effects of culture, wealth, and gubernatorial power on AFDC grants and Medicaid benefits offers empirical illustration of Stonecash's reconceptualization of the classic politics-process-policy model. The results indicate that political dispositions become more potent in combination with increasing concentrations of wealth and executive power.  相似文献   

冯健  赵楠 《人文地理》2016,31(6):19-28
在快速城镇化进程中,空心村已成为普遍现象。村庄空心化不仅造成用地浪费,也造成乡村社会失范,引发一系列社会问题。本研究以河南省邓州市桑庄镇为研究区,采取问卷调查与深度访谈相结合的研究方法,从村庄空心化带来的乡村公共空间变迁入手,讨论空心村背景下通过公共空间重构实现乡村社会结构优化的途径。以社会结构与空间结构互动为核心建立研究的理论线索,提出"乡村社会结构通过关系逻辑体现"、"社会结构影响空间结构"、"空间结构反作用于社会结构"三个基本假设,并通过实证研究加以验证和补充。  相似文献   

第二居所旅居是一种旅游现象,旅居者为了追求愉悦和非日常经历,在目的地长时间逗留,重构旅居地的社会关系.本文以社区场域理论为研究框架,综合运用访谈法、观察法等研究方法,探析三亚市第二居所旅居者与当地居民社会互动的现状及其对社区发展的影响,并讨论如何提升两者的互动.结果发现:旅居者与当地居民以浅层次的社会互动为主,缺乏深入...  相似文献   

蔡一帆  童昕 《人文地理》2014,29(3):115-120
全球金融危机以后,大芬村实现了从生产行画的城中村到结合复制与创意的综合性油画生产基地的产业成功转型。本文分析了此案例在全球化背景下,产业链动力机制的演变对产业链与产业结构、雇佣关系与劳动者身份、进而对整个产业转型升级的推动与影响。本文指出,正是这种介于普通手工业与文化创意产业之间身份认同的焦虑,其中所蕴含的劳动者自我价值的认同,终而成为顺应市场需求变动中的实现产业升级的内在动力。最后讨论了大芬村文化产业升级案例之于发展中国家产业发展与转型的意义,以及地方性在此发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

The Portuguese community in Toronto is to a large degree a self-sufficient one. Over the last four decades, they have constructed a thriving, complex community, setting up organizations, businesses and communication-information services in their own language. The purpose of this paper is to examine the Portuguese real estate industry in Toronto. The study will be focused on community resources such as networks of kinship/friendship and community ties, and how these resources contribute to the formation, maintenance, and success of Portuguese-owned real estate businesses. Data were obtained primarily from a questionnaire survey that was administered to Portuguese brokers (owners of real estate agencies) who were members of the Toronto Real Estate Board. Data collected from the questionnaire survey indicate that Portuguese real estate brokers rely to a large degree on their own community (‘ethnic’) resources — Portuguese friends, the media, and relatives — in starting and/or operating their current businesses. Within this context, Portuguese friends occupy a central role as an important source in providing business contacts. Real estate agencies owned by Portuguese brokers are community oriented. Portuguese customers, business location within/near to the community, and a good reputation with Portuguese clients and the community were noted by Portuguese brokers as the major factors contributing to the economic success of their businesses. Although relatively little research has been conducted in Canada on ethnic entrepreneurship, we can speculate that the main characteristic of the Portuguese real estate business — a heavy reliance on ‘community resources' in serving a geographically segregated co-ethnic market — is common among Southern Mediterranean immigrant groups in Canada. Further comparative studies in this area would enhance our understanding of the complexities of ethnic entrepreneurship. La communauté portugaise de Toronto est, en grande partie, auto-suffisante. Pendant les quatre dernières décennies, les Portugais ont construit une communauté complexe et prospère, démarrant des organisations, des entreprises et des services de communication et d'information dans leur propre langue. Le but de ce travail est d'examiner l'industrie immobilière portugaise à Toronto. L'étude sera plutôt concentrée sur les ressources communautaires telles qu'un réseau de parenté/amitié et des liens communautaires, et le procèdé par lequel ces ressources contribuent à la formation, au maintien et au succès de l'industrie immobilière des Portugais. Les données ont été obtenues surtout à partir d'un questionnaire/enquête distribué aux courtiers portugais (propriétaires d'agences immobilières), membres du Conseil Immobilier de Toronto. Les données recueillies grâce à l'enquête indiquent que les courtiers immobiliers portugais dépendent largement des ressources (?ethniques?) de leur propre communauté-des amis portugais, des médias, et des proches — pour démarrer et/ou diriger leurs entreprises. Dans ce contexte, les amis portugais occupent un rôle central en fournissant des contacts d'affaires. Les agences immobilières portugaises sont orientées vers la communauté portugaise. Les clients portugais, le local de l'entreprise, au sein de la communauté ou près d'elle, et une bonne réputation, ont été identifiés par les courtiers portugais comme les facteurs les plus importants, contribuant au succès économique de leurs entreprises. En dépit du fait que relativement peu de recherches ont été menées au Canada au sujet des entreprises ethniques, nous pouvons supposer que la caractéristique principale de l'entreprise immobilière portugaise — une grande dépendance des ?ressources communautaires?, en servant un marché co-ethnique géographiquement isolé — est commune chez les immigrants de la Meditérannée du Sud, au Canada. Notre compréhension de la complexité des entreprises ethniques serait améliorée par d'autres études comparatives sur ce sujet.  相似文献   

于秋阳  杨斯涵 《人文地理》2014,29(5):142-148
高速铁路的的时空压缩优势有效的提高了节点城市的可达性,扩展了客源范围,必将对旅游产业的供给水平产生影响。本文以西安市作为实证对象,首先,通过灰色关联度和引力测度,说明高速铁路的建设对西安旅游产业产生的重要影响。据此,结合其他高铁节点城市的发展经验和国内外高铁与旅游融合发展的经验,本文着重探讨了高铁影响下西安旅游空间结构演进、旅游商业模式创新和旅游公共服务体系完善的路径,并提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Trust is said to be necessary for creating and maintaining territorially embedded industrial systems. On the basis of data for the Norwegian home‐building sector, this article analyses trust and price competition; how trust is built and dismantled; and trust and place. The main findings are that: trust and price competition interact, but trust is more important in the design and planning phases than in the construction phase; economic factors are important for building trust, together with competence and team work; and trust is related to space, partly through places embodied in trust and partly through trust embedded in places. However, this embeddedness is not like that which has long been claimed to exist in territorially embedded industrial systems, but embeddedness where trust acts as a reinforcement, contingent upon other factors, as a capacity restraint and a socially constructed need for face‐to‐face meetings.  相似文献   

Theorizing within the umbrella of evolutionary economic geography (EEG) has improved the understanding of how inter‐firm relatedness conditions knowledge spillovers, and how this affects the long‐term evolution of regions. Still, there are shortcomings in this approach associated with a quantitative and generic methodology, a static notion of relatedness, and a weakly developed policy and institutional perspective. In particular, there is a need for a better understanding of the mechanisms through which relatedness is developed and how policy affects existing and emerging relatedness. Certain mechanisms for knowledge transfer have been suggested, such as labour mobility, firm diversification, spin‐offs and social networks. But do the same mechanisms apply to all industries and in all territories, or are there specific mechanisms of knowledge sourcing at work in different contexts? To shed light on these questions, the article reports on a comparative case study of two knowledge‐intensive industries (life science and publishing) located in the Oslo metropolitan region. Based on a case study, the article suggests that both industries source knowledge through similar types of channels. However, despite similarities in how knowledge is accessed and absorbed in this diverse urban context, knowledge sourcing also seems to be conditioned by industry‐specific dynamics, policies and institutions.  相似文献   

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