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浙江石棚墓与东北及朝鲜半岛的石棚墓虽有小的差异,但总体面貌较为一致,其相互间的传承关系有待进一步的考古探讨。  相似文献   

瑞安石棚墓初探俞天舒引言石硼墓,也称石桌坟或支石墓,瑞安称之为抬石墓或仙人棋盘岩。它是新石器时代晚期至早期铁器时代的一种墓葬形式,在考古学上属巨石建筑系统。石棚墓在世界上分布很广,欧洲的西部、北部,亚洲的南部、东南部和东北部,非洲的北部以及南美洲的北...  相似文献   

抚顺山龙石棚与积石墓武家昌(辽宁省文物考古研究所)抚顺山龙石棚与积石墓地是80年代初文物普查时发现的。1990年重修虎台水库,石棚墓地正在淹没区内。辽宁省考古研究所会同抚顺市博物馆,对该墓地进行了发掘,现简介如下。一、基地的地理环境墓地位于抚顺县救兵...  相似文献   

2006年,在本溪县新城子村发掘了16座盖石石棺墓。墓室均以石块或石板垒砌,墓顶盖石为整块大石板。墓中未见人骨,仅1座出有人牙。各墓随葬品均较少,种类有陶壶、罐及石斧、铲、纺轮等。这类墓葬属于广义的石棚类遗存,年代大体为西周晚期至春秋时期。同类遗存广泛分布于辽东北部地区。  相似文献   

辽祖州石室位于巴林左旗境内,关于其作用成为千古之谜,有囚室说、辽太祖停尸说、祭祀说、西楼说等众多观点。笔者认为,从辽河流域石棚墓、辽朝初期石椁墓、辽祖州功能及《辽史》有关记载来分析,石室可能是辽德陵,即辽太祖阿保机父亲撒剌的陵墓。  相似文献   

与以往学界多从类型学的角度分析石棚形制渊源不同,本文选取石棚考古文化作为新的切入点。本文认为,在辽东石棚核心区存在着两类与石棚有关的考古文化,即石棚文化Ⅰ、Ⅱ。其中石棚文化Ⅰ年代大约在商代,石棚文化Ⅱ则与学界熟悉的双房类型为同一考古文化。从而解明辽东石棚在商代即已出现,是石棚文化主人的独立创造发明,是其社会演进的重要标志。同时,本文也从相关考古文化的角度分析了辽东石棚与朝鲜半岛支石墓的关系,指出是前者影响到后者的形制演变而不是相反。  相似文献   

辽东半岛是我国石棚发现最多的地方,也是亚洲石棚较多的地区之一。它在世界石棚中占有极其重要的地位。辽东半岛石棚,古籍中早有记载。《三国志》中曾写到:“时襄平(今辽阳),延里社生大石,长丈余,下有三小石为之足。”这延里社大石就是石棚。金代王寂的《鸭江行部志》中记有:“已酉游西山,石室上一石纵横可三丈,厚二尺许,端平莹滑,状如棋局。其下壁立三石,高广丈余,深亦如之,无瑕隙,亦无斧凿痕。非神功鬼巧不能为也。土人谓之石棚。”这西山石棚也就在辽南复县附近。  相似文献   

将军崖史前岩画遗址的断代及相关问题的讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江苏连云港将军崖发现刻凿在基岩上的凹穴、刻以凹穴岩画的石棚和史前人面像岩画,经微腐蚀断代显示,基岩凹穴岩画时代在距今11000年前左右;刻以凹穴岩画的石棚为距今6000年前;史前人面像岩画时代为距今4500~4300年左右。距今6000~4500年前正值海侵上升至最高海平面,亦即当时将军崖史前凹穴和人面像岩画以及巨石石棚的雕凿可能是在海边岩石上进行的,这与整个世界范围内巨石建筑均沿海岸线分布的规律相一致。  相似文献   

己酉,三月初一日。游西山。即下文石棚所在之山。石室上一石,纵横可三丈,厚二尺余,端平莹滑,状如棋局,其下壁立三石,高广丈余,深亦如之,了无瑕隙,亦无斧凿痕,非神功鬼巧,不能为也,土人谓之“石棚”。既无碑刻,故不知其所始。  相似文献   

昭乌达盟石棚山考古新发现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1977年夏,在昭乌达盟翁牛特旗解放营子公社二道丈房大队南沟生产队的石棚山上,发现一处保存比较完好的原始社会氏族墓地。墓地位于海拔1000余米的石棚山顶部,东、南两面的向阳坡上,南北长80、东西宽110米,面积约为8800平方米。据传说,过去山上曾有石棚,故名石棚山。墓地正当赤峰县与翁牛特旗的交界地带,东南距赤峰市约30公里。  相似文献   

论书法地理的地域空间研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
吴慧平 《人文地理》2001,16(2):93-96
书法地域空间研究是书法地理学的一个重要内容,本文从地域的角度用空间的观点对书法地域空间的主要内容进行了详细的论述:①书法地域差异性研究;②书法地域比较性研究;③书法地域空间扩散研究;④书法地域空间变异研究。意在丰富、充实书法地理学的研究。  相似文献   

Measuring the spatial correspondence among geographic features is an important component of many analyses such as those seeking to identify similar or dissimilar features, explore the extent to which change has taken place, and explain the processes influencing spatial change. In networked systems, the paths providing connectivity between pairs of nodes are often the geographic features among which spatial correspondence is to be assessed. That is, given a set of paths between a pair of nodes, the extent to which they share portions of the network and spatially deviate from one another can provide insight on the factors underlying the use of a system. While methods for measuring the spatial correspondence among specific types of network paths have been devised, this article proposes a methodology for measuring the spatial correspondence among the topology of network paths of any type, including those involving redundant use of network space. By basing comparisons upon the topologic relationships among the paths, the proposed approach better accounts for average spatial deviation as well as the asymmetric spatial relationship between pairs of paths, enabling greater stability and consistency in the analysis of their spatial characteristics. The developed methodology is applied to evaluate variability in spatial correspondence among a set of network paths to demonstrate its utility.  相似文献   

城镇地价水平的相关分析——以石家庄市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城镇土地存在着级差收益,土地价格受多种因素的影响。本文以地租地价理论为依据,分析了石家庄市辖县地价水平与城镇区位、社会经济发展水平的相关关系,初步探讨了城镇地价水平的一般分布规律。  相似文献   

卞显红 《人文地理》2012,27(4):137-142
旅游产业集群的网络构成分为核心网络与外围支持网络。旅游产业集群网络由主体、旅游资源以及旅游活动三部分组成。论文把旅游产业集群网络结构分为原子式、单核式、多核式、混合式等4种形态。论文把旅游产业集群网络结构空间相互作用分为三个层次:第一层次是核心旅游企业之间及相关旅游企业之间的竞争与合作;二是旅游企业和研究机构、地方政府、旅游中介机构及旅游投资机构之间的空间作用;三是旅游产业集群内部主体,主要是旅游企业与旅游产业集群外部成员之间的交流与互动,并以杭州国际旅游综合体为例对这三个层次的空间相互作用进行了分析。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the coexistence of different pricing strategies. The purpose is to discuss how firms that are limited to uniform pricing affect the outcome of price competition among mill–price–setting firms. Price competition among (three) firms that are restricted to mill pricing is analyzed within the classic Hotelling framework and uniform–price–setting firms are considered as first movers. If uniform–price–setting firms deliver any good, they effectively separate mill–price–setting firms from each other. Finally, it is shown that price competition among first movers strengthens the effects of cross–type price competition.  相似文献   

The percentage of women elected in the Australian Parliament is comparatively low. This poor track record has generated debate within political parties about the necessity of gender quotas (or targets) to increase women’s representation. Using the 2016 Australian Election Study, this paper proposes to test support for different measures aiming to increasing women’s representation in Australian politics. More specifically, I investigate the role of partisanship in explaining gender differences in support for gender quotas. I find that differences in support for quotas are greater among women, and among men, than between women and men. The paper also demonstrates that the role of political values in explaining differences in support for gender quotas is non-uniform. Indeed, attitudes towards government intervention, minority rights, and gender equality are more crucial in explaining differences in support for legislative quotas among men than among women.  相似文献   

Family division is the way of reproduction of Chinese families and the starting point of building new families. Reasons of family division in the Republic of China include bad terms among sisters-in-law, among brothers, between father and sons, between mother-in-law and daughters-in-law, or working outside. There are three patterns of family division: one-time thorough division, serial division, and special types of division. The circumstances of family division include: inheritance while parents are alive or after their death; equal inheritance among brothers hosted by their uncle (mother’s brother), inheritance rights attributed to the eldest son or grandson, and special principles of property distribution. The rite of family division is quite solemn; documents of family division definitely need to be made with specific regulations. There are three ways of supporting for the eldly, among which leaving some land to parents is popularly adopted in rural China during the Republic period. Translated into English by Luo Hui  相似文献   

This article discusses femininities among East and Central African refugee women self-settled in Nairobi, Kenya. It argues that while normative approaches to refugee studies depict a homogeneous refugee femininity inherently synonymous with vulnerability and ‘victimhood,’ femininity among refugee women in Nairobi is heterogeneous, fluid, and complex. It is premised on individual refugee women's marital statuses in relation to economic situation. The article argues that femininity is a constraint in some instances and a resource in others, such that what exists among the refugee women is not a single femininity but a continuum of femininities. Specifically, the article conceptualizes femininity under three categories, namely: normative, agitated, and rebellious femininities.  相似文献   

Although the people of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal in India share common cultural practices, they differ in contraceptive adoption and practice. The use of modern contraceptive methods among women and couples of the two Bengals differ from each other. The use of natural method is significantly higher among women and couples in West Bengal compared to that of their counterparts in Bangladesh. The study analyses data from Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) using sequential logit models. Results show that greater reliance on natural methods among women of West Bengal is related to higher preference for sons compared to that in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

社区内的日常活动空间共享有利于创造居民面对面的社会接触,进而增进理解、提升社区信任和社区融合。基于行为地理学理论与方法,提出“物质空间—活动空间共享—社会心理空间”的关系路径,揭示社区居民的活动空间共享的研究意义;从结构、层级、尺度和载体四个角度构建居民社区活动空间共享的公共接触潜力分析框架;从社区和个体两个层级构建公共接触潜力测度方法,基于共同活动的联系衡量社区居民空间共享的广泛程度和频繁程度。在理论框架与指标测度的基础上,使用上海市郊区调查数据进行实证检验,分析了活动空间共享的社区差异和个体差异。研究指出,提升居民空间共享对建设充满人气的活力社区具有意义,能够为郊区社区生活圈建设和社区治理提供支持。  相似文献   

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