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研究型大学会展专业人才的培养模式   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
张俐俐  庞华 《旅游科学》2008,22(3):55-58
本文针对会展业人才培养存在的问题,以研究型大学作为研究对象,总结了研究型大学培养会展专门人才的基本特征,提出了研究型大学培养会展人才的目标和定位,探讨了研究型大学会展专业人才培养模式和教学体系。  相似文献   

本文从会展企业人才需求段出发,通过关键事件进行访谈,研究总结出会展专业应用型本科人才能力素质的内涵,从而构建以知识、能力、素质为核心的"会展专业应用型本科人才实践教学新体系:理论验证性实践教学帮助学生扎实掌握专业知识,应用设计性实践教学稳步提升学生专业能力,赛课结合实践教学深化学生成就动机,项目参与实践教学培养学生职业素质和性格特征。  相似文献   

张晓旭 《神州》2012,(18):157
我国动画专业人才的培养有其特殊的机制。本文对现有的动画专业人才的培养模式进行了分析,重点对我国动画专业人才的培养模式提出了自己的看法,并从课程设置、教学方法、教学内容、教学手段等方面对我国动画专业人才的培养进行了深入的探讨,为我国动画专业人才的教育改革提供思路。  相似文献   

李佳怡 《风景名胜》2020,(3):0333-0333
国民整体素质的提升促使人们对社会环境有着越来越高的要求,同时社会也更加需要高素质环境设计专业人才。当前我国教育虽然经过多年改革优化,但是在培养环境设计专业人才方面仍然存在一定不足,需要进一步改革创新。在环境设计专业教学中应用 CDIO 模式主要是加强环境设计专业教学体系完善,构建并加强科研实践一体化发展,加大改革实践人才培养模式及力度,确保将 CDIO 工程教育理念充分应用于环境设计专业人才培养当中,紧密结合艺术教育及工程教育。在环境设计专业教学中应用 CDIO 模式有助于社会应用型人才培养,有助于改善该行业就业问题,为此,需要加强对该模式应用研究与探索。  相似文献   

高校旅游管理专业应用型创新人才培养模式的构建与优化,符合高校教育的发展方向和发展要求,因此该项教育工作应当受到高校教育工作者的足够重视.本文将选择这一课题展开论述,首先分析高校旅游管理专业应用型创新人才培养现状,其次阐述高校旅游管理专业人才培养模式存在的问题,最后从多个层面针对构建高校旅游管理专业应用型创新人才培养模式的思路进行分析,以供参考.  相似文献   

徐保华  尹利勇  郭建 《神州》2012,(26):253-253
本文针对非财经类高等院校经济管理类专业人才培养的模式进行了研究,并结合实践从培养有较高道德情操和敬业精神的经济管理人才等五个方面进行了具体的改革探索。  相似文献   

孙凌云 《旅游纵览》2013,(6):219-220
会展策划是会展经济管理专业一门占有核心地位的课程,几乎所有的会展专业都会开设这门课程,根据各学校的教学目标不同,对会展策划教学的方式也不尽相同,本文旨在探讨高职院校的会展经济专业中会展策划与管理课程的教学模式,并对教学体系进行改革,努力打造订单式的培养棋式,以达到满足用人单位对应用型人才的需求的目的。一、开展会展策划与管理课程教学改革的重要性随着我国当前会展行业的高速发展,开设会展专业的院校也如雨后春笋般快速增加。但是,我国会展策划策划与管理专业人才严重匮乏,高职院校作为我国会展人才的重要培养基  相似文献   

本文将从当前旅游管理专业概况出发,阐述应用型本科院校旅游管理专业人才需求,分析应用型本科院校旅游管理专业人才培养困境,并对"一带一路"倡议下应用型本科院校旅游管理专业人才培养模式进行探究,希望为相关人员提供一些帮助和建议,更好地培养专业型旅游管理人才,促进旅游管理专业学生的全面发展。  相似文献   

实践教学是旅游管理专业人才培养当中的重要方面,其建设程度对于旅游管理专业的发展具有直接的影响,特别是旅游管理专业具有较强的应用性和实践性,因此对其实践教学模式进行探讨具有重要的意义和价值。基于此,本文分别从明确专业实践教学目标、构建专业实践教学体系、优化专业实践教学内容、创新专业实践教学方法、建设专业"双师型"师资队伍、完善专业实践教学资源几个方面提出了应用型本科院校旅游管理专业实践教学模式发展的策略。  相似文献   

邢星 《神州》2014,(6):274-274
近几年,通过高职院校毕业生就业跟踪调查和用人单位的反馈信息,目前高职院校装潢艺术设计专业人才培养模式已不能,很好地适应地方经济社会发展需要。基于这种背景,结合高职院校实际情况,从人才培养目标定位、课程体系建设、教师队伍建设、教学模式改革、教学考核评价方式等方面对人才培养模式进行了研究,并提出了相应的对策建议,力求使高职院校装潢艺术设计专业人才培养模式能更好地适应当今社会发展需要,为地方经济社会发展培养更多的高端技能型专门人才。  相似文献   

事件经济影响研究述评——一个评估框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王起静 《旅游科学》2009,23(4):57-63
经济影响一直是事件旅游研究中最受学者广泛关注的话题。虽然事件经济影响不是事件旅游文献中最早被研究的问题,但却是第一个被完整研究的主题。从1977年第一篇公开发表的关于事件经济影响研究的文章到现在,事件经济影响研究已有30多年历史,许多学者介入其中。但由于经济影响的复杂性,至今该项研究仍处于初级阶段,在概念界定、研究内容和方法方面还存在很多问题。本文通过对76篇事件经济影响的历史文献进行梳理,对事件经济影响研究的主要内容、方法和结论做了详细的介绍,以期为事件经济影响提供一个统一的评估框架,为致力于事件经济影响研究的学者提供比较完整的文献资料.  相似文献   

Mat Coleman  Angela Stuesse 《对极》2016,48(3):524-543
Immigration enforcement by sheriffs and police can be characterized as a proliferation of quasi‐events which never quite rise to the status of an event. This poses distinct challenges for feminist‐inspired scholarship on the state which seeks to document, ethnographically, how the state goes about its business on the ground. In this article we draw on our fieldwork experience in North Carolina and Georgia on sheriffs’ and police departments’ use of traffic enforcement and policing roadblocks to scrutinize drivers for their legal status, and ask how our ethnographic approach to the problem of state power inevitably stumbles in relation to the ordinariness of these practices. We conclude that feminist scholarship committed to an ethnography of the state could do much more to think through the potentially aporetic quality of that which is our common object of research—the state in practice.  相似文献   

Geography education in the Soviet Union is found to lag behind advances in geography as a research discipline. Courses in both elementary and secondary schools and at the college and university level are overloaded with factual material at the expense of theoretical problems and general concepts. An essential requisite for improving the content of geography education is better training of geography teachers. Soviet geography teachers are now being trained mainly in the combined geography-biology faculties of teachers colleges. Combined training in more than one teaching discipline is essential because a teacher trained in geography alone would not have a full teaching load of 18 hours a week in most schools. However, the geography-biology combination does not appear to be optimal because the emphasis in biology is no longer on botany and zoology, as in the past, but on human physiology and genetics, with less relevance to geography. It is recommended that geography as a teaching discipline be combined with other subjects of instruction having greater relevance to geography teaching, possibly chemistry, physical education or foreign languages. Less emphasis on fact-loaded regional courses and more stress on systematic courses is recommended, together with training in mathematical techniques.  相似文献   

This paper describes, analyzes and critiques a public archaeology event created to demonstrate the methodologies of a dialogic archaeology. Collaboratively produced by the Wenner-Gren-sponsored Dynamics of Inclusion in Public Archaeology Workshop and the African Burial Ground National Monument, this event drew a capacity crowd representing diverse communities from the New York City region for a program dedicated to exploring public archaeology as it is, and has been, practiced in New York City. The on the ground actions involved in designing the event are explored here for insight into how communities form in, around, and with archaeology, while participant observation data gathered during the event is used to demonstrate the facilitating role archaeology and archaeologists play when a community uses the past for needs in the present. Feedback from several of the audiences attending the event, including the Workshop participants and other archaeological colleagues who were present, provide reflection on the aims and goals of public archaeology.  相似文献   

巨文岛事件是近代东北亚国际关系史上的一个热点问题。从地缘政治观察,该事件是以朝鲜为地理中心的区域政治参与势力在当时的东亚权力格局下进行的一场国际政治博弈;从全球政治观察,是英俄两国在全球争夺势力范围矛盾激化背景下,在东亚地区的区域历史反映。作为事件主角的英帝国,在事件过程中运用“以中国为轴”的外交策略周旋于区域势力的外交压力之中,最后“借力中国”,用巨文岛这枚政治棋子与俄国达成局外妥协,成功地实现了遏制俄国海军进驻朝鲜的东亚战略目标。而中国则审时度势,在险恶的局势中谨慎的开展外交活动,有力地利用了局势施压俄国,实现了维护其在朝鲜半岛宗主权的初衷。  相似文献   

Quantitative research on climate variability and conflict is frequently criticized for being theoretically underdeveloped. In this article I discuss the most plausible suggested mechanisms connecting climate variability to conflict explicitly in reference to empirical testing. This approach could help solve the puzzle of how climate variability and conflict are related by highlighting how researchers can establish the key elements in the causal argument before moving on to testing it empirically. More specifically, I emphasize four key elements when evaluating each individual mechanism: first, who are the most relevant actors, second, what are the actors reacting toward (what type of climate variability), third, what conflict type is the most likely outcome, and fourth, what is the most appropriate temporal and spatial scale for each individual mechanism. Although empirical studies have moved toward more focus on theory and explicit tests of hypotheses derived from theoretical frameworks, an overview of how mechanisms are likely to manifest themselves and a discussion on how researchers can model them in analyses are missing in the research field. Adding technical fixes or new datasets to empirical testing does not automatically improve our understanding of the relationship between climate variability and conflict if the choices are not anchored in theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

旅游目的地危机事件的影响评估新考量   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
李锋 《旅游科学》2008,22(3):24-30
目的地旅游业受到危机事件冲击后,准确地对旅游业受危机事件影响的时长及旅游损失进行评估,有助于把握危机影响规律,为危机管理手段的选取和旅游业恢复政策的制定提供科学依据。本文以2003年SARS事件为例,运用旅游本底趋势线法(TBTL),对我国入境旅游人次受其影响的时间长度和旅游损失进行了评估。研究结论是,SARS对我国入境旅游影响时间长达19个月,入境旅游人次损失为1368.91万人次。研究结论和实际一致。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to further the research by Odland and Ellis (1992) in applying event history methodology to the analysis of spatial point patterns (that is, event patterns). Its empirical focus is the event pattern derived from the adoption of an agricultural innovation, the Harvestore, in southern Ontario, Canada, from 1963 to 1986. Event history analysis involves the use of discrete-state, continuous-time stochastic models to investigate a temporal longitudinal record on discrete variables. Event history models are usually concerned with durations of time between events and the effects of intertemporal time dependencies on future event occurrences. As such, they are often referred to as duration models. Many of the methods used in event history analysis allow the use of other nonnegative interval measurements in place of standard temporal intervals to investigate a series of events. In particular, spatial intervals (or durations) of distances between events may also be accommodated by event history models. Our analysis extends the previous research of Odland and Ellis (1992) by using a wider range of parametric models to explore duration dependence, investigating the role of spatial censoring, and using a more extensive set of explanatory variables. In addition, simulation experiments and graphical tests are used to evaluate the empirical event pattern against one generated from Complete Spatial Randomness. Results indicate that the event pattern formed by the Harvestore adopter farms is clustered (that is, is described by positive duration dependency), the sales agent is a significant factor in the distribution of adopters, and that contrasting results are obtained from the analysis using censored data versus uncensored data.  相似文献   

Focusing events have been widely referenced in policy studies literature as important drivers of major policy change. In multiple streams theory, punctuated equilibrium theory, and the advocacy coalition framework, they play a prominent role in explaining how major changes occur. Nearly all existing research, however, has focused on the very large and catastrophic events that catapult otherwise obscure issues onto the agenda, to the neglect of focusing events that may perform other functions. This article examines one such event: the Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) between the tobacco industry and the states signed in 1998. I observe that although the MSA focused substantial attention on the topic of tobacco regulation, produced major policy change, and shifted the policy image of the domain, it was not a typical focusing event. Drawing from the tipping point theories of Sociology and Malcolm Gladwell's The Tipping Point , I expand a theoretical distinction articulated by Baumgartner and Jones between "triggering" events and "consolidating" or "tipping" events to resolve this discrepancy.  相似文献   

The standard theory of optimal jurisdictional size hinges on the existence of economies of scale in the provision of local public goods and services. However, despite its relevance for forced local amalgamation programs and related policies, the empirical evidence on the existence of such economies of scale remains elusive. The main goal of this paper is to produce an updated and comprehensive quantitative review of the existence of economies of scale in the provision of local public goods using a meta-analysis approach to systematize the wide range of empirical approaches and modeling frameworks found in the previous literature. Our analysis confirms the presence of moderately increasing to constant returns to scale in the provision of local services with no reduction in the average costs of production in the delivery of most local public services beyond a certain, modest jurisdictional size, which many studies have estimated at 10,000 residents. Also, the potential for economies of scale differs at least across three traditional services: education, water and sanitation, and garbage collection, being highest for education and lowest for garbage collection. Our analysis also offers guidelines for future empirical research in this area. Physical output and production cost data should be used, together with translog specifications for the modeling of cost functions. Last, we find evidence that the determinants of output cost elasticity include bidirectional publication bias and population density but do not include the presence or absence of modern “lean” production technologies or the (perceived) capital intensity of the sector, contrary to conventional wisdom. These findings have significant policy implications for countries considering jurisdictional consolidation programs.  相似文献   

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