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遗产价值问题是遗产保护学的重要内容,但目前遗产保护界在遗产价值的基本概念、本质属性、要素结构和评价作用等方面,都还存在着认识的分歧,需要进行研讨。遗产价值与价值哲学的价值一样,是人这个主体与遗产这个客体发生联系后产生的,属于关系范畴而非实体范畴。人对遗产价值的认知具有主观性,因而遗产价值也具有多样性和变异性。遗产价值有内在存在价值和外在使用价值两大类,前者包括年代价值.这是一切遗产外在价值的源泉;后者包括了历史、艺术、科学等价值,两者之间主要依靠精神情感进行关联。遗产的艺术价值和科学价值,应该是遗产对现世科学技术和艺术审美的作用,艺术史价值和科技史价值都应归属历史价值。遗产价值评估的意义,主要体现在遗产重要性的分级,以及遗产保护行动先后次序的安排上。  相似文献   

工业遗产是近代工业文化的遗存。工业遗产的价值构成包括使用价值和见证价值(艺术、历史、技术),其核心价值在于它所承载的技术的价值,因此保护工业遗产的核心就是保护工业技术的价值。而工业遗产的保护程序,包括价值评价、保护评价、保护模式和方法,只有都围绕"工业技术价值"这个核心而展开,才能由内涵到外延真正完成对工业遗产的保护。  相似文献   

何潇雨 《丝绸之路》2021,(1):167-170
科学详实的记录档案是对遗产进行保护、研究等一切工作的基础和前提.遗产档案充分记录了该遗产在人类文明与文化史上的价值与地位,是传承文化的纽带,是诠释和传播遗产价值并发挥遗产的文化交流、文化传承、教育传播、生态保护等综合作用的的实物载体.  相似文献   

随着近30年文化遗产保护理念的发展,人们对长城遗产价值的认识,包括保护对象的认定也在当代遗产保护和社会发展的动态关系中不断扩展、深化,因此有必要在长城保护总体规划的编制过程中,并基于长城的遗产辨认取决于价值认定的观点,对以往的价值研究进行梳理归纳,从文化遗产的语境,探讨长城遗产价值,用以指导长城总体保护的各个方面的基础性依据,服务于长城保护的规划目标——真实、完整的保护与传承长城的遗产价值。立足人类文明发展与文化交流史的层面,将长城的文化遗产价值概括为三个方面:超大型军事防御工程体系的建筑遗产;中国北方农牧交错地带人地互动的文化景观;中华民族坚韧自强、众志成城、包容开放的精神象征。  相似文献   

档案文献遗产的价值观随着社会的需求而出现,并在文化遗产理念的指导下形成了一类典型性档案文献集合体。本文从评析档案文献遗产的价值、档案文献遗产价值的保护与利用及存在的问题、档案文献遗产价值取向的新方略三个方面对档案文献遗产价值的新取向进行了分析。  相似文献   

遗产价值是遗产话语和实践的核心议题之一。由专家主导的权威遗产话语体系深刻地影响了遗产的价值认知与实践。旅游作为遗产利用的方式之一,与遗产保护呈现出既矛盾又统一的关系。两者从各自学科的价值观念出发,阐释了对原真性——遗产保护的核心问题的理解。遗产领域更强调对遗产客体(物质遗产本身)的保护,旅游领域则更关注主体(在地居民和游客)的实地体验。遗产的建构或遗产化,往往与建构的文化真实性、地理原真性或历史连续性的社会想象联系在一起。伴随着"遗产热",不同利益的群体逐步介入遗产旅游决策,对遗产价值进行多重的阐释。对遗产的表征性和建构性及其背后的"遗产政治"(即遗产与权力、身份认同和意识形态等关系)的关注,推动了批判遗产研究的兴起。站在文化遗产本体的角度,对于特定的文化遗产类型来说,特定程度的再利用本身意味着或至少有助于其功能意义上的一种延续,本身可以视为"保护"其价值内涵的方式之一。不同行动者的功能角色与行动作用的对立性是遗产保护与旅游利用过程产生冲突的主要原因。因此,建立包容的遗产价值观,是实现文化遗产与旅游融合、遗产保护与旅游利用协调发展的首要路径。  相似文献   

明清东南海防遗存在现阶段保存状况多数不容乐观,特别是核心的防御工程及其构建出的军事空间普遍遭到破坏。通过对全国重点文物保护单位深圳大鹏所城、世界文化遗产鼓浪屿两个与海防密切相关的遗产案例进行历史梳理及文物现状评估,显示海防遗产保护中普遍存在对军事防御设施的原真性认识不足以及在遗产价值评估中对军事科学价值关注不够等问题,这是导致海防遗存的军事空间在历史环境中逐渐被淡化的重要原因。要对东南沿海海防遗产进行更系统更完整地保护,还需要从研究认知到保护规划再到工程技术每一个环节上有更多的投入与努力。  相似文献   

从总体价值、物质文化遗产价值和非物质文化遗产价值三方面分析总结了国立中央大学旧址历史建筑群的遗产价值,并针对历史校园保护面临的问题与挑战,提出最大化保护不同时期的历史信息、加强历史校园空间格局的整体保护、建构科学客观的遗产评估体系、开展系统的历史校园有机更新和历史校园及其遗产的合理利用等措施,实现可持续的保护与再利用目标。指出应以遗产价值和发展需求作为基本尺度,建立科学、全面的遗产价值评估体系和整体保护框架,为国立中央大学旧址建筑群的永续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

相辉堂作为复旦大学师生学习、活动的主要场所,不仅见证了复旦大学校园发展的历程,更是复旦大学的文化载体、精神象征。近年来,由于城市基础设施建设的压力,相辉堂及其周边建筑与环境面临着功能转型和被拆除的危险。校园遗产作为遗产类型中较为特殊的一种,普遍面临着保护什么、为谁保护、怎样保护等问题。复旦文化遗产课堂站在不同主体的立场,分别从"复旦大学"、"复旦师生"、"上海市"、"中国"等四个视角对相辉堂及其周围建筑进行价值辨析,认为相辉堂要想延续其核心价值,必须进行合理的修缮与保护,继续作为复旦文化沉淀、延续、演变的载体,重新发挥其实用功能,提出对于高校历史校园建筑的保护而言,拆旧建新与隔离保护都较为欠妥。在维持遗产核心价值的基础上,依据现代需求,将遗产纳入现代生活,才能焕活遗产生机。  相似文献   

面对20世纪建筑遗产入选《世界遗产名录》项目的增多,面对城市更新对近现代建筑传承与创新发展的企盼,自2016年起第一批、第二批中国20世纪建筑遗产项目已经面世。本文从建筑作品、设计思想、科学与艺术价值诸方面研究了20世纪建筑的遗产价值与当代影响,还从跨学科角度分析了在历史建筑保护重大命题下,推进20世纪建筑遗产保护与利用事业的城市建筑文化价值。  相似文献   

中国历史文化名楼既有多层面建筑风采,也有浓郁的文化品位与人文情怀。一座名楼本身就是一个文脉遗产累积的过程,它所肩负的文化使命,延伸了城市生活的时空,丰富了城市文化的景观。名楼遗产无疑有益于人们用地域文化优势提升城市文明,用远久历史文脉延续城市文化,用名楼突出的普世价值激活城市活力,这是我们已经做了或正在努力的方向。如何让厚重的历史文化名楼重放异彩,不仅是领略建筑的精彩,更重要的是文化的魅力。然而今天的历史文化名楼面临着在城市规划中被"过度化",在城市品牌建设中被"低俗化"、在城市主体中被"离心化"的危机。我们需要围绕文物价值,文化品位和景观功能看待历史文化名楼,让它们更具魅力风采。  相似文献   

季国良 《东南文化》2016,(4):11-16,127,128
遗产本质上具有伦理性,在历史主义保护传统中隐含着以传承为中心的伦理向度;同时,当代遗产保护运动中"人类遗产"理念和传承共同责任,又提升了遗产的公共性,揭示出了遗产保护中的当代共享向度。在历史主义保护占据主导地位的情况下,当代人在遗产面前的主体共享诉求相对不足,近些年国际国内对这种现象有较多的批评和反思。在需要满足当代人共享愿望又不能废弃传承伦理向度的情况下,创新保护理念和方式,在利用中实现"文化再生产"也许是文化遗产保护的有效途径。  相似文献   

In various disciplines, a renewed attention to history and the past can be discerned, not least in the field of urban analysis and urban planning. To understand the ways in which heritage can contribute to the functioning of cities today and tomorrow we need insight into the meanings of heritage for the cities? residents.With the help of the two concepts ?tied to the city centre? and ?solidarity with the city centre?, three city-centre resident types are theoretically constructed who are the ?connoisseurs?, the ?take-it-or-leavers? and the ?rejecters?. The empirical data collected in two Dutch cities, Leeuwarden and Alkmaar, made it possible to search for these assumed types to see whether they really exist and to find out if the different types give different meanings to urban heritage. Differences in the meaning of heritage means that the distinctions among ?connoisseurs?, ?take-it-or-leavers? and ?rejecters? could be used in setting heritage policy.  相似文献   

遗产资源价值评估的社会文化视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘庆余  李娟  张立明  王乃昂  李钢 《人文地理》2007,22(2):98-101,47
自然遗产资源包含生态、经济和社会文化价值。文化遗产资源具有多功能、多属性和多价值特征。目前人们对遗产资源的生态、经济价值研究较多,而对其社会文化价值关注较少。遗产资源价值评估的社会文化视角,旨在将目前广泛流行的定量化评价体系引向一个由公众争论、博弈,定量、定性评价相组合的研究领域,这将会丰富我们对遗产资源重要性的理解。本文从社会文化角度,分析遗产资源的价值构成及其评估问题,并对遗产资源的功能和使命进行了分析。  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(2):64-84

Lying at the heart of Tonbridge and Ashworth's 'dissonant heritage' are issues of disinheritance and the subsequent discord that this can cause. Implicit in this is the lesson for heritage professionals to make sure that the heritage they manage is presented in an honest, ethical and inclusive manner that minimises dissonance. But what, precisely, does this mean in practice? What if those who 'own' the heritage are not professionals, but deeply committed and interested amateur volunteer enthusiasts who have made it their life's work over decades to conserve and look after the heritage, but who are not particularly interested in, or actively resistant to, issues that so concern professionals? These are some of the issues which periodically arise in the British Channel Islands over the most visible heritage of Occupation — the German fortifications, or 'bunkers'.  相似文献   


While positively connoted tangible cultural heritage is widely recognized as an asset to states in their exercise of soft power, the value of sites of ‘dark heritage’ in the context of soft power strategies has not yet been fully explored. This article offers a theoretical framework for the analysis of the multiple soft power potentialities inherent in the management and presentation of sites of past violence and atrocity, demonstrating how the value of these sites can be developed in terms of place branding, cultural diplomacy and state-level diplomacy. The relationship between dark heritage, soft power and the search for ‘ontological security’ is also explored, highlighting how difficult pasts can be mobilized in order to frame positive contemporary roles for states in the international system. Drawing on this theoretical framework, the article offers an analysis of the case of the So?a valley in Slovenia and the presentation of the site of the First World War battle of Kobarid in a dedicated museum. Through this case study, the article underlines the particular role of dark heritage for the national self-projection of a new and small state in the context of European integration.  相似文献   

文化遗产基金制度或与文物保护相关的艺术基金制度在西方发达国家已基本完善。基金会通过多渠道广泛地筹集资金,并有效地进行战略管理和再投资;同时,基金会的日常运作公正透明,具有完善的内外部监督机制。这些贯穿于基金运作各层面的制度及运作经验十分值得我国借鉴。  相似文献   

Since the concept of sustainability (or sustainable development) became famous through its adoption in the UN’s report, ‘Our Common Future’ in 1987, it has travelled widely to become a global and omnipresent key concept also in the field of heritage. The inclusion into this field was facilitated by the understanding of heritage as resource, which has become the norm within cultural heritage management discourses and strategies. This understanding is increasingly sustained by an associated vocabulary of concepts that promote cultural heritage sites as economically and socio-politically beneficial, emphasising their value as resources for us. This paper explores what happens when this conceptual repertoire of resource thinking is applied to WWII Wehrmacht sites in northern Norway, a heritage that previously has been othered and excluded. How does it impact on the understanding of this particular heritage and how may it be challenged and transformed through encounters with an unruly heritage that potentially defies and distances such conceptualisation?  相似文献   

《Public Archaeology》2013,12(2):59-72

This paper focuses on an act that can be seen to typify what heritage organizations might con?dently describe as a ‘crime against culture’: the deliberate destruction by ?re of a twelfth-century wooden stave church at Fantoft in Norway in 1992. This paper uses the case study of Fantoft to challenge the ways in which heritage organizations (in this case Norway’s Directorate of Cultural Heritage) establish and protect mono-cultural narratives and push interpretative agendas predicated on an uncritical concept of universal ‘value’ and its equation with material authenticity. It also examines how distinct minority communities construct new meanings, values, and traditions without reference to institutional narratives, a process that, whilst arguably initiating a more meaningful dialogue with the past, brings in train a new set of problems.  相似文献   

Collected sites are commonly seen as places requiring expert intervention to ‘save the past’ from destruction by artifact collectors and looters. Despite engaging directly with the physical effects of collecting and vandalism, little attention is given to the meanings of these actions and the contributions they make to the stories told about sites or the past more broadly. Professional archaeologists often position their engagement with site destruction as heritage ‘salvage’ and regard collecting as lacking any value in contemporary society. Repositioning collecting as meaningful social practice and heritage action raises the question: in failing to understand legal or illegal collecting as significant to heritage, have archaeologists contributed to the erasure of acts that aim to work out identities, memories and senses of place, and contribute to an individual’s or group’s sense of ontological security? This question is explored through a case study from the New England region of North America where archaeologists have allied with Native American and other stakeholders to advocate for heritage protection by taking an anti-looting/collecting stance. We explore alternatives to this position that engage directly with forms of collecting as meaningful social practices that are largely erased in site narratives.  相似文献   

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