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正大丰港是位于江苏中部沿海的地方性港口,于1998年1月开工建设,2005年10月开港通航,2007年9月经国务院批准并通过验收正式成为国家一类开放口岸。2013年,大丰港货物吞吐量已逾3000万吨,公共财政预算收入15.5亿元,成为江苏中部沿海重要的经济增长极。建港10多年来,大丰港始终坚持港口、港区、港城"三  相似文献   

闽南华侨与近代厦门城市经济的发展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
福建南部(即闽南)为我国重点侨乡。据不完全统计,在鸦片战争后百余年间,有百余万闽南人经由闽南对外交通口岸厦门移居世界各地,尤其是东南亚一带,形成数量可观的海外闽南华侨。这对近代厦门城市经济的发展曾产生了多方面的影响。对此,本文拟详加申论。一闽南华侨出入D岸的形成与近代医门的航运业厦门素来被视为中国沿海最好的港口之一。①早在17世纪后期,厦门“港中舢萨罗列,多至万计”,②已发展成中国东南沿海贸易中心,成为福建南部对外交通之门户。故时人有诗赞美厦门云:“分抱东南接大荒,八闽门户此雄疆。”③鸦片战争后,…  相似文献   

徐闻港和雷州港是历史时期雷州半岛两个主要对外贸易港口。徐闻港位于今雷州半岛南端徐闻县 ,是秦汉时期海上丝绸之路始发港之一。雷州港位于今雷州半岛中部雷州市 ,秦汉以后取徐闻港而代之 ,成为雷州半岛的主要对外贸易港口。徐闻港和雷州港的兴衰主要是受港口所在地当时的经济开发程度、其在对外交通格局中所处的地位以及国家政治、军事和对外贸易政策的制约。  相似文献   

吴松弟 《岭南文史》2002,(2):21-29,10
我国东邻浩瀚的太平洋,有着漫长而曲折的海岸线。东部沿海很早就发展了海上贸易事业,不仅形成了我国沿海各地区间的国内贸易,与外国的贸易也开始很早,并形成了众多的对外贸易港口。因受各种因素的影响,历史上南北各港口的兴衰时间、贸易规模差别甚大。在诸港口的行列中,广州、泉州和上海都是不同时期的主要对外贸易港口,而偏居今广东雷州半岛南端徐闻县境的古徐闻港却是最早的主要港口。在追溯中国早期的海洋交通史和中外文明史时,必须重视徐闻的作用。  相似文献   

集装箱港口作为国际物流的重要载体,对其结构与演化规律的认识有助于揭示区域贸易格局与货流变迁的规律。以东盟的马来西亚、泰国、越南、柬埔寨、缅甸等国家的19个港口为研究对象,运用基尼系数分析法、偏移-份额分析法,刻画了1994-2014年东盟集装箱港口吞吐量集散趋势、港口竞争特征。结果表明:东盟集装箱港口受各国经济快速发展、国际贸易活动和航线变化等因素影响,港口体系演变经历了三个阶段:1994-1998年,港口规模小、港口相互之间差距较小;1999-2003年,集装箱港口发展迅速,马来西亚、泰国、越南中转型港口开始形成;2004-2014年,马来西亚成为东盟新枢纽港、泰国和越南港口地位提升。  相似文献   

岑浩明  易源 《广西地方志》2006,(6):55-57,35
文章洞观近代梧州口岸对外贸易的嬗变,并分析其对梧港航线及腹地经济的影响。  相似文献   

虚拟腹地:中国大陆口岸地位的度量与解释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
口岸是对外开放的门户,支撑起了中国大陆全方位对外开放的格局。章引入虚拟腹地的概念,通过分析进出口商品流向,定量描述口岸对内影响能力,确定口岸的相对地位。并以虚拟腹地面积和通过口岸的进出口总量两个指标对39个口岸子群进行了类型划分。基于沿海、沿边口岸在整个开放体系中的重要性,章进一步分析了沿海、沿边各口岸群的相对地位和对内联系腹地的经济特征。  相似文献   

近代以来,与现代化的进程同步,中国兴起了一系列港口城市。本文以相对集中系数为例进行数理分析,以1916~1936年间的数据为对象,透视了近代以来中国沿海沿江各港口城市的变迁结果,重点在于港口与城市二者的关系。由于港口功能的层次差别,各港口城市之间尤其新兴城市与传统城市之间,港口与城市间相互影响的程度各不相同,这种港口对所在城市促进作用的不同,也在一定程度上导致了港口城市发展的深层次差异;同时,由港城关系所导致的不同城市间地位的变迁,也能通过相对集中系数反映出来。  相似文献   

1987年,在广东省阳江市海陵岛海域发现的古沉船,编号为“南海一号”,船上主要载有我国宋元时期东南沿海四个窑系的瓷器。“沉船海域处于从番禺、阳江、徐闻、合浦经南海通向印度和斯里兰卡的海上丝绸之路航线。”在这条航线上,发现阳江溪头北寮宋元文化遗址,据专家考证,是宋元时期的中转港及货物集散港。由此说明阳江在秦汉时期是这条航线的补给港,在宋元时期是中转港。“阳江地处从古番禺(广州)至徐闻港的中间地带,海岸线曲折,长230公里,有海陵、南鹏、大镬、二镬等诸多岛屿,由东到西分布有20多个天然港湾和10多个大小渔港,如大澳、东平、三丫、北津、丰头、溪头、闸坡、双鱼、北额等。”这些港口,便是古代海上丝绸之路航线的必经之地。  相似文献   

利用学术界较少利用的中国海关总税务司署统计科撰写的《最近百年中国对外贸易史》中的资料,较细致地论述了近代对外贸易的发展过程与不同时期的影响因素,指出总体而言发展较快,尤其是1882—1931年的50年间,整整增长了15倍。依据进出口贸易量,探讨近代上海、广州、汉口、天津、青岛、大连等主要港口的地位变化,最后探讨不同区域的港口在20世纪前后的地位变迁,强调指出在以前上海常占全国份额的半数,华南诸港约占40%,其他口岸微不足道。进入20世纪以后由于华北、东北和长江流域商品经济的较大发展,以及日本在这些区域政治经济势力的迅速增长,形成华北和东北、华南和长江流域、上海各占全国份额三分之一的格局。  相似文献   

中国港口群内部格局与参与全球航运网络联系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王琪  韦春竹  陈炜 《人文地理》2022,37(1):181-192
基于2004-2019年中国沿海港口吞吐量数据,利用市场集中度指数、引力模型等方法对比五大沿海港口群内部竞合关系;结合全球TOP10航运公司2019年航线数据,通过社会网络分析描述各港口群参与全球八大航运区域的空间格局.结果表明:中国各港口群间内部竞争加剧,其中珠三角、长三角、环渤海港口群已形成多中心枢纽竞争模式,而东...  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国港口资源整合、港区功能调整和港口城市的转型升级,沿海港口与所在城市的关系发展面临新的变化和挑战。本文以我国沿海港口为例,结合定量分析与定性讨论,聚焦我国沿海港口港城关系问题,剖析港城关系的演变及驱动机制。研究发现:我国大部分沿海港口已进入极度协调发展阶段,但发展趋势逐渐放缓,区域分化特征显著,港城协同度差距呈现再扩大的发展趋势。在研究期间,我国城市驱动型港口城市数量显著增加,港口驱动型和港城互驱型港口城市数量减少。建议通过政府政策引导、港产城融合发展和港口转型升级等方式,不断提升我国沿海地区港城关系整体协调发展水平,为新时期我国沿海港口与所在城市的高质量发展提供重要支撑。  相似文献   

The east African Swahili ports developed extensive maritime trading links around the Indian Ocean, and supported economic, political, and urban growth in the early second millennium AD. This article identifies ports of varying function and importance in SE Tanzania, and seeks to understand their development in the context of natural harbor advantage, boat technology, sailing practice, and resource needs. Field data from landing places are combined with weather patterns, historical documents, and oral traditions to provide an integrated survey of the ports and harbors that once sustained medieval commerce along this section of the Swahili coast. The emergence of Kilwa as an entrepôt to become the key center is based initially upon its naturally advantageous harbor facilities, safety and flexibility of approach in days of sail, and assurance of monsoon winds. Original natural advantages gradually become self-sustaining with its economic and political growth. To the north and south of Kilwa a series of ports of call with drinking water and boat servicing supported trade to and from the pre-eminent city, although some such as Kisimani Mafia and Kwale-Kisuju developed important trade functions of their own.  相似文献   

王益澄 《人文地理》1996,11(3):56-59
本文以浙江沿海港口城镇为研究对象,通过对实地调查所取得的大量具体资料的分析,深入系统地探讨了浙江沿海港口城镇发展的区域背景条件、优势条件和制约因素,分析了浙江沿海港口城镇总体布局特征、内部结构形态和外部形态的演变发展规律,提出了浙江沿海港口城镇布局形态发展趋势,为港口城市进一步发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The extreme salinity and temperature fluctuations of the Persian Gulf waters have created unique marine and coastal ecosystems, with numerous benefits to Iran and neighboring countries. However, human activities, including rapid coastal development, land-based pollution, oil and gas extraction, and shipping, are threatening the survival of these ecosystems. With long shorelines, a large coastal population, and locally important fisheries and tourism-related jobs, Iran has a lot at stake in the degradation of its marine and coastal environments. However, it is not too late to put a stop to further degradation. This article recommends a number of targeted actions at the local, national, and regional levels to address the threats to the Persian Gulf ’s environment and protect this important renewable resource.  相似文献   

程军 《历史地理研究》2020,40(4):119-131
1898年清廷颁布《内港行船章程》后,长江内河轮运骤兴,开放轮船行驶的内港日渐增多,截至1929年全流域有超过418处内港开放行轮,内河航运格局为之一变。长江流域开放行轮的内港在空间上集中于下游地区,中游也有较多分布,上游地区则十分稀少。行轮内港的开放在时间上则呈现出下游到上游、干流到支流两种趋势。近代行轮内港的时空变迁趋势反映了轮运这一新式交通在长江流域的发展情况。  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of Hispania in the Atlantic route in Roman times. We analyse the different Atlantic Iberian territories along this route, based on recent archaeological advances and discoveries related to trade as well as the shipping infrastructure. The aim is to explain the origin and evolution of a new maritime area that was completely integrated with the political and commercial structure of the Empire, with trade routes that followed the coastal areas of the Iberian Peninsula all the way to the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Ships and boats, both intact and disarticulated, have been reused as port and harbor structures for at least the last two millennia. Based on the many available examples, it is now possible to analyze the reuse of ships within the larger context of harbor structures as a form of vernacular architecture. Fundamental to this analysis is the observation that vessels were not reused in all ports or during all periods; consequently, by examining where, when, and how vessels were reused it is possible to understand some of the environmental, social, and economic factors that led to vessel reuse.  相似文献   

Over the last two centuries, the coast has played a major role in the economy of Yucatán, and has served as a key venue in its growing engagement in the global economy. A prominent chapter in this history took place during the Gilded Age (1860–1915), which saw the emergence of a powerful plantation class whose wealth was based on meeting international demand for the fiber of the agave, or henequen plant, which was used to manufacture rope, cordage, and twine. The cultivation of this plant gave rise to hundreds of plantations, and an accompanying infrastructure of haciendas, fiber processing plants, and an extensive regional network of railways for transporting henequen to the port of Progreso, from whence it was exported to North America and Europe. As part of this infrastructure, several plantation owners laid rail lines from their haciendas to the coast and built small ports for shipping their henequen to Progreso. These ports, which are documented in these pages, represented a substantial capital outlay, and were built under the shadow of the gathering clouds of the Mexican Revolution. Viewed in retrospect, they offer an insightful perspective on the economic outlook of the Yucatecan elites in the dawn of the modern age.  相似文献   

Shanghai and Hankou are located at separate ends of the most prosperous watercourse of Yangtze River. The transshipment in foreign trade between the two ports shows the limitation of Hankou as an inland port. Though the port grew due to independent direct imports and exports, Hankou was never completely independent from Shanghai. In contrast, Shanghai is of great importance to the inland ports of Yangtze River which is different to its effect on the ports of coastal areas of Northern China. Also, the region along Yangtze River is very important to Shanghai as its hinterland. The trading and transshipment between Shanghai and Hankou is critical to the whole region of Yangtze River and the development of Chinese economy. Related topics worth studying are commerce, finance, population mobility and urbanization, etc.  相似文献   

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